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Your Top 5 Problems or Concerns of WvW

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29 minutes ago, Sonork.2916 said:

In terms of roaming and small scale:  

Cele is still a problem.  -  Could be helped by reverting the change they made which added conc/expertise to the stats.

Damage avoidance -  Some classes have a stupid amount of this, way too many invulns/blocks/evades/conversion or straight up damage prevention methods while also still being able to pressure their opponent.   Coupled with the problem above, leads to long boring sustain fights.  Or if you're both playing power, the ranged class with more invulns/blocks/evades/prevention/conversion generally gets the W.

Infinite Boons:   Near perm boons, like 25 stacks of might, prot, resistance make things stupid.  Outside of making burst incredibly high, Not every class even has options to deal with boons outside of sigil of absorption.

Teleports/Mobility:  Just gonna say it, I think 1200 range is too far for instant escapes or engages.  Too many easy outs for too many classes.  Would love to see all ports/leaps reduced to 900 or even 600 range.

I get by with Roll for Initiative at like 580 range in most fights but the wide flat maps and the general sustain and rate of fire can make something like Shadowsteps range and functions more tempting with the more focus you get, or when you can't get to a teammate in time a few too many times in a row. 

I'd like to see most of that range reduced also, but at the same time we need better maps with variation in clutter, topography, structures, and interaction if we're not getting open world pvp in any form. Otherwise, of course people are going to fill their slots with what makes sense with current game design, unless everyone decides collectively to nerf themselves amongst the crowd. 

It would help if we didn't have perpetually sustained buffers all over, instead being able to build more for windows of earned opportunity. 

Edited by kash.9213
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4 minutes ago, Kuya.6495 said:

They won't stop complaining about mobility even if all professions had it. People who hate mobility tend to be condi bunker enjoyers.

If I used logic of your comment, I could say that people who argue against this change are people who abuse this mobility. This is logical fallacy.

And the post you quote is hyperbole. There is difference between mobility that isn't instant and long range, and one that is.

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13 minutes ago, Kuya.6495 said:

They won't stop complaining about mobility even if all professions had it. People who hate mobility tend to be condi bunker enjoyers.

I play power Holosmith in WvW and I've fought a lot of Willbenders and Thieves who OOC when the fight goes poorly to heal up and then jump back in.

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56 minutes ago, Kuya.6495 said:

They won't stop complaining about mobility even if all professions had it. People who hate mobility tend to be condi bunker enjoyers.

There are tons of problems with this game. The ability for people to boon spam even solo, the ability for people to condition spam even solo.

Nobody is saying you nerf mobility and stop. Nerfing mobility so the baboon pvp playerbase can't just dunk on new players with no consequences is a starting point to a healthier game state. It's wild that this is controversial among so many people. "Why is the game mode dead?" as they actively grief new players to feel better about themselves. This is the problem with MMO pvp in a nutshell.

Edited by Leger.3724
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24 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

I'd like to see most of that range reduced also, but at the same time we need better maps with variation in clutter, topography, structures, and interaction if we're not getting open world pvp in any form.

This is a really good idea.

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6 hours ago, cryorion.9532 said:

Mounts being a thing should actually support my argument though. They are good for out of combat mobility. For mobility when in combat, once you commit to fight, you should commit and can't just force out of combat when things aren't in your favor.

Nerfing in-combat mobility without nerfing out-of-combat mobility just enables ganking. This is technically a legit strategy in a competitive game mode but isn't particularly fun if it's too easy.

Edited by SleepyBat.9034
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Top concern: incompetent balance lead. The same guy that was responsible for the February 2020 balance patch disaster and the one that ignored all feedback on said patch is also the same guy that removes all counters to boonblobs while still ignoring all feedback. Almost seems like they want to make WvW as unenjoyable as possible so people stop playing the mode and they can finally kill it off.

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1 hour ago, cryorion.9532 said:

If I used logic of your comment, I could say that people who argue against this change are people who abuse this mobility. This is logical fallacy.

