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The Link server went from Medium to Very High


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The host server was medium-high. And now we have a linker server which is likely to be FULL quite soon.

I heard that ~300 germans trasnferred at once yesterday. And now we have like 60 queue's in every borderland. This is crazy. Wouldn't this kind of mass transfer totally trash the purpose of re-link? I think it makes sense to put some restriction in transferring for the first few weeks right after the re-link.

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@Ryudnard.2587 said:The host server was medium-high. And now we have a linker server which is likely to be FULL quite soon.

I heard that ~300 germans trasnferred at once yesterday. And now we have like 60 queue's in every borderland. This is crazy. Wouldn't this kind of mass transfer totally trash the purpose of re-link? I think it makes sense to put some restriction in transferring for the first few weeks right after the re-link.

Is that really a bad thing though having such a population? You should see the servers that barely make any queue even for eb on this reset and the last matchup.

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@Ryudnard.2587 said:The host server was medium-high. And now we have a linker server which is likely to be FULL quite soon.

I heard that ~300 germans trasnferred at once yesterday. And now we have like 60 queue's in every borderland. This is crazy. Wouldn't this kind of mass transfer totally trash the purpose of re-link? I think it makes sense to put some restriction in transferring for the first few weeks right after the re-link.

So.... EU is finally seeing what has been happening on NA for the last year +.

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@Ryudnard.2587 said:The host server was medium-high. And now we have a linker server which is likely to be FULL quite soon.

I heard that ~300 germans trasnferred at once yesterday. And now we have like 60 queue's in every borderland. This is crazy. Wouldn't this kind of mass transfer totally trash the purpose of re-link? I think it makes sense to put some restriction in transferring for the first few weeks right after the re-link.

Our server got killed by Anet by not giving it a link and marking it full, despite the fact that the server was long dead before that.

The only hope for the players of this server was to transfer if they ever want to play decent WvW again.

This Chaos is 100% Anet fault.

After 12177 Hours on the same server i was forced to transfer. Im not happy.

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@Ryudnard.2587 said:The host server was medium-high. And now we have a linker server which is likely to be FULL quite soon.

I heard that ~300 germans trasnferred at once yesterday. And now we have like 60 queue's in every borderland. This is crazy. Wouldn't this kind of mass transfer totally trash the purpose of re-link? I think it makes sense to put some restriction in transferring for the first few weeks right after the re-link.

By the numbers from the API bot its around 130 people from Kodash. Not 300

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:Grats. You just got bandwagoned. Enjoy winning. It's what you hope for in NA that all the bads join your server and overwhelm the other side to victory. Usually they are terrible and you can kill um easy 1 vs 1 but theres just so many transfers and they play so much you can't beat them. It's what BP did to take down BG. Better to get them I guess then go against them in an endless blob of bads. Is it arborstone? Just looked and saw a 3.8 k/d. Just wondering

Ironically now look at them; in T4 and will stay there. The server that beat them has next to no coverage, which kind of tells you the quality of the players that bandwagoned there.

This is the 3rd time I've now seen this in the past year, where a huge influx of players moved to a linked server, went up to T1 and won. Then ended up as a host in T4 and couldn't hold their own.. go figure.

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Server transfers are what ruined wvw as a game mode. Everywhere, it's nothing but huge blobs, if they can't just karma-train the map, they all bandwagon to a T4 link for easy fights. Funny, in NA, watching soo many servers throw matches (avoid ppt, etc) just to stay in easier tiers where they will outnumber their opponents all the time.Yes, this is Anet's fault for allowing it to happen, and continue to happen, and the bandwagoners fault for exploiting a broken system.

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Should have restricted transfers after relinks .. schould have been dooing that long time ago .. then only allow a max of .. idk let´s say maybe 50 player joining a server per week, then close it for 1 week and recheck activity. Their system is way behind the actual population .. taking months until status "full" get´s changed to "very high" when there´s allmost noone left to play with.. happened last to riverside afaik O.o (Better solve that kitten with alliances .. if this still is a thing )

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@"primatos.5413" said:Should have restricted transfers after relinks .. schould have been dooing that long time ago .. then only allow a max of .. idk let´s say maybe 50 player joining a server per week, then close it for 1 week and recheck activity. Their system is way behind the actual population .. taking months until status "full" get´s changed to "very high" when there´s allmost noone left to play with.. happened last to riverside afaik O.o (Better solve that kitten with alliances .. if this still is a thing )

They did restrict transfers when linking was first implemented and then removed it.


