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Taimi should probably die.

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@crashburntoo.7431 said:At the risk of appearing uncultured, which is entirely accurate,... SPOILER ALERT!

It's a book from 1868, I think we're okay discussing it in public by now. :tongue:

@"Ashen.2907" said:I dont want the character killed off, I just dont care for the excessive, IMO, use as a plot device.

Not as bad as Joko, who is also a joke (hur hur) of a character, or - and this is a far bigger problem IMO - my own character. Now, you may wonder, "Why would someone mind their character being a central plot device?!", but I don't mean that I am a part of the story, I mean that I am the part of the story. Which is alright, up to the point where I have to - whether I want to or not - accept that there's a million+ like me. I group with some of those and do the instances together! :scream:

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Friends and Devs,I've created a forum account just to comment on this thread. Everyone has an opinion on everything, but I hope this small comment is heard.

I don't know if everyone has a moment when they realize how much they love this game, but I'd like to share mine:That moment was when I traveled to Isatan Island and was trying to find Taimi and I heard her scream.I felt a shiver down my spine and let out a small gasp as I worried about what happened to her.

That suspension of disbelief is what makes this game special.This is a game with a story so rich that fictional characters have meaning to real people.That is what good art does, it invokes feelings. It allows the reader/viewer/listener/player to, for a moment, be somewhere else....to be something else.

Please do not just kill off characters for story progression without purpose. This is not World of Warcraft.

I'm not saying don't kill her because she happens to be my favorite.I'm saying, don't kill her-- she has meaning to this fictional story enjoyed by real people.


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I don't see Taimi putting her consciousness into a Golem that's been done.

What I do see her doing is constructing a form-fitting, exo-suit- similar to what many of the world's militaries are trying to get built- which would enable her to walk and even run and fight along side her companions. Perhaps with an integral jet glider, an enhanced version of our gliders from heart of thorns, made for an expansion down the line- which would allow us to gain altitude in short bursts- a sort of space flight expansion.

One taking place in either the Aether high in orbit above Tyria, or in a bizarre, Dali-esque pocket of the Eternal Alchemy existing on a semi-material plane. Or even a story chapter done as a tribute to 'Fantastic Voyage' and 'Inner Space' where the commander and his companions are shrunken down to microscopic size and sent inside of Taimi in order to either cure or slow the progression of her disease after one of her own self-experiments to cure illness goes horribly wrong.

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@DamiVlad.2689 said:

@"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:There's no way they'd kill off our deus ex machina dispenser. If anything they'll tug on some heartstrings by having her on death's door until Zojja miraculously recovers and brings the invention of "a certain Snaff Prize Savant" to save the day. Either that, or
Taimi turns half-sylvari
from abusing blighting pod juice.

I would love seeing a mix between a Sylvari and an Asura, would be funny to see a little walking cabbage

We have them already: Choya.

Don't let anyone fool you. It's from an unholy alliance of rougue Asurans and rebellious but not quite nightmare court Sylvari.

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@Twyn.7320 said:

Even though Scarlet died, her effect on the world still exists to this date. She caused the awakening of Mordremoth, which in turn, led to the magical explosions that we've seen in recent Episodes. It's not a surprise that this type of story-telling died with LWS1. Anet is petrified of repeating LWS1's formula, due to its controversial history. It's been several years since then, and I doubt that they'd mess it up like that again. Just because one aspect of LWS1 went wrong, it doesn't mean that the whole thing was terrible.

I know after hearing about LWS1, I am so disappointed I didn't play through it because it sounded exactly like what so many would have liked. Or course the internet being the internet... I have always found that if someone wants to tell me a story, its better to just let them do that. Once its over, then I'll form an opinion. Most things are much better if you get to look back instead of trying to look forward. And character deaths are also like that. If you let them tell their story, if the character is to die its more likely to feel more satisfying. Well, unless you're the Internet then nothing is ever not world shattering bad. I do dislike when writers are asked why they kill characters and it being because they felt not enough shock. Chances are when they die and it feels bad that its done solely for shock.

After the Women in Refrigerators thing a years ago, I noticed writers killing random characters except females even though it was the female characters seemingly heading that way. That's over I think but it brought to light how death was being used badly. Good deaths are those that aren't expected but at the same time they help make a character feel complete while also giving the story new areas that wouldn't exist before. If you can get there easily without character death then that death is being wasted to me.

