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WTF is Anet doing to WvW?

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On 4/25/2024 at 10:30 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

The team is reviewing the full conversation as well as some smaller, more specific details, so they'll probably be hopping into this thread to ask for clarification from some of you on various details. 

They probably won't.

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44 minutes ago, Vavume.8065 said:

They probably won't.

They won't, but they taken your concerns into consideration, here's the preview of upcoming balance patch that team hopes will help bring wvw to state they want to see it in.


Bountiful theft reworked now it copies boons instead ripping.


Null field cd increase to 80s, in wvw only

Shattered concentration reworked, now gives 1/9s of figor per shatter instead of boon strip.


Ghastly breach pulse count reduced to 1, in wvw only. 

Path of corruption receives 15s icd, wvw only.

Well of corruption pulse count reduced to 2, wvw only. 

Unholy feast and nightfall radius decrease to 160 in wvw only.


Enchantment Collapse reworked now gives 1s of vigor per boon stripped (icd 60s). 


Corrupting vines and rending vines reworked, now copy boons(35s icd) instead of stripping.


Brutality reworked: weapon swap gives 1of quickness, while you have quickness strike damage increased by 3%..

Banish Enchantment: boons removed reduced to 1, target count reduced to 2, blockable, 260 range (in wvw only).


Whirling lights cd reduced to 5s, radius increased to 600, cof increased from 2,6 to 3,6, unblockable.

Renewed focus cd decreased to 20s. 


General changes:

Removed fall damage

Introducing new mechanics for wvw: "Mistwar Instability: Stick Together"- Take 2% increased damage when not within 300 range of an ally. Deal 5% increased damage when within a range of 300 of an ally. Interval: ½ seconds.-

Edited by Triptaminas.4789
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1 hour ago, Triptaminas.4789 said:

Introducing new mechanics for wvw: "Mistwar Instability: Stick Together"- Take 2% increased damage when not within 300 range of an ally. Deal 5% increased damage when within a range of 300 of an ally. Interval: ½ seconds.-

Stacking effect at that.

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The 50% Wall change is by far the worst change in a series of bad changes that have come to WVW over the years. About.... PW dmg down, Golem no longer blocks the circle, Siege Breaker now some blah blah 66%, invulnerability tactic nerf... to name just a few. So I have no idea who you're thinking of making such changes with, but I wouldn't say that with active WvW players. But what else can you say about it, there has been no alliance system for years and yet the marketing always blabbers that WVW is a PILLAR of GW2. With changes like this and the almost crappy Alliance Betas (and thus the balancing) you really have to ask yourself why you're still giving the game your time. And of course others can see things differently, but that's just how I see it and would discuss it with anyone who has a different perspective😉

So let the man or woman stand up and admit their mistakes and take back something that is so unpopular and stupid!!! ty

Greetz Taikun

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The fact ANET have responded in this thread is interesting. Especially with it being pretty quick after the last set of changes. I suspect they've seen the participation numbers and realised that a LOT of people have either stopped playing or are playing significantly less.

Personally I've been logging in to finish wood each week, then noped out for the remainder. Where I've been finishing diamond every week for a pretty long time prior to that. I just don't find the current setup fun, and I'm not going to force myself to do something I don't enjoy.

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I'm not going to into detail why I think boonballs has ruined the fun - a lot of other people have given their opinions on this already.  But, here are a few things that I think will help give non-boonballs a chance in fights:

1. Reduce outgoing boon durations - e.g. if a skill gives 3s of protection to 5 targets, the skill should be changed so that it gives 3s to the caster and say 1s to the other 4 allies.  The goal should be to encourage applying the relevant boons at the appropriate times, rather than maintaining permanent boons.

2. Change resistance to stack in intensity rather than duration - resistance is an OP boon that is currently going under the radar because alacrity and quickness are getting all the attention.  Right now, there are really only 2 ways to counter a boonball: run at it with a larger boonball, or try to pull and isolate enemies away from the boonball.  The latter is hard to do with all the stability negating the hard CCs and resistance negating the soft ones.  While you can overcome stability with more hard CCs, you can't do that right now with resistance.  Resistance should be given the stability treatment so that each stack negates the application of one non-damaging condi to promote counter play.

