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*The ranger pet should be on par with the engineer's mech.*


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The ranger pet should be on par with the engineer's mech. Both should be on a similar level in terms of stats.

"Slight" differences are okay, I think. If you compare the damage or the obvious life of the two, they differ greatly.

Note: At the very least, the ranger pet with the "Beastmastery" skill tree should be similarly strong.

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35 minutes ago, Erysium.4501 said:

The ranger pet should be on par with the engineer's mech. Both should be on a similar level in terms of stats.

"Slight" differences are okay, I think. If you compare the damage or the obvious life of the two, they differ greatly.

Note: At the very least, the ranger pet with the "Beastmastery" skill tree should be similarly strong.

I'm in favour of different professions 'pets' being equally useful, but I don't see how they could make them match when different ranger pets, by design, have different stats (and change based on the ranger's traits) and the mech's stats change depending on the engineers traits. Balancing them to always be the same would mean removing a significant chunk of customisation from both professions, which would likely make them worse over all by limiting their ability to specialise. Personally I wouldn't want to lose the ability to customise my build by picking different pets for different situations, even if it meant a slight increase in some of the stats (and I'm sure it would mean reducing others).

I suppose they could ensure the best choices for each match - for example making sure that if a mechanist boosts their mech's condition damage and expertise it's comparable to a feline, spider or devourer pet (the ones with the highest condition damage). I haven't checked how they compare currently, there's too many factors to do a quick comparison on the Wiki and I can't log in now, so that might already be the case.

It's not surprising that the mech has higher health, because mechanists only have the one and if it dies they have to unsummon it and wait for it to recharge before bringing it back, whereas rangers have two pets active and can either swap them when they die (or soulbeasts can merge with them), so they'll only be stuck without a pet for a short time and only if they make a mistake.

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2 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

whereas rangers have two pets active and can either swap them when they die (or soulbeasts can merge with them), so they'll only be stuck without a pet for a short time and only if they make a mistake.

Pet swap is not sufficient to keep pets alive reliably in sPvP and especially in WvW (and i'm not even talking about zerging!), and the punishment for dead pets on non slb specs is quite hefty. Many pets are unviable, solely because they are too squishy to survive even most 1vs1 and in small scale every pet can get blown up if caught in a bomb and ranger has nothing to prevent that from happening. That shouldn't be the case. All pets should have enough base survivability to be viable at least in small scale (up to 5 players, which is what the combat system was designd for) or ranger needs better tools to keep them alive.

1 hour ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Engi pays an entire traitline + their class mechanic for mech elite mechanic, while ranger just can have pet on any traitline and elite mechanic. Also pet can be full dps, while ranger has full def stats.

Engi has 3 specs (including core) that aren't reliant on a pet and don't get punished for losing it. Ranger has zero specs that aren't reliant on pets and 1 that doesn't get punished hard for losing them (but even on slb dead pets limit what you can do). The entire ranger class is designed arround pets with many traits across all (core) trait lines interacting with pets. Engi doesn't have to pick mech. Ranger doesn't have a similar option.

And yet the entire ranger class got punished for the sake of a single engi spec ...

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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5 hours ago, Silvoshipnos.2089 said:

Well, that will never happen because then rangers would be good and that's not allowed. You see, druid is a good support in wvw, therefore nothing else is allowed.

Ranger is literally meta in every gamemode rn

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Ranger didn't get punished by anyone. Chill out, man.

Rangers are balanced around having their pet do a small amount of their damage, and carry a small amount of their utility. Yes, the pet is less impactful than a mech, but the ranger is more impactful than the mechanist.

Would it be neat to have pets carry a bigger part of the ranger's damage? Sure, maybe. But a buff to the pet would mean nerfs to the ranger to balance it out. And what to do about support rangers who aren't dps machines? Do they get free extra dps at no real cost? Or do they get worse support in exchange for pet dps that they don't really need? It's not a small rebalancing challenge, and it's not clear to me what the benefit really is.

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23 minutes ago, frazazel.7501 said:

Ranger didn't get punished by anyone. Chill out, man.

Yes, there totally isn't a big penalty for dead pets and ranger pets also totally didn't get messed up because mech players were accidentially canceling their stuff.

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3 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Yes, there totally isn't a big penalty for dead pets and ranger pets also totally didn't get messed up because mech players were accidentially canceling their stuff.

I literally cannot understand what you're talking about.

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58 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Yes, there totally isn't a big penalty for dead pets and ranger pets also totally didn't get messed up because mech players were accidentially canceling their stuff.