@Bladezephyr.5714 said:

Everyone's taste is different... I found Tybalt kind of annoying and was actually a bit glad when he died. TBH I like playing through as whispers but I really wish there was an option to have a different mentor than Tybalt. But, Taimi is awesome and must never die. :smiley:

Oh my. I never thought someone would hate Tybalt. When I played through the Vigil story, I hated my mentor dying because there was so much in his back story they barely touched on which really would have impacted the death. The first time through, I didn't even pick up on it until rewatching his death and think oh, I see why now. Tybalt's needing that constant self assurance also dovetailed into his death. I personally like more of everything usually but games just don't lend themselves to story easily. Its rather hard to determine how a character is going to feel if that character is out of your control like our PC.

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@thruine.8510 said:

Oh my. I never thought someone would hate Tybalt. When I played through the Vigil story, I hated my mentor dying because there was so much in his back story they barely touched on which really would have impacted the death. The first time through, I didn't even pick up on it until rewatching his death and think oh, I see why now. Tybalt's needing that constant self assurance also dovetailed into his death. I personally like more of everything usually but games just don't lend themselves to story easily. Its rather hard to determine how a character is going to feel if that character is out of your control like our PC.

I prefer Sieran over Tybalt(Dont hate him, i just..strongly dislike him) and whoever the vigil one was, when i saw mordremoth bring her back the first time im pretty sure i had a tear or two cause she grew on me and i would pick the priory just to be able to have her happiness as i played through that story, up till her death at least.

Also yes, i agree on LW1 for the latter parts of it was i off in bootcamp so i never got the chance to play it and i would love to see it brought into the game again, even if it was all instanced content, because what i did get to play, with the introduction of all the characters we have now, i would love to experience again.

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Kill off Taimi in a horrible way so she can atleast be memorable and have a cry moment for her. Similar to Eir's Death but instead by dying from a random mob in the Jungle, make it more dramatic.Since Taimi are dying due to her disability or will be dead since she's useless in combat, we can Always recruit the two Brothers instead since they're far more interesting characters than Taimi will ever be.

Recruit Gorrik and Blish to our cute little guild!

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I think what will happen is, due to some pre-medicated science mishap, Taimi and Aurene will merge into one being -- Tairene! Or maybe Aumi... -- and she will defeat everybody and absorb all the magic to become the Grand Poobah Asura-Dragon, Chief Science Bully and Master of All Tyria, and then she will sneeze, accidentally creating a new albeit microscopic universe with hundreds of microscopic Tyrias adrift in the microscopic Mists, at which point she will realize the microcosm is the macrocosm or something like that, or whatever, leading to the launch of Guild Wars 3 which will be more like the original Guild Wars, except there still won't be any gargoyles and charr will be lactose intolerant.

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@Tachenon.5270 said:I think what will happen is, due to some pre-medicated science mishap, Taimi and Aurene will merge into one being -- Tairene! Or maybe Aumi... -- and she will defeat everybody and absorb all the magic to become the Grand Poobah Asura-Dragon, Chief Science Bully and Master of All Tyria, and then she will sneeze, accidentally creating a new albeit microscopic universe with hundreds of microscopic Tyrias adrift in the microscopic Mists, at which point she will realize the microcosm is the macrocosm or something like that, or whatever, leading to the launch of Guild Wars 3 which will be more like the original Guild Wars, except there still won't be any gargoyles and charr will be lactose intolerant.

Then she will succumb to boneitis having forgotten to cure it...


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@Gaile Gray.6029 said:Couple of personal thoughts:

  • I like Taimi and think she adds a lot to the story. I find her character interesting, her dialogue amusing, and her personality quite charming. As a whole, I think she enhances and propels the story in valuable ways.I like her too, if she is annoying, she's annoying like a sister or brother you love dearly.
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@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

  • I don't know that the lore says she has a "terminal" condition. I felt it was progressive and debilitating, but didn't sense it was ultimately terminal. (Probably some of you know better, though. Is it, truly?)It's my understanding that she has brittle bone disease, at least that's how I always took it, probably because I have a friend who has that. He can "walk" sort of, but he needs a wheelchair to function, like she needs her Golem. It takes very little to literally break him, he once broke a finger by doing basically nothing. If it was a rib instead it could puncture his organs and kill him. So while the disease itself isn't terminal it's incredibly dangerous and could easily cause the person to die. Also, if it were to degenerate more, the possibility of that happening becomes more likely. Especially when she keeps putting herself in the middle of dangerous situations, like she does.
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I think it's better if Anet sticks to no-deaths...