And the post you quote is hyperbole. There is difference between mobility that isn't instant and long range, and one that is.

Of course I abuse mobility. Do you really think I'm gonna stand there and let a zerg barge in on my roaming so they can drop siege on my dead body because they accomplished the difficult task of winning a 1v50?

Nah, it's zoom time. I love it when zerglings get mad that they can't gank a roaming willbender. 

Edited by Kuya.6495
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1. Population imbalance. Especially problematic in EU, where there is 5 tiers and 3 servers end up without a link. Some might be stuck to last tier as red for weeks.

2. Desert borderland (red) should be replaced by Alpine borderland to give equal treatment. Desert map is simply a design failure and not a fun map to play. Red also has slight disadvantage in EBG. 

3. Stale meta (boon ball in zergs, Willbender + other overpowered specs dominating roaming). In general the problem is the overperfoming elite specs and excessive amount of boon. Might generation is way too easy for many specs. Then with 20-25 stacks of might celestial specs can hit way too hard. Take away might stacks, then their damage won't be excessive anymore. In zergs ther problem are builds which can share boons with others. This can lead to excessively long fights and very difficult to kill groups as they have almost every single boon in the game 100% uptime.

4. Stealth is badly implemented in this game and should be capped to max 10 seconds and there should be 4 second revealed (stealth is far more powerful in WvWvW compared to spvp). Fighting against opponents with ability to stealth at will again and again is not fun. Even when you win, it just feels like a chore.

5. Some of the consumables (endurance duration, condition duration), relics etc. should be toned down

6. Exploits!


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1 hour ago, Kuya.6495 said:

Of course I abuse mobility. Do you really think I'm gonna stand there and let a zerg barge in on my roaming so they can drop siege on my dead body because they accomplished the difficult task of winning a 1v50?

Nah, it's zoom time. I love it when zerglings get mad that they can't gank a roaming willbender. 

Who says you should stand "there"? What about you anticipate enemies incoming and run away in advance? If enemy zerg (that you didn't see or anticipate) suddenly appears and gets you into combat, then you should be punished for it and not easily teleport away. Also, what I meant isn't complete mobility destruction. It is more aimed at 1200 range teleports with stunbreaks.

2 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

Nerfing in-combat mobility without nerfing out-of-combat mobility just enables ganking. This is technically a legit strategy in a competitive game mode but isn't particularly fun if it's too easy.

Fair point.

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From non-zerg pov. So like, for mid to solo gameplay:
1. Power coefficients on some skills are too high. 
2. Re-Healing in general is fine except for some builds that do so +pop defensive boons+effects very frequently. But the number of these skills are few compared to things in point 1, hence it is easily fixable imo.
3. Some builds can spam way too many boons+debilitating conditions+other effects by themselves which then gets exaggerated by cele gear. Imo the root of the problem is the total output of these resources not the cele.
Funny thing is that the same builds that have this point3 also have point2 and 1.
4. Similarly boon durations on some of the boon spam classes is also high.(Not every class or skill, but very specific builds and boons)
5. Everyone is reliant on speed rune to do anything non zerg, because the same classes that have all the above points also have insane mobility that you cant match on build other than those.

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1: Blobs unfun to play in unfun to fight against

2: Borderline useless defence siege on towers/keeps

3: Pulls. Can be fun sometimes but i hate when i get pulled through walls mountains in 0,001 seconds into blob/zerg because of that defending anything feels completely crap added with useless siege.

4: Lack of anything new... Atleast give me something anything hell at this point give me plush skins for siege machinery.

5: Stealth but to be fair i hate stealth in any game especially when its exploited to give you unlimited/nearly unlimited stealth its just not fun at all to play against.

Bonus 6: crappy server vs server balance.


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I guess this is only a combat perspective, I can't say much about server demographics and population issues. Sort of in an "importance of fixing or reworking" order, 1 being the biggest offender. 

