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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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4 minutes ago, Witch of Doom.5739 said:

One of the problems is that the word "comparable" does not mean "exactly the same" nor does it mean "unique."  Heck, any two things can be compared, making them comparable.  I could say that getting one piece of mithril ore is comparable to getting the Skyscale, in that you have to do something to get each one.

Sure, it can be this or that, the point is nothing they said somehow disqualifies what it is, so not sure what the point of bringing it up -in a rather accusatory tone, from my understanding?- in the first place was. That's what I'm saying here, if that wasn't clear. Seems to me we have a mutual understanding of that now.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Sure, it can be this or that, the point is nothing they said somehow disqualifies what it is, so not sure what the point of bringing it up in the first place was. That's what I'm saying here, if that wasn't clear. Seems to me we have a mutual understanding of that now.

The point of bringing it up in the first place is that I'm asking for what I would consider a QoL improvement in thread that specifically asks for QoL suggestions.  Look, I think some of the suggestions in this thread are wacky, but someone wants _________, and that's what this thread is for.

And while I find the giant turtle following me around annoying, that is by no means the only thing nor the main thing I don't like about the mount.  I hate Strikes, PvP, and Raids, and won't do them.  Yes, that is my choice.  I have long ago resigned myself to not getting many, many game items and cheeves that are only from those modes.  With the Turtle, you could originally only get the egg from the meta, which I did, and then ANet changed it and one could buy the egg.  Does that stop people from doing the meta?  No, it doesn't.

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6 minutes ago, Witch of Doom.5739 said:

The point of bringing it up in the first place is that I'm asking for what I would consider a QoL improvement in thread that specifically asks for QoL suggestions.  Look, I think some of the suggestions in this thread are wacky, but someone wants _________, and that's what this thread is for.

When I asked about the point of bringing it up, it was specifically to what we've JUST been talking about, which was the "comparable" thing. When I said "Sure, it can be this or that, the point is nothing they said somehow disqualifies what it is, so not sure what the point of bringing it up -in a rather accusatory tone, from my understanding?- in the first place was", it was directed at what this being brought up by you:
"But ANet, you said getting the Turtle would be comparable to getting the Beetle.  No way."

That's what "comparable" discussion was about, wasn't it? So that's what I just commented on now. It is comparable and I see the attempt to say they somehow went against their words when they didn't to be misguided. Considering what you wrote about the meaning of "comparable" 2 posts above, that's the very reason I question bringing up the "but anet, yousaid it will be comparable!" thing. I'm not sure how to make it any clearer or what's even exactly unclear about what I'm saying here.


As for the QoL change itself, I guess I can only repeat:
(...) if the issue is the turtle following the player in arborstone around then the qol response is to make it possible to hide/dismiss the turtle following you in arborstone.
That's what I see as a potential "QoL issue" and potential "QoL solution", not the "I won't do that content because no, but still give me the reward".

You give your proposal, I give mine -with explanation- and that's about it. At this point it doesn't seem like anything new is being said here tbh.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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6 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

When I asked about the point of bringing it up, it was specifically to what we've JUST been talking about, which was the "comparable" thing. When I said "Sure, it can be this or that, the point is nothing they said somehow disqualifies what it is, so not sure what the point of bringing it up -in a rather accusatory tone, from my understanding?- in the first place was", it was directed at what this being brought up by you:
"But ANet, you said getting the Turtle would be comparable to getting the Beetle.  No way."

That's what "comparable" discussion was about, wasn't it? So that's what I just commented on now. It is comparable and I see the attempt to say they somehow went against their words when they didn't to be misguided. Considering what you wrote about the meaning of "comparable" 2 posts above, that's the very reason I question bringing up the "but anet, yousaid it will be comparable!" thing. I'm not sure how to make it any clearer or what's even exactly unclear about what I'm saying here.


As for the QoL change itself, I guess I can only repeat:
(...) if the issue is the turtle following the player in arborstone around then the qol response is to make it possible to hide/dismiss the turtle following you in arborstone.
That's what I see as a potential "QoL issue" and potential "QoL solution", not the "I won't do that content because no, but still give me the reward".

You give your proposal, I give mine -with explanation- and that's about it. At this point it doesn't seem like anything new is being said here tbh.

If you see something as a QoL issue, then by all means ask ANet for it.  You are not here to gatekeep my or anybody else's suggestions.  Unless you're a mod?  If you're not, please stop trying to act like one.

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2 minutes ago, Witch of Doom.5739 said:

If you see something as a QoL issue, then by all means ask ANet for it. 

I did, thanks.
If QoL ideas are supposed to be not up for any discussion then I was not -and still am not- aware of that. I was under the impression we can discuss freely what's written in this thread just like in the rest of them on this forum so that's what I'm doing, giving my opinion about the ideas and providing my own.

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Dear ArenaNet, to make things easier, because I am so lazy to type, will you please make Discord invite into a direct link from ingame to Discord?  

it is very useful Especially for WvW 

thank you . 

Edited by babana.7521
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2 hours ago, Val.7826 said:

About human male character costumization:

  1.  I think we need some new beards / premium beards
  2. Some hair are not animated, like this one, and deserve to be animated

The second point may also be true for other races and gender

It would be nice to have a shorter beard than the shortest one we have. It’s still pretty long.

It’d also be nice to have some hair styles with two dye channels. The accessory color could control the second channel. I like some of the unnatural hair colors available, but think they mostly look odd when applied to all the hair. They’d look great as streaks or tips.

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Hi Anet, 

Infusions are sellable, why the weapon chests from metas like Tequatl, Dragonstorm, Gyala Delves etc etc aren't? 

