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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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This would avoid having issues with finding the infusion is not what you would expect and waste ressources and time trying to go for them.
I got a Crystal Infusion and it was completely not what was previewed on the Wiki (which is the current only way to preview a sample of the look).
The issue lead to me wasting several tomes of knowledge and a few level boosts.

So I think it would be very nice and useful to be able to have the Infusion Previewable.

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I want some UI improvements:


1. Larger current target marker.

When changing targets with "Tab" it's hard to see, which one is selected. I suggest option to have huge (really huge) arrow above target and also thick outline around it. Obviously it should be possible to turn it on/off.


2. Casting bar

I want it to be much better visible than now. May be change color to something brighter and add outline to it. Again, it is possible to have it style configurable (may be even several different styles).


3. Reduce visual clutter

FFXIV has very useful setting to limit displayed animations. It has 3 groups: self, group, other players. For each group it has 3 positions: full, limited, none. I want to have similar settings in this game, because even my own animations sometimes feels too flashy. And several players' attacks are absolutely unreadable.

Also I suggested same settings for PvE enemies, especially bosses. To many flashes, explosions and other effects.


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Can we get a group pose(Gpose) just like FFXIV has? It's really annoying to take screenshots of your character right now cause every time you want to take them you have to change the camera's settings and it still doesn't look good. Please, for the Fashion Wars!😊

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My friends and I enjoy the "real" GW2 end game - Fashion. And we often swap out our outfits while we play. Pink on Wednesdays, a Final Fantasy themed Whm / Blm / Blu trio. And it gets really frustrating when there's a combination a love, but have to remember and reassemble it every time.


I would GLADLY pay for fashion template slots. 😅 I'm already paying to swap my wardrobe styles...


I can't be the only one wanting something like this?

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So i have doubts about this one. Mostly because it would end up as another monetized system on a per character basis and i'm not sure if i would just rather have an update on how equipment templates work.


In my mind, what i miss is that each equipment template also saves your choice of glider, outfit, mount skin and dyes. Sure, the proposed fashion template could also do that and it would be fine as long as the whole system let's you easily assign a specific fashion template to an equipment template... but it ends up coming down to having two similar and costly systems that unlock per character rather than account and that could be easily merged into one, even if it's not the ideal for the way you and your friends like to approach fashion while playing the game ( sounds like a lot of fun btw).




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1 minute ago, Geckoo.6018 said:

So i have doubts about this one. Mostly because it would end up as another monetized system on a per character basis and i'm not sure if i would just rather have an update on how equipment templates work.


In my mind, what i miss is that each equipment template also saves your choice of glider, outfit, mount skin and dyes. Sure, the proposed fashion template could also do that and it would be fine as long as the whole system let's you easily assign a specific fashion template to an equipment template... but it ends up coming down to having two similar and costly systems that unlock per character rather than account and that could be easily merged into one, even if it's not the ideal for the way you and your friends like to approach fashion while playing the game ( sounds like a lot of fun btw).




Frankly i agree with you here. Having the already existing templates be expanded to include mounts/gliders and outfits would be alot better than this.


Also, am i wrong or does it not save your pets per build template?

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Once upon a time, the dye that you applied to your armour was remembered, even when you swapped out equipment. Sure, sometimes that meant different things when a major dye channel became a minor one, but it was a memory of sorts. I have no idea why that disappeared.


But if you really want a specific look, there's always just buying another loadout tab and putting your specific look in there. I'm sure you don't already have 6 different weapon/armor stat combinations.

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All I want is the ability to dye outfits (and mounts and gliders) differently instead of having them all share one set of dyes.


I wouldn't mind the ability to link an outfit, glider, mount etc. and swap to them all together but having played games with that option (either by default or through mods) I doubt I'd use it very much. I tend to set a couple of combinations up on my main character and then never really use them, or I end up making changes every time I do use them because I don't want all the same things in the same combination every single time, so it's pointless for me. But I know it's a popular system among other players. Case in point; every time I tried asking for a way to mark certain cosmetics as favourites in Elder Scrolls Online I was recommended a different addon which saved sets like that, there must have been a dozen of them before someone finally made one to save individual favourites instead of batches, so it's clearly a popular system, just not for me.


But if I could swap from one outfit to another without having to stop what I'm doing and change the dyes (trying to remember or figure out all over again what looks good on that outfit) I'd use them a lot more often, and probably use more of them.