They tried having (meaningless) deaths in the personal story and all, it got so predictable and predictably meaningless, I don't know why you think a 'main' char death would be any better. It's just not their forte, and so it's better for them to not try - plain is better than contrived. And I am OK with it. If I want story, I'll just selectively read books and watch anime/movies.

Let them focus on what they're good at (the game itself)

Opinions may differ, but I actually thought the deaths of npcs like geraint, charti, karacule in dragon nest were actually well-written for an mmo, though repetitively and predictably dark. The key difference, I think, was the fleshing out of each char, each was distinct, was given individual opinions and dissent, personality.

The problem with many gw2 npcs is, they are mostly hi-and-bye, the interaction is quite flat, most of them are 1d stereotypes... Its like, the things that they get upset or emotional about is just so childish and simple.

Its also possible that there needs to be (good) bgm, and the dialogue should not be so spaced out in timing

Until this is fixed, please, no more silly deaths

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To be honest, the most frustrating part I have with all of this is the 180 on Braham. He goes from being okay (living story 2) to losing his mom (HoT) to being an ass (living story 3) to just frustration (PoF) to being an ass (living story 4) to....we are all friends again? No. Just no. I don't think the commander would tolerate the way he has acted at ALL. I mean, you are there for him, you try and console him about his loss, to him being a flat grump dump trying to live up to his mom's image to flat accusing you of letting Taimi get captured. In the First City when you run into him:

 Rytlock Brimstone: We're here to rescue Taimi from Joko.Braham Eirsson: You let this Joko character take Taimi?!Spearmarshal Zaeim: No one "lets" Joko do anything. He takes what he wants.Rox: Who's this guy?Spearmarshal Zaeim: I am Zaeim, Spearmarshal of the Sunspears.Braham Eirsson: So first you put Jormag to sleep with that blasted machine—Rytlock Brimstone: Enough!<Character name>: Taimi's in danger. Anyone who wants to save her can come with me.

Honestly it was that that made me just flat not want anything to do with Braham ever again and I've dealt with frustrating people (Tales of the Abyss Luke in the first half of the game comes to mind) and honestly, he wants nothing to do with us. Rox would rather follow Braham then us. They both should be secondary characters for a while and maybe talked about with communication with Taimi but little else for a while. Braham needs to go do his Nord stuff and Rox needs to go be with the Olmakhan. Really the only people that want anything to do with the Commander right now are Taimi, Rytlock and Canach. Marjory and Kasmeer have valid reasons to not be around with the former being injured and then latter now a noble again.

Honestly? What's going on with Logan and Zoija? Logan is now Pact Commander, Zoija is doing god knows what and Caithe? You remember her right? She was supposed to be dragon sitting. We were given a decision to join a the Priory, the Vigil or the Order of Secrets. By the time we kill Zhaitan, we are actually high ranked. Shouldn't we be doing something with them?

To be fair, after that ending of Rise of the Lich, I'd be really frustrated with the story if we don't go back to Tarir, walk right up to the Exalted and flat demand WTF is going on. We are supposed to be the guardian of this dragon but we have no info on what Glint wanted her to be at all and if what happened would have an adverse effect on her. I know we are probably gearing up to take on Kralkatorrik next but the Exalted have some explaining to do, especially if they knew what would happen killing the dragons. Even visiting the Pale Tree to get some further details would be a choice too to help explain all the magic wibbly wobbly stuff.

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You can't visit the same well each time in order to have an "impactful story".If you over do it too many times - that's a failing - not an accomplishment in story writing.

Impact is great in measured doses - maintaining sustainable interest is far better.

