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[Merged] Feedback about today's Icebrood Saga announcement

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@zealex.9410 said:Met them, was expecting only lw and got that.

Surprised they dropped the concept of raids entirely for strikes tho, as well that afaik no new elite specs for the next 2 years.

Who ever still plays the game for more than 2 days every 3 months, i hope playing the same stuff you played for the last 2 years will be enough for you guys.

Pretty much this. Without the kind of game-changing content expansions provide, this game becomes stale. Living world is not enough.

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People are expecting too much especially considering the shafting of things is pretty recent (especially since it hasn't even been a year since that shafting).

I cannot deny that perhaps in comparison to what they could have done previously, this felt a tad bit too small, but I can't deny the fact that, from a development standpoint, there's only so much they can do with the resource they have available to them.

I'm surprised they even got anything out at this stage.

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First time i stayed till 12 midnight to watch the live stream -.-

I was expecting some announcements on Alliance progress, some interesting QoL implementations (where's my swimsuit?), or something really cool... but all i see is just more LW, which we already knew, old content enhancements and GW2 merchandise advertising.

And lately why all the NA Only in-game exclusives? Is Trump running ANet now? What about the rest of us?


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@coso.9173 said:story moves through living world season episodes. saying that no one cares about that is like saying that no one cares about the game story progression, i disagree a lot. I play gw2 for the new maps, the fun battlesystem, and its story. i don't care for pvp or raids. to me a new episode is much more content, than, let's say pvp fixes or WvW fixes, or even a raid wing. so just want to remind you that not eveyrone has the same priorities as you.

So are you happy with the rate at which content for you is released? 3 months+ per living world ep which only amounts to around 5 hours play time??

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@LaFurion.3167 said:

@coso.9173 said:story moves through living world season episodes. saying that no one cares about that is like saying that no one cares about the game story progression, i disagree a lot. I play gw2 for the new maps, the fun battlesystem, and its story. i don't care for pvp or raids. to me a new episode is much more content, than, let's say pvp fixes or WvW fixes, or even a raid wing. so just want to remind you that not eveyrone has the same priorities as you.

So are you happy with the rate at which content for you is released? 3 months+ per living world ep which only amounts to around 5 hours play time??
looks at ESO and FFXIV
You must be new to MMOs, it's kind of the norm for 3-4 months per story/new content these days.

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@"crowy.1536" said:Gotta say, WoodenPotatoes gives a good summary of the event that pretty much reflects my feelings (and apparently those of many others) towards the event. Definitly worth checking out.

I realised this after the event, but pof reveal event lasted less and gave us more info about more stuff than this event did in 40 mins. I was really surprised and hyped about a 40+ min event considering it was double the size of the pof reveal...

The kicker tho, is that at the end where every sane company would hold the clymactic hype moment for last and reveal something massive like "and after this saga a new expansion awaits us" they isntead decided to talk about merch....

I've honestly never felt more empty towards something related to gaming. Diablo immortal was insulting and this imo reach those same lvls of no kittens given.

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@RyuDragnier.9476 said:

@coso.9173 said:story moves through living world season episodes. saying that no one cares about that is like saying that no one cares about the game story progression, i disagree a lot. I play gw2 for the new maps, the fun battlesystem, and its story. i don't care for pvp or raids. to me a new episode is much more content, than, let's say pvp fixes or WvW fixes, or even a raid wing. so just want to remind you that not eveyrone has the same priorities as you.

So are you happy with the rate at which content for you is released? 3 months+ per living world ep which only amounts to around 5 hours play time??
looks at ESO and FFXIV
You must be new to MMOs, it's kind of the norm for 3-4 months per story/new content these days.

Well guild wars 2 has no excuse in my book. It absolutely crushes every mmo out there in terms of combat mechanics, graphics (debatable to some but this game is beautiful) and potential. Its potential is limitless. Everything they need to succeed they have but they don't step up. Months and months of broken unfun things in pvp balanced way too late. Highly successful game modes like dwaynas duo's introduced... then taken out. Dungeons left to be forgotten. Wvw left to rot and players left to dwindle.

