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Professions you enjoy the most and the least ?

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I only play PvE.

I love the dragonhunter(guardian) the most. I love to be able to use my greatsword and a longbow. The skills are fun to play and look really pretty(yes, that`s seriously one of the reasons why I love to play this class...silly, I know). Necro is fun too but I wish we could make the monsters you can summon look cuter. I am so superficial, sorry xD

I wish I would understand the mesmer class. It looks like so much fun! I just can't get used to this class. But I love to play together with others who play mesmer, they are so useful! Portals <3

My least favorite class is revenant. I just don't understand this class...it seems boring? Blergh.

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@Myrdreth.6829 said:I only play PvE.

I love the dragonhunter(guardian) the most. I love to be able to use my greatsword and a longbow. The skills are fun to play and look really pretty(yes, that`s seriously one of the reasons why I love to play this class...silly, I know). Necro is fun too but I wish we could make the monsters you can summon look cuter. I am so superficial, sorry xD

I wish I would understand the mesmer class. It looks like so much fun! I just can't get used to this class. But I love to play together with others who play mesmer, they are so useful! Portals <3

My least favorite class is revenant. I just don't understand this class...it seems boring? Blergh.

The key to mesmer's power is skill spams such as shatter: BUT you MUST set specializations in each 3 choices to match your desired outcome:

Mine is currently set to MAX shatter dps + shatter buff effects like condi remove + other stuffWith the new mesmer elite specialization there's even more you can do but I haven't used it yet.

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My order:

  1. Tied at the top: DH, Sword+Dagger Weaver, GS/Minion Reaper, Staff/pistol-pistol Daredevil, Flamethrower-kit Engie (any spec)
  2. Tied at the bottom: Mesmer, Chrono, Mirage (I get why people like them, but I can't make them work for me.)
  3. In a big clump of meh in the middle: all the rest, with Herald a bit above the others.

DH, Weaver and Flamethrower-kit Engie? Because all of them feed my inner pyromaniac.

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Favorites: GS Guardian Dragonhunter with traps, Necromancer (wells/golem and minion master)Least favorites: Revenant and Thief

Guardian is the only profession I have a full specialization in.

Used to play turret Engineer a lot until Anet removed ground targeting from turrets (which they never explained why). Although my engineer adapted to bombs/explosives, it's just not the same fun as before.

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I used to like playing Elementalist in both PvE and PvP... but since now it's really meh ... it became the least favorite class since i'm struggleling doing anything with it while I can just faceroll with any other class.

Hopefully the recent beetle races made my ele come out of the box.

I play more my revenant now in sPvp since it's more effective with less condies in the meta. I might say it's my favorite now.

(I hate mesmer and more specifically what anet made it ....so there's no point mentionning it .)

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@Myrdreth.6829 said:I only play PvE.

I love the dragonhunter(guardian) the most. I love to be able to use my greatsword and a longbow. The skills are fun to play and look really pretty(yes, that`s seriously one of the reasons why I love to play this class...silly, I know). Necro is fun too but I wish we could make the monsters you can summon look cuter. I am so superficial, sorry xD

I wish I would understand the mesmer class. It looks like so much fun! I just can't get used to this class. But I love to play together with others who play mesmer, they are so useful! Portals <3

My least favorite class is revenant. I just don't understand this class...it seems boring? Blergh.

i started guardian also due to the beautiful skill around Possesion of Blades and test of faith..

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most favorite is guardian core dragon hunter and firebrand i play all three at times for different occasions mesmer comes second i like mirage and chrono about the same but necro reaper ranger all are even third fourths. anything past mesmer and guardian just mainly goes how i feel like playing that day.i just cant get into engineer elementalist also. think id like ele but just dont have time to mess with it enough to understand. i tried reverant a lot when my guild started doing raids and i had only rev in guild at max level i learned to play but hated it. i like both thief and warrior but dont play them much rather play something else

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@Donari.5237 said:

EDIT: I had to edit this post since there's one creep who always spreads harmful stuff in my name by logging into my network/social media accounts/etc. So please excuse me for the previous text. Whoever logs into my network/computer/whatever and tries to get me banned by writing harmful stuff in my name: STOP THAT!

