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Heart of Thorns ruined this game

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@Yargesh.4965 said:

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Masteries are VERY annoying at first. Not being given the glider outright makes traversing dangerous and fatal. Ever try doing Bugs in the Trees with it?! Its your only option when you want experience and everything kills you because you don't understand build nuance.

I avoided it outright until a friend told me there was a map after Verdant Brink that had NONE of that, with events you can reach on foot! I spent almost ALL my time there leveling up masteries until I could go back and actually DO Verdant Brink content.

HoT's biggest flaw.

Since gliding is unlocked as soon as you do the first story then yes you do get glider outright. You can go everywhere on Verdant brink on foot, you may need to choose which path you take but you can circle the map completely on foot with no gliding with the glider you get when you basically enter the map.

When I did it, gliding was not unlocked as soon as I finished the first story. I had to fill up that first bar before unlocking it. You aren't allowed to talk to the Pale Reaver Scout until you do. The wiki even mentions its a requirement to continue the story. As this was the same for all alt accounts I've played, I'm going to say that it is not unlocked automatically.

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Aside from the truly atrocious level design in TD and some of the Metas where you're standing around for minutes before anything happens, HoT is fuckin' awesome.

You can still do Fractals, Raids, PvP or WvW inbetween, nobody forces you to farm HoT until you're completely finished with it before moving on.

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I mean I enjoyed HoT from a technical perspective but each to their own I guess.

The only map out of HoT I had issue with is Tangled Depths but that map's just hell to traverse in especially since the map doesn't exactly match a lot of the areas in TD until after you actually enter that area but otherwise, the other maps in HoT are great.

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Sounds like a you problem.

@yusayu.3629 said:Aside from the truly atrocious level design in TD and some of the Metas where you're standing around for minutes before anything happens, HoT is kitten' awesome.

You can still do Fractals, Raids, PvP or WvW inbetween, nobody forces you to farm HoT until you're completely finished with it before moving on.

Tangled Depths has some of the best level design I have ever seen in an MMO.

The problem people are unwilling to deal with in TD, is learning the map, because there is a real difficulty spike for that zone. Doesn't help that the map becomes borderline useless there, so it's better to learn it by traversal and memorizing it.

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@TwiceDead.1963 said:Sounds like a you problem.

@yusayu.3629 said:Aside from the truly atrocious level design in TD and some of the Metas where you're standing around for minutes before anything happens, HoT is kitten' awesome.

You can still do Fractals, Raids, PvP or WvW inbetween, nobody forces you to farm HoT until you're completely finished with it before moving on.

Tangled Depths has some of the best level design I have ever seen in an MMO.

The problem people are unwilling to deal with in TD, is learning the map, because there is a real difficulty spike for that zone. Doesn't help that the map becomes borderline useless there, so it's better to learn it by traversal and memorizing it.

Honestly, this. TD is very, very clever and a fun place to explore if you bother getting used to it.

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Still hope they add controller support one day. That would be a blessing with the vertical maps. Many modern day pc games have it. There are people who say a pc gamer only uses mouse and keyboard. They dont know pc gaming history. As a 40+ gamer i played many games with steering wheel and joystick support in the past. That is the real power of the pc then and now, choice.

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I don't like HoT and don't venture there. I give credit for the incredible designs of the maps and am glad that there are many players who enjoy them. Just because I don't, doesn't make me believe that this one expansion "ruined" GW2. There is plenty to do elsewhere without having to slog through HoT.

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@Cerioth.7062 said:HoT was THE BEST.

Was?! Its still the bestPoF is garbage and proof is HoT maps are still more active than PoF not only because of the loot but also because people enjoy it

HoT is pre-Anet thinking every MMO should be about grinding and I have no idea what the hell OP is talking aboutGetting HoT masteries is easy as getting PoF and EXP is really nothing seriousIts like leveling up =\

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When HoT was released I hated it. Just unlocked the glider, farm xp for unlock it fully and leave the bloody place for good. I was hammered by the random veterans and champions spawned next to me and happend too many things at the same time, I just overwhelmed.Guess what, I left HoT and started to work my first legendary (Twilight). Nowadays I used to HoT. I know what you should and what you should not do alone. Still don’t like it, but if I have to go there, I give a good fight to those damned champions with my Eternity ;)

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@yoni.7015 said:HoT was a great expansion. I still play the maps often

I have to agree, I like HoT, still go back there and enjoy the metas. I think the difference is some people expected it to play like core Tyria and since it didn't it was shock. I think the same thing happened in PoF as well. People were expecting more HoT style and when it wasn't, a different kind of shock. To the OP are you playing PoF? If not it might be more what you are looking for. But I admit I am on team HoT and that might be one of the reasons I don't visit PoF as much outside of the living story.

