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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I would love a tome to store all my other tomes in... or something like that. I have six different teleport scrolls (Lily of the Elon, etc.) or travel tomes (Icebrood Saga, Living story tomes, etc.) taking up space. How much nicer if they could all be put inside one big tome... perhaps one that interfaces like the LFG menu?

Thank you. :)

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I was looking at achieves under Explorer and noticed Legendary Armorer (Bind 6 unique legendary armor pieces). Nothing indicates which Legendary Armor counts (I believe it was originally for PvP)  but it is obvious WvW Legendary Armor doesn't count. Please update to include ALL Legendary armor no matter where you got it since it is an achievement just to make it. Everyone should be rewarded with that title for the effort they put in to make it. Maybe give additional titles for making each level (light, medium, heavy). Anyone who had made these are definitely dedicated! 

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On 6/20/2021 at 9:37 AM, Aeon.4583 said:

Please lower PvP rank requirement for Mistforged Glorious Armor from Rank 100 to 50.

As alternative, allow us to buy Slumbering Mistforged Chest and Mistforged Helm, Shoulders, Gloves, Leggings and Boots at rank 50, while Mistforged Chest ( one with wings-effect ) will stay at PvP Rank 100.

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So, since I quite frequently change the appearance of my characters, I use 'Total Makeover Kits' a lot. Recently the idea of a button that would reset the sliders in this kit to default, especially the face detail sliders, came to my mind.


Reason for this is, that every time you change the gender or the appearance in general of your character, the sliders stay were they are. But since they were, in most cases I assume, adjusted to suit the previous gender and face choices, they might not be optimal for the new choices. Sliding all sliders to the center manually is generally quite tedious and having a button that does it for you automatically would be a fantastic QoL update to the kit. 


I am curious how others think about this idea. Let me know. 

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Since Primordius is dead too early, and that you added a primordius plush with this dragon bash, I suppose you don't want to hear nor use destroyers anymore or involve depths of tyria or asura in any plots?


If so I ask you, Anet to give as much as you gave to jormag to primordius:

-> The frost legion armor got released in gemstore

-> Ryland greatsword is obtainable.

-> Frost legion infusion were added.

-> Minis, boneskinner, whisper of jormag, icebrood construct, corrupted norn spirits, varinia stormsound, frost legion soldier...

->Boneskinner weapons and their upgraded versions.

-> Black lion weapon set of the Frost legion.

-> A material literraly called shard of crystallized blood of Jormag.

-> Frost legion tribune manica hand skin.

-> Dominions tribunes weapons.

-> Icy chair on gemstore.

(Plus norns and charrs armors)


What about primordius?

-> Stone summit set that isn't even finished.  Chestplate and leg armor are missing.

-> Volcanic chair.

-> Mini destroyer of the last king. (The wyvern/worm)

-> A primordius plush.  Nothing in fact.


And that's it. AND THAT'S IT?

No armors. No themed weapons.

No destroyer skin infusion more affordable than the charred one. No champion weapon.

No elite desoyer themed equipments.

No black lion chest destroyer themed weapon set. Nothing for asura nor sylvari.

No unique destroyer foes and associated weapons or minis.


Just. Why. Why. The saga is called icebrood saga not flame and frost or primordius. It is not too late to add a dialogue in the next story step stating this is a simulation and that those two dragons are still alive.

Coming back after EoD for LS6: roaring flames and primordius.


Sigh, at least add more Primordius related items in the game. You have plenty of concept arts you can use. 







Funny, originally destroyers were called Tannek. And they seems far of being dumb or just animal, some wearing metal plated armors or weapons maybe some stolen to dwarves.


It's normal having players disliking primordius or going underground when the thing is badly sold.

Making just 3 models of destroyers in 8 years, not even putting armors on them. Even stating they are made of volcanic stones encapsulating calcined flesh would make it more interesting. It s not the example missing: the devourer destroyer queen, the destroyer of last king lying eggs, the imbued grawl shaman, subject alpha, the frost beast of ls3, corrupted braham...

Even using a device or creating a kind of bond with artifacts to understand destroyers and speak with them...