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@"miraude.2107" said:To be honest, the most frustrating part I have with all of this is the 180 on Braham. He goes from being okay (living story 2) to losing his mom (HoT) to being an kitten (living story 3) to just frustration (PoF) to being an kitten (living story 4) to....we are all friends again? No. Just no. I don't think the commander would tolerate the way he has acted at ALL. I mean, you are there for him, you try and console him about his loss, to him being a flat grump dump trying to live up to his mom's image to flat accusing you of letting Taimi get captured. In the First City when you run into him:

 Rytlock Brimstone: We're here to rescue Taimi from Joko.Braham Eirsson: You let this Joko character take Taimi?!Spearmarshal Zaeim: No one "lets" Joko do anything. He takes what he wants.Rox: Who's this guy?Spearmarshal Zaeim: I am Zaeim, Spearmarshal of the Sunspears.Braham Eirsson: So first you put Jormag to sleep with that blasted machine—Rytlock Brimstone: Enough!<Character name>: Taimi's in danger. Anyone who wants to save her can come with me.

Honestly it was that that made me just flat not want anything to do with Braham ever again and I've dealt with frustrating people (Tales of the Abyss Luke in the first half of the game comes to mind) and honestly, he wants nothing to do with us. Rox would rather follow Braham then us. They both should be secondary characters for a while and maybe talked about with communication with Taimi but little else for a while. Braham needs to go do his Nord stuff and Rox needs to go be with the Olmakhan. Really the only people that want anything to do with the Commander right now are Taimi, Rytlock and Canach. Marjory and Kasmeer have valid reasons to not be around with the former being injured and then latter now a noble again.

Honestly? What's going on with Logan and Zoija? Logan is now Pact Commander, Zoija is doing god knows what and Caithe? You remember her right? She was supposed to be dragon sitting. We were given a decision to join a the Priory, the Vigil or the Order of Secrets. By the time we kill Zhaitan, we are actually high ranked. Shouldn't we be doing something with them?

To be fair, after that ending of Rise of the Lich, I'd be really frustrated with the story if we don't go back to Tarir, walk right up to the Exalted and flat demand kitten is going on. We are supposed to be the guardian of this dragon but we have no info on what Glint wanted her to be at all and if what happened would have an adverse effect on her. I know we are probably gearing up to take on Kralkatorrik next but the Exalted have some explaining to do, especially if they knew what would happen killing the dragons. Even visiting the Pale Tree to get some further details would be a choice too to help explain all the magic wibbly wobbly stuff.

Honestly I'd love for Faren to join after this episode. Marjory and Kasmeer come off as.. bland at best, annoying at worst.. Kasmeer acted unbearable in PoF.

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@"Elva.6372" said:You can't visit the same well each time in order to have an "impactful story".If you over do it too many times - that's a failing - not an accomplishment in story writing.

Impact is great in measured doses - maintaining sustainable interest is far better.


Unfortunately Taimi is that well...visited time and again.

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@"miraude.2107" said:To be honest, the most frustrating part I have with all of this is the 180 on Braham. He goes from being okay (living story 2) to losing his mom (HoT) to being an kitten (living story 3) to just frustration (PoF) to being an kitten (living story 4) to....we are all friends again? No. Just no. I don't think the commander would tolerate the way he has acted at ALL. I mean, you are there for him, you try and console him about his loss, to him being a flat grump dump trying to live up to his mom's image to flat accusing you of letting Taimi get captured. In the First City when you run into him:

 Rytlock Brimstone: We're here to rescue Taimi from Joko.Braham Eirsson: You let this Joko character take Taimi?!Spearmarshal Zaeim: No one "lets" Joko do anything. He takes what he wants.Rox: Who's this guy?Spearmarshal Zaeim: I am Zaeim, Spearmarshal of the Sunspears.Braham Eirsson: So first you put Jormag to sleep with that blasted machine—Rytlock Brimstone: Enough!<Character name>: Taimi's in danger. Anyone who wants to save her can come with me.

Honestly it was that that made me just flat not want anything to do with Braham ever again and I've dealt with frustrating people (Tales of the Abyss Luke in the first half of the game comes to mind) and honestly, he wants nothing to do with us. Rox would rather follow Braham then us. They both should be secondary characters for a while and maybe talked about with communication with Taimi but little else for a while. Braham needs to go do his Nord stuff and Rox needs to go be with the Olmakhan. Really the only people that want anything to do with the Commander right now are Taimi, Rytlock and Canach. Marjory and Kasmeer have valid reasons to not be around with the former being injured and then latter now a noble again.

