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ATTENTION WVW TEAM: The stomp _NEEDS_ to go!


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Quick thought I had, related to Warclaw balance. What if Simply put, dismounting the warclaw through Engage or normal Dismount, caused the Mount skill to go on cooldown, like a proper utility skill ? I mean, the skill already Has a cooldown, it's just particularly short, long enough that it doesn't auto cancel when you double click it. It should be fairly trivial to lenghten it. That would lessen the impact of it fairly strongly, while retaining the utility of it ?

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

Right now battles have turned into a spastic clashing of mount engages causing lag and making the fights really dull.

You know what makes the fights really dull? Running around in 30-50 man zergs to run over or through opponents with massive rolling aoe attacks. No need to target an opposing player, just run into them and hope for some kills. Takes all the skill of Chutes and Ladders. When ANet addresses this, I'll worry about this comparatively minor crap.

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Too lazy to read through all. But I read someone asking what to do with finishers. To be fair many people were begging to remove down state completely. Now continue with your argument just wanted to say that some were asking for something like this anyway.

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@tippolit.3591 said:

Right now battles have turned into a spastic clashing of mount engages causing lag and making the fights really dull.

You know what makes the fights really dull? Running around in 30-50 man zergs to run over or through opponents with massive rolling aoe attacks. No need to target an opposing player, just run into them and hope for some kills. Takes all the skill of Chutes and Ladders. When ANet addresses this, I'll worry about this comparatively minor kitten.

Yea you right. It is dull when you can just plow through an enemy. I wish more enemies were running meta builds and running in organized groups so they can use their massive rolling AoE support skills to stay alive longer and provide better fights. It is too bad Anet can't address player choices that lead to dull fights like that.

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Add dismount abilities on certain skills from specs ?


Rush - Charge and strike your foe ,this skill will dismount another player on hit.

Atleast giving every spec one skill to be able to dismount another player being it on a range or mobility skill would be fair to me ( Maybe even on elite skills giving it an aoe radius dismount ) . Currently it can be boring when every 1on1 guy on a mount just runs away from you and your hopping behind him on yours,it's not very exciting..

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@Caedmon.6798 said:Add dismount abilities on certain skills from specs ?


Rush - Charge and strike your foe ,this skill will dismount another player on hit.

Atleast giving every spec one skill to be able to dismount another player being it on a range or mobility skill would be fair to me ( Maybe even on elite skills giving it an aoe radius dismount ) . Currently it can be boring when every 1on1 guy on a mount just runs away from you and your hopping behind him on yours,it's not very exciting..

they will probably add stuff like that 'soon'

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@Mini Crinny.6190 said:

@Caedmon.6798 said:Add dismount abilities on certain skills from specs ?


Rush - Charge and strike your foe ,this skill will dismount another player on hit.

Atleast giving every spec one skill to be able to dismount another player being it on a range or mobility skill would be fair to me ( Maybe even on elite skills giving it an aoe radius dismount ) . Currently it can be boring when every 1on1 guy on a mount just runs away from you and your hopping behind him on yours,it's not very exciting..

they will probably add stuff like that 'soon'

Well ANET has issued several changes to the mount just in the past 48 hours, true to their word of being willing to tweak it at will, so the more feedback we bring to them, the more fine tuning they can do.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Jayden Reese.9542 said:Keep the stomp. Keep the mount. Just stop the 20 different threads complaining about the mount. We all know it's mostly the grief type builds that are upset or the super mobile builds or the zergs that now can't insta rez downs and us pugs can mount stomp you 3 space bar run away/thru/or catch you. Sorry. ty for mount. Eliminates a lot more garbage specs and griefer types then anything else.

Eliminatating garbage specs? That’s great for the game lmao,some ones got but hurt and can’t handle it so do what this cry baby says and start eliminating specs that are designed to grieve. Might as well kill the game sooner than later lol

Games not gonna die. no ones gonna miss you. nobody gonna cry for the dead eye cuz he gets marked by a sentry like the 50 threads bout that. Or the thief who resets the fight 3 times to win cuz we can mount and 3 space bar away and wp during your reset. No ones gonna miss the engage and oh kitten im losing run away with unlimited mobility. No one's gonna miss you at all. Bye bye.

There were other ways to fix this problemYes it's cheese as hell if a thief needs to reset 3 Times in order to kill you

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You people make zero sense.

First y'all cry en mass about down state in wvw. Now y'all cry about the mount insta finishing down state players.

Make up your minds.

On another note, the mount stomp is completely fine and it should be made to hit at least 5 targets. 3 is too little... if you use it on group of people with down state players it doesn't even always finishes the downs because of the target limit..

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@Vova.2640 said:You people make zero sense.

First y'all cry en mass about down state in wvw. Now y'all cry about the mount insta finishing down state players.

Make up your minds.

On another note, the mount stomp is completely fine and it should be made to hit at least 5 targets. 3 is too little... if you use it on group of people with down state players it doesn't even always finishes the downs because of the target limit..

