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How do you feel about the Warclaw after patch?


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@gebrechen.5643 said:

@gebrechen.5643 said:After the recent patch it has become mostly useless. The only good thing left is the aoe stealth detect.

it doesnt detect stealth, unless that was changed.

for the rest kitten mount never wanted it.and just checked first 3/4 votes from positive and they are all PvE kitten so ye this poll isnt gonna work as we WvW are already far less then any other game mode so polls on this forum are useless WvW and sPvP will always lose against these PvE fanboys.

How did you find out which voter likes what game mode? You are a prophet?

@gebrechen.5643 said:After the recent patch it has become mostly useless. The only good thing left is the aoe stealth detect.

it doesnt detect stealth, unless that was changed.

for the rest kitten mount never wanted it.and just checked first 3/4 votes from positive and they are all PvE kitten so ye this poll isnt gonna work as we WvW are already far less then any other game mode so polls on this forum are useless WvW and sPvP will always lose against these PvE fanboys.

How did you find out which voter likes what game mode? You are a prophet?

just like i know you do mainly WvW.im a prophet, just click on people freaking name, look at their post see where they post most often 90% of your post if not 100% are all in WvW section so i assume u wvw mostly and dont really give a rats ass about pve.correct? i guess not cus this is the internet no1 is ever correct.

but again yes im prophet.

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@Thelgar.7214 said:No option for Positive, but neutral about whether the mount existed or not. I didn't get mine until after the patches, but i haven't had a problem with it. I don't really feel a lot (any actually) of sympathy for roamers who can't attack group-built characters running to their groups with their gank builds.

Have you ever considered that most roamers build to out sustain outnumbered fights (whether with mobility or build) since they're putting themselves at a disadvantage and that by putting yourself in group gear you're setting yourself up to kill people like those roamers... except for with a group. So you should be at a disadvantage anytime you're out of position and alone? That it is quite silly to say I can attack and group smaller than me and that is okay but anyone doing the same to me is a ganker? So in short just because you're not dying for your mistakes as often its a good change to you?

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It's bad. It's quickened the pace of WvW in a bad way. Especially if you're running smaller off-blob groups for home borderland defence. Not everybody's unlocked it, even now, and that said some are still refusing to use it. Why is this bad? Because if you're the off blob group trying to either defend or reflip objectives against the enemy off blob groups in your home borderland then every person you have counts more.

It doesn't matter how fast the warclaw is individually because as a fighting group you're only as effective, only as quick to respond as your slowest fat kid. It's not helping if you trickle in to defend something where the enemy off blob group is there in full force and you end up fed to them piecemeal.

It isn't that this sort of thing never happened before but the warclaw has certainly exacerbated the problem.

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It's fine. Actually, it's good. And I didn't know what to expect. The only changes I've really noticed are:

1) I don't have to deal with garbage mesmers anymore because I can just run past their broken build and leave them in the dust where they belong. 1B) "Have fun trying to gank me with your boonbeast, I'm outta here, I don't have time to fight trash that gets carried by an overpowered build sorry!", 1C) "Nope, 1v5 sounds like a bad time, byeeee!" and my favourite, 1D) "Oh, looks like this guy wants to 1v1/duel, let's do this!" and a real, honourable fight ensues. Solo roaming is so much better with mounts.

2) Getting to tag is easier for all sides which makes WvW generally even more fast-paced than before

3) fights are almost exactly the same with the exception of the occasional mounted chase. People still siege hump and run away like they did before, nothing really changing there, now they can just do it a little easier -- and so what, they're gonna do it regardless, don't waste time on them anyway, go hit their objective on the other side of the map while they siege hump.

Every time something new in this game is released or some change is made, 70% of this reactionary community creates a big out-cry/uproar about it. I'm used to seeing this happen. GW2 is generally a less toxic, friendlier community - yes - but these are still gamers we're talking about, probably the most disagreeable community on the internet. You can't do anything without disappointing gamers in some way because everything needs to be a flawless utopia to fit their needs. So whatever.

The mount addition is fine. It's just, fine. It is what it is.

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@reddie.5861 said:

@gebrechen.5643 said:After the recent patch it has become mostly useless. The only good thing left is the aoe stealth detect.

it doesnt detect stealth, unless that was changed.

for the rest kitten mount never wanted it.and just checked first 3/4 votes from positive and they are all PvE kitten so ye this poll isnt gonna work as we WvW are already far less then any other game mode so polls on this forum are useless WvW and sPvP will always lose against these PvE fanboys.

How did you find out which voter likes what game mode? You are a prophet?

@gebrechen.5643 said:After the recent patch it has become mostly useless. The only good thing left is the aoe stealth detect.

it doesnt detect stealth, unless that was changed.

for the rest kitten mount never wanted it.and just checked first 3/4 votes from positive and they are all PvE kitten so ye this poll isnt gonna work as we WvW are already far less then any other game mode so polls on this forum are useless WvW and sPvP will always lose against these PvE fanboys.

