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June 25 Balance Update Preview

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I don't get the Vindication change. 

It's a massive might loss for WvW players, and probably won't be a significant amount of life steal, but if it is:

The biggest thing everyone's wanted to avoid forever, the entire reason you wrecked it 4 years ago after forgetting about it during the big Feb 2020 patch, was the ability to sit there and face tank and not care about their opponent. You said before you wanted Renegade to exist in a way that doesnt make everyone mad.

I don't want to sit there and toggle hammers and just heal for a billion while I hold my w key and aim at my opponent. It's not fun for me as the player, it's not fun for the other player.

Renegade needed some sustain in pvp, absolutely. It's been one of the least survivable specs in the game since it got giga-nerfed.

Turning it back into the Renegod hammer toggler is not the way to do it.

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Posted (edited)

Still holding out hope you guys will revert the change to quickness scrapper to be on-superspeed, or at least on any combo, not just leaps and blasts.

In that vein, can necromancers please get their signet effects back while in shroud? That change still hurts after all this time and wish you guys would revert that one as well.

Nice to see that the green snot will finally fade from pets so they don't look like booger golems permanently when unleashed. I know it's just an aesthetic change but I appreciate it.

Edited by Caitmonster.9036
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hi, everyone,

  • Signet of Humility: This skill now requires a target. This skill can no longer be retargeted. This skill now displays an effect above its target's head. Reduced the duration from 6 seconds to 2 seconds in WvW only.

The above changewas nice, so thanks. Good example of listening to the playerbase. Really important to remove toxicity towards new commanders.

Beyond that the patch had nothing of what I was expecting. No wvw willbender nerfs, no increases to power coefficients for ele staff in wvw, no relevant wvw changes to weaver, and no possible improvements to my somehow forever nerfed staff build. Only too much dev time wasted on dagger as per the "grand" design of Mr. Dagger-Blinders.  

I will buy expacs only after balance is better, and wvw has great damage again etc., so that the stand-still untouchable blob is no longer a thing.

Edited by Loke.1429
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Posted (edited)

Where are condi virtoso nerfs?

Oh wait, you can't nerf virtuoso because then the success rate of your newly released (L)CM disaster will be even more factors of magnitude lower than it already is.

Man, look at this build diversity!



Oh and don't let your eyes deceive you, these aren't 8 unique dps specs that see widespread use on LCM. Some of these specs have a total representation of ONE. One log. One player. One player ever beat LCM on that spec and uploaded a log to gw2wingman.

Balance patches aren't worth a dime if your encounter team keeps releasing bossfights designed for 2 builds, virtosos and scourges. Ranged builds need a penalty.

Just... how? How did you even conceive of making a balance patch after all that happened in the past 3 months without nerfs to cvirt. Hell, you even buffed it. HOW? How are you so disconnected? Cvirt is singlehandedly destroying the entire endgame meta. The answer to any problem in PvE since EoD has basically been "bring a cvirt". Having a cvirt in your toolkit has long stopped being an "option" and has basically become a requirement, unless you want to ruin your mental health by continuously swimming against the current and upholding some bizarre principles, while everyone around you are having a whale of a time on their purple faceroll builds with a button at the ready for any and every PvE need.

Edited by ZEUStiger.3590
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Anthony.8056 said:

Cool down reduction, buff, cool down reduction, cool down reduction, nerf, Cool down reduction, cool down reduction, cool down reduction

Atleast they get relevant changes, with some buffs

Edited by Loke.1429
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Doesnt the cooldown reduction to defensive skills make the game worse overall? (In pve)

Nobody who knows what they are doing will ever slot one of them and noobs dont really need to be even more encouraged to make bad choices.

For PvP/WvW, sure that would make sense but PvE?

Now we have to deal with even more 5k dps players?

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Posted (edited)

Can you reduce/remove more ccs in PvP? most of the classes have more than 4 ccs which makes it a hell to play. Also the dmg is too high all over

Edited by Izzy.2951
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This patch is missing desperately needed changes to range of mantras on firebrand 😞 Being a small AoE with cones that have to be aimed makes support mantras very hard to use unless the whole squad is tightly stacked, while other boon classes don't have that much of restriction. Please just make the radius 180->360, no need for herald 600... cone could be 600, but I'm pushing my luck here 😛

Also Loremaster change is not worth picking that GM trait over other two, would be nice if it had for example some extra boons when using tome 2 skills or anything literally. 6->5 secs pages generation is something I'd maybe pick in a special scenario in WvW, not PvE.

Edited by Antina.5973
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43 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

Oh... Curious... I believed that the average damage output in PvE was already way to high but it seem that we will reach new height after the patch...

You know thats precisely the same what I thought. 

Where are the nerfs? Instead we even get buffs (like on virtuoso). 

Please, look at your game ANET. You cant keep up this powercreep just for the sake of changes. Over 90%++ of your content is outdated or simply cant keep up...

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Sovngarde.7502 said:

Condition Druid doesn’t use shortbow.


It does in competitive 💀.

~Hello condi druid my old friend~ (jk I never stopped playing it).

Also, wtf at prelude lash getting no damage now but still having a power coefficient, so it procs random kitten like auras? It got its immob and damage removed, so it's a glorified short-range pull...hooray? 

Anway, for prelude lash and lightning reflexes please remove all damaging components.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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1 hour ago, Rosey.1608 said:

Still no scrapper-quickness fix and nerfing holo with the dumbest justification, "we're not trying to nerf it, we're trying to shift damage budget to grenades" - why?  just why. 

Because they can’t keep nerfing core engi skills because *Holosmith* is the problem.

pistol has seen nothing but nerfs for almost two years, making condition engineer builds except Holo piano miserably low on damage. Condi mech is the lowest benching DPS full stop because Holosmith has been the problem. Finally they’re actually nerfing Holosmith itself instead of core engineer traits

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Thank you very much for expertly dealing with the current EU WVW Meta, where a celestial group can kitten out so much burning that you cannot really cleanse it off (also thanks tot he hit we took to cleanse and healing builds), while still having enough sustain to resist a bomb. At least we know what to expect 🙂

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58 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

Oh... Curious... I believed that the average damage output in PvE was already way to high but it seem that we will reach new height after the patch...

Nah. The average dps output in PvE is still in the 4-6k range.

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1 hour ago, Morvar.9864 said:

- Double or triple revenant cleanses to make the numbers comparable to other support classes. Clearly no dev has played as one for years.

It is funny that they mentioned ele needed  buffing  with condi cleanse because it had fallen behind apparently, while all supports (including Tempest) outcleanse Vindi by a siginifcant margin.

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1 hour ago, SaphireThree.1526 said:

Why do we add counterplay to so many parts of the game but don't touch/rework DP thief, the worst offender? It dictates WvW Roaming and is the least fun to play against for anyone.

nah, thieves only get to roam in wvw, no group action allowed, so to compensate us we get to make everyone else cry when they leave their blobs

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1 hour ago, SaphireThree.1526 said:

Why do we add counterplay to so many parts of the game but don't touch/rework DP thief, the worst offender? It dictates WvW Roaming and is the least fun to play against for anyone.

nah, thieves only get to roam in wvw, no group action allowed, so to compensate us we get to make everyone else cry when they leave their blobs

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