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Legendary starter kit killed the game for me

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So as a player who recently came back to the game I got the Legendary Starter Kit for Frostfang. Kinda excited I spent most of my gold getting everything I needed as stated in the wiki, only to get to the gift of exploration requirement in the end and instantly regretting my actions, with no way to undo them.

You could say it was my mistake but there's no reason for somebody to imagine such an obnoxious requirement as full map completion to obtain a material, specially in a game that supposedly is great for letting you play how you like. I never intend to do full map completion on any char, so everything I crafted is worthless and I'm now poor. Legendaries taking time to craft is fine but if you're going to have annoying requirements like this at the very least have the decency to provide alternative options so we can pick whichever activity suits our preferences.


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29 minutes ago, Runa.2163 said:

So as a player who recently came back to the game I got the Legendary Starter Kit for Frostfang. Kinda excited I spent most of my gold getting everything I needed as stated in the wiki, only to get to the gift of exploration requirement in the end and instantly regretting my actions, with no way to undo them.

You could say it was my mistake but there's no reason for somebody to imagine such an obnoxious requirement as full map completion to obtain a material, specially in a game that supposedly is great for letting you play how you like. I never intend to do full map completion on any char, so everything I crafted is worthless and I'm now poor. Legendaries taking time to craft is fine but if you're going to have annoying requirements like this at the very least have the decency to provide alternative options so we can pick whichever activity suits our preferences.


Then do you have any specific suggestions on what should be the alternative?

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1 hour ago, Runa.2163 said:

I never intend to do full map completion

You don't need full GW2 map completion, only the core-Tyria maps, and you get 2 gifts from one completion. (But you also need to play WvW to get a gift of battle 😉 )

And hey: before you start an adventure like crafting leggies, gathering some information is really a very good idea, now you paid a bit (gold comes in fast in gw2) to learned that. 😉 

Should you ever build leggies again use https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/legendaries

It is able (when you deploy an API key) to give you precise info's about what you have and what you still need.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Legendaries were originally designed as a token to show your mastery of multiple areas of the game. They've already streamlined things and made them trivial, I don't think the gift - one of the few remaining reasons to revisit core maps - should be removed. It's literally removing playing the game from an end game reward.

I'm not a big fan of them giving away the precursor and mastery gifts in the vault as it is. That was a cheap move and made crafting precursors redundant and left yet another system by the wayside instead of building on it like they claim they are doing with systems. I don't want to see further trivilisation. They're meant to take months to get and core map completion fits that

"in my day" we didn't even have reliable ways to farm T6 mats. No laurels, no map rewards. Just lucky drops - same for the precursor

Edited by Randulf.7614
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3 hours ago, Runa.2163 said:

Kinda excited I spent most of my gold getting everything I needed as stated in the wiki

You checked the requirements and still didn't understand you need map completion to get the legendary until you spent gold/materials on everything else?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You checked the requirements and still didn't understand you need map completion to get the legendary until you spent gold/materials on everything else?

That's a good point - if anyone is looking up what's required to make an item on the Wiki and you see something you're not familiar with it's a good idea to check what it is and where it comes from. If you use the 'show base ingredients' function and see something where the TP costs are greyed out don't think "oh cool, that one's free" - it means it's account bound and you'll have to earn it yourself, so checking what's required to get it is even more important.

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3 hours ago, Runa.2163 said:

So as a player who recently came back to the game I got the Legendary Starter Kit for Frostfang. Kinda excited I spent most of my gold getting everything I needed as stated in the wiki, only to get to the gift of exploration requirement in the end and instantly regretting my actions, with no way to undo them.

You could say it was my mistake but there's no reason for somebody to imagine such an obnoxious requirement as full map completion to obtain a material, specially in a game that supposedly is great for letting you play how you like. I never intend to do full map completion on any char, so everything I crafted is worthless and I'm now poor. Legendaries taking time to craft is fine but if you're going to have annoying requirements like this at the very least have the decency to provide alternative options so we can pick whichever activity suits our preferences.