Could care less if wow or final fantasy or any mmo did this. Gw2 is the best mmo and can be so much greater. And its not even that hard. Ffs anet pick up the ball and hit a home run.

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@ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:People are expecting too much especially considering the shafting of things is pretty recent (especially since it hasn't even been a year since that shafting).

I cannot deny that perhaps in comparison to what they could have done previously, this felt a tad bit too small, but I can't deny the fact that, from a development standpoint, there's only so much they can do with the resource they have available to them.

I'm surprised they even got anything out at this stage.

I was expecting to watch an event about gw2, the future and its content, not about merch. What should ppl that flew or drove to watch that should feel when you sell them merch?

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@zealex.9410 said:Met them, was expecting only lw and got that.

Surprised they dropped the concept of raids entirely for strikes tho, as well that afaik no new elite specs for the next 2 years.

Who ever still plays the game for more than 2 days every 3 months, i hope playing the same stuff you played for the last 2 years will be enough for you guys.

Also quickly wonna mention how soulless and empty i felt when you guys closed the event talking about merch.

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Like many....I just feel let down and disappointed. They really DID hype it up, with the announcement, twitter posts, giveaways, and countdown. Saying it would be 40+ minutes led me to believe it would be a REALLY big reveal...and in my head I was thinking "it needs to be big. It NEEDS to be big". Well...it wasnt. Like many here Ive been playing since beta/early access. And honestly, the game has gotten stale for me. For me, this announcement was what would decide if I keep investing time and interest into it. And yeah...I didnt see anything that could do that. For me the rundown was like:

-2.5 minute stylized, no-gameplay trailer-Super careful to not say too much, semi-awkward interviews, giving SOME info on features, while not going into any detail on anything.-Talking about the LW, while giving as few details as possible-Templates maybe possibly sometime soon* in the future but not now (maybe)-New world boss who was an old landmark in GW1. Here's some art, but his design isnt done yet.-PvP joke-"Buy our tights and bobbleheads please KBYE!"

It was...not exciting. Didnt renew my hype for the game, and pretty much solidified my plans to stick to "other" mmos, which truly is sad for me.

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@coso.9173 said:story moves through living world season episodes. saying that no one cares about that is like saying that no one cares about the game story progression, i disagree a lot. I play gw2 for the new maps, the fun battlesystem, and its story. i don't care for pvp or raids. to me a new episode is much more content, than, let's say pvp fixes or WvW fixes, or even a raid wing. so just want to remind you that not eveyrone has the same priorities as you.

Of course not everybody has the same priorities.But still, 2-6h of new Story is 2-6 hours of entertainment. We get this every few months and it takes up a lot of resources on building giant maps, writing story and dialoge, paying and recording voice actors and on an on.A ~15 minute new Fractal CM is hundreds of hours of daily content over years to come. Haven't seen one of those in over 2 years. I imagine it's a fraction of the work of an entire LW release.It's just that there is no balance at all of the two.

Saying no one cares about LW obviously isn't true, although the number of those that do care is also sharply declining, as there is just nothing to keep more hardcore players engaged once that is done.

Some easy mode Story every few months with some Cash shop items is just not sustainable for years.It's a short term cash in that needs to be carried over by an engaged (semi-)hardcore community keeping the game alive and well consistently, and that community, from Fractals to Raids to PvP and WvW, is dying.

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Among the repeated complaints, I still feel like I have no idea what this Prologue episode is actually going to contain? A new map? A shorter story? Is it going to be the same size as the previous chapters of Season 4?

If not, and even still, how long until the actual first episode of this "Saga?" And how is this Saga different than any other season? The fact that they can make releases about more than just story chapters and maps? So? What does that mean then? Profession upgrades and quality of life improvements will now be considered major living story episodes because they add in a current-event sized story chapter to advance the plot? Maybe add a small tidbit of a map?

