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Honestly doesn't matter.

The tool itself helps people improve by analyzing their rotations and provide feedback, without it you're stuck on stationary golem and can't reflect on players' skill to adapt to both rotations and boss mechanics at the same time.

Sure dps meter also lets people decide who to keep in their group through direct measurements, thus can be used for toxic form of elitism. But even if its removed people will simply find other methods to kick players who don't meet their expectation. You just get a bit more blaming games where players are trying to figure out who's the weak link in the group.

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I see this topic pop up every few weeks and the same issue is always unresolved. Before meters we had people looking at achievement points and booting anyone from joining unless they had 20k, 30k, or what ever represented a sign that the player knew what they were doing. To join certain guilds they put players to the test by having them solo bosses such as Lupi or MAMA. Class restrictions was extremely heavy, as anything non-meta screamed casual.

Most of that silliness is gone thanks to meters, through we still have some lingering meta class requirements, KP and titles as a proxy for skill. I have no desire to return to the days before dps meters and would rather like to see some builtin indicators for what meters already do like failed mechanics.

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The tool can help you improve your own skills as well as help you detecting when there is someone in your party who likes to be carried without doing anything.The tool is bad when people kick people who play their best with whatever class yet their dps isn't the highest due to several reasons like nature of the profession or their build.It has both good and bad but in my opinion there is more good than bad.

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I don't care one way or another. Personally I don't use one, but if some people want to that's perfectly fine. If others don't like them/just don't care enough to use them that's also okay. If someone wants to use a DPS meter as a metric to judge their group by so be it. Just be respectful and have good communication about what you expect from the people you're about to group with. Put it in the LFG so a person isn't blindsided when you kick them because their DPS is too low. Don't join a group that expects a certain level of performance if you can't/aren't willing to meet it etc, etc. Just be respectful.

If I had any dog in this fight it would be wishing ANet would either come up with their own DPS meter or get in contact with one of the third party creators and officially work with them on their project. I don't use them so maybe this is more black and white then I realize, but it seems like their statement on what meters are and aren't acceptable are still vague enough that people are getting confused or panicking over breaking the TOS. If they're going to allow them I think it would be better to do so in a more official way then what they've done so far to help ease their players minds.

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I like dps meters because they offer an objective way of judging others, instead of using some metrics that are meaningless.Toxic people will always be toxic, dps meters remove all the previously used metrics of toxicity and replace them with something that is much more objective.Further, they allow players to enter content, while past methods of exclusion didn't allow entrance.All that needs to be done is to remove the profession icons so you don't know what specialization someone is running, or what build they have, and instead judge them by their actual performance and not by their choice of build.

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It doesn't really matter. Toxicity and elitism was a thing before DPS meters and are just part of human nature. What I would like the most if we had an in-game DPSmeter, made by ANet, letting you know your own stats and that's it. The more ppl use 3rd party programs, the less likely it is for ANet to implement these features themselves.

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I don't think it matters. As a tool for self-improvement, I'd like to have them. As a tool for singling out players and berating them, they're crap. BUT, if they didn't exist do you really think the type of people who bully now will stop? They'll just make assumptions rather than meters.

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@lokh.2695 said:It doesn't really matter. Toxicity and elitism was a thing before DPS meters and are just part of human nature. What I would like the most if we had an in-game DPSmeter, made by ANet, letting you know your own stats and that's it. The more ppl use 3rd party programs, the less likely it is for ANet to implement these features themselves.

As much as I think people's aversion to deeps metres is ridiculous, this would be a fair middle ground. It helps both sides and is a reasonable compromise.

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@IndigoSundown.5419 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:Your poll makes no sense.

I have to agree with Kheldorn. The thread title suggests the poll is about a choice to keep or remove the meters. The poll offers choice of Like or Don't Like. Those choice pairs are not necessarily the same. Sorry, couldn't vote.

Not only that, but the forum population is such a small sub-set of the entire GW2 base that any metrics derived from any polls here are inherently suspect.

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I'm with the others that want them for personal use, I don't really care what other people are pulling down but would like a simple way to gauge my own performance. I think it is also important to say that for some top tier content, you have to cut people that can't measure up. It always is a bummer to be the person who gets dropped but with some content one person's failure means failure for the group. Those who take it to the extreme and are super toxic would find another metric to be toxic with, i'd rather see them combat toxicity directly than limit the available tools to players simply because bullies might use them to bludgeon newer players with.

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keep it. ppl who complain about dps metre are naive.

i remember back then, ppl asked for 5000 AP... back then i didn't know what AP was, i thought it meant attack power, and i was so scared to join a group cuz my attack power only goes to 3000 lol... even though i had 8000AP already...

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I don't mind dps meters being in games, I just prefer for developers to provide an official personal dps meter built into the game, personal meter as in it only shows your dps, with detailed information. This allows you to track your progress, and share it when you actually want to. It also gets annoying dealing with errors, crashes, etc with anything that is 3rd party.

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Depends, I love having it to be able to see what the issue is if were failing, or how well Im doing. I absolutely hate them as a call out tool for people to shame underperformer/slackers. It breeds major toxicity in even the most relaxed instances.

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