3. Reduce the durations of projectile blocking/reflecting domes - one frustrating thing when fighting boonballs is that they have perma uptime on these domes.  Meaning if you're on a class that uses projectiles, you're not going to put a dent into the boonball.  Going melee is the only way to do any damage to boonballs, but even then you need to have a critical mass of melee dps and supports in order to survive - i.e. you need to be in a boonball to fight a boonball.

The boonball issue needs to be addressed.  When players start feeling everything they do is futile, they will give up and log off.

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16 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Thank you anet, for promoting 50 squad boon ball meta game play.

Thank you for promoting more toxicity among players, with boon balls telling players to get off a map because the only way to fight these blobs is with one of the same size or greater, this always existed but you obviously don't care to clean it up and are now part of the problem. Now scouts, roamers, small groups, tagless groups are the problem fighting on a map with a 50 squad on maps that can only hold 70 players. I dunno maybe you should have made private areas for these huge groups to fight each other so they don't fight allies too.

With all my intellectual honesty, I want to tell you that the problems you are describing are ''non-problems''. At least that's my opinion. And I'll add that a smaller circle, rather than more supplies to close a wall or the reduced capacity of the supply depot, don't make any difference. zero.  10 days after these updates, my personal impression is that we are stimulating interaction between players. 

If a wall remains open, your team will have to make their own decisions. If a wall remains open, the attacker's tendency will be to go in. If the attackers enter normally you will see the defenders organize and respond. The result is to stimulate the content to emerge. The result is to play this game.

 just to remind us. This is WVW. This is PVP on a grand scale. The maps contain 80 players per side. You have to expect that a huge enemy team will attack your structures. What's the problem? Organize your side and return enemy fire. and given that this game is based on 3 sides. On your home border, you can get a strong attack on your Garry, and while you're focused on his defense the third side will take over the whole map from you. What's the problem? there isn't. You are still participating in this game mode as intended. Choose your strategy. Make your decisions and play. Play with your teammates and most importantly play with your opponents.

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For all the confusing faces that I see and that will continue to be added, I say: look at the Friday night reset, you will notice that all the structures are being reset to T0. You'll also find content everywhere because the various teams/guilds will be stimulated to try out their attacks. They will be stimulated to take control of your border map. As in EBG SM. Try to ask yourself why.

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4 hours ago, Joao.3410 said:

I'm not going to into detail why I think boonballs has ruined the fun - a lot of other people have given their opinions on this already.  But, here are a few things that I think will help give non-boonballs a chance in fights:

1. Reduce outgoing boon durations - e.g. if a skill gives 3s of protection to 5 targets, the skill should be changed so that it gives 3s to the caster and say 1s to the other 4 allies.  The goal should be to encourage applying the relevant boons at the appropriate times, rather than maintaining permanent boons.

2. Change resistance to stack in intensity rather than duration - resistance is an OP boon that is currently going under the radar because alacrity and quickness are getting all the attention.  Right now, there are really only 2 ways to counter a boonball: run at it with a larger boonball, or try to pull and isolate enemies away from the boonball.  The latter is hard to do with all the stability negating the hard CCs and resistance negating the soft ones.  While you can overcome stability with more hard CCs, you can't do that right now with resistance.  Resistance should be given the stability treatment so that each stack negates the application of one non-damaging condi to promote counter play.

3. Reduce the durations of projectile blocking/reflecting domes - one frustrating thing when fighting boonballs is that they have perma uptime on these domes.  Meaning if you're on a class that uses projectiles, you're not going to put a dent into the boonball.  Going melee is the only way to do any damage to boonballs, but even then you need to have a critical mass of melee dps and supports in order to survive - i.e. you need to be in a boonball to fight a boonball.

