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What’s Your Hottest PvP Take?


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Mine is that any minion/pet/clone is bad design for this mode. It’s not only hard to design good control for pets as a user, but they cheapen the feeling of losing in fights. They also can be hit by other players to proc special effects (for example interrupts granting stab). If the ranger dodges something like this it doesn’t matter cuz the pet is is always dumb.

Pathfinding is another issue. They never act fast enough and take forever to move around terrain.

Basically pets /minions/clones cheapen the flavor of combat.


What they should’ve done in my opinion is make pets just animated skills without pathfinding. And tie in some mist lore so they basically use portals from the mists to attack the enemy (Literally what Camelot Unchained is doing for this exact reason). That way, as long as you’re in range, the pet attacks as an animated skill. Not a janky follower that has to move to the right place to use its abilities.

What are Y’all’s?

Edit: Actually tbh my hottest take is that they should just scrap pve and only make wvw/pvp game for GW3. It'll never happen but one can dream xD

Another Edit: I also think Mesmers are a class that should only be for pve things unless it's reworked from the ground up. Clones are just another version of pets, that also cheapen the flavor of combat, and invul spam is unhealthy.

Also 25% movement speed should be baseline.

Edited by gmmg.9210
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On 11/23/2023 at 8:06 PM, Eddie.9143 said:

Can make plat on any class. People are bad. The talent is so poor these days on top of such a low population in sPvP, plat of today is the gold of the past. Not many players left these days know how to deal real damage. 

When its lower pop its harder to climb so in my eyes the plat today would all be high plat leg be4 and the g3 p1 and so on. Its because u are none stop matched with gold and very low gold u see more lower skilled players  u think that. U have to always remember bad players are as hard to carry as they are easy to kill. The rules are now w/e farms the bad players better wins. Thats why duos always have 2 pump or 1 and1 pump 1 side node

Edited by Gamble.4580
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The game would be much better if players had enough talent to slot flashy builds that had drawbacks people could play around, but most of them don't, and instead stack tons of defensives on themselves and take turns whining about where the arbitrary bar for when a good build becomes cringe is.

Its all cringe. Everyone is terrified to lose or get outplayed and they're willing to kill the game rather than take a minor ego hit.  Anet can't balance for people who need their ego perm coddled and make a good game at the same time. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 minute ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

The game would be much better if players had enough talent to slot flashy builds that had drawbacks people could play around, but most of them don't, and instead stack tons of defensives on themselves and take turns whining about where the arbitrary bar for when a good build becomes cringe is.

Its all cringe. Everyone is terrified to lose or get outplayed and they're willing to kill the game rather than take a minor ego hit.  

Runs around ffa for 10 mins. Stealth resets 4 times, or pillars for 5 mins. Other player gets bored or gives up. 


"What it's just kiting git gud loser"

There's kiting and then there's ridic levels of competitiveness mixed with pettiness where they'd rather log out than die 🤣

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2 hours ago, Eddie.9143 said:

 pettiness where they'd rather log out than die 

Exactly the group of people I'm talking about. 

What inner demons are you fighting that a brief defeated animation has you so upset you'd open a menu and log out instead of just respawning?

Youre not paid to try that hard, grow up lmao

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When it is a node based game mode like Conquest, I should instantly cap the node if I finish someone on the node.

I won.

Node should be mine. I should be rewarded for stomping and not being a filthy low life that pushes people off node then keep them in downstate as long as possible. 

Edited by Yasai.3549
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1. Anet has the tools to improve PvP learning and build community (e.g. spectator mode, continuous lobbies) but either chooses not to implement them or is too ignorant to do so.

2. Success in PvP (e.g. titles, gizmos, tournaments) in the olden, more populous days was much more impressive and skillful than today, despite the speeding up of the game. Today, the "top" actively discourage fair competition and diminish the game mode, while having bigger egos and being scared to innovate off generally accepted meta builds. They're embarrassing.

3. Being good at PvP means you can do any other game mode well. This is not true in reverse, and it bothers non-PvPers.

4. Abundant resources on how to play PvP exist, but people care so little about being a good teammate they never try to learn even the basics (like how capping or objectives work) beforehand. Imagine playing any team sport and doing the same. They will queue, ruin a team-based match with their poor play, play the victim when others call them out / give up, then blame the mode.

5. Thieves and Mesmers are favored by the most egotistical ragers because the classes' duel-oriented mechanics carry them. Guardians, Warriors, and Necromancers are the simple, staple classes made for and typically played by simple, normal people. Elementalists roleplay as high skill cap, but 99% of the time they cycle the same set rotations regardless of what's happening. Ranger serves as the degenerate mechanic dumpster class with immob spam, one shots, stealth, and pets, which no one likes and shouldn't exist in PvP. As the least played class by far over 10 years, Engineer has proven itself with hard data to be the most difficult to play / attain regular success on. Therefore, successful Engineers, namely Core, are gigachad god gamers and should be treated as such.


Edited by bethekey.8314
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i don't mind having really bad match ups where it's just like "lol yeah you lose" even though i think extremely hard counters are bad in a game like gw2 where things are meant to be more self sufficient
but how come those guys, mostly meta builds right now, don't have equally as hopeless match ups

you take something like idk, the gigachad god gamer core engi and match up whatever kind of build you play on it with the meta build in that role and it's just like worse in every aspect
that's stupid, it shouldn't be that way

my other hot take is half the things that are traditionally considered glass cannons have so many get out of jail free cards that they're just cannons

Edited by Shagie.7612
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Hate to be the guy to say this but reading a lot of these post it's no suprise games pvp has dissolved into what it has.

My hot takes.

1-downstate should be a pve only mechanic, it adds more complexity to pve combat and allows insta rez skills etc to see skillful use but has 0 place in pvp.

2- stealth should be removed if player takes damage from any source, have a stackable 9 sec cap and thief should be revealed if backstab is attempted successfully or not.

3- longbow shouldn't benefit from arrow drop off if no other ranged weapons do as well.

4- hard cc such as knockdown eyc should have a 2 sec grace period to avoid being hard cc chained with 0 counter play if build doesn't have enough stunbreaks and stab to deal with 2 or 3 players unloading their cc's on one player, this would make classes like thief who can disengage from anything via Shadowstep less annoying to people in general because they would feel less gap in disengagement capabilities. This would also benefit wvw and remove the instances where any class but thief, willbender etc can be pulled into zerg continuously with 0 chance of having enough stab or stunbreaks to escape.

5- class u queue with should be locked.

6- duo/team queue should only be enabled in unranked and organized team play like mats etc.


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