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Fractals with current chrono nerf


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@Vyriis.6258 said:When running CM's we go with 4 dps and 1 healer. Our times of completion are the same as they were with and without chrono.

Post logs.

@Vyriis.6258 said:you know what feels better? When your Healer and support die, your other members die, you're the last one standing with 10% left on a boss

Can't remember the last time someone died in optimized groups. Also, for me having someone die feels bad.

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Eh. None of these changes when it comes to Fractals really matter to me. I read these posts just to be curious of other's opinions on matters, and just sort of acknowledge and nod.

As someone who ALWAYS pugs, receiving both the experienced and not-so on a regular basis, none of this bothers me. I both play with, and welcome, absolutely any build and any player, with the obvious exception of "attitude." Of course this may have something to do with the fact that I have nothing to (reasonably) work for, and so find my fun in all levels and circumstances.

... Hakuna Matata!

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@rabenpriester.7129 said:

@"Strider Pj.2193" said:Maybe they didn’t intend Fractals and CMs for dailies to be completed in 40-50 minutes.

This is a likely possibility. It's been amusing/disturbing these past few days to read people say things like, "Ok, they nerfed Chrono support, but they forgot to give us a replacement first!!!1!"

If you think they did not intent fractals and cms to be cleared daily

How did "completed in 40-50 minutes" transform into "completed"? Try again.

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@"Xentera.4560" said:... with the current chrono nerf, and post a video of how smoothly things went.Please save me the BS of "it was done multiple times before", and "you don't need a chrono". Or even the generic "GIT GUD".Yes I know it can be done, and that it's been done on a regular basis after the patch. It's just not fun anymore, very frustrating, takes a a much longer amount of time, and not worth at the end. I am personally done with fractals for now.I want to see those who designed the latest patch actually play endgame for once, then tell me the nerf was all right.

You know there was a time before chrono's existed and yet you're gonna complain about the nerf ?If that doesn't tell you just how busted Chrono actually was, then i have no other ways to convince you that the nerf was warranted especially given you think they were the progenators of FUN.

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I'm a chrono main, with Leaves No Hero Behind, 150+ cosmic essences, Voice in the Void, 1000+ LI.

I'm not doing support chrono in fractals anymore. It's absolutely garbage now. There's no point whatsoever to bringing chrono anywhere except raids. It has exactly zero viability in any content wherein you cannot stack in one spot, stationary. ArenaNet completely destroyed my favorite class outside of one content mode, raids. I'm actively searching for a new MMO, because the biggest thing I enjoyed in this game - supporting people in fractals and handling mechanics - has been completely gutted.

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I tried to get back into fractals last few days with my chrono but its way too painful and completely unfun. I'm going to take a break for a while. I really had fun with chrono for all of 2018. It's really sad but whats the point anymore when all your effort is rendered meaningless constantly...

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Long time ago before ascendant gear:Guys lets organize Arah P4, need time warp and everyone has to be full zerker with full cooking.2h later: ORBS WONT FOLLOW ME, LET ME TRY, NO LET ME !!!!!!!!!!1h later: I give up. But we wasted 3h we cant quit.... I'm never trying this again....24h later: we organizing p4 wanna join? Hold my beer.We were masochists back then =)

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@"Strider Pj.2193" said:Maybe they didn’t intend Fractals and CMs for dailies to be completed in 40-50 minutes.

It’s end game content.

It SHOULD be challenging.

Challenging sadly means 1 shot mechanics in this game, if the recent nerf makes things to tedious to do, people will just stop doing them, yes there will be the few hardcore who will continue to do them, but you watch the LFG system change to 250 kill proof or kick.

Most of the "challenging" content was designed around the way boons where applied etc, and where taken into account, now they nerfed that the fights are completely different for the most part.

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@Ok I Did It.2854 said:

@"Strider Pj.2193" said:Maybe they didn’t intend Fractals and CMs for dailies to be completed in 40-50 minutes.

It’s end game content.

It SHOULD be challenging.

Challenging sadly means 1 shot mechanics in this game, if the recent nerf makes things to tedious to do, people will just stop doing them, yes there will be the few hardcore who will continue to do them, but you watch the LFG system change to 250 kill proof or kick.