So in other words, not the starter kit killed the game for you, but the Gift of Exploration did.
I mean, you have to do it anyways. Independent from the starter kit.


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3 hours ago, Runa.2163 said:

So as a player who recently came back to the game I got the Legendary Starter Kit for Frostfang. Kinda excited I spent most of my gold getting everything I needed as stated in the wiki, only to get to the gift of exploration requirement in the end and instantly regretting my actions, with no way to undo them.

You could say it was my mistake but there's no reason for somebody to imagine such an obnoxious requirement as full map completion to obtain a material, specially in a game that supposedly is great for letting you play how you like. I never intend to do full map completion on any char, so everything I crafted is worthless and I'm now poor. Legendaries taking time to craft is fine but if you're going to have annoying requirements like this at the very least have the decency to provide alternative options so we can pick whichever activity suits our preferences.


the Legendary start kits have changed nothing about what is required to make a legendary weapon, even before their introduction you still needed to earn a Gift of Exploration to craft a Generation 1 legendary.

yes, this was your mistake to make

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Did you get a gift of battle yet? 😂

Just put everything you've done so far in your bank and work on Core Tyria map completion on occasion. Do one map a day/every few days/whatever. The requirements for a gen1 legendary haven't changed in 12 years.

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5 hours ago, Runa.2163 said:

You could say it was my mistake 

Yes it was.

5 hours ago, Runa.2163 said:

but there's no reason for somebody to imagine such an obnoxious requirement as full map completion to obtain a material, specially in a game that supposedly is great for letting you play how you like. 

You are not forced to do a map completion. Don't like it, don't do it.

5 hours ago, Runa.2163 said:

I never intend to do full map completion on any char, so everything I crafted is worthless and I'm now poor. Legendaries taking time to craft is fine but if you're going to have annoying requirements like this at the very least have the decency to provide alternative options so we can pick whichever activity suits our preferences.

This is a good learning opportunity. Read before committing, this isn't the game's fault since you said you checked the crafting process for the Legendary, in the same wiki you see the Gift of Mastery requiring World Completion mentioned.

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Check each of your characters for map completion percentage. Depending on how and how much you play you might have a character that is much of the way to map completion without consciously trying. I had multiple characters already in the 50-80% range without purposefully working on completion when I decided to pursue legendary weapons.

Finish for that character to get the gifts and then use them on whichever character will be doing the crafting.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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7 hours ago, Runa.2163 said:

there's no reason for somebody to imagine such an obnoxious requirement as full map completion to obtain a material, specially in a game that supposedly is great for letting you play how you like

About that, let's clarify something, because that's something I see a lot :

It only applies to items that are necessary to play the game in good condition, that is never true for vanity/prestige item, which are optionnel.

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34 minutes ago, Sawyer.4127 said:

If everyone listened to "Don't like it, don't do it", we'd have no players left.

and if every single complaint amounting to "I don't enjoy this, I want the reward for free/easier" was followed, there'd be no game left because someone will always disagree with some type of content.

Gen1 legendaries are by now over 12+ years old. They have been made SIGNIFICANTLY easier to acquire (so there, wish granted).

One of the only remaining requirements has been core Tyria map completion.

At some point the issue becomes very easy: you want the reward? You do the thing needed for it (or in this case pay up the gold and buy the gen1 off the TP).

@Runa.2163 next time do some basic research. FYI, this advice will go long ways in many areas of this game.

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4 minutes ago, Sawyer.4127 said:

I did not see the OP in this thread asking for anything for free/or easier, nor has been the case for numerous other threads. He asked for alternative methods, which I find a very fair request to a currently objectively undesirable task.

I am absolutely not advocating for giving anything away for free - I will however always advocate for making things that are bad, better. Or giving alternative ways of obtaining something that requires the same amount of effort, but from a different type of game play. PvP or WvW only players should never have been forced into PvE exploration in the first place, as an example. I get that was the concept of legendaries at launch, but it's a bad implementation and very few people actually like all of them.

