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Are you sure you want to destroy 'This stupid item with an ungodly long name whose skin you already have unlocked thus defeating the point of this very item'?

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Weird thing is, it doesn't apply to all skins. Just some.

I used to collected all the junk in one character and then create a mouse macro that would do:

  1. Shift+right click to paste the name of the item in the chat window
  2. Ctrl+a in the chat window to mark the name of the item
  3. Ctrl+c to copy it
  4. Drag and drop the item out of the inventory (or: Left click first item -> delete/destroy)
  5. Ctrl+v to paste its name in the destroy popup
  6. Backspace to delete the last square bracket, Pos1/Home key to switch the cursor to first position and Del key to delete the first square bracket
  7. Ok
  8. Compact button of your inventory so the next item switches to the macro position

Repeat that macro until done,

You shouldn't have items you don't want to destroy after and inbetween your skin collection.

Nowadays I get way less such annoying items, I don't need an extra char for skin-deleting collection anymore. Ofc all astral acclaim skins have to be this annoying.


Edited by Lucy.3728
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8 hours ago, senoramor.7534 said:


Are you really sure you want to destroy 'This stupid item with an ungodly long name whose skin you already have unlocked thus defeating the point of this very item'?  This action cannot be undone.


Ok, item deleted.



If I wanted to play Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing,  I wouldn't be playing GW2.


Forcing us to type the name of an item that serves us absolutely no purpose in order to delete it is absurd.

Mom can we have transmutation charges?

We have Transmutation charges at home.

Are you sure you want to delete transmutation charges at home? Please type "Transmutation charges at home".

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6 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Weird thing is, it doesn't apply to all skins. Just some.

My guess is it's something Anet have to manually enable when creating an item and they're supposed to do it only for important things players would not want to lose (mainly things you can't easily replace) but there's no clear rules on what 'important' means so it's up to the person creating it to decide.

So some skins are created by people who think it's just a skin, it'll be in the wardrobe so it doesn't matter if they lose the item and others are created by the type of people who would have a mule to hold all their skins just in case they ever want to use them because they'd never want to waste a transmutation charge if they could have done it for free.

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6 minutes ago, Atoclone.4810 said:

This really is a huge accessibility issue for those of us with dyslexia, just let us type"confirm"

It's annoying to do but you can avoid typing the name out by holding shift and clicking the object to put the name in chat, then copying that and pasting it into the delete box.

I think the idea with making you type the name is then there's no way to delete the wrong thing. Although that also doesn't work for people with dyslexia (or at least for me) because if I'm having to concentrate on spelling it right I'm not really thinking about what the word actually means.

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33 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

just in case they ever want to use them because they'd never want to waste a transmutation charge if they could have done it for free.


But these people would save skins regardless if they are easily destroyed or just annoyingly.
The funny thing is that I recently had skins that disappeared from my inventory after unlocking them.

The better system would be to have this annoying system only for locked skins in the wardrobe, so no one can just accidentally delete a skin that hasn't been unlocked yet.

For everything that is unlocked: easy bye bye (or better for me: unlocked them and they disappear - but I see how that may be unwanted by some perple)

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4 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

My guess is it's something Anet have to manually enable when creating an item and they're supposed to do it only for important things players would not want to lose (mainly things you can't easily replace) but there's no clear rules on what 'important' means so it's up to the person creating it to decide.

So some skins are created by people who think it's just a skin, it'll be in the wardrobe so it doesn't matter if they lose the item and others are created by the type of people who would have a mule to hold all their skins just in case they ever want to use them because they'd never want to waste a transmutation charge if they could have done it for free.

I used to think it was on older items as a bit of a legacy feature, since the introduction of the wardrobe system and how account bound skins are automatically unlocked the whole thing seems a bit redundant. But even some new skins like the weapon sets in the wizard vault require you to confirm deletion.

10 minutes ago, starlinvf.1358 said:

getting mad at Anet protecting players from themselves after being told they need to protect players from themselves. 