1. I'll throw my hat in the ring with the cele issue too. Especially with the new(er) elite specializations the amount of boonspan, which is only made worse and amplified with Celestial stats, gets pretty annoying. Having two players of very similar skill level and making one go cele and the other one marauder/dragon or trailblazer will more often than not result in the cele players winning by a large margin. Not to mention when you encounter someone who's even slightly mechanically better than you on a cele build, there's just actual nothing you can do if running away isn't an option (I might be biased here because I only play focus offhand ele/weaver so I'm slow as a snail) 

2.  New EoD elite specs are all (except maybe Untamed) annoying as f*ck to fight. Cata, Harbi, Willbender, Vindi are the main offenders, yada yada you know the deal by now 😄 I think they could still use some toning down because all of them are extremely unfun to fight against, no matter the stats (but worse on cele yea) and have made off meta roaming for example very close to a fool's errand. Not to mention the annoying powercreep of weapon mastery training. (Willbender with busted longbow, Virtu with shield, Mirage with dagger... You get the idea). 

3. Some immensely powerful weapon skills have little to no telling. And I'm not talking about "yelling red berserker getting tells obscured by hiding in zerg" no. Some AoEs have pretty scary animations for their laughable effect (Scourge F5, Explosive Gyro or Specter shroud 5 for example) while others like Grenade Barrage has nonexistent animation and can eat 2/3 HP in the click of 1 button. (Granted, most nade engis tend to set up absurd grenade barrage with stun from hammer 5, but don't forget there's still the option to just stack stealth cleverly and THEN do grenade barrage out of absolutely nowhere). Some other non-AoE skills fall in this category too:  Spinal Shivers and Gale are 2 super giga dangerous skills that are very hard to foresee coming and can set you up for a free trip to spawn (I would know because I know how to land Gale and ruin people's days) Honorable mentions include Magnet too but you can sorta see the transparent chain there so it's whatever. 

4. Boonball/zerging gameplay can be fun to participate in from time to time but there's no denying it's been clearly tending towards the "unkillable blob of every boon in the game flying around" with less and less options for counterplay. This is also an issue that is more problematic depending on who do it, but all form of it is pretty annoying regardless. Thankfully Anet is at least removing alac from the equation now so that's cool I guess xD

5. Thief is still pretty unfun to fight, they still have unreasonable amounts of evades, bound and Deadeye is still in the game and stealth as a mechanic is still pretty busted. Having said that, the average Joe d/p thief is honestly not that big of a deal as they were once framed to be. With enough experience you can atleast put up a fight and make them run away like a little b*tch if not kill them : ) Reason it's this low on this "importance hierarchy" is because I don't just complain without knowing how janky they are to play, how boring permastealth d/p or cele p/p gameplay can be, how much guilt I get after just playing deadeye for a bit, and how excruciatingly hard it is to get kills on S/D core/daredev without being seriously invested in the class. Besides, this is all this class has going for it and what it was literally designed for, excelling in 1v1s, so cut them some slack ^^


1. Nerf cele pls. Big nail in the sandal sole of WvW

2. Or if not nerf cele, tone down new EoD specs and maybe rethink the bloatedness of some elite weapon skills now that every e-spec across the board has access to them. 

3. Give tells to some insanely strong weapon skills. True Shot, Spinal Shivers and Gale being worst offenders IMO. Oh and make Grenade kit grenades rollers like IRL to make them atleast a bit more reactable, and to make chasing nade engis an actual concept that works xD

4. Make boonball gameplay a bit more punishable and more fun to fight against (maybe start with making supports not so nigh automatic and more reactive) 

5. Tone down some annoying aspects of thief gameplay (Deadeye in general, d/p permastealth being both kitten to fight against and playing) The class by itself isn't some agent sent from hell to destroy WvW, but some of the notoriously annoying aspects of it can make it look like that for the layman


Edited by Codename T.2847
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On 2/22/2024 at 3:05 PM, cryorion.9532 said:

It's not really hating on mobility but more on ability to force out of combat easily. Possible solution is to give 1200 range stunbreak teleport to every profession that doesn't have it but like... I am not sure if this solution is healthy for the game balance.