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All happening the way they want it to.PvE has megaserver, no more need for gems for transfers.WvW has, well nothing, we still need to pay to transfer servers.Let WvW continue in it's demiseLet players bandwagon to other serversAnd they get players spending real money on gems to transfer.The only real winners here are Anet.

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@DanAlcedo.3281 said:

@Ryudnard.2587 said:The host server was medium-high. And now we have a linker server which is likely to be FULL quite soon.

I heard that ~300 germans trasnferred at once yesterday. And now we have like 60 queue's in every borderland. This is crazy. Wouldn't this kind of mass transfer totally trash the purpose of re-link? I think it makes sense to put some restriction in transferring for the first few weeks right after the re-link.

Our server got killed by Anet by not giving it a link and marking it full, despite the fact that the server was long dead before that.

The only hope for the players of this server was to transfer if they ever want to play decent WvW again.

This Chaos is 100% Anet fault.

After 12177 Hours on the same server i was forced to transfer. Im not happy.

but you targetly have choosen a server where you knew it had a recent population increase already. and it isnt so you could not have choosen a different. dzagonur + gunnars will go t1 now and next relink dzagonur will be full now cause of you and get no link until it crashes like kodasch did crash. ofc you are very unhappy to blob the server and run over all the enemys the next weeks... tell that to an 80year old grandma... all the guild leaders who initiated the transfer are bad decision makers.

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@SlateSloan.3654 said:

@Ryudnard.2587 said:The host server was medium-high. And now we have a linker server which is likely to be FULL quite soon.

I heard that ~300 germans trasnferred at once yesterday. And now we have like 60 queue's in every borderland. This is crazy. Wouldn't this kind of mass transfer totally trash the purpose of re-link? I think it makes sense to put some restriction in transferring for the first few weeks right after the re-link.

Our server got killed by Anet by not giving it a link and marking it full, despite the fact that the server was long dead before that.

The only hope for the players of this server was to transfer if they ever want to play decent WvW again.

This Chaos is 100% Anet fault.

After 12177 Hours on the same server i was forced to transfer. Im not happy.

but you targetly have choosen a server where you knew it had a recent population increase already. and it isnt so you could not have choosen a different. dzagonur + gunnars will go t1 now and next relink dzagonur will be full now cause of you and get no link until it crashes like kodasch did crash. ofc you are very unhappy to blob the server and run over all the enemys the next weeks... tell that to an 80year old grandma... all the guild leaders who initiated the transfer are bad decision makers.

^ this.

And btw it's not 100% Anet's fault. They calculate their server load based on WvW acitivity and your's was probably still active, but 90% of your players were just lootpinatas. Sure Anet could refine their algorythm, but that one guy working on WvW is probably doing something else.

Now you are clogging the queues, thanks to your wise guild leaders thinking the grass is greener on the other side. You are crying about population inbalance while mass bandwagoners are the root of the problem. I wouldn't be surprised if Anet unsplits the server in a few months, and your leaders forcing you to drain your ingame/irl wallets again for transferring. What a joke.

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I don't get this transfering thingy at all just create a new account on other server the expansions are often enough on saleand with free stat selectable exotics from the reward tracks equipment is not an issue either

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well in spvp people get 6 month gamemode lock when manipulating matches. since these wvw guilds didnt do it for the first time and knew what was to happen did it on purpose, anet could view it as match manipulation and lock wvw for them at least until the next relink - max for even 6 month. if it can be enforced in spvp it shall be in wvw as it does not only harm dzagonur but all wvw community as the matchups get majorly unequal now.

