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so..its the last day of season 10 today..


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I voted “3”. I really want to like gw2 spvp. The gameplay is fun. The rating system and rated ques are frustrating at worst and seem random at best.

Regular observable 10 game win or lose streaks. Crazy blow outs. Random bronze players in platinum rated games and the reverse of top ranked players duo in silver rated games. I hit a hard wall at the top of platinum 1 then drop to gold 3 then back up.

On top of all that balance patches mid season and out of control match manipulation.

The problem with gw2 spvp is all us players can see the potential but are regularly disappointed.

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I'm leaving on a road trip tonight, so my season is over. I finish with slightly better than a 50% win record. ( On a core PU Mesmer. ) On paper, that sounds like things are peachy. Mesmer is about to take a hard nerf hit to shatter damage though and I'm worried that core builds may finally be out of the game entirely.

Most of the matches felt pretty lopsided, wins and losses. I usually end up leaving angry and/or depressed and tilted. On the other hand, the most recent patch/rework was pretty good. So, I'm hopeful.

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It's been alright for me, I've only played around 30 games though with a 70% something win rate. Been playing mostly sb but also played revenant the last couple of matches, which was a LOT of fun! I like the challenge associated with playing rev. It's a high risk, high reward kind of class as opposed to sb, which is just simply low risk, ez to play, etc.

Some matches were kind of even, but then there were matches that were entirely lopsided. I've had matches where the enemy team snowballed early which led to several team mates going afk. This happened very often. That sucked, but I shrugged it off and carried on as normal. I only had 1 match where people were claiming that a player was wintrading. I can't confirm it, but it was definitely suspicious. Still, that person could have dc'd or crashed or whatever.

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started off kitten bad and then the patch made it even worse....... however like any other season you gotta adapt and try new builds out sooooo that was fun. gave a 3, because i know it could get worse and it didn't so im glad..... till next balance patch

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All the way from the bottom of gold or silver up to 2 wins till plat.........14 times, the entire gold rank bar, 14 times. Thank you non-stop hackers match throwers(children who load into ranked just to scream at their own team and afk 12 seconds into the match regardless of weather you're winning or not) & teams that dogpile their own home when a single person sets foot on it! Also, lets not forget the plethora of thieves that can't even speak english and only go mid the entire match alone!

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@"PuppyMonkeyBabyJosephSayer.3601" said:All the way from the bottom of gold or silver up to 2 wins till plat.........14 times, the entire gold rank bar, 14 times. Thank you non-stop hackers match throwers(children who load into ranked just to scream at their own team and afk 12 seconds into the match regardless of weather you're winning or not) & teams that dogpile their own home when a single person sets foot on it! Also, lets not forget the plethora of thieves that can't even speak english and only go mid the entire match alone!

I feel you’re pain. I made it to plat around mid season after starting late. Once I hit plat I got matched with afk’ers and the whiners that complain their team sucks because they let the best player in the game die at mid so they idle at spawn.Fell all the way to g1 At one point and I think I ended the season g3 but it was frustrating.

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I voted 2 since i won't be too rude voting 1. This has been the worst season so far. I started the season with 150 rating less than season 9, for no reason. I managed to get back to 1520 after big series making me rotate between 1260 and 1550.

Due to decay, i got placed at 1499 and tried to get back that rating on last days. I won 2 games out of last 12, same experience as PuppyMonkeybabyJosephSayer :

  • Not a single time i had a good setup, most of the time had to face 2 scourges.
  • Several times i had afk's/dc or people throwing the game before the match even started

Now i'm on 1440, basically ruined the season in 1 day of unluck. But the most annoying is that this feels like all matchs are totally random. These last 12 ended on a close score, which says matchmaking works. But under good circumstances, they should have been won 500-100..

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