Obv is not healthy, people here playing just with ones class and game failing to point out that changing class is part of game is also unhealthy.

Gw2 should learn from warframe in this regard.

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1. Boonball game play should not be a thing. There is zero reson to why people should have full stack of every boon in WvW all the time. 


2. Boonball together with bubbles is getting more insane for every day. We thougth the warrior bubbles was bad when it came out but this is nothing against how it is now. Just tonight a guild of 30+ and addons made lordsroom in Garrison in to a boonball bubble clownfiesta. How is it ok in Arena Nets mind that you can hide a blob inside of a bubbles at ALL time. This group had 3-4 bubbles up at any point. Litterally this. At some point i felt this is just insane. If this was PvP it would be removed instantly, but hey in WvW it is ok to bonballbunkerbubble in a lords room. I have no words for this anymore and what do Anet do? Then reduce yet another strip.... 

People are fed up with it and it shows. After last beta finally ended so many people have yet not come back and for each beta we get fewer and fewer. And when i say we, i dont mean only my server, looking at all servers and they are in the same shape and people say they can not be arsed with this boonball kitten anymore.


3. Worldrestruction. I thought alliances would be a stretch, because how would one alliance manage to keep one world up 24/7, especially in EU where most guilds play at prime only. But it instead became worldrestruction. Basically destroy the servers we have today where most servers actually still have a comunity. Yes i know you heard some people say NO THEY DON*T. Well that is probably because they are not intersted in being a part of it. But comunties you find on every server in some shape or form. 

And the thought that there is room for a whole server that is today to move together when WvW is so divided in so many different groups are not realistic nor possible due to not enough space in a guild. And even if there was there is still the people who soloplay allthough along side of the rest of us and we know them by fighting together with them, but they are not interested in joining a guild. So destroying servers, cominities, groups and even guilds, just to make sure that PvE players can play with friends. Because lets face it.. WvW players play with those that they want to play with. And if that means they need to move constantly, they already done so. Playing together with friends is a thing for PvE players or those that join wvw once in a month. 


4. WvW combat is getting dumbed down. New players don't know what blasting even is. I rarely see people dodge unless it is smallscale fights or 1v1. Condtions and cc gets stronger for each patch and people don't have to think at all. Obviously they get punnished when they meet the better players, but my point is we want players in WvW who learn HOW to use the combat, and not this constant spamming of boons, condis, cc, and movement skills, rince and repeat. We have a great combat system but for years now people dont know how to use it. Stop dumbing it down.


5. Redborder. Redborder is a punnishment. It is a constant sprint agaisnt time on a border that is scaled stupidly and moving inside of keeps and towers takes a HUGE amount of more time. If the border is not upgraded you can count of loosing what ever is contested if you do not have ewp, because the timer do not show on the map until 30 sec have passed. So when you see a camp having swords, they already been there for 30 sec, the 2 min it takes to run there and they are alreday at the next camp. 

And i rarely see the people telling us red border is amazing when we are red. In fact a large amount of servers do not even respond if the yare red. They just leave it to rot. The fact that Anet kept on making it hard to defend as well do not make it better. No mortar is usefull, LITTERALLY NO MORE IS USEFULL on redborder. Anet i dare you go to fire keep and use the mortars for outer and try and aim them to be usefull. They are not. On inner i guess those on the bridges on fire keep are usefull but what guild leave them to be used, noone. And since you can not stand on any wall, edge or anything close to this without being burned down in 2 sec or pulled, defending red border turns in to pure kitten. Not to mention looking at the map of the fire keep and you see one section copied 7 times all the way out to the ruin. How did that even pass the quallity checkup????


