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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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The ability to put on a notification for the gem store, that will send an email when a desired item is available, or do that icon highlight as is done when new items are on sale.

I've been looking for a specific gathering tool for months, daily I thought, and I missed it during the March one-day sales, somehow. There's just too much noise on there when a player is looking for one specific item. I even limited my search to gathering tools, and I still missed it. Looking daily for a specific item is annoyingly tedious. In one case, it took over a year for the item to return to the gemstore.

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Qol for new players. The following items might attract new players and retain them:

  1. Increase bank space between 100 to 200. That should be plenty of bank space for six characters.
  2. Basic Backpack space is 20. This is too low. It should be around 30. I find myself trying to clean it out all the time instead of playing the game
  3. Trophies need to go or atleast made useful. I delete this stuff all the time. Takes up valuables space.
  4. The shared character item slot isn’t very useful. This should be the shared bank. I can access my bank here for each character. That would be really helpful.
  5. This would be great for new players.
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When we sell something on the trading post, a bird always flies over our head

Please let us turn it off

And trophies should be give their own space in the storage collection place

Yes we need more bank space, they should let banks have more tabs, 17 is too little

It should be 25 or 30

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Could we please have gem card codes available for online purchase through the gaming/tech stores in our country? Currently the only way to buy gems is with cards in store but for example there is only 1 store in my city that sells them and they are frequently out of stock. With our country being in lockdown now for the last 7 weeks with all non essential stores closed its highlighted the problem with buying through the gemstore in game with currency conversion and fees, gem purchases cost double vs buying an actual card. This must also be an issue for others apart from aussie/nz players. Id personally make 100% more impulse purchases if i could whip out my credit card and not be penalized because of the country i live in.

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@manky wench.4012 said:Could we please have gem card codes available for online purchase through the gaming/tech stores in our country? Currently the only way to buy gems is with cards in store but for example there is only 1 store in my city that sells them and they are frequently out of stock. With our country being in lockdown now for the last 7 weeks with all non essential stores closed its highlighted the problem with buying through the gemstore in game with currency conversion and fees, gem purchases cost double vs buying an actual card. This must also be an issue for others apart from aussie/nz players. Id personally make 100% more impulse purchases if i could whip out my credit card and not be penalized because of the country i live in.

I agree with what Manky Wench has said. I also live in NZ and refuse to buy gems in game because of the insane cost when it cost me a flat $15 or $25 to get gems at my local eb games. Atm though this has been impossible for the past 40 something days because of the lockdown in our country. So if you could please make it fair for us to buy gems in our own money and still get what US players get that would be nice.

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@manky wench.4012 said:Could we please have gem card codes available for online purchase through the gaming/tech stores in our country? Currently the only way to buy gems is with cards in store but for example there is only 1 store in my city that sells them and they are frequently out of stock. With our country being in lockdown now for the last 7 weeks with all non essential stores closed its highlighted the problem with buying through the gemstore in game with currency conversion and fees, gem purchases cost double vs buying an actual card. This must also be an issue for others apart from aussie/nz players. Id personally make 100% more impulse purchases if i could whip out my credit card and not be penalized because of the country i live in.totally agree, $25NZD gem card becomes double using gw2 site? kinda bs. i would be more inclined to buy more things if it was so dam expensive

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@"manky wench.4012" said:Could we please have gem card codes available for online purchase through the gaming/tech stores in our country? Currently the only way to buy gems is with cards in store but for example there is only 1 store in my city that sells them and they are frequently out of stock. With our country being in lockdown now for the last 7 weeks with all non essential stores closed its highlighted the problem with buying through the gemstore in game with currency conversion and fees, gem purchases cost double vs buying an actual card. This must also be an issue for others apart from aussie/nz players. Id personally make 100% more impulse purchases if i could whip out my credit card and not be penalized because of the country i live in.

This is more than fair. I too asked ANET via a ticket about the dwindling supply of Gem Cards in EB games. The reply I received was "try AMAZON". Again, the exchange rate is a killer and that is against their TOS for keys being sold. EB Games told me that they won't be getting a supply again from ANET as the cards don't sell. When I spoke to a manager of a store near me, I was told that when people find out they have them, they purchase almost all of the supply at once. When I can actually purchase a physical Gem Card, I will, but few and far between as they are either at a store that is really far away or not in stock when I am able to purchase them. The other problem is the exchange rate. It is not the actual fee that we are charged at our banks, it is the fee we are charged by Digital River International, the purchasing subsidiary of ANET. So please, please, please ANET, look at fixing this problem! You want more Aussies and NZ'ders playing and spending money, have EB Games keep the digital keys or restock them at least as this issue has made even more significant by the lockdown brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic!

