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Gold Exchange Rate is getting out of hand


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Yes, from my POV the change was great. I was sitting on some gold and converted a good chunk to gems at the best price I have seen in ages. I only buy gems with RL cash when I figure ANET needs an attaboy. I guess it depends on if you like to farm or not (note - not a genius farmer hear, just found some time to beat the HOT metas over and over).

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@Witch of Doom.5739 said:I'm also gobsmacked that ANet has not made more PoF-specific things immediately available in the Gem Shop, such as mount skins, etc. I would think the interest now would be quite high.

It has been underwhelming. They've had the Choya-themed mini (awesome) and hammer (scary), but the rest has mostly been returning items (even if many were in high demand).

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Witch of Doom.5739 said:I'm also gobsmacked that ANet has not made more PoF-specific things immediately available in the Gem Shop, such as mount skins, etc. I would think the interest now would be quite high.

It has been underwhelming. They've had the Choya-themed mini (awesome) and hammer (scary), but the rest has mostly been returning items (even if many were in high demand).

The problem with a choya hammer is the hammer part ...

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So? That means it's a nice time for less financially secure players to get some gems. Why not just be happy for the less rich players, and actually play the game and earn gems the old fashioned way. It's EASY to make gold in this game, I made 800g in this past month. Wasting your money anyway if you buy gold in this game.

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@Blockhead Magee.3092 said:Bought 10K gems the last week or so because of the much better exchange rate.

Errr... either I am or you are a noob at math. How is spending 1,700 Gems for 250g better than spending only 1,400 Gems for the same amount of gold? Am I missing something?? :o

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:So? That means it's a nice time for less financially secure players to get some gems.

Again: What?! :s (see previous paragraph)

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Since Gold is something you can earn in-game with no cash expended, it is a boon to many to be able to exchange Gold for Gems that otherwise must be bought with cash. The Gold-to-Gems rate is great right now. That's what posters are saying, OP.
I would never consider trading Gems bought with cash for Gold. It's too easy to make Gold in-game at no cost (cash).

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Since Gold is something you can earn in-game with no cash expended, it is a boon to many to be able to exchange Gold for Gems that otherwise must be bought with cash. The Gold-to-Gems rate is great right now. That's what posters are saying, OP.

Okay, now I get it. I always thought that the gold-to-gems exchange rate was increasing/decreasing in accordance to the gems-to-gold exchange rate, i.e. parallel to it. But apparently the gold-to-gems exchange rate increases when the gold-to-gems exchange rate decreases and vice versa. (Tah-dah! "I think she's got it!" My Fair Lady) That is a strange concept. I always thought that tranding gold for gems was a total rip-off because of the worse exchange rate. D'uh! :s

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Blockhead Magee.3092 said:Bought 10K gems the last week or so because of the much better exchange rate.

Errr... either I am or you are a noob at math. How is spending 1,700 Gems for 250g better than spending only 1,400 Gems for the same amount of gold? Am I missing something?? :o

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:So? That means it's a nice time for less financially secure players to get some gems.

Again: What?! :s (see previous paragraph)

They're talking about buying gems with gold.

That's the thing about the exchange rate - when it's a bad deal for people who want gold it's likely to be a good deal for people who want 'free' gems (purchased with gold they earned in-game). Same way whenever materials drop in price some people are unhappy because they get less money when they sell them and others are happy because they can get what they want cheaper.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Blockhead Magee.3092 said:Bought 10K gems the last week or so because of the much better exchange rate.

Errr... either I am or you are a noob at math. How is spending 1,700 Gems for 250g better than spending only 1,400 Gems for the same amount of gold? Am I missing something?? :oI assumed he meant that he bought gems with gold because the exchange rate was so low.

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:So? That means it's a nice time for less financially secure players to get some gems.

Again: What?! :s (see previous paragraph)Same thing, I presume it implies that less financially secure players are more likely to use gold than dollars to buy gems so it's a good time to buy.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:So? That means it's a nice time for less financially secure players to get some gems. Why not just be happy for the less rich players, and actually play the game and earn gems the old fashioned way. It's EASY to make gold in this game, I made 800g in this past month. Wasting your money anyway if you buy gold in this game.

