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4 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Mucking with gear sets is what turned a lot of us away from spvp. Toon skills, mucking with full gear sets.....personally that is a bad call in my book.

Maybe, but in some cases, this can repair what they mucked with before. 

The games bones grow every year, expansion, and balance update. They need to have a system they're confident in using regularly to make sure other elements of the game like stat distributions can keep up with that growth. It doesn't mean they have to do any more than mess with one or two stat sets once in a while to avoid some unhealthy aspect of the game. 


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Just to remind you all, of the "arguments" why cele in its present form is not an issue (as I've read them in the various cele threads, no doubt written by the roamer gurus):

1. Not used in zergs and zergs is all wvw is about. Guess that got proven wrong, but hey, minstrel and zerker still exist.

2. Cele is subpar to zerker or trailblazer or marauder (or w/e other fairly tale). Those still exist, use them I guess.

3. Cele was not used before it got concentration and expertise, so its still OK with concentration and expertise (dont ask me, I didnt make this up, I have no clue how that is an argument either).

4. You can min-max gear to get better results than cele <--- you are here, go min-max.

5. But if you remove cele people will complain about something else. You mean like stealth and burst dmg?

6. But I get wrongly accused of running cele all the time. Why? I thought cele was fine.

So, many many comments how cele is not an issue. Well then, not an issue for it to get reverted to its previous not an issue form.

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54 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Thank. Okay, i always said that exp-nerf is a bit silly (why that?) but… why not. Lazy balancing tho since boons need adressing in general. Bit okay.

nice are the dagger buffs for eles tho. I like dagger ele 🙂

let‘s see how it feels, eventually i will mix a few minstrel / plaguedoc or whatever into cele to see how it feels. Or i lean more towards some power. I will see.

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10 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

So, many many comments how cele is not an issue. Well then, not an issue for it to get reverted to its previous not an issue form.

You do the same post when people still cry about a certain statcombo even after the nerf? 😄

nahh i guess not.

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14 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

You are about to find out that many of the people wrecking you are not using cele.  

But, it was a quick win for them to get a lot of the forums to shush.  

Don't tell them. Just say it was cele anyways.

I'm more impressed they increased revealed to match pvp. But it is good they are willing to affect stats by game mode.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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20 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Protip: Dragons.  A lot of WBs that make the GoB farmers cry are using Dragons, not cele.  

  Marauder + Dragon stat WB is much bursty than cele ones; cele made them more survivable, but the people which struggle vs WB will keep having troubles for sure...

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1 minute ago, RaveOnYou.2819 said:

now we can focus on real issues like why some classes have more stats than others? base health and armor should be equalized in competitive modes. this game doesnt have holy trinity so why we have then this discrimination.

   Give Guardian 18k HP and shroud?  Sure sounds fun...

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Ai recomended me new gear that is stronger than cele

For a **Core Elementalist** using **Scepter/Dagger** in *World vs World* (WvW), you want a mixed stats gear combination that maximizes **survivability**, **damage output** (both power and condition), and **boon uptime**. Scepter/Dagger Elementalists have great hybrid damage potential, with both condition-based skills (Burning, Bleeding) and direct damage (from skills like Phoenix and Arc Lightning), so focusing on a well-balanced hybrid build is ideal for sustained combat.

Here’s a recommended mixed stat gear setup to optimize your Scepter/Dagger Core Ele in WvW:

### Recommended Stat Combinations
1. **Marauder's** (Power, Precision, Vitality, Ferocity)
   - **Purpose**: Increases direct damage while adding critical hit chance and Ferocity for burst potential, and Vitality for survivability.
   - **Why**: Marauder’s offers more health than Berserker’s, which is critical in WvW where you need to withstand burst damage from opponents. Precision ensures your direct damage abilities will crit more often, while Power and Ferocity maximize that damage output.

2. **Trailblazer's** (Toughness, Vitality, Condition Damage, Expertise)
   - **Purpose**: Provides condition damage (Burning, Bleeding), while adding toughness and vitality to help you survive longer fights.
   - **Why**: Scepter/Dagger Elementalists can apply conditions effectively, and Trailblazer's makes your conditions last longer (due to Expertise) and deal more damage while also making you more tanky.

3. **Carrion** (Power, Vitality, Condition Damage)
   - **Purpose**: Balanced condition damage and power with a focus on health.
   - **Why**: Carrion gives you both direct damage and condition damage, as well as a large boost to health. This is great for keeping you alive while allowing you to deal a mixture of power and condition-based damage.

4. **Diviner's** (Power, Precision, Concentration, Ferocity)
   - **Purpose**: Boosts your ability to generate and maintain boons (like Might, Swiftness, and Fury) while increasing direct damage.
   - **Why**: Concentration is valuable in WvW, especially when running builds that rely on boon uptime for survivability or extra damage. Diviner's ensures your boons last longer while maintaining strong direct damage.