As I mentioned above, often these skins are automatically unlocked due to being account bound, what exactly are they protecting players from? It's not even as bad as deleting a transmutation charge in most cases. Something you can do with just a single yes/no confirmation.

I think at least the majority of these confirmation dialogues could just be a second confirmation and not a spelling exercise. Are you sure? Are you really sure? Done. That should be more than sufficient to prevent absent minded deletion of the wrong thing by mistake.

Having to type the name to delete something should only be on irreplaceable items that aren't account unlocks. Even then, a better system would be to have such items go to a "lost items" type merchant where you can reacquire them, even if for a small fee so it's not used as a kind of pseudo-bank.

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Items that are account bound and unlock upon receipt should be made to be able to deposit straight into our wardrobe. Or act like like the wardrobe unlock tickets where it unlocks straight into our wardrobe. Or add 2 delete warnings. 1. Do you want to destroy this item? "Yes"  2. Are you absolutely sure you wish to delete this item? "Yes" 3 Item deleted.


On a side note: People have actually gone to the extreme of creating a toon and storing all the type to delete items on said toon. Once full they delete the toon. There's got to be a better way to do this ANET.

Edited by Heibi.4251
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20 minutes ago, Heibi.4251 said:

Items that are account bound and unlock upon receipt should be made to be able to deposit straight into our wardrobe. Or act like like the wardrobe unlock tickets where it unlocks straight into our wardrobe. Or add 2 delete warnings. 1. Do you want to destroy this item? "Yes"  2. Are you absolutely sure you wish to delete this item? "Yes" 3 Item deleted.


On a side note: People have actually gone to the extreme of creating a toon and storing all the type to delete items on said toon. Once full they delete the toon. There's got to be a better way to do this ANET.


8 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

I just throw those things on my weekly key run character, so they get deleted when the toon is recycled.

The fact people do this speaks volumes of how tedious it can be for some. Either that or the level of petty in some of our playerbase 😂

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On the skins that persist after unlock, really all ANet needs to do is to give them a right click drop down option to convert into a transmutation charge.  Then you do not lose the free transmutation the skin provides but you do get your bank space back, without having to type out a long name.

Since players have been asking for this off and on pretty much since the release of the Wardrobe system, ANet probably has some money-related reason for not doing it.  In my case they are not making more money by making the skins worth holding on to (even if only for the one free transmutation), they're just annoying me and making me *not* buy skins I don't have an immediate use for even if they're pretty because I don't want to store them in my bank or on an alt.  I would still buy more bank space any time it becomes available even though I'd get a lot of open space by converting the various unlocked skins.  Same way I'd be buying a lot of vip lounge passes if they all went into one tome but I am not giving up more shared spaces to them.

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Very topical for me as I bought 8 WV skins last night…

After buying and auto unlock the skins have less value than a single transmutation charge which you can delete with a single yes/no confirmation.

So it is very silly to have to type each one out or do the multi-click copy paste work around. Would love Anet to update the properties of these skins so they can be deleted normally.

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I deleted a batch of the WV skins last night. The way I do it is type out the first one and CTRL-C copy the string. On subsequent ones I CTRL-V paste the string and just change the weapon name part. Saves a lot of time but agreed with already unlocked skins a simple confirmation request before deleting should be enough.

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23 hours ago, starlinvf.1358 said:

getting mad at Anet protecting players from themselves after being told they need to protect players from themselves. 

Priory Backplate - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Priory_Backplate

An item for a collection. It has no use otherwise. Cannot be consumed, cannot be sold. Only kept for no use or get destroyed.

When trying to destroy:  https://i.postimg.cc/14hmSpc0/Gw2-64-2023-12-19-16-16-13-091.jpg

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13 hours ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

Easy solution. Let us convert an unused skin to a transmutation charge. This action both unlocks the skin in your wardrobe while deleting it from your inventory. Added bonus is that no one will feel pressured to store skins in case they want the free transmute someday.

I like the idea, but I believe that Anet makes a good bit of bank from transmutation charges which is why they would never do this.

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