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Next expansion selling point ⇒ Cast your votes!


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Voted for race. I think ArenaNet has been disappointing with new content and changes to the game. The game has been out since like 2012 or something. In six years the game is barely different. I'd like to see major changes like a level cap increase, new race, major redo of the living story, new weapon type, everything in the game seems so outdated.

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I imagine they'd be looking for something that could provide content to multiple new mastery lines, which mounts did handily for PoF. My personal favourite would be to see the Tengu appear as playable, but I'm under no illusions that it would be extremely unlikely at this point, and it wouldn't really do anything to provide content for all the players who don't want to create new characters.

I'd also like better PvP and WvW combat in a number of ways, but they're developing those in between PvE releases, which is what it appears they're focussing on in future for paid content. I can't blame them for that - PvE has been more successful than the other two game modes, and while I think they have a good foundation to make great PvP modes as well, it pretty much needs a rebuild at this point and I have to admit that might be throwing good money after bad on a game this old.

If I were in ANet's shoes, I'd wrap up Kralkatorrik in the current LS series, and use the next season as a pivot towards Cantha (this continent is far from unpublishable if it's re-imagined with a more coherent aesthetic). It's difficult to pin down any one new feature that could benefit from masteries, but there's always the HoT approach where there were a handful of different features that each had their own mastery line. Between all the different cultures and powers present in Cantha there'd be a fair amount to work with.

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I'd like to see fewer loot farms(loot boxes) and more random PvE skirmishes. Remember in DnD, DM says 'roll the dice' for no reason, while you were just walking. Perhaps more random rare creatures to kill instead with a fair reward instead of 2 blues and 1 green.

Please stick to the stuff that made core gw2 and gw1 fun, not the side-shows like mount skins or races.

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I know its not original (with two humanoid races already), but i would love to play a Dwarf. Always loved guildwars dwarven lore/culture in gw 1 (and many other fantasy works like Lot). Let me be a gw 2 Gimly with a big dwarven hammer ;-p And did we ever see female dwarves in gw1, can't remember, what about them? Hope with the consecuenses of the LS 4 it could tie in to a return of them (not gonna go into detail might spoil for people who havent played it).

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Because the vast majority of time I spend in game is playing solo, so more to do solo is welcome and in fact the reason for me to buy expansions. Classic questing for me from another option would fit with this as well. I am in a guild, I do like multiplayer stuff, but real life just doesn't merge well at the moment with commitments that most group content requires.

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Maybe not so much new races, as a way for the PC to transform into one of several new races as a Mastery ability (applying the same system to the playable races, it would be a nice opportunity to revamp the racial utilities).

I do want some mechanical overhauls, but I just don't know how feasible they would be in an old game. Considering the outcry over sigils and runes, I can't imagine what would happen if they, e.g., replaced random criticals with a new skill customization system that lets you pick "critical" effects that trigger under an associated condition, making skills more like GW1 skills (prec/fero could be replaced with an anti-condi and hard CC boosting stat, respectively, if you were wondering).

They might just about be able to get away with revamping the combo system, though, which at least would be nice.

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Just picked that answer for LS1, because I want it to return/ have a kind of remake based on it. But the big selling point will be for me Housing or huge map sized events, the return of world bosses please... the event designs that came with them was awesome. Best part of tyria is still for me core-tyria, when the whole map looks like having a soul, like it's living, and the maps who done it the better are metrica province, caledon forest, Diessa plateau, hoelbrak and queensdale, through they felt less living since they removed golem chess and trading post merchants.

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Gimme burbs.

I also expect new elites.

I would also like:New weapons for core and elites would be nice. (spear, fist)Housing!COMPLETE ITEMIZATION AND CRAFTING REVAMPThe return of Town Clothes and conversion for outfits to that system. (Outfits use a different rig than light/med/heavy so my assumption is they should be compatable with each other?)

New mastery tracks are a given, but.. for what? We have gliding and mounts? What new Joy of Exploration can they give us?

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Very hard to say actually because I'd have loved to pick two more options beside the technical stuff (would love it if the game would run as smoothly as promised on newer hardware but after the PoF release the fps seemed to have dropped overall from what I've heard and experienced. These problems are related to the engine so why not update it a bit so the game can handle more and runs on better optimisations) like a new playable race and some old content brought back. (I don't care about bringing gliders and mounts into old worlds and think it would be even better without them just to relieve the feeling again of before the expansions without having everything made easier by these travelling mechanics)My only hope is that we'll get to see Cantha again. A return to Cantha alone would be my number one selling point </3(Failure conditions for missions would be great too even if sometimes they could get annoying but it makes you actually plan before rushing in headless and yolo everything)

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  • 2 weeks later...

