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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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10 minutes ago, Bournster.2607 said:

ah did not realize you would use crafting to level up with i normally just map complete/stories when levelling a char

Hm, does someone really use crafting to level up anymore?


I would use Birthday scrolls (9x60, 13x50, 13x40, 13x30) and Tome's (>1000) lying around in my bank for the next 35+ lvl 80 chars I will likely never make 🙂

Edited by Dayra.7405
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7 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

Hm, does someone really use crafting to level up that anymore?


I would use Birthday scrolls and Tome's for the next 35+ lvl 80 chars I will likely never make 🙂

I do.  I use the birthday scrolls to get to 60, but I have a full 71 chars and at 20 tomes per char to make up the difference, crafting is cheaper.  Crafting pops a char from level 60 to level 80 in about a half hour or less, and since your leveling your character doesn't care what crafting level you are at, I can do it with my surplus low-level mats that my level 500 crafting chars don't need anymore.

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Change Mystic Forge UI and make it more look like the regular crafting stations.


What I mean by that is that learned recipes stay as information in the UI.

Crafting via mystic forge can access storage and bank as well number of items one like to craft.


thank u 

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It's quick and easy. I suggest 3 food types instead of the 2 we have so far (Nourishment and Utility)


I recommend 3 types of food. The first 2 stay the same as normal, but make the third type of food be "downed" combat food buff. 


People aren't going to build and make their builds strong for downstate, it's just not practical, so having to choose between Power nourishment food and downstate food is obnoxious. 


If we aren't eliminating down state and immediately going towards death, then I recommend this as a choice or 2nd option. I can't see the harm in this.


What do you guys think?





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22 minutes ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

Nope. Downed state shouldn't be a part of your rotation because you play full dps glass cannon build and you can't kill 3 mobs without almost dying. You should do whatever you can to not go into downed state.

But you can find Bowl of Fire Salsa It's +100% downed health.

Yea the OP want to be able to use that food ( renaming it downstate food) and dps food and utility tho.

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2 hours ago, AikijinX.6258 said:

What do you guys think?





What do I think?  I think that this should be in the stickied QoL thread where we have been told that the devs review.  It is far easier for them to check that thread for the latest "unread" items than to browse the entire forum.

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Character Selection Screen

Customize Character Ordering


I would like to be able to set the order of my characters on the character selection screen.  


I rely on the order that I currently have due to my blindness, but others will find it useful as well.  For me, I need a specific ordering so I know what character I'm logging onto when I double click it.  


With the current system, when I log onto a character I must subsequently log onto every preceding character, in order, to maintain the organization.  Further, I must do something on each character I log onto, else they don't override position one.  Failure to override position one means I lost track of where the character is regarding the character selection screen.


Others will find customization of character ordering on the select screen useful, as one could organizae characters by content played, aesthetics, etc.  It just makes it easier to find everyone.

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11 minutes ago, Jilora.9524 said:

I think this is all because you downed someone in wvw and they got rezzed and it's more of a remove downstate in disguise because you want to jump someone from stealth and run off before anyone can react and downstate makes that hard.


Haha good theory, I enjoyed that 😄 But no. And this theory rests on the idea of me being the one that's up and not down. 


However I do and am in support of the elimination of downstate, however I just think that if they are not going to remove it, then why not have food for when you're in  downstate, because I do think that downstate damage is kinda low and doesn't offer good ability to * stand a fighting chance *

Edited by AikijinX.6258
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Here's my question. Why is there going to be a DirectX 11 upgrade now of all times? DirectX 11 was out BEFORE Guild Wars 2 (by nearly 3 years). The last version of DirectX 11 for the major operating system at the time (Win7) ALSO came out before Guild Wars 2 (by about 3 weeks). I mean, I'm sure there's some kind of logistics behind the decision, but...why not just straight up go for DirectX 12? It's not like it's that new either, the first version came out in 2015, about 3 years after Guild Wars 2, and newer versions support raytracing (now THERE'S a graphical upgrade for you). Plus, there's already D912PXY which they could work with for a quick, slapdash implementation before doing a real DX12 rework. I dunno, I just don't get it.