The boonball issue needs to be addressed.  When players start feeling everything they do is futile, they will give up and log off.

the downside of this is that this can make big fights shorter. what do you want players to do that didn't use the boons at the appropriate times? run away, hide and wait for the cooldowns and the appropriate moment? sounds more like for 1 vs 1 or spvp. I won't be surprised that people who don't like how the boons work atm in wvw are 1 vs 1 duelists.

how are the big groups going to know when it's the right moment to use a boon? there is a graphic setting that can make other characters invisible and some use it. Also you didn't mention anything about lag/stuttering.

you want the boons to decide the outcome of the battles and currently it's already the case.  if you don't use the right boons, then you will lose. not just that. you also need to be persistent with boons. the only difference is that you want the boons to be used at specific times.
you want to run around without using any abilities and only use these abilities at the appropriate moments? how is this going to be different for a team who has more boons vs a team that doesn't have a lot of boons? the bigger team will just need to use the boons at the appropriate moment and then it's not 99.9% but 200% chance win for the bigger team. after some training the teams with superior boons will just learn this and win against any team with inferior boons.

and so your boon changes will just make the fights shorter and less forgiving for inferior teams. I think players will quit more often with such boon changes.

At least the battles now last longer because of how the boons work atm. so the smaller teams or teams, that don't have the appropriate boons, can fight for longer, because they can protect themselves with these "permanent" boons.

I think you want some ambush game mechanic that can decide the outcome of the battle. and I think wvw should have something like this. some guerilla warfare mechanic that can be very effective. I don't think that boons should be used for such ambushes. so again this sounds like something for 1 vs 1 or spvp and situations when it's clear whats happening on the battlefield.

there were several times when I saw how somebody wanted to switch their character after they saw they were losing battles. so currently I would say that using a correct profession is going to give you more chances to win and not the boons.

Edited by Chaos God.1639
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6 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

how are the big groups going to know when it's the right moment to use a boon?

big groups need to learn how to coordinate and work as a group, many guild/zerg groups have comms with commanders calling when to use boons. and yes, having a good commander/driver will determine the outcome of a fight.

6 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

you want to run around without using any abilities and only use these abilities at the appropriate moments? how is this going to be different for a team who has more boons vs a team that doesn't have a lot of boons? the bigger team will just need to use the boons at the appropriate moment and then it's not 99.9% but 200% chance win for the bigger team. after some training the teams with superior boons will just learn this and win against any team with inferior boons.

isnt this the whole point of playing a pvp mode? you use skills when appropriate and when needed. I think the issue is boons are almost permanent in large groups and with so many reflects/domes no one is dying in that boonball.


6 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

and so your boon changes will just make the fights shorter and less forgiving for inferior teams. I think players will quit more often with such boon changes.

fights need to be shorter, these boonball fights dont ever end decisively and its boring and lacks the sense of accomplishment in a fight. I have been in a 45 minute boonball fight and I know there was not going to be a conclusion to the fight so i logged off immediately.


6 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

At least the battles now last longer because of how the boons work atm. so the smaller teams or teams, that don't have the appropriate boons, can fight for longer, because they can protect themselves with these "permanent" boons.

on the contrary, smaller teams actually work better when there are less boons because the smaller team can actually get downs/kills on players from the larger group.


I agree with the points @Joao.3410 said. Boons needs to be nerfed because these boonballs arent fun at all to fight against because nothing is ever happening. Its not interactive in an interactive game mode. No one ever dies.  Long battles are boring, indecisive and meaningless.

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Why are the big groups always the ones that Anet caters to? From what I've seen the majority of players that log the most hours in WvW are those that roam, defend, and build up the maps. To me the most fun is being able to stop an objective from being taken by a larger group or hold it till our own zerg comes for fights. Holding NNC with golems, sieging NET to the tits, going to another BL and flipping it just to frustrate the hell out of the enemy when they come to recap. Those are activities packed full of shits and giggles and are actually very important overall for our server, but it seems Anet keeps pissin on them, ( like they do Necros but that's another kitten). Ruining the game for those that liv in WvW in favor of players that visit for 1-3 hours is hella bigoted. Balanced play in GW2seems to mean "Lets make sure our favs win." I would not be surprised if soon objects will start without walls and the repair function will become build, turning us into laborers like we had at the start. On that note, a new role for the Quartermaster should be developed, bet they feel useless as hell.