### Suggested Gear Breakdown
- **Armor**:
   - **Marauder’s** (Primary pieces like chest, legs) for more overall health and crit power.
   - **Trailblazer’s** (Shoulders, gloves, boots) for toughness, vitality, and condition damage.
- **Weapons**:
   - **Scepter**: **Marauder's** for direct damage crit potential.
   - **Dagger**: **Trailblazer's** to increase condition damage and tankiness.

- **Trinkets** (Amulet, Rings, Accessories):
   - **Carrion** or **Trailblazer’s** for a good balance of condition damage and survivability.
   - Consider **Diviner's** for the amulet to help with boon uptime and hybrid playstyle.

### Runes and Sigils
- **Rune**: **Superior Rune of the Balthazar** or **Superior Rune of the Traveler**.
   - **Rune of Balthazar** boosts condition damage and burning duration, great for Scepter/Dagger ele’s natural Burning application.
   - **Rune of the Traveler** gives a nice balance of stat boosts (Power, Vitality) and movement speed, helpful for WvW mobility.

- **Weapon Sigils**:
   - **Sigil of Energy** (on both weapons): Restores 50% endurance when you swap weapons, great for dodging more frequently in WvW.
   - **Sigil of Cleansing**: Removes a condition when you swap to the weapon set, useful for surviving against condition-heavy opponents.
   - **Sigil of Doom**: Causes your next attack to inflict Poison, which helps counter enemy healing.

### Why This Stat Combination Works for WvW
- **Survivability**: Vitality from Marauder’s, Carrion, and Trailblazer’s ensures you have enough health to avoid being burst down quickly in zergs or 1v1 fights. Toughness from Trailblazer’s also helps you mitigate incoming damage from both conditions and direct attacks.
- **Hybrid Damage**: Power from Marauder’s and Carrion ensures your direct attacks from Scepter abilities hit hard, while Trailblazer’s and Carrion boost your condition damage, allowing you to deal strong burning and bleeding.
- **Boon Duration**: Diviner’s pieces will extend boons like **Might**, **Swiftness**, and **Fury**, which are key for increasing your damage and survivability.

This hybrid setup provides a solid balance between damage, survivability, and sustain, allowing you to contribute effectively in both solo and group WvW scenarios. It gives you the flexibility to fight using both power and condition damage while maintaining a defensive edge to survive longer engagements.

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8 minutes ago, Coldtart.4785 said:

You guys are going to be in for a big shock if you think the major condi bunker builds will even notice this nerf. They already overcap all the important boons and expect to have condis cleared before they time out.

Most of the people here dgaf about condi bunker builds, as they aren't nearly as common as you think they are. Players were more concerned with the basic kitten cele builds that got tuned down a bit now (cele cata, cele harbi, cele mech, cele druid) so that the players running them have to use their brains now a bit. (Or learn to min max by getting a little bit of every armor stat available)

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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

You are about to find out that many of the people wrecking you are not using cele.  

But, it was a quick win for them to get a lot of the forums to shush.  

Next in line is mass complaining about anything with toughness/healing power/condi duration. It's the SPVP situation all over again where they removed a bunch of amulets to appease the whiners. TBH the only change CELE needs is shaving the total stat advantage it gets from like 30% to something lower.  Outright removing entire stat lines from a set designed to give you a little of everything seems to go a little far.

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Can still mix in parts of gear into cele to match pre nerf desired stats out of cele for some classes. Like it be less hp pool, th etc, but at fundamental level it be unchanged if person puts enough effort in to optimize it back. It'd relatively small change for skilled players and nothing will change outside of people not being able to blame "cele" as now it's few pieces mixed into cele.

Not really a fix here, cele need overall stat number trim 🙄 

It breaks some zerg builds that for sure, not really hitting the roamers tho, and that's why they doing it, as they don't like spreading cele builds for zergs. 

At least that's my opinion from how it's being handled now

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1 minute ago, Kitiara.2706 said:

Oh wow, we needed to nerf this, because THIS is what broke WvW.  Yeh, ok.  Whatever anet... I hope you adjust the rest of the stats in response to losing two.

Even with expertise and conc cut off cele still give most stat points out of any gear in the game, like u still get more stats points than other gears.

How much more u want? 

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2 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

Lazy balancing tho since boons need adressing in general. 


But boons got addressed.

The necro spear 5 that prevents boons will be removed. Extirpate will no longer apply extirpate, not that it was extirpating well in a first place if u ask me. But yeah in general boons was adressed... by removing skill from the game that prevents boons from being applied..... AHAHAHAHAHAHA  😀 

U literally can't make this kitten up.

Edited by Triptaminas.4789
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