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Art Issues: Characters, Weapons, Armor - [Merged]

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The Warlord's Legplates (heavy) butt-cape physics do not work properly on Female Sylvari. I have tested it on a Female Norn, and Female Human, and it works correctly for them. The other Warlord items seem to have correct physics.
The easiest way to test this is to spin the character around in the Character Preview menu; the butt-cape does not flow, and just melds into a bunch of squares by the legs.

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9 minutes ago, Shinnetami.7041 said:

One of the new hairstyles (added 30.11) for human female uses wrong color - it takes the accessory color as main. It does look normal on preview tho.

Yeah, I noticed this too. I hope it's a bug because it seriously limits the color options for that style otherwise. 

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New Male human hairstyle glitch
First off, I have to say - thank you so much for new content, I'd like to request a minor adjustment to a hairstyle, because it looks awesome but there's just a small bit that honestly really ruins the otherwise sweet impression. When you look behind the ear, there's suddenly a strange, as if shaved space. Creating something akin to a triangle angle. It might be a small thing, and I'm not sure how most of the community feel about it? (would love to hear from others, I'm adding screens) But me and my friends find it a little bit odd on what seems to have otherwise probably taken a lot of work to perfect.


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Sylvari new male hair with 'headband' clips with almost all the ear options. (also wish the mustashe on the one face was optional). Leaves for all hair really should allow us to color them how we want to and not use skin color only. Very surprised you did this for all three when people generally disliked it already in feedback for past ones.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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One of the new charr female faces has incorrect skin weighting - part of the left upper lip is influenced by lower jaw bone


This is most obvious with jaw tilt set all the way to maximum. (The new faces are the only ones where this actually opens the jaw instead of angling it forward/back, but I suppose this is intentional?)

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Sylvari faces and hairstyles, the new ones for the Cantha looks, you can't actually change the hair color. 


I've tried to change the hair color but it only changes a hair piece (flower, hair pin etc). The hair color only changes with the skin color. In other words, the hair color doesn't change when you actually select hair color; it changes with skin coloring. This needs to be fixed. You gave us cute hair styles that I want to use with new sylvari but not if I can't actually 'see' the new hair with the correct coloring attached to it.

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9 hours ago, Shinnetami.7041 said:

One of the new hairstyles (added 30.11) for human female uses wrong color - it takes the accessory color as main. It does look normal on preview tho.

And the "main" hair color dyes the scalp color, which you can see a bit of at the hairline and by the side of the ear.

I...don't know if that was the intention...

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19 hours ago, obastable.5231 said:

Yeah, I noticed this too. I hope it's a bug because it seriously limits the color options for that style otherwise. 

I noticed the same issue. It does seem like it takes the complimentary color on the color wheel though; my char has red hair and this option shows green. If that's true you still have the same color options technically, but there's no way of telling what it ends up as. The color picked or the color shown? Anyway, needs to be fixed.


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Is it intended for this hair on both male/female humans to not dye the headband properly? It seems to only vary between black and greys no matter the color chosen. Here's a gif demonstrating what I mean:


And here's a screenshot of the same hairstyle applied ingame to show that the color issue is not only a preview one:


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On 10/3/2019 at 9:25 PM, Giovanelli.6071 said:

Item: Mage Knight OutfitRace: NornGender: FemaleClass: All

There is a very noticeable part of the neck area when not wearing the hat that just doesn't exist at all. I checked on other races/genders and none have this missing neck issue.


This has persisted through December 2021. Does not exist as an issue on my Humans, does on my Norn. Being a cash shop item, I hope this gets fixed soon.

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On 12/3/2021 at 4:28 PM, medivh.4725 said:

1. Synergtics Hoverbike - Appears to have discoloring problems
Many color range cannot be applied onto the hoverbike. It will show in preview as right but come off very differently in actual.


There seems to be more bugs with all mounts that have the same type of "glow" effect as the hoverbike, typically the exo-suit mounts, the cyberscale etc. The glow effect seems to bug out and turn red, regardless of what dye has been applied. I can't reliably repeat this, it sometimes fixes itself by switching maps or re-logging. But the problem keeps coming up. 


Example: today zoning into Grothmar Valley my hoverbike appears red regardless of what color I dye it. 

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Emotes hide capes and back items, and it is a big issue. Emotes are used for communications, fun, reactions, yeah, but for immersion too, and I think that my big hunter cape dissapearing when I decide to do a dance or cheer someone up is all but immersive. 


Please, just make my game equip and unequip back item on emote launch so we can all keep our gear while emoting. This shouldn't be an issue and all the people that talk about it seem to have the same opinion: if we could keep back items or capes while in emotes we'll be happier 😄

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There is a new male Sylvari hair style with bad clipping issues. The long lily pad hair style has two strands of hair that lay in front of the shoulders. When running, these two strands clip into the model's chest and poke out of the model's back. Please make these two strands stiff so that they do not clip into the chest.

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ArenaNet, can you please make this asuran hairstyle look good? As it is right now it looks very rushed and the way it interacts with the ears is a bit weird. The hair should go behind the ears, no? It just doesn't look polished and 'realistic' like other hairstyles do. Please consider making it look better. Thank you!   



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