Well, since we all know that won't happen for another 9 years, how about this idea? Fix the mount bug that ALWAYS comes back AFTER EVERY MAJOR PATCH. When I go to WvW, my mount changes to Warclaw, but that change persists and when I exit WvW, my mount key for the open world is now Warclaw. This bug has been going on ever since the Warclaw was implemented and it comes back EVERY SINGLE MAJOR PATCH. I don't understand what's going on here. Can't you just fix it in the patch BEFORE it gets deployed? And why does it always happen with every patch? Why can't it just be fixed once? I'm not bashing anyone or anything, please don't take this negatively, it just genuinely confuses and interests me. I almost wonder if it might not be a better idea to just have a dedicated Warclaw key separate from the mount key at this point rather than having the game just change what mount you have selected.

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7 hours ago, Sasori.8642 said:

Here's my question. Why is there going to be a DirectX 11 upgrade now of all times? DirectX 11 was out BEFORE Guild Wars 2 (by nearly 3 years). The last version of DirectX 11 for the major operating system at the time (Win7) ALSO came out before Guild Wars 2 (by about 3 weeks). I mean, I'm sure there's some kind of logistics behind the decision, but...why not just straight up go for DirectX 12? It's not like it's that new either, the first version came out in 2015, about 3 years after Guild Wars 2, and newer versions support raytracing (now THERE'S a graphical upgrade for you). Plus, there's already D912PXY which they could work with for a quick, slapdash implementation before doing a real DX12 rework. I dunno, I just don't get it.


Dx 12 is a complete different API than Dx9 and Dx11. Dx 12 is also much more complexe. So it is the better move to upgrade to Dx11 from 9 because they share some similarities. Dx 11 will also offer better graphic Tools and in the best case, better Performance. 

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Show full bag description on mouse hover

When you hover over an equipped bag, you can only see the name and capacity.  Please add the full description and change the capitalization from title case to sentence case.


Current tooltip

20 Slot Invisible Bag

12 / 20 Slots Full


After this change

20 Slot Invisible Bag

12 / 20 slots full. Items in this bag will never appear in a sell-to-vendor list and will not move when inventory is sorted.

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need a more convenient birthday cake please:

passive: auto gain the buff if no any other nourishment on

active: put a cake with fireworks to give everyone the buff who is nearby and have no any other nourishment on

the cake will still on the land for those coming late

furthermore, maybe the passive effect require the cake in inventory, but the better is become an perma account buff (but only affect without other nourishment), and the best is able to stack with other nourishment~

thanks very much!

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Armory for unbreakable gathering tools


I posted this a long time ago before armory was even announced, and the armory is exactly what I wanted for the unbreakable gathering tools. I want to be able to equip them on each toon like the armory. I currently have them on shared inventory slots and it's a PITA to equip/unequip them on every single toon I have parked at some rich node/flax farm.


Indication of person in party/squad that I have blocked


Sometimes I block people, cause they are not very nice, or had troubles with them in the past and I don't want to have them in the same party/squad. It would be nice to have some indication in the party/squad box for people we have blocked, like a red border, or something, so I can either kick or leave and don't have to interact with them. Right now I have to right click every single person and see if I have a "Block" or "Unblock" there to determine if they are blocked, would be good QoL/UX to have an indicator.


Don't let people you have blocked as a Commander to join your squad


Similar to last one, people sometimes spam /sqjoin <yournamehere> when you kick/block them. I should have the peace of mind to not have people do that (I've had instances of people doing it for 15+ mins) so I can Raid/Strike peacefully


Personal/Private markers on map like Commander can do on squad


Sometimes I want to tag someone/something and don't want people to see my mark, would be nice if this functionality was available to everyone in game and not just Commander/Lieutenant.


Ready Check on party


Same as squads, parties also need to ready check, for example fractals. Should have similar functionality available for parties.

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