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  • Characters sized by height, not width (hence the current cut-offs)
  • 100% neutral lighting like we used to have pre-PoF
  • Feet not covered by textures



  • Selectable backgrounds/themes
  • Sorting options for characters (by race, profession, level, playtime, or custom)


Edited by LadyEden.7519
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Could you remove message (mail) restrictions for long-time players? Or at the very least make them more bearable? The way it currently works hinders players more than it protects them. If I want to share dyes and items with multiple people, I'm only allowed to send some to 2 people at a time. Then I have to wait a few minutes and it happens again. If I invested 8 years into the game, I will likely not abuse the message system to harass people just to get banned and lose my account.

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Though my experiences has mainly been from PvP mostly, I feel that OFFLINE either shouldn't be able to message, or can be able to message Friends on their list. It just feels a bit counter intuitive to be able to message people while appearing offline (people can't message back). This is especially confusing when in sPvP where you are not sure if players 'blocked' you or if they are just Offline.

Though it's more related to PvP, I feel some QoL fix would benefit all of GW2 chat. 



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I'm curious about an apparent policy regarding character number limits in the game.


Currently, the total number of characters one can have per account is 72 (69 for Tyria, +1 for HoT, +1 for PoF, +1 for EoD, presumably if each of the latter three was pre-purchased before release).


While I get that recycling a character who's outlived their usefulness is a thing, there are a lot of places that are easier to farm if you park a character (or 20) there to farm it, so it's not like extra characters are useless, even if you can only play them one at a time.


With 9 new elite specializations coming out, there will be that much more variety to the game.  5 character races each with 36 potential professions (1 core, 3 elite specializations each once EoD is out), gives you 180 different builds without once overlapping anything.  When the game first came out, it was a total of 45 characters who all had only a core profession (with an additional 45 for each new specialization).


The specializations have expanded a LOT, but the limit on character slots hasn't.


For a "quality of life" issue, one would think that the maximum number of character slots per account would be enough for one build from each core profession and specialization for every race.  But it's less than half that.


I'm curious why that limit exists in the first place, since you can only play one character at a time.  Failing a sound technical explanation, I'd propose raising the limit to at least 180 once EoD is out.  I'd also suggest adding a search by name function, since finding one particular character gets challenging after about 22 characters, let alone 180.


And for those who will inevitably ask why do this, I'll just say that some folks love the character creation process, and don't want to waste their time doing that by killing off that character to make another one.  Besides, some of the rewards for birthdays are great, and having a lot of characters helps build up otherwise limited amounts of things the presents come with.

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Add Slumbering Vision and Slumbering Aurora - or any other Legendary Trinket as a reward for players who have both: Vision and Aurora unlocked.

Whatever reasons you have which stops you from adding effect checkboxes for Aurora and Vision, there is a good alternative:

Once Player have Aurora and Vision unlocked, that player will receive two Tokens to buy Slumbering Aurora and Slumbering Vision. If not Slumbering versions, just add new Accessory of Legendary quality without Unique tag which will go into Armory and serve as non-cosmetic alternative.


Conflux does not have Unique tag and can be crafted twice.

Legendary Greatswords are independent and Eternity can be crafted with Tokens.


Simple non-unique legendary Accessory without cosmetic effect as a reward for players who have Aurora and Vision unlocked. Maximum possible unlocks in Armory: 2.

Edited by Aeon.4583
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I want dagger skins that look like throwing knives. I just spent a good amount of time looking over all of the possible dagger skins, and then again with my guild and friends, and I ended up settling on the most basic Dagger skin. I'm pretty sure that it's the first dagger skin that anyone unlocks. Anyway, it's nOt gOoD eNoUgH. None of the daggers look like throwing knives!


When I do my Dancing Dagger thief skill, I want it to look like I'm actually throwing a simple, short, small, straight knife. Please, ANet... make some throwing knife dagger skins 😄

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Since the zhaitaffy gobbler does the same as the snowflake gobbler (25% exp buff in all game modes) I thought: Why not make them equal per use?

5 pieces of Zhaitaffy per use instead of 25.

If you like it or agree feel free to upvote so ArenaNet see's and hopefully considers to change it 🙂


@ArenaNet Please also consider to let us use the gobblers during prep-phase. Since they are also for PvP why aren't we allowed to use it ? 😛

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First, there really isn't any upvoting here.


Second, tagging Anet doesn't guarantee that they will even look at your post/thread.  You should post your suggestions in the official suggestion thread where we've been told on multiple occasions that Anet looks there.  It is far easier for them to follow one thread than to scan all of the forums for every suggestion.  😉


Good luck with your request.

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Can we please get the option to disable the special projectiles that legendary weapons have? Currently, we have the option to disable the special noise effects, but I would like to disable the custom visual effects from these weapons.

This is something that has meaningful gameplay ramifications in PvP, because skills that normally have unique projectiles (e.g. True Shot) end up having the same projectile as a regular auto attack.

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