What is this mastery system about? What are the rewards and what is the incentive for doing these strike missions more than once?

What exactly was revealed during this announcement? A vague Jormag/Norn/Charr centric plot that we had already devised from the multiple hints we've gotten from the countdown and other teasers, or the fact that the map was expanded really far west ages ago? What kind of features can we expect from this new format that sets them apart from what we already get?

We already get quality of life improvements off-season like build templates, and we've known they were being implemented for awhile now due to a blog post? This announcement did nothing but say they are coming "very soon" and show what could easily have been characters weapon-swapping and using tomes for a level up animation?

Is anything actually finished? Like, anything? Why is there seemingly nothing to show for this 40 minute announcement other than some crap merchandise that a majority of the player base has no interest in?

I was kind of hoping for this announcement, even if focused on living story and not revealing any features like elite specs or player housing or new races, to at least show enough of the living story and upcoming features for me to be like... "Oh, so that's what they've been up to." But instead I'm still left wondering what exactly is even being worked on this whole time when the world boss for the second episode is still in a concept art phase. This season, excuse me... "saga", was already in production before the lay-offs wasn't it? And yet we still have what essentially is going to be a partial episode with presumably a 4 month wait due to more uninspired grindy festival filler?

I'm fairly certain if they had anything exciting to show, they would have shown it. But I watched feeling like they have pretty much nothing except encouragement that they still have plans to make what they already said they were making. Cool. So pretty much nothing is finished and you wanted to rent out a theater to tease a plot that you haven't even completely thought out yet, with creatures and concept art that isn't even decided yet, with no dates announced, and details of restructured "content" teams, with no mention of what those teams are responsible for.. and a season that's labeled differently to give it some pizazz and create the illusion of it being different than what we've already had.

I'm just going to give Anet the benefit of the doubt and say that this was NCSoft's decision. Maybe the guy pushing merchandise at the end was like, "hey, guys, I'm going to try to push some of our merchandise to sell, but I need a way to get viewers so I'll need you to come up with a quick presentation of what you're working on to help out. Also, do you think this poncho looks good on me?"

I'm all for freedom of expression and gender-neutral clothing, but if someone tries to sell me a bunch of crap I already know I don't want or need, I'm definitely not going to be persuaded by a guy in a poncho that's taller than him. lol

It was just all kind of cringe-worthy. I'm sorry. But don't make an announcement, no matter how unrealistic player expectations will be, if most of what you have to show is stuff that's not even ready yet or every other line is going to be reinforcing that it's still in the development stages. Isn't that kind of the reason for all of the silence?

People want more than what they currently expect from living story, and are craving an expansion. It was implied that living story can replace expansions and seems to be the model moving forward, but nothing about this presentation reassured people that this is a possibility.

My biggest hope for this announcement was at least going to be that even if elite specializations aren't coming with this living story, there will at least be some major features that truly impact the way we play the game or things I would consider expansion-worthy. Features like player-housing, a new guild hall, a new feature akin to mounts or gliding. Even if we didn't get elite specializations, it would have been nice to get some more weapon unlocks, or more customizable trait system, or dual-specs, or more frequent ranger pets even though I never play ranger.

No mention of fractals, no mention of new raids (not that I do them, care, and we just had one released). No details on a new queueable pvp mode? Not even fractals though?

Incredibly bleak, and whether players hyped themselves up or not, even for someone that had low expectations and expected at the very least to get a more in-depth overview of this new living story, it was still disappointing, bleak, and pretty lacking in information. Not even enough information to be excited about this upcoming prologue, whatever that means.

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@otto.5684 said:

@DzT.8127 said:If i was the owner of ANET i would have seriously fired most of the people. This announcement was a joke really. Hey we announcing a LW5 that we allready announced weeks ago.

More like since March. I really do not understand Anet. Do they really think people care that much about the story? If I rate content in GW2 in terms of quality:

Open world PvE + great combat systemPvPInstanced PvEStory

Story is the GW2 weakest content.