@"Assic.2746" said:I have been a huge fan of WvW until PoF came out. Firebrand and Scourge kinda ruined it for me. There is too much AoE spam on the ground and squads are mainly build out of those two specs. Melee fights do not exist anymore. I hope for some major changes to AoE spam in WvW. I would like to see a new borderland map which has a central objective which keeps the fight going. A map with flat terrain, easy to navigate.

I wonder if we could get an "anti-AoE" mechanic in the future. We already have anti-condition mechanics, so I wouldn't be surprised if denial of area damage became a thing in the future.

@Chasind.3128 said:Another selling point would be more immersion when it comes to PvE. There really isn't any imo compared to other MMO's I have played. Unless you consider doing tasks and running from a mob that isn't meant to be solo'd immersion. When GW2 1st released I remember that new feeling but I was also caught in a whirlwind of immersion. It was like I felt what was going on around my apprentice elementalist.Now, everyone looks like they're on their way to a comicon- there is no identity to GW2 anymore and I don't feel immersion is possible at this point.

Yeah, sadly I don't think that's something GW2 will recover from anyway. Still an important lesson for GW3, if it ever happens.

Don't forget to vote!

@"Aodlop.1907" said:I'd like more than 5 weapon skills to choose from.And a revamp of Revenant, which feels too limited since it cannot pick utility at all.

Here's some interesting revenant redesign ideas, check them out.

@"wickedkae.4980" said:Veterans need new ways to advance our mains. There is very little reason to stick around once you have ascended gear. And no, most of us do not want to raid with 9 other people who will waste my time. Give us new ways to improve our core skills. Atm there is nothing to do to advance your characters. ESO figured it out, not sure why anet is so far behind.

I don't think "character advancement" is strictly necessary, but account advancement really is. Masteries fell short on their purpose, as did elite specializations.

@"FrizzFreston.5290" said:Not sure youre understanding the poll right., I never read these poll options as "all examples given should be included", and more broad categories.

I simply ignored the category examples, and picked the category which is most important to me.

Yeah, that's the point, exactly the same as in the previous poll. Some people just love hating on different opinions, simply ignore them and stick to what you like.

@keenedge.9675 said:I'd like to see fewer loot farms(loot boxes) and more random PvE skirmishes. Remember in DnD, DM says 'roll the dice' for no reason, while you were just walking. Perhaps more random rare creatures to kill instead with a fair reward instead of 2 blues and 1 green.

Please stick to the stuff that made core gw2 and gw1 fun, not the side-shows like mount skins or races.

Bounty hunts are a good idea, but they were executed very poorly. They could be really good after a deep overhaul.

@particlepinata.9865 said:I know its not original (with two humanoid races already), but i would love to play a Dwarf. Always loved guildwars dwarven lore/culture in gw 1 (and many other fantasy works like Lot). Let me be a gw 2 Gimly with a big dwarven hammer ;-p And did we ever see female dwarves in gw1, can't remember, what about them? Hope with the consecuenses of the LS 4 it could tie in to a return of them (not gonna go into detail might spoil for people who havent played it).

Dwarves could be really interesting if they are reimagined much like elves were into sylvari.

@"Rauderi.8706" said:New weapons for core and elites would be nice. (spear, fist)

If they add new weapon types, they should definitely not be exclusive for elite specializations. Some new weapon type ideas here.

@perilisk.1874 said:Maybe not so much new races, as a way for the PC to transform into one of several new races as a Mastery ability (applying the same system to the playable races, it would be a nice opportunity to revamp the racial utilities).

Aesthetic options through novelties have been discussed in the past. Norn transformation elite skills could become combat tonics easily, and same for asura golem suits.

Every race could have its own transformation, usable in combat. These could modify stats or not, and be the same (except the aesthetic) for each race:

  • Asura: Customizable golem suit (inspired by the racial elite skill and Taimi's Scruffy).
  • Charr: Elemental-based transformation, inspired by Flame Legion and Olmakhan elementalists.
  • Human: Avatar of the Mists (inspired by the dervish avatars based on the human gods).
  • Norn: Spirit of the Wild transformation (different beasts to choose from).
  • Sylvari: Plant-based transformations, inspired by the seasons, the cycles, or different species of plants.

This could be a good way to expand racial customization, with no actual new races involved.

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@Lonami.2987 said:

@"Rauderi.8706" said:New weapons for core and elites would be nice. (spear, fist)

If they add new weapon types, they should definitely not be exclusive for elite specializations.

