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WvW Core Swap Special Event


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Hey Anet I have an idea, why don't you try all these lil fun things you have thought of in Edge of the mists? for real like as actually fun as this might sound, I don't really want it to ruin a week of wvw. Please utilize what you have, and not force everyone to do these events you create.

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@darkwarrior.1670 said:Hey Anet I have an idea, why don't you try all these lil fun things you have thought of in Edge of the mists? for real like as actually fun as this might sound, I don't really want it to ruin a week of wvw. Please utilize what you have, and not force everyone to do these events you create.

I agree, I'm not saying that this event is a bad idea..it's good that the game mode is finally being updated with something. But it would be better if you would test this out with your core player base, see what the response is and then release it. I'm sure enough players will flock to EOTM to test something that's new. That way we can avoid tragic PVE updates (like mounts) into a PVP focused game mode!

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"cooldowns persist when you swap to and from the purloined skill set."

So I take it you can swap back and forth between your own heal/utilities and the stolen heal/utilities but anything on cooldown affects the other set similar to how going from underwater to land has cooldowns persist over the change.

But it could mean interesting combo potential between your and stolen skills, depending if there is a cooldown on the special action skill like weapon swap.

Anyway is finally something fun for the sake of it, bring some freshness to the game and enjoy the chaos. I'm looking forward to it. :D

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@XenesisII.1540 said:

@Ben K.6238 said:If it was just bonus loot, I'd continue to not play it. I have no idea whether this event will be any good, but I do know that ordinary WvW hasn't been any good for the last 7 years.

So the entirety of wvw existence hasn't been good?Sounds like wvw isn't/was never for you?

It's always been halfway there, at best. The combat was fun most of the time before HoT, but the rest of the game mode was pretty mediocre - the reasons are complicated, but it's mainly because of nightcapping and meaningless objectives. The only reason I never moved on is that any alternative games either died a long time ago, or were even worse.

Since launch, the nightcapping situation improved (eventually and slightly, with server linking) but combat has become much worse; it still feels good but the outcome is mainly decided by your build now, not how well you play it.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Whoever isn't excited about this core swap event, has to be some kind of a prude looking for reasons to complain.

Get real guys. It's gonna be a fun time.

I mean, that depends pretty heavily on what skills they give you. They list thief skills only... one of which has been unplayably broken for over five years (Scorpion Wire utterly fails to pull any enemy at greater than a 3 degree elevation difference), two of which are okay but not great, Skale venom, which is the worst of the venoms, and only one skill that is actually genuinely good in Blinding Powder. There is basically no reason to ever pick up a thief core swap from those choices.

We should wait and see. The judgements you're making are from the perspective of a Thief using those skills. But if you consider other class kits when combined with that Thief kit they put together, it could be very very nasty. For example, a Condi Trap Ranger normally is something that doesn't work well, but with Scorpion Wire to pull people into the traps like a DH does, the Trap Ranger becomes viable. Then you're talking Withdraw as an extra skill alongside of Lightning Reflexes? Yeah, that's a kick butt mixture of two kits right there. It just all depends on what skills are being paired with what class.

Some skills that you'd think were OP only look OP because they are paired with other skills on the class that they are on. A good example would be Dragonhunter F1 pull. This is amazing on a DH because it can pull players into an explosive damage pit, while it blocks and invulns itself through the enemy's counter offensive pressure. But what use is Dragonhunter F1 pull on a Spellbreaker who already has magebane tether and plenty of other CCs? He'd rather go for a different kit, maybe something that allows him to stealth as example.

It just all depends on man, what class is paired with what kit.

I think you missed my point. I'm not saying Scorpion wire is bad for thief, I am saying it's actually a bugged and broken skill that literally doesn't work correctly. No combination of classes will make scorpion wire good unless they fix the fact that scorpion wire fails to actually successfully pull enemies 98% of the time. I am not joking about it being brokenly unplayable... if the pull ACTUALLY worked it's a low cooldown pull and would be on every WvW thief bar at all times. No one runs it. Full stop. There is a reason for this. Ranger Axe pull actually works. The DH pull actually works. Scorpion Wire doesn't actually pull anything. It is a wasted skill slot.

Also it's unclear if you have to take the entire set of utilities it gives you or if you can pick and choose. If you have to take the full set, you're not comboing it with anything, traps or otherwise, but if you can pick and choose then Blinding Powder is way more broken because that's an on demand AoE stealth on, say, Power Soulbeast.

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@Blockhead Magee.3092 said:

@Infusion.7149 said:I thought it was going to be core spec only, false advertising. :/

Thank goodness its not that terrible idea.

A week without Scourge, Firebrand, Deadeye, Soulbeast, Scrapper, Mirage, Holosmith, Berserker, Herald, and whatever Eles play is a terrible idea to you? I for one would love to see what a zerg fight looks like without the usual suspects.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:A week without Scourge, Firebrand, Deadeye, Soulbeast, Scrapper, Mirage, Holosmith, Berserker, Herald, and whatever Eles play is a terrible idea to you? I for one would love to see what a zerg fight looks like without the usual suspects.Yeah it'd look totally different with minstrel guards/power necros/power or heal eles/heal engies/power warriors/power rev making up the zerg.

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I think the build potential can't be properly evaluated until we see all the stolen skills they're going to give for each class, as it looks like they are to be fixed sets.

For example just by seeing thief skill set - I wouldn't want to use any of that personally, unless running some troll Chrono spamming phantasms with Thieves Guild or something... Hmm actually with alacrity and CSplit that could be pretty funny, may be worth having some fun with for maximum screen clutter. xD

But from thief set it looks like they aren't going to take the risk of giving some of the better utilities (ie Shadowstep), so potentially some class skill sets could be pretty mediocre.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Infusion.7149 said:I thought it was going to be core spec only, false advertising. :/

Thank goodness its not that terrible idea.

A week without Scourge, Firebrand, Deadeye, Soulbeast, Scrapper, Mirage, Holosmith, Berserker, Herald, and whatever Eles play is a terrible idea to you? I for one would love to see what a zerg fight looks like without the usual suspects.

It sure would be interesting, but not at the expense of forcing other players to have to change their build, equipment and play style to suite someone else's desire.

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Well this will be worth the further delay to any meaningful progress on alliances, won't it?I mean, all the dev time this must have taken up when they could have been working on real progress on wvw.Oh well, back to something else. Let me know when they release alliances..my original guess looks wildly optimistic, I reckon summer 2020 at the earliest now.

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Y'all ready for Sic 'Em Hammer Heralds?!

I actually really hope Plague Signet is one of the utilities for Necro. Would be a blast on my condi Rev. As much of an absolute meme I think the whole week will be, I am kinda looking forward to the absurdity of it all in a sad, resigned sort of way.

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@Moralio.4701 said:I'd just want double pips week.

Nah, what you want is double tickets. That would have more value over pips I think. Heck, they should double the skirmish tickets, MoB, grandmaster shards, gold, and pips for the week. That would get a crazy amount of people in.

On a side note, despite whatever I or others may feel about the event, I hope the takeaway from this event is that people that don't multiclass or try any other class at all will get a taste of other profession's skills and get interested or curious enough to make an alt to try them, which will open new doors and make the game feel refreshing again as they get a taste for something different.

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