Open world is some what tied to story, but story does not carry it. And open world quality too a nose dive with PoF. LWS4 had some improvement, but it is far from what it used to be.

I think you underestimate how many people play this game solely for the story , i'm not one of these people, but a lot of people are heavily invested into guild wars lore/story. Arenanet has all kinds of data on how people play, if it wasn't that popular or desired they wouldn't be focusing on it as much and if pvp was most of the community's focus like any good business they would do what they would believe would net the most income for them. Why do you think the game is very casual friendly in a lot of it's design?

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@Iozeph.5617 said:

@"MetalGirl.2370" said:It's not players fault at all.They announced it month prior. Even adding ominous sounds and stuff to the game to hype it, had 2 day long count down.... for what? Merch ads ?They led people on... it's not players fault at all. Altho I learnt my lesson and wasn't excited for it at all, I wish others were smarter.

Lmao they announced the stream as a living world stream from day one, they did the most with the countdown but still the players are also responsible for this. I kept seeing posts like "omg elite specs", "maybe new expac soon" and I thought why on earth would you think that?

You mean they made a regular blog post that they do for every LS patch seem to be bigger than it actually was? There i fixed your whole response for you. Please tell me, when was the last time anet annouced anything at a public gaming convention, the last thing i can think of was HOT. With that being said, i didn't expect an expansion reveal, but i did expect something , anything bigger and justified for all the trouble they went through trying to convince us to be excited to be announced. Not even an answer to if we will ever get another expansion or more elite specs , arguably what most of the community wants to know the most. They don't need to reveal or announce a date for any of it, just an answer if it's still a thing going forward of it this is going to be the game for the rest of it's days or not. For you not to see why the community is let down a bit is either you fanboying or just not really understanding what people like and want out of this game.
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@Vavume.8065 said:

@LaFurion.3167 said:COMMUNICATE with us. Is there more??? Or is that it?

I think this is the thing I have wondered most about after watching the announcement, I feel like there has to be more that they are holding back as a surprise but right now I feel that that approach is back firing on them, because everyone is now out with the pitchforks, myself included.

I don't think there is though. I think that half of the things they presented aren't even finished yet and they mentioned so in this stream.

I think this is the false hope leading you blind. If they had something truly exciting, I'm pretty sure the money they spent on renting out this auditorium would have given them incentive to reveal or at least tease it.

But they didn't. And that gives me the impression this is it. I mean, why make this grandiose of a marketing gesture to announce that they are working on things they've pretty much already stated in blogposts, to reveal more interesting content later in blog posts? And if they haven't finished half of what they've announced during this presentation, then I would wager they haven't been secretly working on anything else that they don't want to spoil or announce and have not work out. It just simply isn't there.

Perhaps NCSoft wanted to shut the game down completely, and they simply coaxed them into letting them finish out this season. And now they're running on left-over resources trying to fulfill the promise that there would be a season, SAGA, 5. Then after that, the game is done for. They don't want to spend the resources making elite-specializations or other features because this is the end of the road for the game and they've pinched their budget just enough to finish this season.

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@Mass Pandemic.3517 said:

@"MetalGirl.2370" said:It's not players fault at all.They announced it month prior. Even adding ominous sounds and stuff to the game to hype it, had 2 day long count down.... for what? Merch ads ?They led people on... it's not players fault at all. Altho I learnt my lesson and wasn't excited for it at all, I wish others were smarter.

Lmao they announced the stream as a living world stream from day one, they did the most with the countdown but still the players are also responsible for this. I kept seeing posts like "omg elite specs", "maybe new expac soon" and I thought why on earth would you think that?

