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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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6 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I personally don't kick nor demote people just for the sake of it.

To be completely honest, I don't personally like the process to evaluate people.

But there are cases in which, for instance, a new player will come to check out the game, and never comesback.

Sort by "last online" once a month (or once every 6 months, whatever) and that's the whole "evaluation" you apparently need here, doesn't seem hugely time consuming.

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Please add ability to pin inventory items to screen. For example: I have portal in inventory slot. I right click the item, pin it, and an icon appears on screen. You can move it to where it is most convenient to use, and you can use it without pulling up inventory each time. Or, say you are farming specific items. Pin that item from inventory, and you can have a visual of it as you collect the item. You can see your total without pulling up inventory each time.

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48 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Thanks for nothing genious.

Nothing you've said in this reply is remotely clever, objective, or coherent.


You said you personally don't kick nor demote people just for the sake of it, don't like the process to evaluate people, but you don't like some edge cases where a new player will come to check out the game, and never comesback. If the new player comes to the game, joins a guild and never comes back then all you need to do is sort the guildmember list by last online every -however long you wish, be it 1, 6 or 20 months- and kick players who are offline for however long you determine to be enough to kick. It really isn't hard to do. I'm not sure what's so "not objective or coherent" here, if you need anything else about it explained, ask away.
Try without these randomized insults this time, though.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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On 4/30/2023 at 4:44 AM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

3. Revenant Legends. 

I agree with that. A character that hears voices is a fascinating concept, but the legends don't have enough lines and it gets repetitive. And some of the lines are indeed annoying. 



On 5/2/2023 at 7:35 AM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Can you make hairstyles part of the gear template tabs?

I love that idea. And I often want to change the color of hair accessory too.

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On 9/30/2018 at 7:18 AM, Zephyria.6103 said:

An on/off toggle for mount particle effects. Same for outfits.
There are too many cases where I love the mount/outfit but don't like the frost/smoke/fire cloud around them, or trail they leave behind.

or an option to have them toggle off automatically when the area is crowded 

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On 5/9/2023 at 2:21 PM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

It is the one thread that the Devs state they do read.  (You know, they don't start from the beginning of the thread each time; the thread saves your place each time you open it.)

does that mean if I am liking old posts, they won't ever know there are more people liking the idea?

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A new gem store item, a Recharging Teleport to Self. 

Similar to the Recharging Teleport to Friend gizmo, but will take you to one of your other character's last locations.

Sometimes you are running around on a character that does not have a skill that you would find useful (mesmer portal at a difficult jump for example) or running a healing build character when you need a DPS or boon heavy build, and it would be nice to be able to switch without long slow travel.

As long as the new gizmo adheres to a 1 hour cooldown and can not teleport into battle, the device should not be 'abused' really.

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Would love to see PvE maps be utilised for some open combat between players. Using terrain, mounts etc. It'll be fun and will help people explore PvE maps in a different way.


Either a monthly event where 1 map is picked for open PK, or party fights (similar to wvw).

It'll be so nice seeing how players react to open world pve, potential people vs people and exploring how best to use terrain.


Excited? Hyped?



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Hello, I have been thinking a lot about potential updates to Guild Wars 2 that would greatly benefit people who are interested in approaching the game in an artistic way (people making videos, taking screenshots, etc). I personally would really appreciate to see changes like these added in the future and I know others would as well. Additionally, some of these updates would benefit people who aren't interested in content creation at all and they would just be beneficial to the game as a whole.





Jade Bot Overhaul

One of the most requested changes I see is an overhaul of the Jade Bot. When it comes to the idea of being able to take better screenshots of your character, this feature was promising when it was first announced. However, the actual implementation of the Jade Bot falls short in that regard. First, you can only use the Jade Bot at a Jade Bot terminal, which is for gameplay reasons, but severely limits the amount of areas where you can use this mastery. Second, you can not reposition your character once you activate the Jade Bot, so the character is stuck wherever the terminal is. Third, you can not go first person with Jade Bot which makes it significantly more difficult to get a high-quality screenshot of your character. Changing all of these issues would allow people to take better screenshots of their own character, without the use of secondary accounts.