I would like to play the content I like, without being forced to do content I don't like to get these awesome skins. 

If these chests could be sellable i could buy them with gold, some people could even buy gems to convert to gold to get these... Think about it, it's more revenues for you ;)) 

Account bound era should really end... 


Edited by Aedil.1296
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  • Aedil.1296 changed the title to Meta weapon chests sellable not account bound

3 account wide slots and copper tools on all characters then its a matter of 6 clicks on login and logout to have it on all characters OP.

Alot easier then before the shared slots when you had to put them in and out of the bank on each character.

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On 1/23/2023 at 6:58 AM, Danikat.8537 said:

It would really help (with any suggestion) if you tell us why you think it would be a good idea.

You said you think it would be an awesome addition and greatly appreciated, but nothing about why you think that. If someone has never played a game with an inspect feature and never felt like they were missing anything by not having one what would you say to persuade them it's a good idea?

personally i like to inspect gear because i love to see people's outfits and preview them on my own toon! OTOH I don't mind getting "wow, what shirt is that" whispers, and maybe it's a good thing that i have to actually ask, in order to know someone else's! 

In games where inspect is a thing, it can get elitist based on gear and even whether your gear is inspectable. One of the great things about this game is that here things are often not that way! 

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On 4/17/2023 at 7:34 AM, Kiki.9450 said:

Requesting the ability to turn off other players' character chatter while retaining my own.

I like my mesmer's voice lines, but I tire of hearing human females all the time (i.e. other players' characters). 

If there is a way to do this in game right now, it is not clear in the options.

Or the option to have each player's chatter audible only to themselves! I really like that my character will marvel about what she sees, or talk to her pet, and so on... but most of it doesn't need to be audible to anyone else.

Maybe the comments while downed is all that really needs to be shared with the group. 

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9 minutes ago, Ombras.2853 said:

Or just make Legendary Tools by merging in the Mystic Forge four sets.

That sounds like more fair price for legendary tool and actually good idea, for people who already bought several sets.

Edited by Cernoch.8524
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2 hours ago, willow.8209 said:

Or the option to have each player's chatter audible only to themselves! I really like that my character will marvel about what she sees, or talk to her pet, and so on... but most of it doesn't need to be audible to anyone else.

Maybe the comments while downed is all that really needs to be shared with the group. 

This has been requested for, sooo many times.

During the years, I've seen hundreds of requests over this.

So I finally decided to post my own and request Arena Net to do something about this... and I'll just add the top 3 most annoying things that eventually will start getting under our noses. 


3. Revenant Legends. 

Especially Shiro and Malyx now. It was funny at first, but these two stickers are now getting beyond annoying. 


2. Other players laughs.

... most of the time for no reason or you are not aware of what they are PM'ing eachother about... and all of the sudden, this human female and sylvari female start laughing.



1. I can outrun a centaur.

Female human saying this... must be THE most hated player sound/voice/banter thing that everyone is so sick of hearing. Ever.


0. Honorable mention.

Hyenas laugh.

Hyenas are defo the most annoying pet you will hear in game and they will laugh every 3 seconds.

Sometimes I have to walk as far away as i possibly can from a ranger that has one of these things.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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The tools are account bound so you can switch them between toons. I keep my glyphed unbreakable tool set in the first three shared inventory slots. I have regular tools as default on each toon so I can just double click on the shared slot tools to switch them on/off. If I'd need to click them on from the leggy armory I doubt it would make things any different for me (except I'd have three more shared inv slots to use).

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3 minutes ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

The tools are account bound so you can switch them between toons. I keep my glyphed unbreakable tool set in the first three shared inventory slots. I have regular tools as default on each toon so I can just double click on the shared slot tools to switch them on/off. If I'd need to click them on from the leggy armory I doubt it would make things any different for me (except I'd have three more shared inv slots to use).

I think the point would be you wouldnt have to click them every time, just once on each character, just like any other legendary item.

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1. Option to remove buffs.  Not haveing to wait 30 mins to see actual stats to customize new builds is a must.

2. Target of targets.  

3. Stop auto zoom in or screen movement when I have zoomed all the way out.

4. Lock all character in place at login screen and use vertical instead of horizontal.

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4 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


3. Revenant Legends. 

Especially Shiro and Malyx now. It was funny at first, but these two stickers are now getting beyond annoying.

I find Glint the most jarring. Her weird grunts and growls are alarming.

I keep wanting to reply, “Easy there, you’ll strain something.”

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Please make the "Hide Gear" Box bound to the current gear-template, not the whole character.

If i want to hide gloves & legendary ring effects in wvw, i might not want to hide them in pve too.

And especially dont wanna change that setting every time i switch an gamemode

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2 hours ago, Fame.2631 said:

1. Option to remove buffs.  Not haveing to wait 30 mins to see actual stats to customize new builds is a must.

2. Target of targets.  

3. Stop auto zoom in or screen movement when I have zoomed all the way out.

4. Lock all character in place at login screen and use vertical instead of horizontal.

About your nr 1 why dont you just eat other buff food or utility?

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Can we get armor boxes/satchels for every exotic stat-combination, please?


The mail-system is clunky to say the least and sending people gear is a chore. You only have a total of 5 slots and every gear-set has 6 slots. In addition, it would also improve TP purchases.

The only change I would like to request with this system is to reduce the Mystic Coin material costs of all recipes. This system was introduced in an age where MC had very little use and were rather cheap to acquire. Nowadays making one of these recipes is quite expensive. Same goes for the feast-recipes.

But the highest priority for me would be to just add the remaining stat combinations as bulk-versions as well (e. g. Marauder's, Viper's, Diviner's, Dragon's, ...).

Thanks for reading. 

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