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Every new mount makes the raptor even more useless.

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Never use the raptor anymore, its just not good compared to the alternatives. Jackal and Roller beetle are much better land mounts.
The jackal laughs at falls that will end the raptor, it has more stamina that also takes less time to regenerate the blink compared to the imprecise raptor dash. And the blink is far more effective at evading enemies, especially because its available way more often.
It takes too long to charge the raptor dash, leaving you a sitting duck when its not available.

And a personal observation. Blinking doesnt seem to trigger enemy AI. Frequently been able to blink through enemies in a chain of blinks without them reacting.

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I never use the roller beetle, for me it's completely useless. The jackal gets occasional use, when I remember it, the raptor only when I'm on flat terrain. I mostly use the springer (and the skimmer when crossing water or hazardous terrain). The Skyscale replaces the griffon as the default airborn mount.

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I use jackal over raptor on the ground but both are pretty even. Jackal is a bit faster if the route is long enough and you are using leap/teleport on CD. Even faster if you are going uphill. Also evades on jackal are great and I just love the teleport feeling. Raptor is faster on really short distances due to leap's short burst speed and more maneuverable in tight spaces.No other mount replaces those 2 though. All have their niches and all are useful to me. Skimmer the least but just because Hot and Pof maps just don't have larger bodies of water (which is a shame). Beetle is awesome if you need to cover large distances and you don't have the elevation to dive with griphon and the feeling is great.

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Before skyscale I used to use jackal almost everywhere, then springer if I want to climb. Gryphon to bypass water and blob of ennemies. Now only skyscale, it's sad, really sad. Of course i'm not forced to use it but it would be an mistake to not use it since it's better in any domain.-Infinite altitude gain if you find edges √-Can easily fly over rivers √-Climbing easily no need of springer √-Flying far okay if starting point is high √-Avoiding annoying mobs √

I think the reason why many use raptor is because it loads faster than jackal or gryphon on laggy maps. It's my case at least.

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Given how quickly you can swap between mounts if you add keyboard shortcuts for them all, I don't see the issue here. If anything, I'd say Springer and Warclaw have the least utility in PvE (aside: those are the only mounts I don't have one of the fancy skins for). Just use whichever is appropriate for the distance you have to travel, without limiting yourself to whatever mount you stick in the default slot?

And Skyscale and Griffon can work together really well, especially if using Skyscale to get extra height before using Bond of Faith, switching to Griffon and tearing through a map like a speed demon. I confess to using Roller Beetle wherever possible, especially because Bond of Vigor gets you going pretty much straight away... but mainly because the Tremor Armadillo skin is cute!

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Raptor is faster than jackal...

Wrong. On ground without using any skill the Jackal is the fastest mount of all.


I didn't say with or without a skill. In general, Raptor is faster.

I don't see how raptor is faster unless it is a really short distance. Across any meaningful distance the jackal leaves raptor in the dust (tested many times). Faster ground speed and 3 teleports that recharge faster than raptor's 2 leaps. Teleport also function better over steep terrain.Raptor is more maneuverable though.

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I see no one has mentioned that raptor dodge skill can be tapered off so that it does not use an entire bar of endurance. A quick tap of the dodge key on raptor uses about half an endurance bar, meaning raptor could actually dodge more often than a jackal that has to use an entire bar to dodge. Dodging this way would result in lower evade frames per dodge of course so it's more risky but raptor also has more HP than jackal so it's more forgiving.

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Also raptor can go up slopes. It just doesn't go its normal full distance(2D distance) but neither does jackal. The percentage loss is higher on raptor but on the other hand the raptor won't use up the same amount of endurance either while the jackal will still use a full bar.

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raptor for medium distances on plain terrainbeetle for long distances on plain terrainjackal for medium distances on rocky or cavernous terraingryffon and skyscale on jagged or mountaneous terrainand finally, the skimmer on aqueous terrain

springer.. whats that? some fancy cheese? never heard of it.. doesn't sound like i need it

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Reading this thread just makes me think that Anet have done a great job making the mounts interesting and enjoyable to use :DI only have the four basic mounts unlocked so far, but I really enjoy using all of them.I often find myself using any of them for basic getting about just because it's fun at the time O_oThat said, I do find the Skimmer very effective when travelling through mob rich areas, as someone already mentioned, it's got a pretty much permanent dodge effect.

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@Aodlop.1907 said:It's sad that one of the best looking mounts in the game is also the least useful.

I really... really don't agree with this. I have the skyscale, and I love it, but I still find my Raptor being my second most used mount, even over the Griffon. When I need to cross terrain quickly that isn't beetle-friendly, I'm using my raptor, and that's pretty darn often. I love my raptor and it gets pretty much daily use.

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@Randulf.7614 said:Really? I find it my most used. It’s certainly more useful to me than the jackal which is deliberately niche

The beetle and the warclaw didn’t make the raptor more useless. The Skyscale has prob superseded the griffin more than the raptor, but they all have their place and nothing has been made useless thankfully

I use the Griffon and the Skyscale very differently. I use the Griffon for travelling very quickly to certain locations if there's a jump-off spot high enough, that is. Skyscale is nice for places where you need to gain altitude. If anything, the Skycale surpassed the Springer mount (but that being said, I like the Springer's attack much better!).

The Raptor is imho still a great mount for where the Griffon can't help. Personally I find the Roller Beetle useless in that regard. Too often I find the controls to be too inprecise to use it optimally.

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Not for me. Raptor is still useful.Springer and Griffon, on the other hand, have become near to useless for me since I got Skyscale.0 (least used) to 10 (most used)Raptor 8Springer 1 (only for Matriarch CC)Skimmer 3Jackal 2Griffon 1 (just for fast diving to get flax in VB)Beetle 0Skyscale 9

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