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@TwiceDead.1963 said:Sounds like a you problem.

@yusayu.3629 said:Aside from the truly atrocious level design in TD and some of the Metas where you're standing around for minutes before anything happens, HoT is kitten' awesome.

You can still do Fractals, Raids, PvP or WvW inbetween, nobody forces you to farm HoT until you're completely finished with it before moving on.

Tangled Depths has some of the best level design I have ever seen in an MMO.

The problem people are unwilling to deal with in TD, is learning the map, because there is a real difficulty spike for that zone. Doesn't help that the map becomes borderline useless there, so it's better to learn it by traversal and memorizing it.

How is TD good map design?!

The minimap is worthless, because it doesn't show you verticality. The only way to orient in that map is landmarks, of which there are very few. Half the map looks the same, paths are unintuitive (you're standing above a hero point, but actually the way to get to that hero point is to go around half the map and take a completely different way), half the map is filled with enemies that can almost instantly knock you off your mount, cripple you or just almost oneshot you. Hero challenges are literally locked until you have certain masteries (one of the worst kinds of grinds for casual players), the meta has a literal 15min AFK part at the end, not to mention all the other design flaws with it (things like the boss being easier when it's not CC'd etc.). TD was legitimatly the only map in the game, where I ever just stopped exploring because I became so fucking angry over the worthless minimap and everything looking the same. Not to mention that not being able to solo heropoints was one of the dumbest design decisions (as evidenced by the fact that ANet backpaddled on the decision in PoF), especially for casual players where World Completion is one of the only solo-parts of the game.

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I'm really mixed on HOT.

  • One one side I think it's the best PVE content in the game.
  • One the other, it's where WvW and fights went to kitten, as they started all the power creep and told the balancing crew to stop caring about PvP and only focus on Raid/Fractal balance.
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HoT events progress in a sequence that all center around the waypoints, with each waypoint being a little hub to go to and pick up the event the chain is on. Once you realize that leveling masteries becomes a breeze. I hated Tangled Depths til I figured that out lol. They are my favourite zones by far now. If you have PoF grab your raptor and bunny to trivialize the zones :/

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@yusayu.3629 said:

@TwiceDead.1963 said:Sounds like a you problem.

@yusayu.3629 said:Aside from the truly atrocious level design in TD and some of the Metas where you're standing around for minutes before anything happens, HoT is kitten' awesome.

You can still do Fractals, Raids, PvP or WvW inbetween, nobody forces you to farm HoT until you're completely finished with it before moving on.

Tangled Depths has some of the best level design I have ever seen in an MMO.

The problem people are unwilling to deal with in TD, is learning the map, because there is a real difficulty spike for that zone. Doesn't help that the map becomes borderline useless there, so it's better to learn it by traversal and memorizing it.

How is TD good map design?!

The minimap is worthless, because it doesn't show you verticality. The only way to orient in that map is landmarks, of which there are very few. Half the map looks the same, paths are unintuitive (you're standing above a hero point, but
the way to get to that hero point is to go around half the map and take a completely different way), half the map is filled with enemies that can almost instantly knock you off your mount, cripple you or just almost oneshot you. Hero challenges are literally locked until you have certain masteries (one of the worst kinds of grinds for casual players), the meta has a literal 15min AFK part at the end, not to mention all the other design flaws with it (things like the boss being easier when it's not CC'd etc.).
TD was legitimatly the only map in the game, where I ever just stopped exploring because I became so kitten angry over the worthless minimap and everything looking the same.
Not to mention that not being able to solo heropoints was one of the dumbest design decisions (as evidenced by the fact that ANet backpaddled on the decision in PoF), especially for casual players where World Completion is one of the only solo-parts of the game.


@TwiceDead.1963 said:The problem people are unwilling to deal with in TD, is learning the map, because there is a real difficulty spike for that zone. Doesn't help that the map becomes borderline useless there, so it's better to learn it by traversal and memorizing it.

I'd say the reason things are looking the same to you is because you didn't progress very far.

And you CAN solo most of the HPs in HoT btw. It's hard, but doable. Aside from the Mushroom Queen in TD. Haven't managed to do that yet.

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@TwiceDead.1963 said:

@TwiceDead.1963 said:Sounds like a you problem.

@yusayu.3629 said:Aside from the truly atrocious level design in TD and some of the Metas where you're standing around for minutes before anything happens, HoT is kitten' awesome.

