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Perma-Invis Thieves are back


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There are traps/tricks, reveal skills, watchtower, sentries which mark, marked debuff, thief gets revealed if they hit you - use all these things at your advantage, the thief has more things going against them to pull that off. Also be aware if you're fighting in their territory. You were either caught in compromising position/a straggler/+1'd/low situational awareness/expected thief to be an easy kill/etc. The thief is the only class in the game that has a trait line and utilities nullified with so many things (traps/tricks/yadda yadda yadda), and yet they are trying to still work with what they have.

Could you please elaborate on what you mean by bringing someone down and finish them in stealth? Were they power or condi, what skills etc. It helps to understand your situation better and some thief mains might be able to give you advice.

I did meet some interesting thieves at reset from FA - I think it was like 3 of them, one was p/p, one was a condi charr Daredevil I think, and I can't remember the other but they were outside sm and I let one chase to dismount me out of curiosity. They weren't able to get me, but they killed so many people. I liked the charrs condi build but I did not really have time to analyze it. Hopefully I get to cross paths with them again.

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@DemonSeed.3528 said:The thief is the only class in the game that has a trait line and utilities nullified with so many things (traps/tricks/yadda yadda yadda), and yet they are trying to still work with what they have.Yeah they still work because the thief is the only class that can completely nullify reveal by simply stealthing again. Perhaps the threat of reveal on the scrapper kept other stealth classes in check (including scrappers) but it wasnt really effective 1v1 vs decent players when you knew how to avoid the pulse. The biggest loss is countering stealthed groups (guilds/zergs).

Also lol at people still suggesting to use traps. No one has ever used traps to fight thieves. I would be shocked if Anet pulls out data that shows someone in entire WvW both NA and EU used a reveal trap in the last 30 days. Or the past year.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:No one has ever used traps to fight thieves. I would be shocked if Anet pulls out data that shows someone in entire WvW both NA and EU used a reveal trap in the last 30 days. Or the past year.

Then let me also make a sweeping assumption, you either do not play thief or you rarely play WvW, or both.

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Oh my God this again. If they cant be a great dueler give them this lol with classes like warrior and holo existing ur complaing about a stealth thief that can be one shot by any skill? Learn to avoid the backstab or counter them and if ur not a new player they should only be able to get u once as once u kno their around u can counter and easily kill them

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@Vavume.8065 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:No one has ever used traps to fight thieves. I would be
if Anet pulls out data that shows someone in entire WvW both NA and EU used a reveal trap in the last 30 days. Or the past year.

Then let me also make a sweeping assumption, you either do not play thief or you rarely play WvW, or both.

Obviously both, I only base my claims on how I've seen thief perform in Queensdale.

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Poster is referencing the Deadeye Malicious Backstab thief build that use the Shadow Meld elite. Thief stealths up, positions behind a player typically one that is injured, marks them, lands backstab, pops Shadow Meld to instantly kill the reveal and restealth, stomps. With a macro running the entire process along with some extra assurances is a one button press affair.

It is a gimmick build centered around a thief waiting long periods of time to land a killing blow on one player. It is largely ineffective in the grand scheme of things. However it can be a fun build to play and annoying as hell to those on the receiving end.

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Just finally nerf malicious backstab and it's fine. If thief hits ufor a lot it means he has low hp - for thief in full zerk it's usually 1 or 2 hits and its dead.Still I agree, letting thief perma stealth is bad design overall, this rework was aimed to let thiefs get benefits from getting in and out from stealth.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@DemonSeed.3528 said:The thief is the only class in the game that has a trait line and utilities nullified with so many things (traps/tricks/yadda yadda yadda), and yet they are trying to still work with what they have.Yeah they still work because the thief is the only class that can completely nullify reveal by simply stealthing again. Perhaps the threat of reveal on the scrapper kept other stealth classes in check (including scrappers) but it wasnt really effective 1v1 vs decent players when you knew how to avoid the pulse. The biggest loss is countering stealthed groups (guilds/zergs).

Also lol at people still suggesting to use traps. No one has ever used traps to fight thieves. I would be
if Anet pulls out data that shows someone in entire WvW both NA and EU used a reveal trap in the last 30 days. Or the past year.

I have used tons of traps, even used myself as bait to make em trigger them to kill teefs and other stealth fags...

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But seriously though I have noticed an increase/return of the invisible thief. Pops up and attacks then stealth's away when things are going south for them or to stealth stomp. Or to reset the fight. One second you're on top of each other whoosh seconds later they re-appear as a dot on the far horizon...

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