To refine my thoughts a bit, I'd say at least two new weapon types.Each profession gets a new weapon type for Core. The other may end up in the new Elite spec.As for options, I'd probably choose between:Whip. Mid-range, could be both "dexterity" weapon for Thief and physical types or a more "mystical" version as a symbol of command for Necro, Mesmer, and such.Spear. All y'all want land spears. It'd be dumb to ignore that huge wave of support. Also kinda mid-range, narrow but punishing (instead of the usual wide sweeps), and some "thrown" abilities.Fist. Because i want them. :3 Gives an opportunity for some professions to have their own martial art styles that may vary between fast attacks, powerful blows, and technique/counters. (Martial arts = maybe Cantha?)Boomerang. Mid-to-long range option with a unique backswing effect.Greataxe. Not exactly sure what it'd do different, but I have at least one friend who is sad GW2 doesn't have greataxes. :P

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This one is hard to say. In the first expansion the most prominent single feature was gliding, in the second it was mounts. Yes, there were elite specializations but since we got them in both I will just assume they consider elite specs core on the list for any new expansion. The real question is what things could they do to rival gliders and mounts?

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@Tasty Pudding.3764 said:Old game is old. Introducing mounts turned out to be a clutch save that nobody anticipated. I don't see how they are going to do that again, but who knows? Everything listed in this poll is meh.

Mounts and gliding were certainly 'killer apps' for our GW2 characters. I want to see what else they can pull off of the same scale.

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@Squirrel.6318 said:I'd like to see major changes like a level cap increase

Not going to happen.

First of all, they took this off the table anyway at game launch. If they were to implement it now it would smell of a cheep stunt and be the same thing you run into in other games.

Not only that but how long do you think it would take people to get from 80 to whatever, especially since most people have banked lots of experience scrolls. It would become the new default level. Or are you thinking of putting it to a million or something?

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@"Lonami.2987" said:Every new expansion has a few major selling points, new features that take the game to the next level. Heart of Thorns gave us a new profession, the revenant, plus an elite specialization for each profession, together with gliding, guild halls, raids, and many other things. Path of Fire gave us nine more elite specializations, and five mounts, with a sixth mount being added later after release.

So, what's your favorite next expansion selling point?

  • New profession content (Core professions upgrade, new professions, new weapon types, new gameplay mechanics, etc)
  • New playable races (Tengu, Largos, Stone Dwarves, etc)
  • New PvE game modes (New progression systems, new map meta events, classic questing, procedural dungeons, cooperative missions, hard mode in the open world, roguelike elite missions, new hardcore world bosses, etc)
  • New PvP game modes (Battlegrounds, Heroes' Ascent, Guild vs Guild, Battle Royale, King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, etc)
  • New single player activities (Player housing, new crafting disciplines, crafting updates, fishing, adventure updates, etc)
  • New multiplayer activities (Guild updates, WvW alliances, roleplaying tools, miniature battles, mount race tournaments, etc)
  • Aesthetic upgrades (Dye channels in weapons and back items, swimsuit underwear, wardrobe legendary and infusion effects, advanced mount customization, hats with hair, etc)
  • Old content upgrades (Return of Living World Season 1, integrate gliding and mounts in the old world, World vs World updates, Guild Wars 1 remaster, etc)
  • Technical upgrades (Engine updates, build and wardrobe templates, return of districts, friend list updates, real open world, etc)
  • Guild Wars 3 announcement

Note that recurrent content is not considered for this thread. I'm assuming new elite specializations, new fractals and raids, new mounts, new PvE and PvP maps, new rewards, etc, will keep being included with every expansion. The topic of the discussion is new stuff we do not expect, which will be potentially featured as one of the next expansion selling points.

Cast your votes! =)

I vote for anything that adds more to the single player PvE game.

New professions are off the table imo.. making more would only cause more problems for the balancing teams not to mention up the development time for future content and elite specs.9 professions is already overkill.. adding more would be pointless.. same applies to new weapon types and skins.Better off making some weapons usable underwater such as sword and dagger and harpoon/spear and maybe trident usable on land.I would however like to see more lore based on elite specs and perhaps a few themed unique quests that can only be completed by certain classes and specs.

New Races are also off the table.. as much as I'd like Tengu this isn't going to happen as it'll just break the core story of the game unless the devs actually create a personal story for the new race which will likely still cause conflicts with race lore.Í see no way this can be done right without messing up game lore nor would there be any point at all in adding them anymore, so on that alone adding new races is a total waste of time.Better off just making combat tonics for popular playable races and let people RP as them if they wish.

