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New Patch Glyphs


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@LughLongArm.5460 said:If its not the case you cannot revive while using this skill, is this not the point? You cant combo the water field, you will never be able to use it in PvP...

While the skill does seem to need improvements, you have 18 ticks of 4% revive over the duration, so its not true that you cannot res, and as to water field you have your allies to blast it, as it was on avatar 4 before.

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@DuckDuckBOOM.4097 said:

@Durzlla.6295 said:Wait so is this a 7s cast time? Or is it a 7s channel? Because if it’s a channel I can still find uses for this, if It’s a cast time... whelp.... it’s gonna be kitten.

Reddit indicates it's a channel. So it applies immunity to condi/downed state while you channel. Boons and healing pulse 1 time per second. Res is 18 pulses over 7 seconds? Not sure how that divides evenly. Makes sense why they didn't want it affected by quickness for WvW/PvP.

I'm still fairly certain that you will be able to break the channel. So it doesn't sound as bad as some ppl are making it.

Yeah, this actually sounds super solid, I’m very eager to actually try this out

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From a gameplay perspective, I think Glyph of the Stars would be fun if we had a meta where the best skills had a long cast time. But with an absence of such skills, a seven second channel 90/72/58 second cooldown feels… harsh. Especially compared to how the previous elite glyph was a useful fire-and-forget verdant etching trigger to regain astral force, and the fire-and-forget nature of most skills in this game.

Plus, as has already been noted, the lack of stability is a pain.

I’m curious to see how people will play their druids now. Personally, I think without Glyph of Empowerment, the spirits are the be-all-to-end-all non-situational skills on a support build... which makes me a little sad. I wonder if the term "spirit slave" would catch on...

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Just tried the glyph. The boons suck. The listed duration is the total boons applied. It's 1-2 seconds per pulse.

I also personally really dislike the range. So it's 1200 range 360 radius. Only glyph that is ground targeted. This means you can't move the ability with you. I would much prefer a spell breaker bubble like function that follows you around for WvW. However, I guess in PvP you can drop it on a point from outside the thick of a fight. So I think it has decent res/heal potential there. The build would still lack stability though.

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@Pedro Sequeira.3198 said:

@LughLongArm.5460 said:If its not the case you cannot revive while using this skill, is this not the point? You cant combo the water field, you will never be able to use it in PvP...

While the skill does seem to need improvements, you have 18 ticks of 4% revive over the duration, so its not true that you cannot res, and as to water field you have your allies to blast it, as it was on avatar 4 before.

Ya, I missed the auto revive part. Still don't like it. I would have preferred it to be a non channeled skill without the auto revive(only protect from damage while in downstate with the healing and boons and water field).

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I've been trying to accomodate a build, no luck.The channeling really breaks the experience and the avatar version is kinda clunky. I can't think of a more than once or twice i could channel the skill. Usually a random scourge area or some thief is making impossible to actually see the full effect.

The animations are nice thou.

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@LughLongArm.5460 said:Ya, I missed the auto revive part. Still don't like it. I would have preferred it to be a non channeled skill without the auto revive(only protect from damage while in downstate with the healing and boons and water field).

I think they could make it like Plaguelands, creating an area of effect where you stand when casting the glyph...

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@Pedro Sequeira.3198 said:

@"LughLongArm.5460" said:Ya, I missed the auto revive part. Still don't like it. I would have preferred it to be a non channeled skill without the auto revive(only protect from damage while in downstate with the healing and boons and water field).

I think they could make it like Plaguelands, creating an area of effect where you stand when casting the glyph...

Exactly , or like our own "healing spring" heal. I wish....

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For the new glyph (star) : The long range was unexpected and is really welcome, I like the animation and beeing able to reposition while casting is great and it is 10 targets ! But the cast time might be too long for pvp. Sometimes I get a full channel, sometimes I do not. I need to test it more but it looks like a 4s cast time and if it ends successfully, the area lasts 3 additional seconds would give the druid an opportunity to have impact, enemies will be able to cancel it (I do not know how much they can see the aoe and react to it but the effect seems to disappear like 1s before the end of the channeling) and it will not lock your skills for too long.It seems really strong in some places like in the volcanic fractals for the end boss because it completely nullifies the slime attacks + the burn at the same time but stability is better in others like siren's reef. (every elite should/can have a place and I want to try it more).

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@EnderzShadow.2506 said:

@"Morroth.8652" said:

Have fun with this 7 second cast :D

7 seconds....lol whut in the actual fu&*I'm actually wondering if this is indeed the intended cast time.

Maybe I could get it to work in pvp...maybe?

Maybealacrity + pillar humping + stealth= ?

It sounds like it’s a channel which makes it significantly easier to get at least a decent amount of, especially if you were running Celestial shadow or LB since it doesn’t do damage it wouldn’t break stealth, so you could get like 3-4s off for your team.

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I want to preface this with the fact that Druid is my main and I don't like Soulbeast. I play Ranger because I like the pet - as bad as it is, I want that pet always out.

I'm also writing this in detail because I hope an Anet dev can read this objectively from someone who plays Druid.