You can still do Fractals, Raids, PvP or WvW inbetween, nobody forces you to farm HoT until you're completely finished with it before moving on.

Tangled Depths has some of the best level design I have ever seen in an MMO.

The problem people are unwilling to deal with in TD, is learning the map, because there is a real difficulty spike for that zone. Doesn't help that the map becomes borderline useless there, so it's better to learn it by traversal and memorizing it.

How is TD good map design?!

The minimap is worthless, because it doesn't show you verticality. The only way to orient in that map is landmarks, of which there are very few. Half the map looks the same, paths are unintuitive (you're standing above a hero point, but
the way to get to that hero point is to go around half the map and take a completely different way), half the map is filled with enemies that can almost instantly knock you off your mount, cripple you or just almost oneshot you. Hero challenges are literally locked until you have certain masteries (one of the worst kinds of grinds for casual players), the meta has a literal 15min AFK part at the end, not to mention all the other design flaws with it (things like the boss being easier when it's not CC'd etc.).
TD was legitimatly the only map in the game, where I ever just stopped exploring because I became so kitten angry over the worthless minimap and everything looking the same.
Not to mention that not being able to solo heropoints was one of the dumbest design decisions (as evidenced by the fact that ANet backpaddled on the decision in PoF), especially for casual players where World Completion is one of the only solo-parts of the game.


@TwiceDead.1963 said:The problem people are unwilling to deal with in TD, is learning the map, because there is a real difficulty spike for that zone. Doesn't help that the map becomes borderline useless there, so it's better to learn it by traversal and memorizing it.

I'd say the reason things are looking the same to you is because you didn't progress very far.

And you CAN solo most of the HPs in HoT btw. It's hard, but doable. Aside from the Mushroom Queen in TD. Haven't managed to do that yet.

People are unwilling to deal with TD because it has shitty design. Imagine a car that you can only control with your feet. Sure, you could say "just deal with it, stop complaining", or you could see that that's bad design. I don't want to have to learn that, I want a better-designed car.

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@yusayu.3629 said:

@TwiceDead.1963 said:Sounds like a you problem.

@yusayu.3629 said:Aside from the truly atrocious level design in TD and some of the Metas where you're standing around for minutes before anything happens, HoT is kitten' awesome.

You can still do Fractals, Raids, PvP or WvW inbetween, nobody forces you to farm HoT until you're completely finished with it before moving on.

Tangled Depths has some of the best level design I have ever seen in an MMO.

The problem people are unwilling to deal with in TD, is learning the map, because there is a real difficulty spike for that zone. Doesn't help that the map becomes borderline useless there, so it's better to learn it by traversal and memorizing it.

How is TD good map design?!

The minimap is worthless, because it doesn't show you verticality. The only way to orient in that map is landmarks, of which there are very few. Half the map looks the same, paths are unintuitive (you're standing above a hero point, but
the way to get to that hero point is to go around half the map and take a completely different way), half the map is filled with enemies that can almost instantly knock you off your mount, cripple you or just almost oneshot you. Hero challenges are literally locked until you have certain masteries (one of the worst kinds of grinds for casual players), the meta has a literal 15min AFK part at the end, not to mention all the other design flaws with it (things like the boss being easier when it's not CC'd etc.).
TD was legitimatly the only map in the game, where I ever just stopped exploring because I became so kitten angry over the worthless minimap and everything looking the same.
Not to mention that not being able to solo heropoints was one of the dumbest design decisions (as evidenced by the fact that ANet backpaddled on the decision in PoF), especially for casual players where World Completion is one of the only solo-parts of the game.


@TwiceDead.1963 said:The problem people are unwilling to deal with in TD, is learning the map, because there is a real difficulty spike for that zone. Doesn't help that the map becomes borderline useless there, so it's better to learn it by traversal and memorizing it.

I'd say the reason things are looking the same to you is because you didn't progress very far.

And you CAN solo most of the HPs in HoT btw. It's hard, but doable. Aside from the Mushroom Queen in TD. Haven't managed to do that yet.

People are unwilling to deal with TD because it has kitten design. Imagine a car that you can only control with your feet. Sure, you could say "just deal with it, stop complaining", or you could see that that's bad design. I don't want to have to learn that, I want a better-designed car.

Driving takes every sense you have. You use both your hands and your feet, but most importantly your eyes. If you used your eyes you would be able to react appropriately to the dangers around you, memorize areas, and you would also notice that the car already comes with a perfectly suitable steering-wheel for your hands.

If you decide to use your feet in spite of that, and rage-quit because you can't drive like: "LOOK MOM! NO HANDS!" that's a you-problem.

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