Most of the "challenging" content was designed around the way boons where applied etc, and where taken into account, now they nerfed that the fights are completely different for the most part.

There is definately a point of diminishing returns. Time will show if we are actually there.

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@TexZero.7910 said:

@"Xentera.4560" said:... with the current chrono nerf, and post a video of how smoothly things went.Please save me the BS of "it was done multiple times before", and "you don't need a chrono". Or even the generic "GIT GUD".Yes I know it can be done, and that it's been done on a regular basis after the patch. It's just not fun anymore, very frustrating, takes a a much longer amount of time, and not worth at the end. I am personally done with fractals for now.I want to see those who designed the latest patch actually play endgame for once, then tell me the nerf was all right.

You know there was a time before chrono's existed and yet you're gonna complain about the nerf ?If that doesn't tell you just how busted Chrono actually was, then i have no other ways to convince you that the nerf was warranted especially given you think they were the progenators of FUN.

SHhhh, that was the before before times before the chrono came and made all content easy, we dont speak of the before before times.

Jokes aside, i agree with you Tex, if players just cant imagine playing without a chrono that shows how badly the "spec" needed nerfed, no class should be so needed that a nerf destroys(which it didnt) all group content.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@"Xentera.4560" said:... with the current chrono nerf, and post a video of how smoothly things went.Please save me the BS of "it was done multiple times before", and "you don't need a chrono". Or even the generic "GIT GUD".Yes I know it can be done, and that it's been done on a regular basis after the patch. It's just not fun anymore, very frustrating, takes a a much longer amount of time, and not worth at the end. I am personally done with fractals for now.I want to see those who designed the latest patch actually play endgame for once, then tell me the nerf was all right.

You know there was a time before chrono's existed and yet you're gonna complain about the nerf ?If that doesn't tell you just how busted Chrono actually was, then i have no other ways to convince you that the nerf was warranted especially given you think they were the progenators of FUN.

SHhhh, that was the before before times before the chrono came and made all content easy, we dont speak of the before before times.

Jokes aside, i agree with you Tex, if players just cant imagine playing without a chrono that shows how badly the "spec" needed nerfed, no class should be so needed that a nerf destroys(which it didnt) all group content.

The time before the chrono came was pre HoT this isn't even comparable to the content we have these days . With HoT came also raids and with raids came enrage timers some examples on what around those raids were balanced : Chrono had alacrity had 66% recharge rate , quickness had 100% cast time reducing instead of 50%. Tempest had 60k Dps all this was made to make sure you need the new elite specs to do the raids and also to make sure that the old content is obsolete in terms of a challenge. (marketing)

I think they reduced the requirements just once everything else came from better teamplay and better group composition . You may notice the chrono nerf wasn't the only nerf we had this year they they brought down all classes previously so that a class can make a best just under 40k dps outside a burst.( there are always silly guys who bring up the dps on the ice golem in the fractals no the 100k+ on him don't count you do that with a debuff/condi from the fractal mechanic).

You can still do all content but everything now takes longer and is harder , we as a guild did the vale guard and we already defeated him successfully but what the data said to me during our trys is we can either have 4 dps classes wo can do 17-25k+ dps and the other 2 are not essential then or 2 top dps and 4 wo do around 14-15 k dps.

We haven't tried since the chrono patch but with dps lose it will become harder to find the right players which are good enough and anymore nerfs which effects the dps in this game and val guard won't be doable for normal mortals.

Fractals before you needed only druid + chrono many wanted a BS but from my experience that wasn't necessarily. I remember an amazing run with a DH and a scourge and me as weaver and we all did 21k DPS :) The new meta has no options anymore in which variant ever :(

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@Lord of the Fire.6870 said:

@"Xentera.4560" said:... with the current chrono nerf, and post a video of how smoothly things went.Please save me the BS of "it was done multiple times before", and "you don't need a chrono". Or even the generic "GIT GUD".Yes I know it can be done, and that it's been done on a regular basis after the patch. It's just not fun anymore, very frustrating, takes a a much longer amount of time, and not worth at the end. I am personally done with fractals for now.I want to see those who designed the latest patch actually play endgame for once, then tell me the nerf was all right.

