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Year 8 Birthday Idea

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So far they've only given us cosmetic things and boosters/consumables as birthday gifts. Whilst it seems unlikely anyone would consider being given free gathering tools after 8 years an unfair advantage over saving up gold to buy them (which I'm pretty sure even without farming would take less than 8 years) it also seems unlikely Anet would want to break the pattern and start giving actual items as birthday gifts.

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As Danikat says, they've only given cosmetic stuff for the account based gifts, while simple boosters and dyes for character gifts.

I could see them giving us a choice of gathering tool skins for 8th, 9th, and 10th. Though I doubt anyone would complain if they came as unbreakable skins, I just don't see ArenaNet as the company currently stands doing so.

But when it comes to cosmetics, the things we don't yet have options for are:

  • Outfit
  • Novelty: Tonic
  • Novelty: Instrument
  • Novelty: Toy
  • Novelty: Held item
  • Gathering tools (x3)
  • Glider
  • Mounts (x8)
  • Trinkets
  • Aquatic helm/weaponsI don't see the last four ever becoming a thing, but the rest are possibilities.

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I wouldn't say no to a Knife Tail Hunting Bond.

Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlocks not good enough for you? :o

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@"Berelious.3290" said:How about a set of special permanent harvesting tools? Any thoughts?

No, thank you. That would be a waste, since people would reskin them anyway in order to use the fastest tools.

I'd rather get a really cool classic fantasy outfit for hunters, like these:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53789/suggestion-hunters-outfit

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@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlocks not good enough for you? :o

To be fair... I'm currently holding on to my Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlocks until I can complete the slow process of getting all the cheap stuff unlocked (example: crafting a bunch of bronze weapons the other day since the wardrobe didn't exist when I initially leveled crafting, and collecting a couple of sets of karma weapons a week or so ago). If you don't have all the cheap stuff unlocked, a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock could land you with something that's worth coppers or a few thousand karma - basically nothing, in other words.

Knife Tail Contracts, on the other hand, are guaranteed to get you something black lion exclusive, which probably means something that's at least worth a few gold.

So I can definitely see people valuing the contracts more than a guaranteed unlock, depending on what's already in their wardrobe.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I'd personally like to see more freebies on special occasions. For example, wouldn't it be nice of Anet to give players a free name change contract every, say, 2 years? Or in birthday gifts that are over 6 or 7 years old?

It would also be nice to be able to trade in old dye packs from birthday gifts because most of us have already unlocked every possible dye from them, and then they just sit in the bank wasting away. Or at least add new dyes to the old packs, to keep them relevant.

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@"Zaoda.1653" said:It would also be nice to be able to trade in old dye packs from birthday gifts because most of us have already unlocked every possible dye from them, and then they just sit in the bank wasting away. Or at least add new dyes to the old packs, to keep them relevant.

I doubt "most of us" have every possible dye unlocked =P

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  • 2 months later...

@"Wheres My Mtn Dew.7109" said:wardrobe unlocks are great but when you get a plain old dye from it, I would have to say that it is pretty sucktacular IMO

It is but you can buy up the cheap items first. There are 2 sites I know of which show your wardrobe

  • gw2efficiency.comYou can use filters on your wardrobe to show what you don’t have, what they cost and how they are acquired.
  • [Wardrobe Unlock Analyzer]This is also very useful. You’ll need to get an API code which you can get from gw2efficiency.

I used these sites and bought all the karma items and all the cheap items below a certain gold price. It costs a bit to do that but once it’s done you’ll be getting higher value items from your wardrobe unlocks.

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