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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I would like it that they split Equipment tab in the Hero panel into two tabs, one solely for Equipment and one for Wardrobe/Outfits/Dyes/Glider Skins/Mounts/Novelties/Miniatures/Finishers/Mail Carriers. Call it 'Personalization' or whatever. Cause you far more often access your Equipment than anything else, this would reduce the potential amount of clicks of getting there.

Also move Titles from the Achievements tab to this new 'Personalization' tab. Eventhough you acquire titles through achievements, they make far more sense in a tab dedicated to personalization/customization of the character.


Could the White Mantle Portal Device and Position Rewinder be changed into a Novelty?

I would also like it if the Mount and Novelty buttons could be fullsize rather than mini.

Edited by Phobia.9651
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Makes Blades Shards https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blade_Shard not account bound anymore and sellable on Trading post or increase by a lot the drop rates from aetherblades at "Second aetherblade site" in gandarran field or in marionette fight.


Indeed; the gift of blades and different stades of backpack spinal blades were created during LS1 when those were abundant thnaks to battle of Lion's arch and other events. Now it is a pain to find those, how am I supposed to craft my tempered and infused spinal blades without blade shards? The current drop rate feels like 1/200 on aetherblade members, awful.


This is the occasion to make that item tradable on trading post since you brought back the marionette who allow farming sprocklet to get the very useful "watchwork mechanism" also used in spinal blades backpacks.

Edited by hugo.4705
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I'm not sure if any of these have been posted as there are hundreds of pages on this thread but:

Customization sells, people like looking/feeling like special snowflakes.

1. More outfits like Phalanx and Trickster with individual pieces or more individual pieces like the stylish shoes but different articles of clothing. The stylish shoes on heavy class are really silly with plated leggings. More pants options on light armor besides the elegy set. Given the fact that heavy armor are illogical and silly anyway and Anet has been doing skins like the metal legion t-shirt and the Raven/Bear Ceremonial armor that are practically the same on all classes. More skins like that that aren't the generic plate armor on heavy, trench coat on medium etc. More options, essentially, more opportunities when it comes to fashion wars.


Also for a liberal and progressive game, Anet is not very progressive on the clothing styles based on gender, unless it's charr.

2. Dyable weapon skins. Even if it is only future Black Lion Weapon sets or skins bought in the gem store like the new Devil axe. Similar to how dyable gliders and back pieces were implemented. Would likely sell more dye sets if people could dye their weapons.

3. More hair style options for all races, perhaps packs that add hairstyles to the hairstyle kit. 

4. Implementation of a tattoo or scar slot or an option for these that don't take up the helmet slot on the armor.  Perhaps a premium option similar to the premium hairstyles and faces in a makeover kit. There could be packs that add different options.

5. The ability to preview infusion effects before selling an infusion received OR buying an infusion. 

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QOL, 25% Run Speed ENRICHMENTS for gems or laurels. Why do we have to run slow in this game? Its the only game i know of that has almost no run speed help, potions, etc... Make something so we do not have to run around so slow that everyone leaves us behind...



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5 hours ago, RobMonty.3719 said:

QOL, 25% Run Speed ENRICHMENTS for gems or laurels. Why do we have to run slow in this game? Its the only game i know of that has almost no run speed help, potions, etc... Make something so we do not have to run around so slow that everyone leaves us behind...



What? Between permanent trait options, swiftness, several runes, and *mounts*, how are you moving slow and find no cure for this?

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A couple of QoL ideas for dungeon vendors -

1) It'd be awesome if dungeon armor/weapons were stat selectable to the prefixes you've got unlocked on your account , they take just as much (if not more) work to aquire as the bladed armor boxes and it'd a nice alternative option for people gearing characters that don't use central tyria stat combos.


2) It's a very minor thing but I think it'd be great to have the Dungeons Weapon/Armor vendor outside the respective dungeons (In addition to the one in LA). It'd allow new players to learn about the token system easier and see all the cool new skins or exotics they could be getting if they gave the dungeons a try. It's minor but so many people I've introduced to the game don't read their mails properly/aren't aware there are even dungeons in the game and if they are aware, they're definitely not aware of the unique weapon and armor skins in them! The vendor in LA is hard to run across accidentally if you're not looking for it, so I think it'd be a neat addition 🙂


and a very minor fashionwars suggestion -

A toggle for legendary footfalls the same way we can toggle whether a weapon shows on our character when stowed would be amazing if it's possible! 🙂

I have Meteorlogicus and the Minstrel but footfalls are only shown for the main-hand weapon. The Minstrels footfalls suit my character much better than the lightning footfalls that Meteorlogicus has, so I'd love the option to be able to turn off the main-hand footfalls to only show the off-hand ones.

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Selling a Guild Name Change Ticket on the gem store, this will make Anet some money as I see there are people who change their Guild Name very frequently. 

Off course all the security measure need to come into consideration. IE only guild leader can buy and use guild name change ticket. and some other precautions. 

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Old player coming back to the game after about a year away from it. Still an awesome game, however the inventory is still super daunting for someone just logging in to their character for the first time in a while.

QoL suggestion :
Can't we have different tabs in the inventory for items of different purposes ? I'd like at least for those items :
- Quest/Key items
- Collection items
- Trophies

to have their own dedicated tabs (independent to the rest of the inventory bags), so I won't have to spend time on wikipedia for every single item to make sure I'm not deleting or selling something that I will need later on in my progression.

Edited by Tabootrinket.2631
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The Boreal trunks are a great way to get 32 slot bags through game play rather than just raw gold. However they're severely limited in that they are only basic type bags. If there was a way to transform them into invisible, equipment, oiled, etc bags that would make them far more useful IMO and would make me actually do the collection to craft them. The recipe could be a mystic forge recipe that requires the 32 slot boreal trunk, 250 eitrite, 250 hatched chilis (or eternal ice, I just figure hatched chilis need more uses), and the 20 slot bag of the variety you want. This would still make the conversion have some noticeable cost in both gold and gameplay time but would make the bags far more useful. It would also encourage players to actually play Grothmar Valley and Bitterfrost long term.



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Not sure this is the right place but: Moss Back Skimmer skin. With the update last week, it changed from a gradient effect (rainbow) on the moss when using white or gray colors to plain color. I got it because the gradient was amazing. Please give it back or give us a gradient dye!!  

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How about u make those legendary trinket effect infusions and convert the trinkets to standard  like the wvw trinkets.


3 infusions can stack the effect, that way ppl can choose to put the effects on or not.

 should be simpler than finding some special trick

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how about you add some more daily activities to complete the daily completionist?

ATM it's either you run around for half an hour looking for boring events (e.g. go do boring world stuff that doesn't matter at all)... or you go PvP... As for me, a new player - PvP sucks kitten. I have no clue what i'm doing, yet there's always a guy in the opposing team who could go 1v5 and still win. I don't want that. I don't want to participate in it, but i don't want to do 4 boring events even more. Please, can we get something at least half as quick as going for PvP reward?

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  • Stat changeability for WvW infusions (or a way to exchange them for infusions with different stats)
  • A memory feature for legendary weapon stats within the current loadout
  • To copy armor colors as well when copying an equipment loadout to another tab
  • To copy names as well when copying a build to another tab


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Suggestion to improve stat customization:  Make different Rune combinations viable


Currently the stats see increasing returns as you add more runes. This works against combinations and customization and should not work that way. The stats should be roughly linear from 1-6 runes and some of the big bonuses should happen at 2, 3 and 4 rather than 6. This would allow a lot more and interesting rune combos and stat customization. 

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