More Options to Cull Effects

An option to cull more effects in the game would help improve a lot of the visual issues of the game. This had been addressed in the past, but it’s still a problem. One big example is with combat, where it becomes an issue with any larger boss fight to see what is going on. This is a large complaint from many newer players, but it also becomes a problem when someone wants to record a boss fight and the entire screen is just a giant blob of skill effects. Another big example is the prevalence of very flashy mount skins, particularly Skyscale skins. An option to turn off all mount skins for other players, similar to the standard enemy and friendly models in PvP, would be nice.


Chat Box Updates

This is not a big issue but might be nice to have an option in the future, but some minor updates to the chat box would be appreciated. The first would be to have an option to hide player names in the chat box, for privacy reasons when it comes to recording the game. Most of the time, people will just hide the chat box anyways but this would be a nice option. Another small change would be to add an option to hide all of the chat messages that currently can not be hidden. While you can hide guild messages, map chat, emotes, and more… you can’t hide a few messages like “Your jade bot recycled some junk!”, “This is not your actives story. Any progress made in this instance will not be saved.”, map meta announcements, screenshot directories, and more. Being able to hide all of these things would allow you to have a completely empty chatbox without having to hide the chatbox ingame or having to cover it up.


Fix First-Person View Bugs

There is currently a minor bug with first-person view models where when you zoom in all of the way into first-person, and then glide or use a skill, your character will occasionally show up on screen as their idle animations have them move forwards. There is the simple fix of just zooming back out and back in, but fixing this problem would be nice.


Day and Night Cycle Toggle

An option to toggle the day and night cycle (visually) might be nice for some people. Where you can select it to always look like day or always look like night. This would obviously not change how any mechanics or timers work, but would just change how the world looks to an individual. This way, if people wanted to take a screenshot during the day but it just became night… they don’t have to wait 50 minutes for it to become day again.





More Sound Options

More ways to customize the audio levels of the game would be greatly appreciated (this is probably my most desired change out of everything in this post). The biggest issue that I currently see with this is how NPC dialog and NPC death/combat noises are in the same slider. So if you want to have the dialog volume high to be able to record NPC dialog, you will also have to deal with all of the combat noises (grunting, yelling, exclaiming, etc) as well as the incredibly loud death (and often times overly dramatic) death noises that a lot of characters make. Oftentimes, the combat noises from NPCs will play at the same time as their dialog, so their talking suddenly gets interrupted by them grunting super loudly. I have absolutely no idea what the feasibility of this change would be, but making dialog only be what NPCs say and then adding a new option for combat/death noises would be greatly, greatly appreciate.


Keybound Audio Presets

Having the option to make templates of different audio settings that you could then switch between with a keybind would be great. The most practical example of this would be changing the audio levels between story missions and the open world. Where people may want dialog volume higher while in story missions but then environment and effects higher in the open world.





In-Game Options to View Cinematics

Adding the option to view in-game cinematics, in-game, without having to reach that certain cinematic wherever it plays would be incredible. This is something that we see in World of Warcraft, where there are NPCs around the world that are placed that you can talk to that will play cinematics relevant to where they are. One big way this could be introduced in the game is a new NPC in the Aerodrome that has a selection to play all of the raid cinematics in the game. Anybody can go up to that NPC, talk to them, and select which cinematic they want to watch, which will then play that cinematic. We could then see this throughout the story, like a Pact Soldier that will show up at the Pact Base Camp after you kill the Mouth of Mordremoth and after you kill Mordremoth that you can talk to to play the two Dragon’s Stand cinematics as well as all of the Heart of Thorns cinematics. And then this idea can be spread throughout the rest of the game, everywhere where there are cinematic. You can even expand this to have NPCs for each dungeon which will let you watch all of the NPC dialog cutscenes that most people skip through.