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In reference to fights between groups it seems to me that there are no roles for ranged and mid anymore, everyone is frontline in a tight ball. When I join in on this play style I get little sense of self achievement, I can't bring myself to brag about all the bags I collect knowing it isn't my skill collecting them it is the group's size or the enemies lack of correct builds and guidance. But after all the majority of Hyumens are hive minded in RL due to it being the path of least effort, and the same seems to work well in WvW. Swarm, swarm, swarm. Also has any thought been given to trying without swiftness or quickness, or superspeed. Lack of those might serve to break up the boonball style and spread the classes out so each can function as they are supposed to.

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I already stopped defending against Zergs ever since they nerved the Participation on defense to Oblivion. 
Now it makes it even less attractive to defend an objective.

Here is my take: Often you are attacked by a massive zerg... at that stage, few defenders have litterly zero chance in killing one of that blob of boonballs, so defending destroys your participation...

I leave...

Anet made me leave... They now nerve defending more... I leave sooner... Anet makes me leave sooner...
I very well know that to that 50 man zerg, I am nothing more than a 'lootbag" and ArenaNet is enabling them with these changes.

Defending over objectives simply has zero benefits to me, and no meaning at all. Let them have it, I go where I can get proper participation... and might return later when the boon blob has left for another map for more "lootbags" 

This is exactly what is happening more and more;

- Why would I repair when it gives me zero participation?
- Why would I attack a zombie boon blob when I have ZERO chance of killing even 1?
- Why would I KILL my own participation just so the enemy can have their "lootbag"

I can litterly do 10,000,000 damage against a blob like that and the system, without a kill, still PUNISHES me for being there.

Fix this participation issue and I might stick around, but right now, ArenaNet destroyed ANY insensitive for me to be there.

I am baffled that ArenaNet is still blind to this issue. There is ZERO balance participationwise. Fix that first before you nerve...

Untill then... let the Boonblob take the objective, I am not just a "lootbag" anymore. I refuse to KILL my participation just because ArenaNet does not understand my (defender) position. At least some Acknowledgement of this problem alone would be great, but it's DEADLY quiet in that front.

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On 4/19/2024 at 5:35 AM, joneirikb.7506 said:

This is a very interesting point, because I've seen it done before. And the result was that the company thought no one cared/played the game any-longer, and just shut it down, and replaced it with a new game. So it's very much a possibility that if people just stop playing WvW, they'd just shut it down, because well no one is playing it. They'd finally have the excuse they needed to just turn off WvW entirely, and put GoB in a pvp track or something.

The pessimist in me wonders if that's the point of the way changes have been going. It's a shame that WvW has never really received much developer attention over the years, which is probably in no small part due to it not really having anything directly monetizable (just warclaw skins I guess) aside from the indirect effects of it being fun and keeping people playing the game long-term. It seems like the amount of work required to fix the problems in the mode is high, and it's of course a much more delicate balance compared to PvE. How many years are we going on for Alliances now? At this point I'm not convinced Alliances would even fix much since the problem seems to be a deeper disconnect than just population balance, and who cares about population balance if there's no reason for groups to do anything other than karmatrain though undefended objectives?

Drive off smallscale players and players in outnumbered servers by only balancing in favor of massive, low-intensity zergs; drive off defenders by making it much harder to get rewards from defense (especially if it's not a successful defense--it doesn't matter how long you delay attackers or if you repel them, it only matters if you get kills); drive off the remaining defenders that defend for fun by making it impossible to defend against a larger group; drive off medium-sized groups by making it impossible for them to do anything to fight map queue boonblobs; and eventually, the loss of all the former groups will lead to the large fight-seeking groups being driven off since all the fights are gone and the mode devolves into a karmatrain.

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On 4/20/2024 at 3:59 PM, Cael.3960 said:

Interesting that no one considers the time and effort required to assemble and train up a quality guild group. To theorycraft a comp, build up an understanding of how and when to use it, and then execute it effectively in the field. To hear many of people on these forums, all you need is to get 50 people into a squad and they can obliterate anything, anywhere, anytime. 

I've seen 30-man groups annihilate 60+ with virtually no losses. That disparity of skill, leadership and coordination has a far more significant impact than simple numbers. 