There are alternative ways of acquiring gen1 legendaries: the TP. In fact that's the fairest way of offering the reward when it comes to "play what you want" given it's driven by market forces and gold can be accured in any form.

"Bad" is a subjective term here. Again, something you or someone disagrees with or dislikes might be someone elses pleasure and as I pointed out: someone will dislike something you might enjoy.

The only isssue here is the topic creator not doing any type of sensible research on an item as old as the gamen its self.

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28 minutes ago, Sawyer.4127 said:

 I see you making this argument in every single thread ever asking/complaining about anything. You realize you can enjoy a video game without enjoying every single aspect of something right? You know you can want something without enjoying the way it's done? Oh you don't enjoy spending 6-8 hours doing something you don't enjoy in your free time? I guess your only choice now is to have a less enjoyable time playing the game. Have fun. Weird as hell attitude to have.

Hearts are objectively one of the worst parts of this game, as evident by their significantly smaller usage/phasing out in later content. There is nothing wrong with complaining about/asking for change to things that are plain bad in a video game. It's meant to be fun. Spending a full working day worth of hours doing something that is tedious, unrewarding and slow is not fun. It's fine, once, but requiring it over and over and over again in the state that it's in, is overall bad for the game. And that's coming from someone with 100% map completion done on every single character slot that I own.

There is nothing wrong complaining about map completion or wanting it to be better/overhauled to be more enjoyable/Having alternative game play methods of attaining. And they easily could at least improve it with small changes. (Assuming they dare touch the code that it uses, which let's be honest, they probably don't.)

This imaginary idea of exclusivity or feeling special because you own legendaries is insane 12 years into the game. They do nothing but improve the game play experience of the people who have them and the people around them and trying to prevent that makes literally no sense.

Times change and the game should be changing with it. What made sense when only the core game existed doesn't necessarily make sense 4 expansions in. Especially makes no sense to complain about small/bad expansions and at the same time object to any positive change that could improve the experience of the game for new players. New players sticking around is how they get more money to develop.

If everyone listened to "Don't like it, don't do it", we'd have no players left.

I don't enjoy many things in this game, for example, sPvP, there are so many cool things there, do you see me whining that I want those items, but I don't want to play PvP and I should be given those, because "Play the way you like"?
If I don't enjoy it, I don't do it, I don't whine on the forums about it.

30 minutes ago, Sawyer.4127 said:

If everyone listened to "Don't like it, don't do it", we'd have no players left.

This is worth highlighting, since it's so delusional it's unbelievable, just because you don't like it, others may like it, you brought up hearts, there are people who like doing hearts, there are people who like doing world completion. There are people who don't and they.. don't do it, they do other things they enjoy. I know, crazy concept, doing things you enjoy instead of complaining about things you don't.

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8 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

This is worth highlighting, since it's so delusional it's unbelievable, just because you don't like it, others may like it, you brought up hearts, there are people who like doing hearts, there are people who like doing world completion. There are people who don't and they.. don't do it, they do other things they enjoy. I know, crazy concept, doing things you enjoy instead of complaining about things you don't.

We could make an altaternate way to get it , just like Skyscale .

So there wiill be the Normal-Buy from TP- 3d way 😛


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1 minute ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

We could make an altaternate way to get it

They can literally play whatever they want, get gold and then buy gen 1 from tp from whomever bothered with actual acquisition. There's already the ultimate "get it however you want" and yet here we are, OP/you're still trying to complain about it.

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51 minutes ago, Sawyer.4127 said:

 Hearts are objectively one of the worst parts of this game, as evident by their significantly smaller usage/phasing out in later content.


Just to clear this bit up. Hearts were brought back to the game by popular demand and request from S3E2 and have been used from season 3 until EoD. Soto dropped them for reasons unknown, prob because they didn’t fit or the massively reduced resources meant they didn’t have time to make them. We do not know it was a popularity reason 

Some people don’t like them it is true, but it’s not factually true that they are one of the worst parts of the game

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3 hours ago, Dayra.7405 said:

It's definitely nice to have a GoE-complain thread, instead of the usual monthly GoB-complain-thread 🤣

I think that's because OP hasn't noticed the GoB yet. 😂


Someone went looking up some old "GoB should be available in PvE" thread from 2023 because I just had a bunch of reacts to some posts in it. 😂😂😂😂😂

Edited by QueenKeriti.5176
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1 hour ago, Sawyer.4127 said:

I see you making this argument

And he's correct.