You mean they made a regular blog post that they do for every LS patch seem to be bigger than it actually was? There i fixed your whole response for you. Please tell me, when was the last time anet annouced anything at a public gaming convention, the last thing i can think of was HOT. With that being said, i didn't expect an expansion reveal, but i did expect something , anything bigger and justified for all the trouble they went through trying to convince us to be excited to be announced. Not even an answer to if we will ever get another expansion or more elite specs , arguably what most of the community wants to know the most. They don't need to reveal or announce a date for any of it, just an answer if it's still a thing going forward of it this is going to be the game for the rest of it's days or not. For you not to see why the community is let down a bit is either you fanboying or just not really understanding what people like and want out of this game.

A lot of these people may not be whiteknighting or fan boys, but truly be so new and fresh to the game or so incredibly casual that logging in every three, four, five months is absolutely fine by them. It seems to be what Arenanet prefers, or is just ambivalent about. It's not really going to help with steady gemstore sales, especially when the sales are only on there for a certain length of time and have been repeatedly pushed into random loot boxes, but it's how they want their content to be enjoyed I guess.

So for the people that look for something new and exciting to stay enriched in the game, just stop playing and find new hobbies. Wait until they're ready to release whatever they have to release, and then, preferably, play it at a snail's pace, then leave again.

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@"cptaylor.2670" said:Among the repeated complaints, I still feel like I have no idea what this Prologue episode is actually going to contain? A new map? A shorter story? Is it going to be the same size as the previous chapters of Season 4?

If not, and even still, how long until the actual first episode of this "Saga?" And how is this Saga different than any other season?

I believe the "Prologue" will be an actual episode and that they only call it that for its dramatic effect and to make it fit into the concept of a written saga (i.e., an epic tale).

I feel that there will be a whole new concept to upcoming LW seasons, hence the change of name. So let's wait and see what we get. :)

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@LaFurion.3167 said:I'll keep it simple. Guild wars 2 needs content. The rate at which living world or sagas are released is way too slow. People need REPEATABLE content as an end game. Repeatable pve content (fractals/raids), repeatable pvp content (such as arenas, or far far more maps for conquest), and your unique amazing game mode wvw needs more content (duels, better or updated maps etc)

Basically what you guys rented out a theater for to tell around 30k viewers was that you were restructuring (cool. Not content), and that the saga would be taking place in the north vs jormag. Okay...

Living world releases had never had content for more than 6 hours of play. People wait months for a release then zoom through it in 4 hours.

So when you hyped it up as much as you did, people at the very least were expecting elite specializations, or s new race. But NOBODY cares about some spirits mastery that we will never appreciate. Its on the same level as bouncing mushroom or adrenal glands. Its.... nothing.

And the quality of life is long overdue so I won't whinge about that. Finally we are getting it, so that's that.

But there is no content. Your new 10 man expeditions or bounties or whatever better be repayable and rewarding. Otherwise they will end up like bounties/dungeons... just... there.

I sincerely hope to god that you guys have more than this. Because if there was ever a chance for you guys to blow us our of the water and pull the millions of people who are currently getting hit with how hard and boring and outdated wow classic is to this amazing game, this was your chance... but you blew it big time.

A lot of people are feeling let down. COMMUNICATE with us. Is there more??? Or is that it? Are we going to cantha ever? Will we be getting permanent arena? How much longer do wvw players have to wait before giving up??

not just content alone but having healthy competitive changes

Making exceptions is wrong

-The fact that Thief Profession being excluded doesn't help at all

How was any profession excluded they dident talk about any of em.

@SnowMochi.7602 said:

@UNOwen.7132 said:They were made defunct for a simple reason. Theyre just inferior fractals. There is no reason to make a dungeon when you can make it a fractal, which automatically gives it difficulty scaling (which dungeons badly needed long before they were abandoned), and makes it possible to actually be relevant to the games lore. Dungeons pretty much only were played for the gold for months if not years prior to their abandonment. And once that gold went away, people quit in droves.

My guildies and I actually loved the stories in the dungeons and how they tied in with the NPCs' stories. We enjoyed the layout and the fights.Earning gold in there was only the gravy for us, not the meat of the dish. These days, we still head to dungeons to play, even though the monetary rewards aren't what they used to be.