Add Standalone Cinematic Audio Options

Currently, the audio in cinematics is dependent on what audio settings you currently have in the game. So if you are an individual who plays without any music, there won’t be any music in cinematics. Adding the option to have separate settings for cinematics would be greatly appreciated so you can have certain settings while you play the game and then have other settings while you watch cinematics.


Fix Cinematic Dialog Bugs

There’s currently a bug with many cinematics (might be all cinematics and I also don’t know how to replicate this bug) where certain lines of dialog won’t play or will end prematurely. Fixing this would obviously be nice to be able to have the full experience when it comes to viewing cinematics.





The following ideas are a long shot because the dream way it would be implemented is practically impossible for gameplay reasons, but a way to set up scenes around the world would be incredible. Being able to place certain NPCs and props around the world would be incredible for setting up screenshots and video shots. The possibilities would honestly be endless.


As I said, adding this into the base game is basically impossible and would probably end up being very bad when it comes to everyone else's experience. A second idea would be to have access to a version of Guild Wars 2 that you can use to set up things like this. Which is what ArenaNet uses and I highly doubt we will ever see something like this in the future, but it would be cool nonetheless.


The more practical implementation is adding a new guild decoration to the guild hall that will allow you to transform into any NPC in the game, walk around, and maybe even use basic skills (like auto attack). You could also add the option to position these NPCs somewhere in the guild hall, and then lock their place, and lock their animations (so you don’t need 50 people if you want to make a bigger battle scene).

Edited by Athis.3780
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10 minutes ago, Donari.5237 said:

Well that's an almost entirely black screen with a few blue text embeds.  Can you please put it in plain text so it'll show up?  It's way more than I feel like dragging my mouse over to highlight into white on blue to read.

I'm not entirely sure what's wrong. It's working fine for me. I tried looking at the post on multiple different computers and other devices and it looks fine to me. I also tried on multiple different browsers and it still looks fine. The post is just plain text with a few words boldened, italicized, and two links. 

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Make the mobs in those maps level 90, and give them a ton of boons. If they drop decent rewards, be it gold, or mats then it may incentivise competition.  Honestly I would be hyped for this.


They could even make it an optional map instace you queue for, then uit wouldn't be hurting anyone who wants to do the normal map.

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5 minutes ago, Athis.3780 said:

I'm not entirely sure what's wrong. It's working fine for me. I tried looking at the post on multiple different computers and other devices and it looks fine to me. I also tried on multiple different browsers and it still looks fine. The post is just plain text with a few words boldened, italicized, and two links. 

Swap to "dark mode" by clicking on "theme" below the "reply box" (next to "Contact us" link) and you'll see what he's talking about 😉

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We could have a mode like that, add some castles to capture and put some bosses players need to kill first. It could be called "server vs server" or "realm vs realm"... maybe even "world vs world"?


I don't think this idea will work in regular pve maps not designed with pvp in mind.

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2 minutes ago, ovenglove.9528 said:

They could even make it an optional map instace you queue for, then uit wouldn't be hurting anyone who wants to do the normal map.

This would be the only possible option to not turn off the vast majority of people who like this game's pve.

47 minutes ago, Purr.9360 said:

Excited? Hyped?

Nope. I'm pretty sure most current players feel the same way.

Not that any of this matters. In most games I've seen where there's an option to choose between pvp and non-pvp maps/servers, the pvp maps/servers quickly end up dead. There's enough pve tasks to get done, and people generally don't enjoy having their time wasted by griefing (or needing to constantly watch out for or defend against it) while doing said tasks. I'm not sure how hard it would be for Anet to implement this, but it's almost guaranteed to be a complete waste of time.

Try one of the Korean games' pvp servers, or maybe something like Albion Online, because I'm pretty sure you'll never get anything close to this in Tyria.

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15 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Swap to "dark mode" by clicking on "theme" below the "reply box" (next to "Contact us" link) and you'll see what he's talking about 😉

Thank you so much, my apologies! It should be updated now.

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