You know there was a time before chrono's existed and yet you're gonna complain about the nerf ?If that doesn't tell you just how busted Chrono actually was, then i have no other ways to convince you that the nerf was warranted especially given you think they were the progenators of FUN.

SHhhh, that was the before before times before the chrono came and made all content easy, we dont speak of the before before times.

Jokes aside, i agree with you Tex, if players just cant imagine playing without a chrono that shows how badly the "spec" needed nerfed, no class should be so needed that a nerf destroys(which it didnt) all group content.

The time before the chrono came was pre HoT this isn't even comparable to the content we have these days . With HoT came also raids and with raids came enrage timers some examples on what around those raids were balanced : Chrono had alacrity had 66% recharge rate , quickness had 100% cast time reducing instead of 50%. Tempest had 60k Dps all this was made to make sure you need the new elite specs to do the raids and also to make sure that the old content is obsolete in terms of a challenge. (marketing)

My point, thank you. They made 90% of content cheese with chrono + druid, something that shouldnt have ever happened.

I think they reduced the requirements just once everything else cam e from better teamplay and better group compestion . You may notice the chrono nerf wasn't the only nerf we had this year they they brought down all classes previously so that a class can make a best just under 40k dps outside a burst.( there are always silly guys who bring up the dps on the ice golem in the fractals no the 100k+ on him don't count you do that with a debuff/condi from the fractal mechanic).

My ele got destroyed and its only job was damage, which many classes now offer more support, and DPS at the same time than ele ever can, believe me, i know how it feels to have a class destroyed.

You can still do all content but everything now takes longer and is harder , we as a guild did the vale guard and we already defeated him successfully but what the data said to me during our trys is we can either have 4 dps classes wo can do 17-25k+ dps and the other 2 are not essential then or 2 top dps and 4 wo do around 14-15 k dps.

this is a good thing, content shouldnt be a cake walk. my training group was finishing all bosses(with the exception of bosses like Diemos) without any issues or failures aside from when a mechanic failed.

We haven't tried since the chrono patch but with dps lose it will become harder to find the right players which are good enough and anymore nerfs which effects the dps in this game and val guard won't be doable for normal mortals.

Fractals before you needed only druid + chrono many wanted a BS but from my experience that wasn't necessarily. I remember an amazing run with a DH and a scourge and me as weaver and we all did 21k DPS :) The new meta has no options anymore in which variant ever :(

Fractals DID NOT require a druid or chrono. My group would often run the following:Condi SB(myself), Weaver(sword/d, or sword/f depending on who came), Dead Eye, an engineer or a necro(whatever spec they used was okay), and the fifth was whatever we could grab, the only fractal we never finished with that group was 100CM but we also never tried.

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@theory.3580 said:I'm a chrono main, with Leaves No Hero Behind, 150+ cosmic essences, Voice in the Void, 1000+ LI.

I'm not doing support chrono in fractals anymore. It's absolutely garbage now.

You and me both. 400+ Essences, 1700+ LI, all titles, I'm welcome in statics and pugs and get whispered to join for sells / help out for free / just be around / fill a chrono slot a lot. I have a lot of free time now.

I seriously suggest everyone who plays fractals at a higher level (daily cms+t4s) to either get a static or stop playing. You'll wait a lot for good chronos at the moment.

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@Dante.1763 said:Fractals DID NOT require a druid or chrono. My group would often run the following:Condi SB(myself), Weaver(sword/d, or sword/f depending on who came), Dead Eye, an engineer or a necro(whatever spec they used was okay), and the fifth was whatever we could grab, the only fractal we never finished with that group was 100CM but we also never tried.

They don't know about the Dark times when Core Guardian was actually used in Fractals it seems.

This explains the rage about not knowing how to handle mechanics because someone else was.

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If you are wiping, sorry, it's not about chrono nerf.Other than that, things got a lot more interesting now. New comps, more people bringing boons, much more teamwork needed.