1 hour ago, Sawyer.4127 said:

You realize you can enjoy a video game without enjoying every single aspect of something right? You know you can want something without enjoying the way it's done? Oh you don't enjoy spending 6-8 hours doing something you don't enjoy in your free time? I guess your only choice now is to have a less enjoyable time playing the game. Have fun. Weird as hell attitude to have.

You can literally do whatever you want and buy gen 1 weapon off tp instead. But "game bad" because OP dumped his gold/mats (after getting the other half-or-so of it from WV kit) and then realised that he'll still need to play the game. There's one thing you probably need to understand here: no matter what the requirement there would be, OP simply didn't check what he'll need to do to finish the craft. There's no way around it, it's simply his own mistake. If he just wanted to "throw gold at leggy", he should have sold his mats and buy it off tp later.

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1 hour ago, Sawyer.4127 said:


I see you making this argument in every single thread ever asking/complaining about anything. You realize you can enjoy a video game without enjoying every single aspect of something right? You know you can want something without enjoying the way it's done? Oh you don't enjoy spending 6-8 hours doing something you don't enjoy in your free time? I guess your only choice now is to have a less enjoyable time playing the game. Have fun. Weird as hell attitude to have.

Hearts are objectively one of the worst parts of this game, as evident by their significantly smaller usage/phasing out in later content. There is nothing wrong with complaining about/asking for change to things that are plain bad in a video game. It's meant to be fun. Spending a full working day worth of hours doing something that is tedious, unrewarding and slow is not fun. It's fine, once, but requiring it over and over and over again in the state that it's in, is overall bad for the game. And that's coming from someone with 100% map completion done on every single character slot that I own.

There is nothing wrong complaining about map completion or wanting it to be better/overhauled to be more enjoyable/Having alternative game play methods of attaining. And they easily could at least improve it with small changes. (Assuming they dare touch the code that it uses, which let's be honest, they probably don't.)

This imaginary idea of exclusivity or feeling special because you own legendaries is insane 12 years into the game. They do nothing but improve the game play experience of the people who have them and the people around them and trying to prevent that makes literally no sense.

Times change and the game should be changing with it. What made sense when only the core game existed doesn't necessarily make sense 4 expansions in. Especially makes no sense to complain about small/bad expansions and at the same time object to any positive change that could improve the experience of the game for new players. New players sticking around is how they get more money to develop.

If everyone listened to "Don't like it, don't do it", we'd have no players left.


I think there's value in getting outside your comfort zone. Interestingly enough doing something you don't necessarily like or are afraid to do adds to the feeling of achievement after you've completed it. 

Now, I agree that it shouldn't be too much but generally speaking you are free to do and play whatever and however you want... however, if you want to achieve something then you do need to do what it takes. And that's where it becomes different. If you don't feel challenged then it's not much of an achievement. And legendary gear in this game in particular should be an achievement of some consequence. And if you really don't want to do it, then just save gold till you can afford it. All in all there's always something that someone doesn't like doing. The OP doesn't like to do map completion, others don't like WvW, Raids, PvP, Dungeons, Fractals, Strikes or whatever it is... at some point the options are getting mighty thin when you consider this. I happen to like doing map completion from time to time. I think I've done it on 5-6 characters. So it's not objectively obnoxious as the OP states.

If you don't want to do the stuff it takes to get a legendary then you have other options like Ascended gear. This is a learning experience for the OP and now he/she can decide what to do next with this but I don't feel that the game needs to cater anymore to the players whims as it already does. If you just want to play casually, you can. And hey, at least gen 2 and 3 legendary weapons don't require this, so the OP has options still to get legendary gear.

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