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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I think it would be helpful if there was a menu that we could bring up while in a map, that would show all of the open IP's of the map that were in as well as the number of players that are in each IP of the map as well as the map cap limit for said map. 

So for instance the menu could be something like:

Tangled depths:

IP 45, 75/75 players, 27 person queue

IP 104, 75/75 players, 2 person queue

IP 36,   45/75 players

IP 27, 5/75 players, Closing in 45 min

with an option to join each one manually (sort of similar to gw1 interface with districts), in addition to our LFG interface.

This way we wouldnt have rely on taxi's and we could see the status of every instance of the map.  In addition it would allow players to jump maps more easily or to zone into the one they want and be able to assess the chances of a meta succeeding or how much longer they can hold off on joining a map which may be for a variety of reasons.  They could even show how many commander tags are present on each map. I think more information is always a good thing, and that it would make playing the game less cumbersome.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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More intensive world versus world skill, traits, and weapon balancing. More focus on end game WvW betas that don't make your community feel like your just stringing them along in a constant limbo. Don't make skins that punish a community and disable a function in a game mode because who ever coded the item was causing it to crash enemy players nearby the users of the item.

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Hello all ,

So i was wondering if we can have the Skyscale  Mount converted into a Two Seater Mount same as the Turtel Mount   , imagine carrying your friend that started the game fresh and you want him to experience the game , help him get in places where he doesnt reach with his springer  and give him a reason to  get the Skyscale and new Expansion . i know we have turtel but skyscale is  faster and cooler and your new friend  can see  the big world from the sky up  .

Second Suggestion : Convert the Warclaw  Mount into a Two Seater why because there are new player that wanna do WVW and they get tired of walking . I think its a bonus that would help us vets   carry our  friends on our mount to help him make also the Warclaw Mount  and it is faster then  giving him a speed buff. 


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Character selection Screen with our characters and inventory preview would be the best quality of Life especially for people that have 5-10+ characters . 

Make just the Story of the Game Account Bound  meaning you should have the story unlocked on all your characters but  make the maps unexplored and give us the possibility on our alts to access zones that require story . 

Yes there are few places that would require 1 waypoint unlocked in order for our  alt Character to reach the new map and go to  the next neighboring map like EOD for example

Adjust the skill UI to a newer /modern look and give us the possibility to move the skills how we want  and also adjust the UI(  I mean each old game needs a new UI refresh for its skill window ) , that's  a turn off for some  new players because they quit the game because of the UI . 

For WVW /Raids and fractals a tiny window near  that is movable and it shows our cooldowns from our class skills would be great and make a new player learn faster the rotation of a class because every time you need to look down if a skill is in cooldowns which is annoying on a 32/34 /49 inch monitor. 

WVW lag instability  and 50 vs 50 vs 50 fights  are desyncing and also 50 vs 50  

The fix is  separating the WVW Content ,resources files etc ,  from the main Server to a dedicated Server meaning a Physical server with more ram and CPU Power. I know the cost around min 30 to 200/300k Euro 

Bank Bags fix meaning to see our inventory bags as  a full window instead of separated bags in the left and in the right   the bank  window .

For Crafting : having a button like a search icon   for tradable materials  to search them automatically at the trading post is also a Quality of Life and makes us search faster the desired Material in order to craft a legendary etc.

New Feature but it requires a lot of work and resources but its more of a new content Idea : Sea Hunting  with  Big ships and Events  with world bosses  in the open Seas.

Cosmetic  character Selection screen. Imagine having a view of your characters like in Lost ark   but here in GW2 at a Tavern or on a scene from a Landscape .

New Weapon for the game : Two  Handed Axe (then we have all the weapons )

New Class for this new Expansion: Secrets of the Obscure (the Arena net Devs could steal some ideas of a new class from Vindictus also a NCsoft Game ) .

A big overhaul would be to import the game into a new Engine giving the possibility to enhance the game graphics because as many youtubers etc. stated the game engine is old and the game  requires a  revamp . Don't know if someone wants to do it  but look a Black Desert for Example they had potato graphics and they remastered the whole game and it looks more gorgeous. Same with world of warcraft where old assets get converted to a higher quality Graphics . P.s Arena net you can make a new Meme out of World of Warcraft they kind of stole the Mastery system from GW2 for a future expansion and its confirmed . :)) 

Yes there are a lot of ideas for the Arena Net Devs but lets what gets implemented in the future . 


Edited by TheBigBadWolf.4138
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The idea is fine, but I can't see it happening on the skyscale. The rig and skins would all have to be re-done for two people to look right. And that's not going to happen. Same with the Warclaw. They can't just be easily converted

However, I am not opposed to more two seater option mounts.

- Dolyak or SIege Turtle in WvW

- A third flying mount (wyvern?) or airships

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Yep that could also work  but the Dev's  need to think either skip developing a new mount and make the Siege Turtle avaible in WVW and as you told a new flying mount like the Wyvern or dont know :D  would be also a  great  idea as a two seater .  But lets see what reply would we get in the future :) from the Devs and Forum manager

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I know this will never be looked at by Anet, but I still want to say it: give us full armor visibility toggle.

Turning a game function (we CAN hide certain parts already) into a in-game extreme rarity (i.e. Invisible Boots) is the stupidest decision ever (scum move even).

Whoever came up with it deserves all the criticism.