But clearly players with zero inclination towards improvement or collaboration with their server mates deserve a way to win against something that takes months or even years to build. For all the complaints about 'easymode' blobs, you sure you aren't asking for the exact same thing for anti-social solos?

Do you seriously think that the fights should be over before they've even started? That that's in any way fun or healthy for the gamemode?

Also, I'm calling cap on that 30 v 60 example of yours unless you're either talking about comped vs half-asleep uncomped (we all know the guild in question) or you're using an example from many years ago.

Yes, it is "easy mode" if you can spend an hour theorycrafting builds and then use that plus your superior numbers to win every fight for the next 6 months. It's especially "easy mode" because you're already starting with a huge zerg and thus the balance massively tilted in your favor. When most servers have neither the population nor the timezone coverage to contest boonblobs, yes, what you're describing is easy mode for the boonblobs--especially when the past few balances have shown that such skill and theorycrafting expertise is usually just taking advantage of bug abuse (ie the former super-healrevs from a glitched sigil, or the invincible healrevs before them from the dodge issues) or balance oversights (ie warrior longbow, holo unintentionally getting around target caps).

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Yeah, I am currently on EU servers - trying to decide between Vabbi, WSR or FR.


Pretty much the only options you have if you don't want to be cucked at the spawn 70% of the time.

Balance is off in terms of numbers - and its not a great time to be reducing the effectiveness of single skilled players.

With the numbers in-balance, aNet should be focusing on promoting smaller-scale play, and roaming to make a difference. Not the opposite.


The state of WvW right now is WILD! I have never seen anything like it, or expected it to slip like this until at least GW3 had a release date.


Just wild..

Edited by ConorT.5396
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20 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

For all the confusing faces that I see and that will continue to be added, I say: look at the Friday night reset, you will notice that all the structures are being reset to T0. You'll also find content everywhere because the various teams/guilds will be stimulated to try out their attacks. They will be stimulated to take control of your border map. As in EBG SM. Try to ask yourself why.

The exponential gains of tiered objectives - both in terms of passive points and defensive boosts - has been known for a decade and noted to Anet so, so many times. The "problem" with the wall/door change isnt that they are "harder" to repair or open for longer, it's that it's more fun and active to build it up even just a tiny bit and tear it down in quick succession rather than get bogged down. Because that's literally the gameplay cycle of capping objectives.

No one should need to ask themselves why.

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I don't think the circle change, inside certain keeps and the castle is great, but also, when will they ever fix the queue bug?

I'm also guessing WORLD RESTRUCTURING, different population balancing, is a long time from being fully implemented, so it is not an priority.

Then you have skill lag, where it is really bad at times, even outside reset.

Edited by RisingDawn.5796
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On 4/25/2024 at 5:30 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hey everyone, I want to let you know that several of us have been following and discussing this thread for the past week. The team is reviewing the full conversation as well as some smaller, more specific details, so they'll probably be hopping into this thread to ask for clarification from some of you on various details

Except that they haven't, and if experience has taught those of us who are veteran players anything, they won't. The last Dev who actively interacted with and responded to the WvW community-at-large was Stonemist, and he left Anet 8-10 months ago if I remember correctly. It's the worst kept secret that the current Dev team only interacts with a small number of players to determine the changes they make for everyone, and largely those changes have been bad for anyone who doesn't want to play as a 50+ boonball. This game-mode used to accommodate several different styles of play, from solo-roaming to havoking to medium-sized groups to the aforementioned 50+ groups. Now it ONLY caters to the 50+ groups. And as such it's slowly killing off the game-mode. Those of us who remain are largely here not because we enjoy the changes Anet has made over the past few years but because we enjoy playing with our friends and guildmates. And as more and more of those friends and guildmates become disenchanted with what Anet is doing and leave, our numbers will dwindle and eventually we will leave too. Anet needs to learn how to adapt and cater to MULTIPLE styles of play rather than one, before this game-mode is completely ruined the way Structured PvP was ruined.

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On 4/26/2024 at 8:44 PM, Vavume.8065 said:

They probably won't.