Ok i am done with my list. I have tons of suggestions on fixes but my novel is already too long. But if needed i can add them too. 

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8 hours ago, Codename T.2847 said:

I guess this is only a combat perspective, I can't say much about server demographics and population issues. Sort of in an "importance of fixing or reworking" order, 1 being the biggest offender. 

1. I'll throw my hat in the ring with the cele issue too. Especially with the new(er) elite specializations the amount of boonspan, which is only made worse and amplified with Celestial stats, gets pretty annoying. Having two players of very similar skill level and making one go cele and the other one marauder/dragon or trailblazer will more often than not result in the cele players winning by a large margin. Not to mention when you encounter someone who's even slightly mechanically better than you on a cele build, there's just actual nothing you can do if running away isn't an option (I might be biased here because I only play focus offhand ele/weaver so I'm slow as a snail) 

2.  New EoD elite specs are all (except maybe Untamed) annoying as f*ck to fight. Cata, Harbi, Willbender, Vindi are the main offenders, yada yada you know the deal by now 😄 I think they could still use some toning down because all of them are extremely unfun to fight against, no matter the stats (but worse on cele yea) and have made off meta roaming for example very close to a fool's errand. Not to mention the annoying powercreep of weapon mastery training. (Willbender with busted longbow, Virtu with shield, Mirage with dagger... You get the idea). 

3. Some immensely powerful weapon skills have little to no telling. And I'm not talking about "yelling red berserker getting tells obscured by hiding in zerg" no. Some AoEs have pretty scary animations for their laughable effect (Scourge F5, Explosive Gyro or Specter shroud 5 for example) while others like Grenade Barrage has nonexistent animation and can eat 2/3 HP in the click of 1 button. (Granted, most nade engis tend to set up absurd grenade barrage with stun from hammer 5, but don't forget there's still the option to just stack stealth cleverly and THEN do grenade barrage out of absolutely nowhere). Some other non-AoE skills fall in this category too:  Spinal Shivers and Gale are 2 super giga dangerous skills that are very hard to foresee coming and can set you up for a free trip to spawn (I would know because I know how to land Gale and ruin people's days) Honorable mentions include Magnet too but you can sorta see the transparent chain there so it's whatever. 

4. Boonball/zerging gameplay can be fun to participate in from time to time but there's no denying it's been clearly tending towards the "unkillable blob of every boon in the game flying around" with less and less options for counterplay. This is also an issue that is more problematic depending on who do it, but all form of it is pretty annoying regardless. Thankfully Anet is at least removing alac from the equation now so that's cool I guess xD

5. Thief is still pretty unfun to fight, they still have unreasonable amounts of evades, bound and Deadeye is still in the game and stealth as a mechanic is still pretty busted. Having said that, the average Joe d/p thief is honestly not that big of a deal as they were once framed to be. With enough experience you can atleast put up a fight and make them run away like a little b*tch if not kill them : ) Reason it's this low on this "importance hierarchy" is because I don't just complain without knowing how janky they are to play, how boring permastealth d/p or cele p/p gameplay can be, how much guilt I get after just playing deadeye for a bit, and how excruciatingly hard it is to get kills on S/D core/daredev without being seriously invested in the class. Besides, this is all this class has going for it and what it was literally designed for, excelling in 1v1s, so cut them some slack ^^


1. Nerf cele pls. Big nail in the sandal sole of WvW

2. Or if not nerf cele, tone down new EoD specs and maybe rethink the bloatedness of some elite weapon skills now that every e-spec across the board has access to them. 