If this is happening to you, any reason you haven't changed your passwords and set things to not auto-fill them?

I never use auto-fill so that wasn't the problem. Strangely this hasn't happened in at least 2 years now since there was one person who hacked my tumblr and ruined my reputation within the fandom of a certain character of the game by spamming blogs dedicated to the character with harmful and sexual content in my name. What's odd is that this has happened previously the first time in like 2014 in another fandom and now it seems to not have stopped. I guess it's one specific person who was once a friend of mine who's likely knowing all my informations. I'll check if I can change the password here as I did with the other platforms and hope that they'll not get any further information on anything anymore.Oddly I have already changed my password and even my email adress but somehow they got this information anyways. Must be a virus or anything of some sort, I'll check this later. Nevermind, this isn't even the topic and the place for it so I'll just make it short. Thanks for the advice and I just wanted to reply to this to elaborate the case.

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@Dreamy Lu.3865 said:The least: Warrior. I could never find a fun way to play with it (to my taste). I have one only, equipped with double axe main, longbow backup. That's what suits me the most. However, even though, I use her very rarely and only in explorable for easy stuff.

Having only recently getting to know Warrior better, the only build I like is Axe/Dagger + Dagger/Axe in Arms/Discipline/Spellbreaker. Focus mainly on Ferocity and 100% Fury uptime. The Arms spec has trait that gives fury every time you burst, and Discipline spec has traits that reduce burst and weapon swap recharge times. Thus you get never-ending fury just by repeating burst + weapon swap every 6 seconds. I have seen fury stacked to 45s. You don't need much precision because fury, banner of discipline, signet of fury together grant about +45% crit chance. So Berserker gear is fine; also I prefer Rune of Rage. Don't forget Signet Mastery in Arms spec for even more power and ferocity. So freely activate Signets of Healing and of Fury on cooldown (every 16s).

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  • 8 months later...

I have started this game at realease and played until end of 2013. Then break until June 2019. Now I still only play core (expansions soon ...) and most of the time I played my engineer. My main char which I mainly play with rifle and I love the knockbacks and stuff (lots of CC). Favorite I'd say.

Out of the other classes most seem fun as well. I especially noticed the necromancer and warrior being a lot easier in PvE. Necro cause of the minions and warrior cause of the tons of more damage while easily spamming greatsword skills without lots of knowledge/training and even with bad gear (while levelling my gear usually was lacking behind a bit).

Ele is squishy but still a bit fun. He has good AoE available and movement and protection skills. Guardian similar to warrior - good damage and he stays alive cause of the healing/protection. Necro, warrior and guardian felt "easier" to play than engineer and ele.

Mesmer with the portal - so many players like it for helping with JP - seems fun as well. I like to get clones by dodging and then shattering a lot. Also the quickness (time warp for emergencies) is nice. And sword skill 2 + shatter is enough AoE for me.

I struggled a bit with ranger and trying to make a good aoe build (for pve and killing mobs fast). Saw when I returned after years that I had celestial gear on him. With the pet and sword/warhorn + shordbow (2nd weapon set) he feels nice and good survivability. Also not killing too slow. Can pull some mobs and use the sword to hit more than one at the same time.

A bit struggling with thief though. Before I stopped end 2013 I had him near orr (level 78 next maps to explore the 3 in orr and story the last part) with still underleveled gear. Not sure where to go with him. I try to finish the main personal story and get some exotic gear and try for some PvE build. The jupming around (doding stuff) does not seem interesting and I struggle with AoEing. The bow seems boring (might get better one I get "real" gear - at least everthign 80s exotic) sword as well ... though with some quickness combined I think it might be okay.

But then again when it comes to fast moving into the battle and then retreat ... I found that I had this playstyle already with me ranger (which has pet and better survivability with less player skill/training necessary) which I played like a duelist/fencer. The 1h sword ist really fun there.

