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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Ich hoffe ich Poste hier richtig.

Ich hätte einen kleinen Vorschlag für Guild wars 2. 

und zwar find ich die Gilden Rüstung ziemlich cool jedoch ist das Wappen drauf wenn man sie ausgerüstet hat.

Das sieht dann nicht mehr so cool aus aber wenn man dann ohne Wappen das Design haben möchte muss man der Gilde Repräsentieren somit ist man in keiner Gilde mehr und hat die ganzen Bonis nicht kitten. #

Klar ist der Sin einer Gilden Rüstung das man sie Repräsentiert und somit ein Wappen sichtbar ist trotzdem würde es sehr cool sein ,wenn man bei der Gildenrüstung einen Hacken hätte (Ausrüstung ) das man den Wappen deaktivieren oder aktivieren könnte.


ich hoffe jemand aus den Guild wars 2Team ließt dies hier und kann es umsetzen..

Es ist nur was kleines aber auch kleine Dinge sind wichtig 🙂

Mit Freundlichen Grüßen 

Ein Guild Wars 2 Spieler

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5 minutes ago, ScHaCo.6837 said:


Ich hoffe ich Poste hier richtig.

Ich hätte einen kleinen Vorschlag für Guild wars 2. 

und zwar find ich die Gilden Rüstung ziemlich cool jedoch ist das Wappen drauf wenn man sie ausgerüstet hat.

Das sieht dann nicht mehr so cool aus aber wenn man dann ohne Wappen das Design haben möchte muss man der Gilde Repräsentieren somit ist man in keiner Gilde mehr und hat die ganzen Bonis nicht kitten. #

Klar ist der Sin einer Gilden Rüstung das man sie Repräsentiert und somit ein Wappen sichtbar ist trotzdem würde es sehr cool sein ,wenn man bei der Gildenrüstung einen Hacken hätte (Ausrüstung ) das man den Wappen deaktivieren oder aktivieren könnte.


ich hoffe jemand aus den Guild wars 2Team ließt dies hier und kann es umsetzen..

Es ist nur was kleines aber auch kleine Dinge sind wichtig 🙂

Mit Freundlichen Grüßen 

Ein Guild Wars 2 Spieler

From google translate:


I hope I am posting this in the correct place.
I have a little suggestion for Guild Wars 2.

I find the guild armor pretty cool, but the coat of arms is on it when you have it equipped.

It doesn't look so cool anymore, but if you want the design without a crest, you have to represent the guild, so you're not in a guild anymore and don't have all the bonuses. #

Of course, the purpose of a guild armor is that you represent it and thus a coat of arms is visible, but it would be very cool if you had a hook for the guild armor (equipment) that you could activate or deactivate the coat of arms.
Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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For a long time, I hadn't bothered purchasing most of the Dragon's End Legendary recipes.  I mostly focused on building up materials instead, until about a week ago.  I figured I had collected plenty materials and started buying the recipes.  I bought about 6 or 7 of them, then started clicking on them to learn the recipes.  It said that one (the Dragon axe) that I had bought I already knew!  I'm not sure if I found it as a treasure from a kill, or I had bought it before I decided to hold off on buying the recipes, or what.  But I found I was unable to sell the recipe back to the merchant I had just bought it from.


Why is this not allowed in the game?  Those recipes are quite expensive, it would have been nice to sell that one back to the vender and chosen another one.  I know that in this case it was my fault for not watching more carefully to see the red lettered "You already know this recipe", but I didn't think I knew any of them yet and I got sloppy.  But I feel merchants should buy back the items they sell to you, even if there is a bit of a loss incurred for the player's mistake for doing so.

Edited by Samurai.9567
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I agree, and I'd be satisfied with a 10 min return period or something like that.  Long enough for me to go oopsie when I get overzealous or misclick, realize the mistake, and then be able to exchange it.   Sometimes, no matter how much we read and pay attention, some latency or sloppy fingers betray us.  

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I would really love to have the weapons we learn with new elite specializations be available to all of the specializations/core profession, at least in PvE.


I understand the skills and utilities not staying but it really seems off to me that you would learn how to utilize a new weapon and then just lose that ability when switching out profession specific traits.  PvE is structured in a way that you can use weapons without having corresponding traits selected without it making it impossible to get through encounters.


I may be looking at this too simplistically and there is a valid background reason to keep the weapon locked and would really appreciate it if anyone who does see that view can share so I can hopefully learn.


Also, I was thinking if this was able to be done, it would be a good option for more horizontal progression via the mastery system.

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It's likely mostly down to balancing reasons, as well as keeping some Specialization identity. 


With Elite Spec Utility Skills, not always, but often times being somewhat questionable for use and Trait lines becoming more and more just passive boosts which don't really impact or change gameplay (beyond numbers) - the Elite Spec Profession Mechanic and the Weapon and it's skills tied to that Elite Spec are a pretty large part of what still sets Elite Specs apart in gameplay. 


Elite Specs are rarely designed to synergise with different (let alone gameplay altering) Traits in different Traitlines, so builds for the same roles or purpose between different specs are already increasingly samey, if not identical - so while I often share that impulse of wanting to combine and mix and match and create new builds, I doubt they want to break down one of those last lines of spec identity. 

I rather wish they would make the Trait system more varied, active and impactful - but that's where we are.


