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The elite spec you want for your main

Invisible Kittens.6380

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I'm not sure which is my main anymore, but I have the most playtime on Engineer and Elementalist.

For Ele, I'd like to be able to use water offensively, in an ice-mage-style. There are a couple of damage-related water traits (Piercing Shards, Aquamancer's Training), but they don't really fit well with the rest of the water traits or spells. This wouldn't really need a whole elite spec to work - just a trait that converts healing from water spells into damage (with some appropriate modifier, and maybe some extra vulnerability/chill application or something).

For Engineer, I'd like some more imaginative/fantastical weapon/kit options. Thematically I think Elixir Gun is great, but the other kits are basically just real-world weapons with some poison/ice/fire ammo, and I'd like something that more obviously acknowledges the high fantasy setting. Photon Forge is a step in the right direction, but feels a bit too sci-fi.

@Makuragee.3058 said:Simple Im an Asura/engineer main... I want... I... really...really want... ... A GOLEMANCER ELITE SPEC!!!!! One that work a bit like the necro minion one, by this I mean having my summon perma (well with an HP pool)... Yes I use golemancer rune since ever XD

This would be great! Even though my Engineer is a charr...

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Wraith for Necro.Fast, mobile, high DPS. Loses Shroud healthpool in exchange for something like Holo mode, while getting a invulnerability in their kit, making it competitive as DPS in high end PvE, as well as allowing it to be viable in Plat+ PvP.

Probably wielding Sword, with similar LF gain as Dagger to feed the quickly draining Wraith mode (but not affected by incoming damage), while providing higher damage and a movement ability, such as a ground target shadow step, instead of a self heal.

Also really want a proper Minion Master Necro, but I feel like the above is more what Necro in GW2 needs atm.

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Longbow based Elementalist (i dont know really what to expect it to do, i juts have a Lightning bow skin and want to use it on my Lightning Focused Ele)Ranger with Shield and a more defensive aspect (for as little as "tanks" matter in this game one class's espec shouldn't be the only option for the role)Warhorn Guardian focused heavily on healing/buffing in the style of the Captain from LotRO

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd love to see a golemancer elite spec for engineer! While the powersuit and golem racial skills are unique and flavorful, they're just not strong enough to build around. Scrapper and turrets seem charr and human focused and low-tech... Where is the coolness and mastery of asuran tech for engineers?

If you look at the wiki, there are 200 or so types of golems in the game. More than enough models to choose from :) Hmm. maybe even assault cubes models instead of gyros/turrets?

Another approach would be building your own 'techy' legendary that would summon a second golem when entering combat w/a cool down, and maybe lower the elite power suit and golem cooldowns? That would allow for an asuran golemancer build - though a golemancer trait line would be awesome. It'd be even more awesome if the character had a way to 'build' their main golem, truly making it theirs as far as offensive/defensive, armaments, color, name, etc.

Champion ABL-01 golem anyone? I'd spend a year collecting whatever to build that, haha.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Demon hunter style necro with sword or whip would be cool deviation from the core class, tho seeing as how people reacted to dragon hunter as a name demon hunter probably isnt a good name to go with lol

Illidan rolls in his grave.

Sword necromancer (dual swords) with solid condi AND power options would be nice, though (yeah, you heard me. We have 9 selectable traits, we can have multiple playstyles in one e-spec. Novel, I know.).

That, or a long-bow based minion master e-spec. Maybe with poison, bleeding, and torment coverage.

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Engineer main. Don't want a new elite. Our core spec lines were deprecated to near uselessness to facilitate Scrapper. Kits have been left to rot. Yet we still don't have access to a second base weapon to swap to. Scrapper was later also deprecated to near worthlessness and the second elite, Holosmith, led to further erosion of the core and is so far out balance and out of touch with what Engineers are/have been that I've no trust at all for whatever ANet's brain trust decides to squirt out next in that department. Speculative wishing is a hopeless exercise, but I'm speaking only for myself here.

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Next expantion: Revenant GS samurai based class :}Cantha: Revenant daggers ninjas

Guardian: something with spear n shield or a 2 handed trident, bublemancer or heavy on procs to support team against the awfull low effort spam game suffers, and aloweing players to go on melee :dizzy: ,

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Dream spec for me would be guardian wielding a 2h spear/polearm. The weapon-skills would be a bit more pvp-focused having a balanced kit of mobility, offence and defence (either evades, blind, weakness, maybe a single block). It would be slightly weaker than the greatsword of course but would have the advantage of being a close-mid range weapon (ranging from 240-450 range on some attacks) and more versatile. The heal/util/elites would be useful for various different situations/game modes as is often the case.

I'd like if the spec brought something to the table that guardian doesn't currently have: the ability to deal with boon-loaded foes. This wouldn't necessarily have to be through boon-rip/corrupt, but there could be like traits where guardian's strikes allow them to ignore Protection, or maybe blocking a strike from a foe removes all of their might stacks, or burn specifically removes resistance.

As I recall, before the trait revamp in 2015, guardians used to have a trait in radiance that allowed them to remove boons from foes when they inflicted burning and that trait was removed. It would be nice if something like that returned in the future.

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@Arcaedus.7290 said:Dream spec for me would be guardian wielding a 2h spear/polearm. The weapon-skills would be a bit more pvp-focused having a balanced kit of mobility, offence and defence (either evades, blind, weakness, maybe a single block). It would be slightly weaker than the greatsword of course but would have the advantage of being a close-mid range weapon (ranging from 240-450 range on some attacks) and more versatile. The heal/util/elites would be useful for various different situations/game modes as is often the case.

I'd like if the spec brought something to the table that guardian doesn't currently have: the ability to deal with boon-loaded foes. This wouldn't necessarily have to be through boon-rip/corrupt, but there could be like traits where guardian's strikes allow them to ignore Protection, or maybe blocking a strike from a foe removes all of their might stacks, or burn specifically removes resistance.

As I recall, before the trait revamp in 2015, guardians used to have a trait in radiance that allowed them to remove boons from foes when they inflicted burning and that trait was removed. It would be nice if something like that returned in the future.

I'm gonna drop that ESpec suggestion for ya in the Guardian forum within a week. I've been working on an idea, that checks all your boxes, for a bit and I think it's ready for presentation. Just taking some time to actually write it down.

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