How did you find out which voter likes what game mode? You are a prophet?

just like i know you do mainly WvW.im a prophet, just click on people freaking name, look at their post see where they post most often 90% of your post if not 100% are all in WvW section so i assume u wvw mostly and dont really give a rats kitten about pve.correct? i guess not cus this is the internet no1 is ever correct.

but again yes im prophet.

Looking at where someone posts most of their stuff does not mean anything. It does not make them PVEers or WvWers. Some of us have multiple interests. Some of us only want to contribute in certain conversations.

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@Excursion.9752 said:I like it cant wait to see the next mount. The War Eagle allows you to fly in your zones you control.For those that miss the small sided fights to bad there is not a game mode for that...

There's a reason up to 10 commander tags are visible per map and it's not because we are all supposed to be following the same one.

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@Duckota.4769 said:

@Thelgar.7214 said:No option for Positive, but neutral about whether the mount existed or not. I didn't get mine until after the patches, but i haven't had a problem with it. I don't really feel a lot (any actually) of sympathy for roamers who can't attack group-built characters running to their groups with their gank builds.

Have you ever considered that most roamers build to out sustain outnumbered fights (whether with mobility or build) since they're putting themselves at a disadvantage and that by putting yourself in group gear you're setting yourself up to kill people like those roamers... except for with a group. So you should be at a disadvantage anytime you're out of position and alone? That it is quite silly to say I can attack and group smaller than me and that is okay but anyone doing the same to me is a ganker? So in short just because you're not dying for your mistakes as often its a good change to you?

You aren't putting yourself at a disadvantage when you're ganking people heading to their group in group builds. Nobody sets up their group to kill roamers. You're like roadkill - something people in groups don't really care about when it splatters, aside from finding it mildly amusing. It's silly to think you're so important that you're the reason people build groups. In short, you not being able to annoy people trying to get back to their groups makes it a good change for everyone else except roamers who gank people in group builds.

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I find it amusing reading the pro mounts reasoning’sCan avoid builds that I don’t like fighting againstCan choose when to engage into combatCan rush through the map to the point of interest,all while avoiding situations that I’d rather not be inList goes on and I’m thinking to myself if arenanet dreading these would they view these as positive’s for the open world pvp game mode they created? Lol cuz I wouldn’t.

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Sum up all the negative comments together and you have why my vote is negative and nope.Been leading a havok grp for years: barely do week wvw anymore...now my usual weekends raids with guildmates of 7pm-3am will probably be going more towards like 7-10pm then head out and chill with some music before going to sleep.

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@Thelgar.7214 said:

@Thelgar.7214 said:No option for Positive, but neutral about whether the mount existed or not. I didn't get mine until after the patches, but i haven't had a problem with it. I don't really feel a lot (any actually) of sympathy for roamers who can't attack group-built characters running to their groups with their gank builds.

Have you ever considered that most roamers build to out sustain outnumbered fights (whether with mobility or build) since they're putting themselves at a disadvantage and that by putting yourself in group gear you're setting yourself up to kill people like those roamers... except for with a group. So you should be at a disadvantage anytime you're out of position and alone? That it is quite silly to say I can attack and group smaller than me and that is okay but anyone doing the same to me is a ganker? So in short just because you're not dying for your mistakes as often its a good change to you?

You aren't putting yourself at a disadvantage when you're ganking people heading to their group in group builds. Nobody sets up their group to kill roamers. You're like roadkill - something people in groups don't really care about when it splatters, aside from finding it mildly amusing. It's silly to think you're so important that you're the reason people build groups. In short, you not being able to annoy people trying to get back to their groups makes it a good change for everyone else except roamers who gank people in group builds.

I never said that you put yourself in group gear builds to deal with me specifically. Or even roamers. I said that by putting yourself in group gear you should easily handle a solo player while in a group. You're setting yourself up for success in that regards whether you had that in consideration or not. Just because you get attacked in a group build doesnt mean you got 'ganked'. It just means you were out of position. Somewhere you shouldn't have been, and someone with a build suited to kill you (or even just the skill) was in the right position to do so. Cheering for free movement without conflict in a pvp game mode is a bit odd at best and points to a lack of skill at the worst.

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Warclaw brought me back to WvW, and I have never enjoyed it more. I actually feel empowered to roam for a change, and getting to a zerg on the other side of the map is no longer a nightmare. And despite what everyone complains about, I have had plenty of great 1v1s and small group fights...more than pre mount times actually. I guess I'm not the only one excited to roam now

Edit: and to think I didn't want mounts in game period.

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Neutral for me.

Roamers can go deeper into enemy territory for camp captures and keep taps. Good for general roamer/zerg scouting.

What I don't like is how it can do some things for free... killing downed enemies, becoming a siege engine, painting players...

Warclaw could have just been a (visual) scouting mount and that would be fine. The free downed finish and siege need to go, in my opinion.

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@"Genuinetheo.6591" said:Neutral for me.

Roamers can go deeper into enemy territory for camp captures and keep taps. Good for general roamer/zerg scouting.

What I don't like is how it can do some things for free... killing downed enemies, becoming a siege engine, painting players...

Warclaw could have just been a (visual) scouting mount and that would be fine. The free downed finish and siege need to go, in my opinion.

The "Sniff" only lets you see targets, it's not map wide...