3. Give tells to some insanely strong weapon skills. True Shot, Spinal Shivers and Gale being worst offenders IMO. Oh and make Grenade kit grenades rollers like IRL to make them atleast a bit more reactable, and to make chasing nade engis an actual concept that works xD

4. Make boonball gameplay a bit more punishable and more fun to fight against (maybe start with making supports not so nigh automatic and more reactive) 

5. Tone down some annoying aspects of thief gameplay (Deadeye in general, d/p permastealth being both kitten to fight against and playing) The class by itself isn't some agent sent from hell to destroy WvW, but some of the notoriously annoying aspects of it can make it look like that for the layman


I know you said that all EoD specs are annoying to fight, but if you're looking for a thief template that's not what you think is designed for 1v1's only, Specter should be your jam. It's not an unreasonable amount of evades or anything (I guess you can build for that build like all templates, there are only so many slots to fill), but it's a lot of fun in any scale fight. 

There's enough counterplay to boon balls, but time limits kind of mute them all. It's hard to maneuver and set things up the closer they get to a Lord and a time crunch is going to favor them. Doesn't help that a lot of people just kind of feed themselves to them either. Even on my healing template, I can't do anything for you if you square up and crash into a full blob with your not a blob when we could have kept Confusion or something on whoever is holding their composition together while moving and catching a body here and there instead until they start scrambling. 

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Wasting your time with this top 5/10 ten issues been lots and lots of them.

How to fix game remove anet simples, as the start way back there needed to be some tweeks but they have just completly kitten the game up, should be called condi ways everything in this game is now about condi WHY.

Thief 5 years ago not played by many so they completley gave it god like powers now seems like every other player is a thief of some kind.

All ranged should be like glass cannons so if a warrior or guardian do cath them they should fall really easy but some can stand toe to toe in a fight madness.

Why do 50% of players able to jump everywhere? i mean you can be a litle distance away but hey they port right to you and then disapear really?

Why did you nerf the arrow carts so much that 5 will not do any damage anymore i might as well stand on the wall and kitten offf it. Same old story it is vertually impossible to defend a structure now with a large grp against you.

No class should be able to move faster than any other, once in a fight no one should be able to disapear in the shadows its bloody stupid, I understand the need for different classes to beat other classes but atm it is so onesided with thiefs and condi in WVW its putting people off playing all together.

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17 minutes ago, apoko.5246 said:

Wasting your time with this top 5/10 ten issues been lots and lots of them.

We waste our time by even visiting these forums in the first place. We might as well get some useful feedback from players every once in a while, think we can see what the glaring issues are from most of the replies, now will anet eventually see the same light or be blinded as usual, guess we'll see.

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On 2/22/2024 at 2:13 AM, Triptaminas.4789 said:

People hating on mobility would love if gw2 turn to tab action or straight up mobile game..maybe turn based?? 😒 

Ramp up mobility for all classess so these people stop complaining, mobility is fun, fun is good.

Mobility is fun, and is good, when it isnt a matter of a few being able to vastly out mobility the others. It is significantly less fun to outplay an opponent knowing that he can just leave at any time.

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1 hour ago, Doge.5736 said:

My top problem/concern is explained perfectly in this video  

warrior has 20 k health and 2200 armor without spending any vitality and toughness  stat is not heathly also. ele has half vitality at base. its not balance also but no one say anything about this.

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10 hours ago, kash.9213 said:

I know you said that all EoD specs are annoying to fight, but if you're looking for a thief template that's not what you think is designed for 1v1's only, Specter should be your jam. It's not an unreasonable amount of evades or anything (I guess you can build for that build like all templates, there are only so many slots to fill), but it's a lot of fun in any scale fight. 

There's enough counterplay to boon balls, but time limits kind of mute them all. It's hard to maneuver and set things up the closer they get to a Lord and a time crunch is going to favor them. Doesn't help that a lot of people just kind of feed themselves to them either. Even on my healing template, I can't do anything for you if you square up and crash into a full blob with your not a blob when we could have kept Confusion or something on whoever is holding their composition together while moving and catching a body here and there instead until they start scrambling. 

You know what you're right Specter is a bit different to other thieves, and I forgot too that I have this full shaman stat healing build of it just to give barrier to people : D Fun times

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