Honestly? What's going on with Logan and Zoija? Logan is now Pact Commander, Zoija is doing god knows what and Caithe? You remember her right? She was supposed to be dragon sitting. We were given a decision to join a the Priory, the Vigil or the Order of Secrets. By the time we kill Zhaitan, we are actually high ranked. Shouldn't we be doing something with them?

To be fair, after that ending of Rise of the Lich, I'd be really frustrated with the story if we don't go back to Tarir, walk right up to the Exalted and flat demand kitten is going on. We are supposed to be the guardian of this dragon but we have no info on what Glint wanted her to be at all and if what happened would have an adverse effect on her. I know we are probably gearing up to take on Kralkatorrik next but the Exalted have some explaining to do, especially if they knew what would happen killing the dragons. Even visiting the Pale Tree to get some further details would be a choice too to help explain all the magic wibbly wobbly stuff.

And the funny thing here is:

Taimi is the one calling the shots. You didnt want to prevent jormags death, she did. And yet braham blames you for that and is still in love with taimi.

Its pretty obvious in the story that you are just the errand boy to taimi, and since none is allowed to hate her (unless designated to be an evil-bad-stupid person (phlunt)) he hates you instead. Even the main character constantly lets taimi do whatever she wants, but if say faren or caithe disobeys (even if it means saving the day at high personal risk) you will instantly be mad and start shouting.

The proper way to have handled flashpoint would have been to have phlunt be the one who discovers the miscalculation in taimis simulations. That would be a proper character development for both of them and be a real counterweight to the god sue in her.

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@Avador.8934 said:To be honest, thanks to Taimi, I enjoy the story much more. Her comments always make me smile. So no matter how painful death you wish to her, I hope that Anet won't listen to you. And I know many people who would hope the same.

I agree with you, i really do enjoy the story so much more with her around.

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I will keep reminding people that the Taimi hate is based completely on nonsense.

I would have liked an arc where Taimi would disappear for a while and for a while your trying to find her and find clues of her genius peppered around, but we already had a short lived kidnapped story happening in the current season, so there would be no impact if anything happens to her.

Honestly I thought Braham was going to die in this latest LW.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@"Elva.6372" said:
You can't visit the same well each time in order to have an "impactful story".
If you over do it too many times - that's a failing - not an accomplishment in story writing.

Impact is great in measured doses - maintaining sustainable interest is far better.


Unfortunately Taimi is that well...visited time and again.

Yes, an illustrative example of failing - yanking the same chain over and over.

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Couple of personal thoughts:

  • I like Taimi and think she adds a lot to the story. I find her character interesting, her dialogue amusing, and her personality quite charming. As a whole, I think she enhances and propels the story in valuable ways.
  • I don't know that the lore says she has a "terminal" condition. I felt it was progressive and debilitating, but didn't sense it was ultimately terminal. (Probably some of you know better, though. Is it, truly?)
  • I am not a fan of what I feel to be overly emotionally manipulative writing, of "kill off this beloved character simply for the thrill of it or because it allegedly, in some warped mind, 'strengthens the story' or simply because, as a writer, I can do that." Death with meaning? Sure. XXXXXXX dies in Little Woman -- I get that, and it was obviously planned by the writer, but it works for me. Kill off everyone I care about? Nope. That is why I have stopped watching a certain popular television series multiple times, because I can't take the manipulation, the trolling, the intended, ugly, forced nature of the narrative. And yeah, I've come back to it, but I rather hate myself for having done so and I'm not sure I'll stick through to the protracted end. :) <--- edited to remove spoiler char name -- sorry!

You weren't that eager to defend Trahearne in his own "kill him" threads. Taimi is a cliche from start to the end. What's more, she's a diversity quota filler in the team and the way she's been handled in LW3 only contributed to the hatred this character generates. Fortunately, she's not used as much in LW4 as for now, however I'm still waiting for some ex machina tricks in the story involving her or Aurene. Or both.

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I say they find a cure for her and Taimi carries on, but changes her line of research. We then get her replacement..hey none of you watch NCIS? And she's different. not an asura or a char, maybe a new race that can be played around with so players can one day play it too?As for killing anyone off, not atm.

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