19 minutes ago, BlueIce.6951 said:

I understand the skills and utilities not staying but it really seems off to me that you would learn how to utilize a new weapon and then just lose that ability when switching out profession specific traits.

I think that suspension of disbelief required is well worth the convenience of being able to respec character's freely. I much prefer how GW2 does this, over for example being locked to specializing into just one Elite Spec per character, just to avoid this minor disconnect.

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Another that's not new:

I wish I could lock the order of the character icons on the character select screen. They very often don't even retain the order of loading, at least for me.

Possibly being able to individually select which characters to lock and into which positions starting from the left would be nice, too.

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7 minutes ago, MikeG.6389 said:

Another that's not new:

I wish I could lock the order of the character icons on the character select screen. They very often don't even retain the order of loading, at least for me.

Possibly being able to individually select which characters to lock and into which positions starting from the left would be nice, too.

I think they sometimes fail to retain the order if you log into a character for a really short time. Wouldn't have anything against the possibility to save a set order of characters though.

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I been playing gw2 for almost a year now and I been really enjoying it a lot but I had few suggestion that I thought it will be really cool to have 


Visual suggestions 



Having some kind of mode where you can apply some modification to your legendry weapons, and merge it with other legendries which will allow you to have unique combination, and it be as follows   


1-The skin of the weapon 

2-The draw out effects

3-Animation of the weapon (that walking effects, the combat effects of using skills and such)


This way a lot of players will get more legendry weapons just so that they unlock some cool effect and add it to their favorite legendry skins that lack the nice effects. 



Allow infusion to be applied in Spvp ,since infusion is one of the most expensive part of the game ,so I think it will be really nice having them applied there as well !



An infusion preview function, where u can preview infusions and different combinations before buying it.



Allow infusions to be applied to the character show screen (when someone target you and such).



Includes the pack-back pieces with infusion effect.



That's mostly it, Thanks !



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Please add the following :


A distance meter for selected target, and an arrow pointing in what direction the target is going.

This would go just perfect to the right of the selected target's avatar/portrait. 


This would be especially usefull when you are gathering materials or opening a chest that takes about 3-5 seconds, to keep an eye on approaching foes.

The distance and arrow information, offcourse, it would obviously change accordingly to target's movements; so then if a foe is at a threatening distance, you can prepare for battle and have no nasty surprises. 


If you are feeling extra generous, you could actually also implement to that a 3 colour sign for the level of danger to player.

📶 Green would be at a safe distance.

⚠ Yellow at a "Heads up" distance. 

🔴 Red at a "too close for confort" distance.


I think this would be really useful QoL.




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Many will recognise this: you want to use a specific waypoint frequently, but every time you have to search for it when you open the map. My suggestion:

Add a row of favourite waypoints (max 5?) in the border of the map when you open it so every player can add their most used waypoints from all over the world to that row.

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I did a search for this, but nothing came up, so my apologies if this has already been suggested:

Please can we have a 'allied' NPC in the Special Forces Training Area? An 'allied' golem perhaps?

Testing healing builds and boon application builds is a real pain at the moment. Basically testing anything other than DPS is clunky. You have to get a friend to join you and they've got to be happy to just stand there... for the whole time that you want to practice. Either that or your practice gets cut short when they have to go. It's a real pain for them. Plus, I'd rather not have an audience while I'm trying out new stuff (and probably making cringe-worthy mistakes). If you don't get a friend to help, you can test boon application on yourself. Unfortunately, that's not a very representative test, as boons often have a different duration on the player to their duration on squad members.

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This piece is the last one I really want to complete my outfit and there isn't other that looks even remotely as cool for Heavy Armor. I would love if we could get something similar. I know the option to make an item available for other weight classes isn't even considered because of how much work it would require, so maybe a new in-game skin or even Gem Store? 

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5 hours ago, Rockhound.9605 said:

I did a search for this, but nothing came up, so my apologies if this has already been suggested:

Please can we have a 'allied' NPC in the Special Forces Training Area? An 'allied' golem perhaps?

Testing healing builds and boon application builds is a real pain at the moment. Basically testing anything other than DPS is clunky. You have to get a friend to join you and they've got to be happy to just stand there... for the whole time that you want to practice. Either that or your practice gets cut short when they have to go. It's a real pain for them. Plus, I'd rather not have an audience while I'm trying out new stuff (and probably making cringe-worthy mistakes). If you don't get a friend to help, you can test boon application on yourself. Unfortunately, that's not a very representative test, as boons often have a different duration on the player to their duration on squad members.

Yup, I think that would be helpful.

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Hi I'd like to have an option to create friend groups and move friends to those lists, ex:

WvW Commanders

DragonFall Commanders

WvW Roamers

PVP Ranked

Anyway it would just a way to categorize friends/ppl who I follow. They would be at the same place, pressing Y, but under each list, somthing like that...

Edited by Dilas.2175
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More Ranger pets. May not necessarily be a QoL update for anyone but Ranger mains but still an idea worth considering.

for example:

core maps:

- dolyak (musk ox)

- osprey

- dolphin

- deer

- ram


heart of thorns:

- rolling devil

- arrowhead

- stonehead

- green moa 


Path of Fire:

- dolyak (oryx)

- spotted hyena

- ostrich

- crocodile  

- vulture

end of dragons:

- dolphin (Canthan)

- sun bear

- fanged deer

- sea turtle


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