If you let your pet die that's on you

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10 minutes ago, Tharan.9085 said:

If you let your pet die that's on you

Pets dying in competitive game modes is a problem I have some experience with. I don't do sPvP, but I take my ranger into WvW, and any time I'm in a big group, my pet gets killed very fast, unless I explicitly force my pet to do nothing during standoffs. Probably I should be changing my pet to a tankier pet when I spend any time in a zerg, but I mostly roam where it's less of an issue.

So offensive pets in a zerg don't work. It's mostly not and issue for soulbeasts (who don't have unmerged pets), or for support druids, who use defensive pets. But it's a problem for untamed and for dps druids. It's worse for untamed, because some of your base kit involves teleporting your pet onto an enemy and giving it extra short range attacks. It means you only get your pet skills back after leaving combat for a while, or on the 60s cooldown for reviving your pet, and you're missing probably something like 10%-15% of your DPS and some of your utility for that time. I'm not sure there's a great solution.

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I don't think this is such a good idea.  But, I do find it funny that regardless of the mechanists personal stats, the mech lives through almost anything and the ranger pet will die almost instantly regardless of what pet or stats the ranger chooses, even if you choose "avoid combat".  I guess they really want us to play soulbeast.

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This is a story as old as time. 

The real problem is pets have little to no impact on how you play the Ranger, this is also by design. Pets should not away take damage or control from the player hense why they did have damage numbers nerfed a while ago and the Ranger weapons were buffed. 

In terms of WvW, first your pet should follow you. Expecting a pet to survive or be useful in an aggressive stance is just silly. Next most pets have little to no health which might need to be addressed but in the mean time most of the bear family and the turtle are great for Zergs. 


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Ranger and Mechanist are 2 different beasts and that's a good thing.

For me, the true issue is that ranger's e-specs all keep the ranger pet mechanic and only Soulbeast really use it in a different way that alleviate it's design flaws. Druid just add a new mechanic on top of the pet mechanic while Untamed sink into the pet mechanic.

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9 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

Ranger and Mechanist are 2 different beasts and that's a good thing.


But this doesn't mean ranger pets are fine as they are like previous posts suggest.

Keeping at least the defensive side of pets on par with the powercrept rest of the game so they don't become unplayable and fixing all the bugs that got introduced after EOD release and restoring the functionality that we already had in the past is hardly too much to ask for or going to break the class or game. Nor is it going to turn ranger into mech 2.0.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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If we're comparing like to like, the pet being equivalent to a mech would require the ranger themselves to be equivalent to the mechanist. This feels like a potential 'be careful what you wish for' scenario.

Which isn't to say that pets don't need more improvements - they do - but making the pets as strong as mechs might not be the best outcome overall.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
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On 2/13/2024 at 5:12 PM, frazazel.7501 said:

I don't do sPvP

Don't worry, neither do they:

On 2/13/2024 at 4:45 PM, Tharan.9085 said:

If you let your pet die that's on you

You know, the mode you need a modicum of skill to place decently in.  

I do sPvP, and I'll tell you, pets need more HP, full stop.  Just normalize them all to 20-25k HP and be done.  

On 2/13/2024 at 7:35 PM, Mell.4873 said:

The real problem is pets have little to no impact on how you play the Ranger, this is also by design.

The first part is false, the second part is 'also by whine', not design.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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  • 4 weeks later...

The only thing I want is to make. pets more costumizable.


Allow me to choose the skin, the Family skill and the Archetype of the pet and give me all pet skills to my disposal regardless if untamed or not.

Make pet stats mor uniform and divide them into offensive, defensive and balanced. Offensive is basically High power and precision, low toughess and health. Defensive is the opposite. blanaced hes all of them evened out. The archetype dictate the remaining stats and the archetype skill. Power, precision and ferocity for Ferrocious pets. Precision, condi damage and expertise for deadly pets. Healing power, concentration and Vitality for supportive pets. All stats for Versatile pets. Toughness, Vitality and power for stout pets.

I think that would differentiate the mech from the let a bit more. Pets would fill a niche to round out your build and be highly costumizable. 


The only thing one could consider is taht pets inherit the stats of the ranger but this would make buidl craft less diverse which i honestly dislike.

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Engineer is the main for some devs at anet. Ranger is not. 

That's the difference. In fact the only fixes we got to the pet mechanics (the quicknees and whatever they fixed in the latest patches) is because of the engineers mech, so be grateful because at least we got that. 

Edited by anduriell.6280
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