I've tried fractals and didn't like them as much - but that's just me.Even so, I wouldn't get rid of them because I know others prefer them, but hey, to each his (or her) own. :)

Multiple threads about dungeons already and if you do 8 paths instead of the same 1,2 or 3, dungeons are as profitable as before.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@LaFurion.3167 said:I'll keep it simple. Guild wars 2 needs content. The rate at which living world or sagas are released is way too slow. People need REPEATABLE content as an end game. Repeatable pve content (fractals/raids), repeatable pvp content (such as arenas, or far far more maps for conquest), and your unique amazing game mode wvw needs more content (duels, better or updated maps etc)

Basically what you guys rented out a theater for to tell around 30k viewers was that you were restructuring (cool. Not content), and that the saga would be taking place in the north vs jormag. Okay...

Living world releases had never had content for more than 6 hours of play. People wait months for a release then zoom through it in 4 hours.

So when you hyped it up as much as you did, people at the very least were expecting elite specializations, or s new race. But NOBODY cares about some spirits mastery that we will never appreciate. Its on the same level as bouncing mushroom or adrenal glands. Its.... nothing.

And the quality of life is long overdue so I won't whinge about that. Finally we are getting it, so that's that.

But there is no content. Your new 10 man expeditions or bounties or whatever better be repayable and rewarding. Otherwise they will end up like bounties/dungeons... just... there.

I sincerely hope to god that you guys have more than this. Because if there was ever a chance for you guys to blow us our of the water and pull the millions of people who are currently getting hit with how hard and boring and outdated wow classic is to this amazing game, this was your chance... but you blew it big time.

A lot of people are feeling let down. COMMUNICATE with us. Is there more??? Or is that it? Are we going to cantha ever? Will we be getting permanent arena? How much longer do wvw players have to wait before giving up??

not just content alone but having healthy competitive changes

Making exceptions is wrong

-The fact that Thief Profession being excluded doesn't help at all

How was any profession excluded they dident talk about any of em.

@"UNOwen.7132" said:They were made defunct for a simple reason. Theyre just inferior fractals. There is no reason to make a dungeon when you can make it a fractal, which automatically gives it difficulty scaling (which dungeons badly needed long before they were abandoned), and makes it possible to actually be relevant to the games lore. Dungeons pretty much only were played for the gold for months if not years prior to their abandonment. And once that gold went away, people quit in droves.

My guildies and I actually loved the stories in the dungeons and how they tied in with the NPCs' stories. We enjoyed the layout and the fights.Earning gold in there was only the gravy for us, not the meat of the dish. These days, we still head to dungeons to play, even though the monetary rewards aren't what they used to be.

I've tried fractals and didn't like them as much - but that's just me.Even so, I wouldn't get rid of them because I know others prefer them, but hey, to each his (or her) own. :)

Multiple threads about dungeons already and if you do 8 paths instead of the same 1,2 or 3, dungeons are as profitable as before.

7 Years later; Anet has done absolutely nothing to address Thief Toxicity. In fact; Thief damage has exceeded beyond the article stated: 40k damage says it all.https://www.tentonhammer.com/articles/guild-wars-2-are-thieves-and-mesmer-s-the-cause-of-the-meta

Where is progress in all of this? Absolutely NONE!!

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"cptaylor.2670" said:Among the repeated complaints, I still feel like I have no idea what this Prologue episode is actually going to contain? A new map? A shorter story? Is it going to be the same size as the previous chapters of Season 4?

If not, and even still, how long until the actual first episode of this "Saga?" And how is this Saga different than any other season?

I believe the "Prologue" will be an actual episode and that they only call it that for its dramatic effect and to make it fit into the concept of a written saga (i.e., an epic tale).

I feel that there will be a whole new concept to upcoming LW seasons, hence the change of name. So let's wait and see what we get. :)

I hope so. I imagine they may release another trailer closer to the release date, but it seems odd they would have all of this presentation time and then not show the official episode trailer.

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