Yep. Plenty of people forget that when the gem<->gold conversion drops like it has, it gives players who can't (or don't) but gems with money access to premium skins and upgrades that normally they don't have access to or have to work all the harder to get. That's not a bad thing. If you can buy gems with real money, great, thank you for supporting Anet! But that's a luxury not everyone can afford, and while the current exchange rate might suck if you're immediately converting to gold, it's a Jokosend for us who were looking at ~110g/400 gems pre-PoF, with it spiking to 135g/400 gems two months ago.

That fluctuation is actually party of a healthy economy and keeps there from being a solid divide between players who can pay real money for items and players who have to spend hours in-game to get enough gold. We have years of history that show it'll bounce back up, and all it would take is a mediocre mount skin or a cool new item or a decent sale for that to happen.

Just got to wait it out like players who buy gems with gold wait until a favourable conversion rate unless they absolutely need/want something.

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I'm happy for people with gold who want to buy gems and can do so at the lower rate. Moi, well, the birthday fairy gave me some gem cards, and I am notoriously bad at earning in-game gold (yes, I know how; no, you don't need to tell me) so I want to exchange gems for gold. Am I mad or concerned about the rate? Not at all! I can wait, no rush. =)

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@blambidy.3216 said:... Just make the gold right. Not by using real money.

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:... It's EASY to make gold in this game, I made 800g in this past month. Wasting your money anyway if you buy gold in this game.

I don't see the reasoning here, it's all time invested. You can invest your time to make money to spend on gems or you can invest your time in-game to farm it. For me there is more value gained by purchasing gems. I just do one hour of overtime and can buy 500g rather than farm in-game for a dozen hours.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:Okay, now I get it. I always thought that the gold-to-gems exchange rate was increasing/decreasing in accordance to the gems-to-gold exchange rate, i.e. parallel to it. But apparently the gold-to-gems exchange rate increases when the gold-to-gems exchange rate decreases and vice versa. (Tah-dah! "I think she's got it!" My Fair Lady) That is a strange concept. I always thought that tranding gold for gems was a total rip-off because of the worse exchange rate. D'uh! :s

Glad you got it :)

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I'm honestly hoping the numbers for this encourages anet to focus more on ingame expenses for rewards and less of new gem store items. If there's a takeaway here its that you can design a reward that's obtainable by actually playing the game and still make microtransaction money off of it if it costs a moderately challenging (griffon) rather than astronomical (legendaries) amount of ingame effort to obtain.

And thats just a better consumer value for everybody.

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As others indicate - a lot of people are spending gems on gold to get catbirds and complete expensive collections (Those Sunspear weapons are more pricey than the Mystic weapons for the HoT collections!)

Also, a bunch of people bought the Ultimate Edition of the game, and are converting the gems that came with it (IIRC at a discount compared to normal gem price) to gold, either as new players 'catching up' with older ones so they can play the level 80 economy with their new level 80 characters, or as veterans just converting their excess gems for various reasons.

This is a good time to invest your own gold into Gems.

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@Omar Aschi Popp.7496 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:Within just a week it increased from ~1,200 to 1,600 (and still rising) for 250g. Do you think it will eventually normalize again?

With the current rate, no one will want to invest real money anymore to buy gold if absolutely necessary. I know I won't.

You pay real life money for gold?PffttgghhLol.


What is so funny about paying real money for in-game gold?For me, earning money IRL is easier and faster than spending hours in this game to farm for gold. In short, we can afford it. For you, it has to be the opposite.

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@Mea.5491 said:Why would someone buy 250 Gold for real money when it can be farmed in 2-3 days? I'm glad Gem prices are cheap because I buy them with Gold, I hope it stays this way (but I know it won't).

On the other hand, somenone would say "Why would someone waste 2-3 days of their life while I can just buy 250 gold with my money?"

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@Kheldorn.5123 said:

@Mea.5491 said:Why would someone buy 250 Gold for real money when it can be farmed in 2-3 days? I'm glad Gem prices are cheap because I buy them with Gold, I hope it stays this way (but I know it won't).

On the other hand, somenone would say "Why would someone waste 2-3 days of their life while I can just buy 250 gold with my money?"

This.But Depends.Some has time and no Money, and viceversa.

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