Vavume, add feedback please. I was grumpy with myself for being irked for defense nerfs. But they were changes. Disagree with them but they were time spent. We need that. So to all, add feedback and change suggestions and don't be grumpy as I was. We all could use more dev time. Our sand in the sandbox needs some cleaning. Post feedback and whys and change requests. 

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In terms of bolstering defensive play perhaps making it so upon entering walls /gates becomes a zone that mounts and gliders are disabled for attackers and defenders. Which can be tied similarly to the gliding into a different zone debuff. But only upon entering a radius of a tower or keep when going closer to the main objective within it being passing through or over a wall or gate location. Since walls can't be rebuilt as easily anymore not much point to try to repair just asking yourself to get ran over. guild arrow carts should get some of their original damage back and when casting and hitting groups of 25 or more gain a active ability called Pin Downed " Those hit have their movement speed reduced by 50 percent and Boons cannot be reapplied while the non removable debuff is active , duration of 6 seconds per volley shot.   If enemies have less then 25 players and are hit by the ac fire Pin Downed has no effect.  Thinking of it sorta like if bodies start pileing up it would make it more difficult for the Attackers to Rush in all at once since they would have to climb over the dead. Now bigger numbers could still probably get through but it may be more difficult then sending in  smaller squads to take out the acs . But could give defenders a better chance to interact with enemy players without just up and abandoning objectives  since defending at this point is like giving a Quaggan a bow and telling them they are an archer now without any training and sending them on their merry way.  Give cannons a ability similar to oil where you cannot be hit or lifted and pulled / damaged when on a cannon because they are honestly just a death trap at this point and could perhaps gain increased damage based on number of players group together in its abilities radius going in 10 person intervals up to 50. But these recommendations would probably get shot down or just rot in the abyss known to all as the forums so honestly I think it's pointless to even suggest anything anymore.

Edited by prototypedragon.1406
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16 hours ago, progenitex.8465 said:

big groups need to learn how to coordinate and work as a group, many guild/zerg groups have comms with commanders calling when to use boons. and yes, having a good commander/driver will determine the outcome of a fight.

isnt this the whole point of playing a pvp mode? you use skills when appropriate and when needed. I think the issue is boons are almost permanent in large groups and with so many reflects/domes no one is dying in that boonball.


fights need to be shorter, these boonball fights dont ever end decisively and its boring and lacks the sense of accomplishment in a fight. I have been in a 45 minute boonball fight and I know there was not going to be a conclusion to the fight so i logged off immediately.


on the contrary, smaller teams actually work better when there are less boons because the smaller team can actually get downs/kills on players from the larger group.

so you think when players will die more they won't quit wvw faster? I think people will quit wvw faster, because they will see that their boons can't be used to defend themselves properly. they will just quit or probably wait until there are more players on their team. you want an inferior team to be afk in wvw and stare how superior teams will destroy everything?

when both equally strong teams will learn when to use the boons at appropriate times we will get the same situation. endless fights without any decisive moves. in other words these boons probably won't change anything and will just create higher learning curve. and if these boons weren't designed to be used like that it will probably break something else in the game.

you want the boons to be temporarily and this will make superior teams even more superior. I don't think that smaller well organized groups will have a chance to fight well organized bigger teams, because the bigger group already learned when to use the boons at the appropriate times. or we will get the same endless fighting situation we are having right now.

this is what you are thinking. you think that somehow the bigger group won't react to the smaller group and will get destroyed, because they didn't react properly and didn't use their defense abilities correctly (for whatever reasons). it's called guerilla warfare or some type of a ninja tactic. and you think this will be somehow possible just by changing how the boons work. so only for these type of situations you want to change how the boons work.

you want boons to basically have a higher learning curve and you think that smaller teams will be able to destroy bigger teams, just because the bigger teams havent learned how to use their boons correctly.

thats why i'm now thinking maybe you want a different pvp mode, like 30 vs 30 fights on smaller battlefield, or maybe a new wvw game mechanic, because you also didn't say anything about siege battles or lag/stutter. maybe they can add hardcore mode/event to wvw, that will make players die quicker.

Edited by Chaos God.1639
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