In many mind currently it is:

Underground= tangled depths= maze claustrophobia = bad

Destroyer= just 3 different attack and not speaking = nothing to discuss, no corruptions, no variety of troops = boring


A shame for a game based on dragons since 2013. Svanirs and asura acting like nothing happened. Welp.


Edited by hugo.4705
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Prob already added ... Turn off Primers (that i pay cash for) and other timed buffs when not on active game maps (in cities/towns/staging areas).  Having them tick away while you work on your character is inspiring me to stop using them.

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6 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

There already exists a thread for QoL requests.  Why start a new one?

Why discuss anything at all? I mean, the game has been around for, what, 9 years now. I’m sure everything that possibly could be discussed has already been discussed somewhere. Why not just put the forums in read only mode? Then people wouldn’t need to waste time policing the forums for threads they think shouldn’t exist. 

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5 hours ago, Cleopatra.4068 said:

Why discuss anything at all? I mean, the game has been around for, what, 9 years now. I’m sure everything that possibly could be discussed has already been discussed somewhere. Why not just put the forums in read only mode? Then people wouldn’t need to waste time policing the forums for threads they think shouldn’t exist. 

When new threads are created that don't add anything new to the topic, I agree.  However, we know that the devs review the QoL thread, so if players want suggestions like this to be seen, then that is the place to put them. It is also conveniently stickied to the top of the forum for easy viewing.  The devs don't take the time to read every single thread.

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Probably a long shot but is there any chance we (Asuran's) can get bigger weapons?  I play a scrapper and my hammer seems a lil small.  Other races weapons are like twice their size, think 1.5 X would be good for Asuran.  Like you can barely see the weapons.  Come on, give me and inch, and I won't take a mile... ;) I'm also reluctant to buy any skins in gem store because I can't see them either... (if arena net needs financial motivation). And YES! It is ultra unrealistic for something that small to be wielding something that big, but it's a GAME.  Come on!  

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So for the replay old living season episodes we got as rewards:


Pact weapons for LS2.

Ley Line weapons for LS3.


For LS4, what would make sense is Branded weapons set. Branded are in all episode apart Episode 3.

For LS5 aka icebrood saga, what make the more sense is Ice Reaver weapons set. The thing is based around jormag so...

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It's common for guildies to offer surplus items (especially dyes) to others, then mail them. But they get ganked by message suppression very quickly; that's a really annoying nuisance. Please exempt mails to guildies, or mails to guildies with an item as payload, from the spam suppression system. 

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I don't know if this was ever suggested and disputed as not doable or heftier on the game, but it seems to me like something half implemented as a concept. This idea of mine stems from how people always have that bit of "I wish these outfits were skins and we could mix and match". Most people know it's a feature where if you hide your headpiece, it'll hide it on the outfit also. However I have an idea to expand on this concept with having hidden headpieces function separate from hidden headpiece of outfits. Just to help visualize the effect it would offer to the fashion crowd, you could hide the chef outfit's hat, and have a creepier/more suspicious style headpiece like a hood or mask, and be like a psycho butcher. Could do glasses/sunglasses with outfits, or cat/bunny ears with outfits, or horns with outfits, even actual normal headpiece armor skins  with outfits. It would more than double the usability of outfits by just a mere functionality change.

Edited by WinterSolstice.7829
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16 hours ago, WinterSolstice.7829 said:

However I have an idea to expand on this concept with having hidden headpieces function separate from hidden headpiece of outfits.

If I remember correctly, years ago when they changed outfits from individual pieces like armor into the present system, this was argued as a better system than splitting armor and outfits into two separate things, and Anet said that they way outfits were now set, it wasn't possible to mix and match because of the engine or coding or something.  Being some... what 7 years ago or so?  I don't remember the exact details, so anyone who does is welcome to correct me, but the takeaway was that it wasn't possible.  Though I completely agree with the idea.  If it WAS possible, I'd love to see it expanded to gloves and perhaps shoulders as well.

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ATM you can only zoom close if you run against a wall or reduce your FoV setting but it's not a great solution. I think it would be nice to see our characters from closer especially for a game relying so much on fashion.

Waddaya think ?



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