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@SlateSloan.3654 said:well in spvp people get 6 month gamemode lock when manipulating matches. since these wvw guilds didnt do it for the first time and knew what was to happen did it on purpose, anet could view it as match manipulation and lock wvw for them at least until the next relink - max for even 6 month. if it can be enforced in spvp it shall be in wvw as it does not only harm dzagonur but all wvw community as the matchups get majorly unequal now.. . . and since we all know how relentlessly Anet cares about (organized) exploiting, its gonna happen soooooon ;)

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@Malfrador.3615 said:

@Ryudnard.2587 said:The host server was medium-high. And now we have a linker server which is likely to be FULL quite soon.

I heard that ~300 germans trasnferred at once yesterday. And now we have like 60 queue's in every borderland. This is crazy. Wouldn't this kind of mass transfer totally trash the purpose of re-link? I think it makes sense to put some restriction in transferring for the first few weeks right after the re-link.

By the numbers from the API bot its around 130 people from Kodash. Not 300

Makes me wonder why the hell Kodash is still considered full by Anet.

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@enkidu.5937 said:

@"SlateSloan.3654" said:well in spvp people get 6 month gamemode lock when manipulating matches. since these wvw guilds didnt do it for the first time and knew what was to happen did it on purpose, anet could view it as match manipulation and lock wvw for them at least until the next relink - max for even 6 month. if it can be enforced in spvp it shall be in wvw as it does not only harm dzagonur but all wvw community as the matchups get majorly unequal now.. . . and since we all know how relentlessly Anet cares about (organized) exploiting, its gonna happen soooooon ;)

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@"Ryudnard.2587" said:The host server was medium-high. And now we have a linker server which is likely to be FULL quite soon.

I heard that ~300 germans trasnferred at once yesterday. And now we have like 60 queue's in every borderland. This is crazy. Wouldn't this kind of mass transfer totally trash the purpose of re-link? I think it makes sense to put some restriction in transferring for the first few weeks right after the re-link.

Oh the sarcasm is strong in this one.

Everyone (EVERYONE!!11!!) has known forever that Relinks + Transfers = Stupid.

Why would Arenanet discourage transfers? It's $$$$ for them.

With the new alliance system, there may be less incentive to transfer, but Raymond insists otherwise in the Livestreams. I don't believe him - I think there will be less incentive to transfer, thus, IMO, Anet are shooting themselves in the foot with World Restructuring. Something needs to change and people were desperate, so we voted for this... ... thing. Sure. It seems stupid, right? Well Anet did suggest "New Worlds" first, but people voted that down - then Anet said, "We won't conduct a dialogue about changes, we will propose things and you will say "yes" or "no"" ... And then people voted for the next thing that got proposed. So you can't blame the players for wanting ANY change, but the alliance/world restructuring system looks like it'll be an awful mess who's only redeeming feature will be it's brevity.

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As someone who is active on Dzago and in a WvW guild running internal raids regularly. The vast influx of people to Dzago is from our longtime german link server Abaddon. We had the nickname Dzagoddon for a while.

Given the new re-links happen with servers of other nationalities, and the duration that both german servers were linked, a lot of guilds and players transfered to Dzago. This has nothing to do with wanting to steam roll other players (at least not from the serious WvW guilds and players I know of) but rather is a reaction to a community being split appart and people consolidating on 1 server.

What most NA players completely forget is this: EU servers are divide up among multiple languages and while many people speak english, there is quite a few who are not fluent in it or lead and play in their own national language. Most of our commanders have started to lead in english as good as they can to accomodate our link with Gunnar but pleaze realize, up until the big relink, commanders were leading in german (and most still do internally). Langauge barrier is an actual concern on EU.

As to ppt versus gvg and statics, Dzago is home to 4-5 WvW statics which run interal raids 2-3 times per week each (and some of the comms run publics on off days). If you think we are having a blast just ppting away, think again. Most people here want good fights (and given how many of the core WvW players are at 5-10k rank, you can imagine it's not about the skirmish tickets).

So no, this isn't some malicious players just wanting to farm away (well some maybe, can never account for everyone) but rather a population imbalance which happened due to multiple reasons comming together at the same point in time. Hopefully this will clear itsself up with the next relink.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:So no, this isn't some malicious players just wanting to farm away (well some maybe, can never account for everyone) but rather a population imbalance which happened due to multiple reasons comming together at the same point in time. Hopefully this will clear itsself up with the next relink.

See? People just want to play with their friends... they just have an enormous social circle!

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