Yo listen up. Just because you saw some people asking for downstate special event to return it doesn't mean they speak for the rest of us (and I liked no downstate event, but that doesn't mean we ALWAYS want it - and not like this).

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@"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:Reducing the target cap was one step in the right direction. But guys, you HAVE to remove the stomp as SOON as possible, and nerf the engage damage even further perhaps.

Right now battles have turned into a spastic clashing of mount engages causing lag and making the fights really dull. It also feels strange that while you recently made Battle Standard a stomp, it has a two second cast time, and a TINY 180 radius. On an elite. So why even add this when everyone can stomp to their hearts desire?


Never should ANet (and hopefully they won't) remove the mount skill "stomp enemies while downed" completely from the game. This complements the current game system with the mount and makes this skill unique!

Let's face it, what do some people imagine? Playing with teddy bears, picking flowers with your girl- or boyfriend or rather riding on a pony yard?

The "stomp" function is one of the best skills at all and has already been weakened (in the shortest time, and for my taste rather too much).

Shouldn't we rather discuss "current improvements and changes" according to the existing features and which ones actually benefit "world versus world"? Or things that should happen in the future (removing the "stomp" isn't one of them)?

In view of this, participate (or vote as needed) in the following discussion and suggestion(s). See: WARCLAW improvement - what is your opinion on ... ?

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bah, the stomp is over-rated. All the fights we've had so far I haven't seen a stomp even used to finish downs. Having said that has anyone tried to "target" someone with the stomp? It can't be done. The stomp executes from point A to point B in the direction you're facing... period. It doesn't matter if you have someone targeted, it just jumps ahead right passed your target and stomps the ground. This means you have to figure out the distance to actually use it well... except in the case of multiple downs...

As far as that goes I finish more people off with barrage than I would with stomp when there's multiple downs. By the time I could mount up and try to stomp it's too late. Standing there on a mount waiting to stomp is, imo... not helpful to anyone.

In a nutshell I think all this "issue" with the stomp is moot. It's seriously not that big a deal even for those people that might be using it somewhere.

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@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:Standing there on a mount waiting to stomp is, imo... not helpful to anyone.

It definitely isn't but I see a bunch of people doing this more and more lol. They just vulture around their zerg with their mounts only wanting to insta stomp with mount and do nothing else.

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@DemonSeed.3528 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:Standing there on a mount waiting to stomp is, imo... not helpful to anyone.

It definitely isn't but I see a bunch of people doing this more and more lol. They just vulture around their zerg with their mounts only wanting to insta stomp with mount and do nothing else.

This. It enables this really unhelpful kind of playstyle. Taking up a map spot, not contributing and then ruining the fun by deleting downs. Some of my friends who play support classes who enjoy quickly using MI or IoL on someone now feel like their playstyle is ruined because of these vulture stompers.

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@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:bah, the stomp is over-rated. All the fights we've had so far I haven't seen a stomp even used to finish downs. Having said that has anyone tried to "target" someone with the stomp? It can't be done. The stomp executes from point A to point B in the direction you're facing... period. It doesn't matter if you have someone targeted, it just jumps ahead right passed your target and stomps the ground. This means you have to figure out the distance to actually use it well... except in the case of multiple downs...

As far as that goes I finish more people off with barrage than I would with stomp when there's multiple downs. By the time I could mount up and try to stomp it's too late. Standing there on a mount waiting to stomp is, imo... not helpful to anyone.

In a nutshell I think all this "issue" with the stomp is moot. It's seriously not that big a deal even for those people that might be using it somewhere.

That hasn't been my experience. I was stomping people constantly yesterday and could mount up again and stomp the next set of players almost immediately since the stomp doesn't put you into combat. It is very lame.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:Standing there on a mount waiting to stomp is, imo... not helpful to anyone.

It definitely isn't but I see a bunch of people doing this more and more lol. They just vulture around their zerg with their mounts only wanting to insta stomp with mount and do nothing else.

This. It enables this really unhelpful kind of playstyle. Taking up a map spot, not contributing and then ruining the fun by deleting downs. Some of my friends who play support classes who enjoy quickly using MI or IoL on someone now feel like their playstyle is ruined because of these vulture stompers.

Yeah that does actually sound a lot like what greens would do. No risk if they are waiting around mounted (they can dart off in the battle goes poorly), but as soon as they see downed icons they leap forward and snag some XP and bags.

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The best thing about this mount is the instantaneous stomp numerous people at once. We don't have to put up with that awful downstate mechanic anymore. In fact, I'd be happy if the removed the engage damage outright, but increase the radius and player amount that can further be instantly stomped.

The fact this mechanic now exists I've found makes battles flow much much smoother and flow more nicely. This is due to players not having to stop and spam aoe's all over the place in the area of downs.

The people that are getting instantly stopped are those that are mindlessly running in and dying (because they are used to being carried by heals or the fact they'll rally or rez due to superior numbers). These people now must think about when and how they are going to engage vs running in and pressing 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1.

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