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As an Aussie who professionally works with Digital River on many eCommerce solutions it is insane in this global economy to only be offering USD and having the customer pay the exchange rates. Digital River is more than capable to support AUD and NZD so Anet can set its price in local currency. Yes, it may be slightly higher than the $25 AUD for 2000 gems but it is better than the absolute reeming we are all taking with the conversions from USD to any other currency.

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When I hit my keyboard shortcut to switch the armor or skill template, it says "Activating Template"

It might be a bit hard to remember which template is on which key across all characters. Maybe you can show "Activating Template (name)" instead? For example "Activating Template Condi" or "Activating Template xXBerserkersXx3000_".

I would much appreciate that small change

(reposted here after being suggested for this thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1235618)

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Hai friends,I really really wish they would put a dps meter/ dps per second training dummy in home instance for sale on gem store. So I can once and for all theory craft without rely on arcdps that may or may not be accurate. Myself, and many people I play with, would all buy this in gem store if it was added. Something that we can accurately gauge dps, super out of the box healing as well, for theory crafting/benchmarking builds with a tool straight from Anet.-Immortal

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Guild Decoration vendor: Please either remove the buy confirmation, and/or enable the quantity selector to actually work. It is EXTREMELY tedious after festivals to sit and have to repeatedly click two little boxes over and over to use all your tokens. Most of the items at this vendor are ONLY redeemable there and have no other purpose, and the few exceptions I can't see what these speedbumps are really going to deter.

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Hello fellow players!Just adding a request that has most probably already been requested !

Please add Bauble Bubbles to bank [Material Storage], [Festive Meterials] section !I understand you can't add Baubles as this would bypass the limit of 250/500/750 you can carry, but for the Bauble Bubbles are just a pain to carry for no use.


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I'm sure this has been brought up before, but it seems like a simple thing to do, that would really make things easier, and honestly it makes no sense to me why it's not already implemented.Allow color changes to chat channels.

Why is this not already a thing? We're allowed up to 5 different guilds, and it would make life so much simpler to be able to color code them so it's easier to follow the conversations.

And since I'm posting, I might as well mention this.Why isn't there an /afk option?

I've seen old chat command lists on various websites that have it listed, but /AFK doesn't work. Was it here at one point and taken out of the game? I'd love to be able to just toss a quick /afk above my head if I'm just running out for a smoke, or bathroom break, or grab a drink, rather than have to announce that I'm leaving my desk for a minute or two.
Maybe it's because I'm an old lady, set in her ways.. but I was able to /afk in MMO's way back in 1999. It was a good option then, and I see no reason for it not to be available now. Especially because I have to afk to pee a lot more than I did 20 years ago :tongue:

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An awesome QoL change would be,Adding more unique exotic weapon drops to different world bosses. Some new unique skins you can unlock as a rare drop from fighting the shadow behemoth or other world bosses would be very cool, I think to add maybe 5-10 new weapon skins to different world bosses could go a long way for players.

Another cool change would be adding new events to the starter zones, or at least an overarching game event as you did for the Mordrem invading fore Tyria.

All in all, I wish that core Tyria got as much love as the new maps.I know that would make less money but I think it would make more people happy. I really love the game and if you need to create a new form of monetization to help these updates, that'd be fine by me.Maybe you can add an optional subscription that would give you access to all the places like the RoyalTerrace, and a deal like that brew of a month club.I would jump at the opportunity to give you guys money for something like that.

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A dye preview in other preview windows like "outfits" or "mounts", so that we can see the dye channels and how the items look when we try to dye those items.

I think this can help us making better descissions if we should buy an item or not.

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Realy small thing, but imporving the legendary weapon skill effects. The most stuning and epic skills doesnt get the legendary effects (Ranger Barrage) and sometimes it comes out akward the skill isnt modified from the effect (Guardian symbols: holy-style blue-ish/white-ish with Twilight's dark blackness/redness), or simply does nothing special (Shooshadoo -> Guardian Shield of Absorption / Warrior Shield Stance). They are asesome looking, but compared for the price and prestige of such weapons, not only specific skills should get the effect, but all of them (or atleast all those, wich has the most visual potencial, like Ranger Barrage). On the shields its underperformance to only have it on projectile skills

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