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@Loosmaster.8263 said:

@"Genuinetheo.6591" said:Neutral for me.

Roamers can go deeper into enemy territory for camp captures and keep taps. Good for general roamer/zerg scouting.

What I don't like is how it can do some things for free... killing downed enemies, becoming a siege engine,
painting players

Warclaw could have just been a (visual) scouting mount and that would be fine. The free downed finish and siege need to go, in my opinion.

The "Sniff" only lets you see targets, it's not map wide...

It is a free scouting ability that doesn't require you to see the player. You are your own sentry.

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@Duckota.4769 said:

@Thelgar.7214 said:No option for Positive, but neutral about whether the mount existed or not. I didn't get mine until after the patches, but i haven't had a problem with it. I don't really feel a lot (any actually) of sympathy for roamers who can't attack group-built characters running to their groups with their gank builds.

Have you ever considered that most roamers build to out sustain outnumbered fights (whether with mobility or build) since they're putting themselves at a disadvantage and that by putting yourself in group gear you're setting yourself up to kill people like those roamers... except for with a group. So you should be at a disadvantage anytime you're out of position and alone? That it is quite silly to say I can attack and group smaller than me and that is okay but anyone doing the same to me is a ganker? So in short just because you're not dying for your mistakes as often its a good change to you?

You aren't putting yourself at a disadvantage when you're ganking people heading to their group in group builds. Nobody sets up their group to kill roamers. You're like roadkill - something people in groups don't really care about when it splatters, aside from finding it mildly amusing. It's silly to think you're so important that you're the reason people build groups. In short, you not being able to annoy people trying to get back to their groups makes it a good change for everyone else except roamers who gank people in group builds.

I never said that you put yourself in group gear builds to deal with me specifically. Or even roamers. I said that by putting yourself in group gear you should easily handle a solo player while in a group. You're setting yourself up for success in that regards whether you had that in consideration or not. Just because you get attacked in a group build doesnt mean you got 'ganked'. It just means you were out of position. Somewhere you shouldn't have been, and someone with a build suited to kill you (or even just the skill) was in the right position to do so. Cheering for free movement without conflict in a pvp game mode is a bit odd at best and points to a lack of skill at the worst.

Nobody cares about handling a solo player while in a group. You're an annoyance in a game mode in which you aren't important. Wanting to be able to gank people who are geared for group play points to lack of skill period.

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@Thelgar.7214 said:

@Thelgar.7214 said:No option for Positive, but neutral about whether the mount existed or not. I didn't get mine until after the patches, but i haven't had a problem with it. I don't really feel a lot (any actually) of sympathy for roamers who can't attack group-built characters running to their groups with their gank builds.

Have you ever considered that most roamers build to out sustain outnumbered fights (whether with mobility or build) since they're putting themselves at a disadvantage and that by putting yourself in group gear you're setting yourself up to kill people like those roamers... except for with a group. So you should be at a disadvantage anytime you're out of position and alone? That it is quite silly to say I can attack and group smaller than me and that is okay but anyone doing the same to me is a ganker? So in short just because you're not dying for your mistakes as often its a good change to you?

You aren't putting yourself at a disadvantage when you're ganking people heading to their group in group builds. Nobody sets up their group to kill roamers. You're like roadkill - something people in groups don't really care about when it splatters, aside from finding it mildly amusing. It's silly to think you're so important that you're the reason people build groups. In short, you not being able to annoy people trying to get back to their groups makes it a good change for everyone else except roamers who gank people in group builds.

I never said that you put yourself in group gear builds to deal with me specifically. Or even roamers. I said that by putting yourself in group gear you should easily handle a solo player while in a group. You're setting yourself up for success in that regards whether you had that in consideration or not. Just because you get attacked in a group build doesnt mean you got 'ganked'. It just means you were out of position. Somewhere you shouldn't have been, and someone with a build suited to kill you (or even just the skill) was in the right position to do so. Cheering for free movement without conflict in a pvp game mode is a bit odd at best and points to a lack of skill at the worst.

Nobody cares about handling a solo player while in a group. You're an annoyance in a game mode in which you aren't important. Wanting to be able to gank people who are geared for group play points to lack of skill period.

Okay but 1v1 me tho.

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@"DanAlcedo.3281" said:I was strongly against the mount.But now that people know how to fight against it, it had become rare to start a fight on it.It hasnt brought doom on WvW like all the kneejerk reactionists claimed it would, go figure. Not like we've seen that before.

I have noticed pretty much all zergs and guilds dismount prefight, probably because they have learned that people with skills available are needed to fight, lol. I thought it would be a MAD scenario with mounted forces hovering around to stomp, not seen so much of that though.

Only 1v1 and smallscale encounters still "suffer" IMO and as-is, much of that would be solved by just cutting mount hp so its easier to force engagements.

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Warclaw is fantastic! Best addition to WvW EVER!Seriously if you scrubs have this many issues with the mount you need to L2P or go back to pve.It is just another mechanic. You find the boost or the vulnerability and trust Anet to either fix or ignore. Crying and moaning on a dead forum is laughableYeah I know I'm getting infracted.

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