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Orichalcum ore price drop too low! Please remove nodes from new maps.


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@Hitman.5829 said:

@Ariurotl.3718 said:It's the market. Things don't always work out as you expect, of which fact I'm regularly reminded by my Aqua Satin dyes I've got listed at 187.69.69 (yeah, I know, nice) and will never sell.

Like i said, orichalcum nodes were completely unnecessary because the market had shown that the price was fair and there was good supply of materials, now the market has been flooded with orichalcum. What anet did was "print orichalcum". Just like when USA prints money!

Says who? Who decided the market was fair? The guy sitting on a massive stockpile of it hoping the price will shoot up at some point?

The fair price is the price that the market decides is fair- which, right now, is one silver.

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Most of the player base is level 80 at this point. And there's plenty of ways for the newer players to jump to Level 80 if they don't even want to spend time to enjoy core tyria.

You adjust the economy to favor the majority of your player base, and this also explains why certain recipes are a god damn bitch to craft. Lower level materials are much harder to come by, even more rare than the tier 6 mats in some cases. And you need a large quantity of these lower level materials.

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@Chadramar.8156 said:I have subzero sympathy for TP flippers, so good development as far as I'm concerned.

This doesn't affect flippers in the least. It affects hoarders (most of us, if we're honest about it) and speculators. As noted above, savvy speculators already know that basic mats almost always drop after a major release.

(Besides that, it's flippers who help prices reach equilibrium more quickly and who sink tons of gold out of the economy. They make a lot of gold and provide a benefit to the rest of us.)

tl;dr The people most affected by this (temporary) dip in the market are exactly the people for whom you should have sympathy; they aren't the folks that make money off the impatient (as flippers do) nor those who take advantage of differences in knowledge (as speculators do).

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One of the funnier forum threads I've read for a whiles...

I wonder if in the real world all those investment bankers, stock exchange monkeys and such complain and cry foul when their investments don't pan out as markets alter.

Maybe find something else to pop your multitude of alts onto... I hear necro MM's are cornering the market on a lot things these days tho, so you may need to do some better research this time round to found a more favourable market winner. :)

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@Hitman.5829 said:

@Ariurotl.3718 said:It's the market. Things don't always work out as you expect, of which fact I'm regularly reminded by my Aqua Satin dyes I've got listed at 187.69.69 (yeah, I know, nice) and will never sell.

Like i said, orichalcum nodes were completely unnecessary because the market had shown that the price was fair and there was good supply of materials, now the market has been flooded with orichalcum. What anet did was "print orichalcum". Just like when USA prints money!

How will the people that bought PoF and not HoT get the ore without nodes?

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@Hitman.5829 said:

@Ariurotl.3718 said:It's the market. Things don't always work out as you expect, of which fact I'm regularly reminded by my Aqua Satin dyes I've got listed at 187.69.69 (yeah, I know, nice) and will never sell.

Like i said, orichalcum nodes were completely unnecessary because the market had shown that the price was fair and there was good supply of materials, now the market has been flooded with orichalcum. What anet did was "print orichalcum". Just like when USA prints money!

i dont know any person called "market", where this person posted thats prices was fine?Anet isnt printing gold, if oricalchum not worth gold, go farm another material.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:You probably also noticed that prices for mithril, silk, and gossamer also dropped. This is because there are tons more people playing and most don't need the mats, so they sell them at the current market prices. Once the shininess has worn off the new maps, people will start to spread out again and they won't be farming as much.

PS what makes you think most of the new Ori on the market is from nodes? There's also a lot more salvaging going on and even though the ori drop rate is lower, it's still significant because of the volumes due to the increase in folks online.

tl;dr wait a couple of weeks for the market to adjust. Then, if you really want, you can ask for ANet to change the recipe for ori ingots to require 4 ore.

To be fair, Ancient Wood and Orichalcum are vastly more common on PoF maps. I think each map is sporting 4-5 Rich Ori veins, for example, with a significantly higher portion of all other metal nodes being orichalcum (something like 1 in 5). The same is true with the higher frequency of Ancient Wood.

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People keep going over the fact that 'he should suck it up' because he typed it was an investment. The post has a point, especially ignoring the fact it's an investment. Many items are doing down in price. There is not much items that are worth to farm anymore. A lot of people say 'yaaaaaaay cheaper'. Ok. Tell me two things: What do you use orichalcum ore for? I bet you don't need it. I bet it's actually bad for you since you also earn less money! I'm a heavy player, making legendaries and all that. I get way more orichalcum then i need (and i use a lot more then casual player).

Look at silk price. Sure Ascended stuff cheaper again. But 20 copper? That means people who don't use it, also don't earn money on it. 20 copper is like saying 'i earn money with it, but it's so low, and symbolic, that i'm actually giving it to ascended makers for free'. That is a problem. At this time, i'm inclined to farm nothing but straight gold giving things. Stuff like daily completionist and fractals, cause they give plain gold. Material runs are not worth it. (the time).

Is it a disaster? no, Short term, it's doable, and is good for people who want cheaper gear. On long term, it kills the purpose of the free economy of guild wars. A item at npc value, kills the open market value. Inserting to much materials (or to few sinks) makes the market not needed.

I have the feeling since John smiths departing, that Anet wants to manipule the economy more into 'never have an item that is expensive, not even temporary' (see materials you can't deposit). You could say that is a good thing. But it kills what makes the trading company so great!. If there is a focus anet should do, it's low supply, high demand items! those can be much better manipulated. Ecto for instance, CANNOT be manipulated, (except by Anet) cause it's massive sell/buy amount per day. However a rare skin that is 20x on tp, can be bought (all of them), and then put for twice price in TP. Often cause peopl WANT the skin, they will pay it.So my opinion is, Anet keep your hands off, unless it's really really bad situation. A good thing for instance is the salvagable items you got in Living story 3. That alone, gave me just enough hardened leather, for some ascended project (wich otherwise would have been very expensive). Then the centaur farm came. All subtle stuff. But nicely worked out, and no manipulation (player still in control). That should remain so.

Think about this anet: gem to gold , is an money source for you (dollars). Look how low they are now. Early adoptors pay. That's a given. Flax seed was not pricey cause of what you say is 'stocking onto'. The biggest reason is people PAY for it. Just like a lot of ppl pay for Apple name. Some people wanted a quick and nice guild hall at all cost. Money was secondary problem. And that was good for you! Extra dollars. Now, what did you get in this expension? Not much sales based on guild halls, that's for sure!

Please keep the spirit and guidelines of John smith alive. There's a reason economy was so stable under him, with only a few anomalies.

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@Phoebe Ascension.8437 said:Please keep the spirit and guidelines of John smith alive. There's a reason economy was so stable under him, with only a few anomalies.

Yes, and the economy remains stable. Under his tenure, this exact phenomenon happened with every major release: prices of common mats tend to go down, unless there are new sinks (e.g. new legendary or new recipes). The market returns to its old equilibrium over time.

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I'm quite happy with the amount of extra ori-/ancient nodes in the new areas. It feels like it's an area for lvl 80s where you would expect to find more high tier resources. Also I'm happy because I feel like I can afford making one or two extra armour sets without going broke. Thank you ANet. The extra nodes are much welcomed.

Oh PS. On the subject of price changes. Tier 6 Blood has dropped over 10s

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