New PvE game modes are a given, more masteries, new maps, new meta events etc are always coming.I do like the idea of a more defined classic questing system.. I've always hated the hearts in Gw2 and would gladly take the traditional quest system over them anyday.More Dungeons is again a plus for me.. not a big raider and I despise cheap deaths caused by cheap mechanics like one shot kills.The Wintersday Raid was far more my middle ground between dungeon and raid like content so more of that and more dungeons with specialized rewards i'm all for.Hard mode in open world would be a problem though so I doubt that will ever be a thing.. but Hard mode dungeons is absolutely something Anet could do.. specially if they finally introduce Gw1 style Elite Dungeons.. large maps designed for a squad or 50 man dungeon teams with awesome rewards and a hard mode option which give even better rewards.Would also like to see more world bosses, some harder than others along with new adventures, bounties and open world content related to the 3 orders of Tyria (take influence from Gw1's faction system) all experience we earn will double as order experience for whatever order the character we're playing on represents and over time that will build up and unlock new order based rewards such as elite order armor sets, elite order weapons, minipets, mount skins, gliders, finishers, novelties and other unique rewards that become available after their massive experience requirements start to fill up.This would be a big long term work in progress.. something most players will casually build up over months.There will also be daily quests from orders such as bounties etc (think back to gw1's daily zhaishen quests) to give big lumps of order exp so casual players dont fall that far behind those who spend days and days farming exp to rank up as fast as possible.Also open world dueling system, not everyone enjoys PvP but some of us would like to fight other players and settle arguments without having to go into a specified pvp environment to do it.. let us do this with our PvE characters anywhere in the world for all to see and watch.

New PvP modes.. Sure but I don't care about these.

All for more customizable player housing, new crafts and open world abilities like fishing etcAlso for more multiplayer stuff and guild related content, minipet minigames and open world races.More of all of that yes!

Living world 1 remaster needs to happen, Gw1 remaster does not.As for Guildwars 3.. Pfft no way.We're not even remotely done with the games main story about the Elder Dragons and there is so much potential for other stories to be told both before and after.We don't need a Gw3 and won't need one until the Devs decide they can't do anything more with Gw2 mechanically.. and I doubt the game will get to that point for a very long time yet.I'd bet Guildwars 2 has at least 5-7 more years left in it before we've even finish up the main story.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Menadena.7482 said:This one is hard to say. In the first expansion the most prominent single feature was gliding, in the second it was mounts. Yes, there were elite specializations but since we got them in both I will just assume they consider elite specs core on the list for any new expansion. The real question is what things could they do to rival gliders and mounts?

It has to be either playable races or player housing. We know we're getting another Living World season after the current one ends, which could be explained as an excuse to have more development time on the expansion.

A new profession could work too, but I think it would be a mistake, when you can use those ideas for new elite specializations instead. New weapons are bound to happen sooner or later, but they aren't big enough of a selling point.

@Menadena.7482 said:

@Squirrel.6318 said:I'd like to see major changes like a level cap increase

Not going to happen.

First of all, they took this off the table anyway at game launch. If they were to implement it now it would smell of a cheep stunt and be the same thing you run into in other games.

Not only that but how long do you think it would take people to get from 80 to whatever, especially since most people have banked lots of experience scrolls. It would become the new default level. Or are you thinking of putting it to a million or something?

Yeah, masteries already replaced the level cap thing. We might see new mastery-like progression systems, but definitely not additional levels.

@Teratus.2859 said:As for Guildwars 3.. Pfft no way.We're not even remotely done with the games main story about the Elder Dragons and there is so much potential for other stories to be told both before and after.We don't need a Gw3 and won't need one until the Devs decide they can't do anything more with Gw2 mechanically.. and I doubt the game will get to that point for a very long time yet.I'd bet Guildwars 2 has at least 5-7 more years left in it before we've even finish up the main story.

Any game can last forever if the developers want to. The problem here is profitability, which depends a lot on marketing and player retention.

GW2 did very poorly on release. Yeah, we got a lot of players, but we lost too many as well, which has led to lot of people to believe, still today, that GW2 flopped and is a dead game. If they were to make GW3, using GW2 assets (same models and mechanics), lot of those who were disappointed by GW2's first impressions would give it another opportunity, even if it's pretty much the same game.

That's why GW3 has a lot of potential. Many of GW2's mistakes were fixed, but lot of the people who left because of those mistakes is never going to come back.

The story is pretty stale and doesn't help any bit either. The whole worldbuilding around GW2 has been a huge mess without direction since day one, feeling like a soap opera, instead of an epic fantasy tale. GW3 could be a huge reset button, an opportunity to ditch the current plots and start anew.

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@wickedkae.4980 said:Veterans need new ways to advance our mains. There is very little reason to stick around once you have ascended gear. And no, most of us do not want to raid with 9 other people who will waste my time. Give us new ways to improve our core skills. Atm there is nothing to do to advance your characters. ESO figured it out, not sure why anet is so far behind.

U mean the champion system? If so that didnt work either as they have admited to some extend.

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