I've carried a lot of groups on my FB (that i play a lot on wvw) with might, quickness, heals, stab (that's when you see the problem isn't boonsharing every boon, because you don't need everything if people know the mechanics).

Tbh i think the chrono meta was really boring.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@"Xentera.4560" said:... with the current chrono nerf, and post a video of how smoothly things went.Please save me the BS of "it was done multiple times before", and "you don't need a chrono". Or even the generic "GIT GUD".Yes I know it can be done, and that it's been done on a regular basis after the patch. It's just not fun anymore, very frustrating, takes a a much longer amount of time, and not worth at the end. I am personally done with fractals for now.I want to see those who designed the latest patch actually play endgame for once, then tell me the nerf was all right.

You know there was a time before chrono's existed and yet you're gonna complain about the nerf ?If that doesn't tell you just how busted Chrono actually was, then i have no other ways to convince you that the nerf was warranted especially given you think they were the progenators of FUN.

SHhhh, that was the before before times before the chrono came and made all content easy, we dont speak of the before before times.

Jokes aside, i agree with you Tex, if players just cant imagine playing without a chrono that shows how badly the "spec" needed nerfed, no class should be so needed that a nerf destroys(which it didnt) all group content.

Now we dont need chrono anymore but we still need druid (new broken boonbot XD)

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@Laila Lightness.8742 said:

@"Xentera.4560" said:... with the current chrono nerf, and post a video of how smoothly things went.Please save me the BS of "it was done multiple times before", and "you don't need a chrono". Or even the generic "GIT GUD".Yes I know it can be done, and that it's been done on a regular basis after the patch. It's just not fun anymore, very frustrating, takes a a much longer amount of time, and not worth at the end. I am personally done with fractals for now.I want to see those who designed the latest patch actually play endgame for once, then tell me the nerf was all right.

You know there was a time before chrono's existed and yet you're gonna complain about the nerf ?If that doesn't tell you just how busted Chrono actually was, then i have no other ways to convince you that the nerf was warranted especially given you think they were the progenators of FUN.

SHhhh, that was the before before times before the chrono came and made all content easy, we dont speak of the before before times.

Jokes aside, i agree with you Tex, if players just cant imagine playing without a chrono that shows how badly the "spec" needed nerfed, no class should be so needed that a nerf destroys(which it didnt) all group content.

Now we dont need chrono anymore but we still need druid (new broken boonbot XD)

No we don't. There are plenty of compositions that work great in fractals w/o having druid. Stop your "Nerf everything that isn't what I play" campaign.

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Quite frankly, what I hear is boon chronos whining about not being all powerful anymore. OMG other classes might be able to get into groups with viable boon builds! Ugly truth is ugly.

Seriously, boon chronos need to do what support scourges are doing: find what you're good at and max it out, and let others fill the blank spaces.

In the case of support scourge, our only boons were some might, some regen, some stability. And we couldn't even maintain 25 stacks of might, so we basically were just filling gaps in others' rotations. Now, the meta on support scourge says to Cleveland with boons entirely. Harrier? Forget it; we don't have enough boons to make a big investment in boon duration worthwhile. Max out healing power for barriers and secondary healing, with as much DPS as we can muster while doing so; my own scourge runs full Marshal.

Chronos are still meta; their role is just more condensed. Find your specialty and fill it to the max. Y'all will figure it out. Improvise, adapt, and overcome.

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@rabenpriester.7129 said:

@theory.3580 said:I'm a chrono main, with Leaves No Hero Behind, 150+ cosmic essences, Voice in the Void, 1000+ LI.

I'm not doing support chrono in fractals anymore. It's absolutely garbage now.

You and me both. 400+ Essences, 1700+ LI, all titles, I'm welcome in statics and pugs and get whispered to join for sells / help out for free / just be around / fill a chrono slot a lot. I have a lot of free time now.

I seriously suggest everyone who plays fractals at a higher level (daily cms+t4s) to either get a static or stop playing. You'll wait a lot for good chronos at the moment.

Stop making Crono vital for CM's, There is no game that offers attack speed(quickness) and skill cool down reduction(alacrity) in one class-free for all. Anet made that mistake, took them 2 years to realize it.

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