So: Thief least enjoyed while usually these kind of classes seem interesting to me (and more interesting in all the other MMORPGs out there). Didn't think I'd stay with the engineer main that long ... after trying other classes. When others are considered easier (or were at least back then in 2013 before my long break) ... but the CCing is still a lot of fun. When rifle skill 4 does a crapload of damage even to the defiance bar of champs and compared to that other players aroudn don't seem to damage that bar. :D

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Thief and Engineer are my top picks for both their theme and it just feels the most analog to play. Having to constantly chain skills both offensively and defensively. My least favorite is Revenant. Despite it being a decent class it just feels rushed, unfinished, and while it intended to be the heavy armored jack-of-all-traits class it doesn't share the same synergy and finesse like Engineer and Elementalist. Plus it's the only class in the game where you don't have access to racial skills.

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Being an older, slower and fairly clunky player limits my choices to what I can actually keep alive and fighting. My first World Completion was with a mesmer. While I loved playing the mesmer in core Tyria I really couldn't keep the poor thing alive on Hot and PoF maps. For quite a while now my main has been a core rev with a full kit of ascended soldier's gear. It's durable with a fairly simple and straightforward game play. It's been a while since I've played a necro so I boosted one last week and have been happily remembering just how much I love a necro minion master. Maxed out the reaper first and its greatsword is really fun. Just finished maxing the scourge so will be trying that out again over the next few days. The necro may be my new main for a while.

Another personal favorite is a scrapper wielding a flamethrower. I use that toon for farming Istan, the Silverwastes, Joko invasions in core Tyria, and the like. Oh, and I find a ranger to be great fun for open world roaming. My key farmers are often rangers. Getting them a fire wyvern and a fanged iboga for pets while they are still baby rangers allows them to terrorize the beginner maps. :)

While I really, really like the idea of the elementalist as well as its weapon animations, I just can't keep one alive outside of core Tyria. The deadeye is another class I like the idea of but I never could play one well in actual combat. My least favorite class is probably the warrior. The adrenaline mechanic just doesn't work for someone as slow as me. Warrior is the only profession I haven't bothered to get to level 80 with.

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Favorites:Thief because I like fast-paced twitch gameplay, and I am a masochist.Engineer and Elementalist because I like piano-gameplay, it's just a different kind of fast-paced gameplay. Engineer sometimes because WvW med-bot.

Dislikes:Revenant. I don't even know what to do with it.Necromancer. Too slow.

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Favourite - core Engineer. For all the promise that such a character holds in this game. Gagdetry and fireworks and the sort of mayhem that appeals(or should appeal) to everyone's inner five year old.

Least Enjoyable - Core Engineer. Because in spite of all that promise ANet has dithered and deprecated and shaved it so many times over the years that the only class I want to play, the one I've stayed with, has figuratively become that five year old - the one who erroneously believes they've half a chance at fighting it out with adults who are bigger, heavier, and better-coordinated but ends up losing badly. Yes, there's scrapper, but it's taken its share of hard knocks. There's also Holosmith, but it's so far away from what the engineer is that it might as well be another profession.

It's just not fun anymore. To the point where I've begun to wonder whether it ever actually was and that what I was instead experiencing as I'd played it was more a reflection of my own great expectations rather than the engineer's true capability. It's not burn out. And all the promise is still there. All the abilities, give or take, are more or less still a part of the package. It's just a matter of actually playing it, then seeing how hard I have to try as opposed to just how effortless it is for other professions to routinely grind my character into the dirt. This doesn't make the victories sweeter. It doesn't instill a sense of achievement. It's just built a lot of bitterness and resentment.

Statistically there has to be a winner, just as there has to be a loser. Which is why in hindsight Engineer is one of those professions that's left me wishing that seven years ago I'd known then what I know now so that I hadn't wasted my time. Strong stuff, I guess, but class-wise I haven't seen the ball dropped so thoroughly in an mmo til I'd played core Engineer.

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I'm weird. My favorites tends to shift, as it's usually something that works while no one else plays it, while my least favorite things are that which everyone plays all the time. It just feels boring to me to be a clone.

Thematically, I rarely touch ranger, mesmer, warrior, and engi. Guardian is in the middle. And thief, necro, ele, and revenant I'm on the most.

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Mostly depends on expansion i thinkI play at the beginning WarriorThen in Hot i played with Revenant HeraldIn Pof i play mostly with Necromancer Reaper

I tend to play each of the class but the above are the ones i play the most

I still can't play no matter how much i try Ranger, Mesmer and Ele, can't figure out how to use there power properly to the fullest.

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