Now to begin.. while the loss of empowerment is huge to team play; it's nice not being forced to carry that on our bar anymore. Some of the good changes this patch was the buff to glyph of rejuvenation. It may not seem like much, but it allows us to drop cultivated synergy for druidic clarity - I like having that emergency stunbreak for when heals are needed - especially since we have poor access to stability.

The things that need to be fixed:

  • The -20% to pet stats needs to have a proper compensation. The changes overall just made it seem like an across the board nerf to Druid. Also, core ranger have a "20% stat buff" on their pet doesn't make it appealing enough to take over Druid or Soulbeast.

  • Glyph of Stars - I like the ability it gives in Celestial avatar, I like the animation.. but outside of CA it really sucks. Long cooldown, Long cast time that leaves you very vulnerable in all game modes, and not enough impact to be worth keeping in the slot. Another big issue is that when you use it within Celestial Avatar, by the time you're done casting, your CA juice is pretty much out. You need not only sacrifice the fact that it sits on your skill bar doing nothing until you're in CA, but you also need to use nearly an entire CA duration to use it. My suggestion.. as a quick fix for now, adding a pulsing stability outside of Celestial avatar and also extending CA by 3 seconds duration while in it. Extending CA by that duration, I think will not be OP given the nerfs to the pet.

  • Celestial Avatar - As stated in the Glyph of Stars part, I think CA needs its duration extended slightly by 3 seconds. It will provide time to use our glyphs secondary functions in CA, AND compensate for the stats nerf on our pet (both in its damage and the fact that most mobs now ignore it entirely).

  • Glyph of Alignment - I didn't use this much, but I would now that it has immobilize, EXCEPT for the fact that biggest thing wrong with this is bleed was put on the glyph; Considering our damage is laughable at best, I really think the "utility" of another condition would be better. I.E. keeping the immob and weakness, but instead keeping the bleed as its original poison.

  • Glyph of Unity - I understand this is mainly used to charge CA, it doesn't provide any noticeable difference against enemies or allies. I didn't use this pre-patch, and even as a regular utility slot, I probably still won't use it much. I tested it in dungeons today but I'd rather use something else in it's place. I hope they rework this skill entirely.

I love my druid and will still continue to play it, but these current changes seem kind of random and make it less fun.

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It could be a good skill, but it is not.First, don't be a channeled skill. We can't use weapon skills in CA, got a weaker pet, and now we can't use skills while doing this skill. Spirit of nature do a lot better work.Second, quickness shorten its duration.Third, a water field you can't use... go drakes!Forth, it is still a glyph so let Lesser Seed of Life bloom!Fifth, CD is long. Look the healing spring. It almost do the same for 1/3 CD!I haven't tested it yet, but preventing condition mean you don't get them or just cleans conditions in pulse?

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@enkeny.6937 said:It could be a good skill, but it is not.First, don't be a channeled skill. We can't use weapon skills in CA, got a weaker pet, and now we can't use skills while doing this skill. Spirit of nature do a lot better work.Second, quickness shorten its duration.Third, a water field you can't use... go drakes!Forth, it is still a glyph so let Lesser Seed of Life bloom!Fifth, CD is long. Look the healing spring. It almost do the same for 1/3 CD!I haven't tested it yet, but preventing condition mean you don't get them or just cleans conditions in pulse?

Does both, cleanse existing conditions and prevents new conditions.

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I noticed the changes to glyph of rejuvenation quite a bit in my wvw full minstrel setup. Average 13k ally heals in CA and 13k self heals with average mender/monk rune stacks.

Still on the fence with the new elite glyph, lack of stability could hurt. As someone mentioned above stealthing before casting may work but I am not sure if it will help enough.

With the no down state weekend coming up in WvW this weekend may not be a good time to test this new glyph (at least the CA portion).

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@enkeny.6937 said:It could be a good skill, but it is not.First, don't be a channeled skill. We can't use weapon skills in CA, got a weaker pet, and now we can't use skills while doing this skill. Spirit of nature do a lot better work.Second, quickness shorten its duration.Third, a water field you can't use... go drakes!Forth, it is still a glyph so let Lesser Seed of Life bloom!Fifth, CD is long. Look the healing spring. It almost do the same for 1/3 CD!I haven't tested it yet, but preventing condition mean you don't get them or just cleans conditions in pulse?

sorry, quickness is indifferent!

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@Talindra.4958 said:

@"Morroth.8652" said:

Have fun with this 7 second cast :D

such a useless skill to have in pvp unless it grant other buff such as stability and prot .. 1200 range doesn't make it up.it doesn't seem to cast seeds of life with verdant etching trait on either

I've been using the glyph quite a bit and it absolutely casts seed of life when traited. I find that it's a very powerful elite in both forms, stability baked into the skill would make it too strong imo. But it's not like someone else can't give you stab.

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You can cast Glyph of the Stars at the very end of your Celestial Avatar time and still get the full CA version effect I think so in that case it's actually alright (you don't have to waste half the bar casting it). I think if they allow the skill to work with quickness it will be a decent choice. My main issue with the patch is moving Glyph of Unity to the utility slot. I honestly think it's just a waste of a skill slot and it would have been far more interesting to replace Glyph of Empowerment with something else rather than a watered down version of one of the worst elite skills in the game.

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