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Afaik the Warclaw gives players around it a speedbuff that matches their speed to that of the Warclaw. If a player can't be bothered to move on their own maybe they should look into one of the many auto-battlers out there.

Edited by Omega.6801
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Want to help your newbie friend get around? Play a thief or mesmer so you can make portals for them to reach the difficult spots. That's what I did when my brother and daughter joined up. Once they decided they liked the game, they got mounts quickly enough that it wasn't an issue. And that was before the level 10 mounts.

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New Mastery Line: Become One

Each mastery is for a different mount, starting with the Raptor. Use it while mounted, and your character disappears but the mount remains. You basically become the mount. Now someone else can hop on, but you control the movement and can carry them around. (Might have to skip the turtle, as I'm not sure how well that would work with the idea.)

The main benefit of this idea is that it gives what the OP requests, but at the same time doesn't require new models or animations.

Bonus: Give all of the mounts a version of their normal dismount attack you can use while you are merged with the mount. That way, you can run around and fight (somewhat) in that form. Since all mounts will have more or less standardized stats, it should be easier to balance them to be good, but still below expected power for PCs.

Bonus 2: A new zone (or at least an adventure) can be made that requires using this mastery, as only mounts can enter the area.


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2 minutes ago, Palador.2170 said:

New Mastery Line: Become One

Each mastery is for a different mount, starting with the Raptor. Use it while mounted, and your character disappears but the mount remains. You basically become the mount. Now someone else can hop on, but you control the movement and can carry them around. (Might have to skip the turtle, as I'm not sure how well that would work with the idea.)

The main benefit of this idea is that it gives what the OP requests, but at the same time doesn't require new models or animations.

Bonus: Give all of the mounts a version of their normal dismount attack you can use while you are merged with the mount. That way, you can run around and fight (somewhat) in that form. Since all mounts will have more or less standardized stats, it should be easier to balance them to be good, but still below expected power for PCs.

Bonus 2: A new zone (or at least an adventure) can be made that requires using this mastery, as only mounts can enter the area.


Either this (but please with the option to keep myself from getting turned into an animal if I don't want to enable the effect) or they could consider WoW's "Ride Along" feature implemented for Dragonriding, which allows another player to turn into a whelpling and auto-follow the mount owner. (WoW borrows from GW2, GW2 borrows from WoW... the cycle is complete.)

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Add additional underwater monsters to fight around the world, besides the Leviathan in Cantha (not going to try to suggest how to balance) - just think it would be a cool idea and you could spin off a little side story or achievement track if you wanted.  Things like Kraken, Megaladon, Cetus, etc.

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20 hours ago, RigoRHX.7390 said:

I know this will never be looked at by Anet, but I still want to say it: give us full armor visibility toggle.

Turning a game function (we CAN hide certain parts already) into a in-game extreme rarity (i.e. Invisible Boots) is the stupidest decision ever (scum move even).

Whoever came up with it deserves all the criticism.

They are never going to completely invalidate the invisible boot box item. This is a cosmetic use only item which is highly sought after, and it would have a noticeable impact on the economy if they suddenly made an item that sells for 3K-4K gold become a worthless item overnight.

It was originally added as kind of a gimmick to get people to spend time in certain maps looking for treasure mushrooms, to keep people in those maps. It is similar to the confetti infusion (from Choya piñata), queen bee infusion (from the Vinewrath) or Chak infusion (from the Chak Gerent)... all four of which can currently only be gotten from their respective boss fights, or from the loot boxes during the Festival of the Four Winds.

It would be great if they increased the drop rate of them, to get them down to the like 400g price point over the course of like a year. While that type of market manipulation is also unlikely, they have done things like that in the past, like making the Permafrost dye more obtainable (was over 1600g in 2018, now about 175g).

But really, if you want the invisible shoes, and don't want to pay for them, you kinda need to spend time hunting the treasure mushrooms or saving up to buy lots of loot boxes from Four Winds event.

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We need an interactive LFG (Looking for Group). I generally support more tabs, but each tab should have a real-time display of how many active parties are in each tab. Only then would LFG work most efficiently and players would not have to constantly browse the tabs. It would definitely reduce server load as well and give players the opportunity to find teammates faster. I'll attach an image of what it could look like. I believe that the Anet devs can create this. -  screen

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Crafting unlearning or hiding

The ability to permanently unlearn or remove a crafting skill from a character would be greatly appreciated, if not this then the ability to hide one or more crafting skills from the character select screen would achieve the same desired effect.

This would be a very beneficial QoL update to those of us with multiple alts that has the same crafting skills as our other characters. I was amongst those of us unaware that you could learn the same crafting skills on multiple characters only to realise that you cannot undo, delete or hide the crafting skills and now you've stuck with UI clutter and confusion.

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1 hour ago, Hex.1670 said:

Crafting unlearning or hiding

The ability to permanently unlearn or remove a crafting skill from a character would be greatly appreciated, if not this then the ability to hide one or more crafting skills from the character select screen would achieve the same desired effect.

This would be a very beneficial QoL update to those of us with multiple alts that has the same crafting skills as our other characters. I was amongst those of us unaware that you could learn the same crafting skills on multiple characters only to realise that you cannot undo, delete or hide the crafting skills and now you've stuck with UI clutter and confusion.

Please use "paste as plain text" when copying in text from another source. Dark screen users prefer dark for a reason.

You could, oh, I don't know, write it down on a post-it note and stick it to your monitor?

I have enough characters that I track such things with a spreadsheet.

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