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Skyfarer Achieve Bugged? [Merged]

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There's an achieve to explore all the areas in Skywatch, Amnytas, and Inner Nayos.  I just did the meta, got full Nayos map completion, all pois and the new vista (on an alt that's already explored everything but today's new map bit), and got no credit.  Others in Map Chat were commenting on the same issue.

Is there a hidden part of the map that doesn't have any markers, or is the achieve bugged?

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It's actually missing the sub achievement - isn't it? Just checked. I mean usually you have sub achievements for each map. That also list the region names. They must have forgotten this. Putting it in early would have completed the main achievement too early and this should have been added for the last release with the remaining parts of the map.

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1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

It's actually missing the sub achievement - isn't it? Just checked. I mean usually you have sub achievements for each map. That also list the region names. They must have forgotten this. Putting it in early would have completed the main achievement too early and this should have been added for the last release with the remaining parts of the map.

This. You can check the "Skywatch Archipelago Explorer" and "Amnytas Explorer", they both link back to the skyfarer achievement. Since there is no "Inner Nayos Explorer", skyfarer cannot be completed

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3 hours ago, Witch of Doom.5739 said:

Same for me, or is there some weird thing going on related to lighting those incredibly annoying, busy-work lanterns?  I have all the actual map-related items such as POIs, etc.

Have completed the Illuminating Inner Nayos (again) just now, but still got nothing, so this is not the problem. (Got all pois, vista etc from the new part as well).

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Just did the Zakiros meta to explore the final few Nayos map parts, but Skyfarer has not dinged. I checked and I explored all areas that we all know of. Folks in map chat had the same problem. Some proposed you would have to complete the Meta achievement, but that does not relate to what Skyfarer says you should do at all.

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It's seems this bug(?) concerns both overarching achievements linked to SotO in the Horn of Maguuma category. The 'Master of Masteries: Secrets of the Obscure' seems to only count the map and story categories added with the last chapter, not the previously completed subcategories. The Skyfarer achievement on the other hand only counts the previously discovered complete maps (Skywatch Archipelago and Amnytas). Something seems up with the linking.

Note: something similar happened last year with the 'New Friends, New Adventures' achievement in EoD (finding all the Shrine Guardians in the four expansion maps + Gyala Delve), where it didn't take into account the older maps / achievements there.

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Before I try it, has anyone tried getting map completion on a brand new character. I am curious if the reason you are not getting map completion is due to your character being flag as already completing the map prior to the map being complete.

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I thought maybe I needed the last 2 POI that you can only get in the spiders lair meta but I got those and still at 2/3 on skyfarer.  Is there some secret obscure part of the map I am missing?  It all looks uncovered to me but maybe I missed something.

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Mine is also bugged out.

FWIW, I also got the last 2 POI in Inner Nayos during the story mission and I never saw map complete pop, but it shows 100% from the map view, there are no guiding hints to undiscovered areas, and the Skyfarer meta achievement is still 2/3.

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This achievement doesn’t work for me either. My OCD has been in high gear since this achievement first came out with SOTO because I couldn’t complete it all year. Now, to be at the end to finally complete it, and still can’t complete! Come on, you’re killing me anet!! Lol

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On 5/22/2024 at 11:25 PM, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Before I try it, has anyone tried getting map completion on a brand new character. I am curious if the reason you are not getting map completion is due to your character being flag as already completing the map prior to the map being complete.

I deliberately held off doing any of the SoTo stuff on one of my characters. I ran him through all the maps and got 100% map completion on all of them after the last part of SoTO was released. Although I had two parts of this achievment ticked, it did not complete the achievement.

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