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Future Potential WvW-centric Balance Changes - September 6th 2019

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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Is there a point to increase gryo cd if you gonna add back detection pulse?

In this heavy boonstrip balance, you still gonna nerf boons conversion on scrapper?

In this heavy boonstrip balance, you still gonna nerf guardian and reduce the amount of boons we can get?

Still not "fixing" the issue. As long enemies have more than you, even if just 10 more, you still gonna get rolled over just because they got more scourges and spellbreakers.

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@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:Greetings again all,

Thanks for the feedback regarding the proposed changes posted last week.

Below you'll find a set of changes we're looking at which is WvW-centric, as well as a few modifications to some of the changes from the last thread. With these changes the objective is to bring the dominant builds and compositions into line and offer more build diversity to the existing meta. Because there's been some confusion, we want to clarify that we're continuing to balance for other game types, including (as some of you guessed) significant changes to the warrior's Tactics line as well as the necromancer's Death Magic line, ranger sword changes and more.

As before, this isn't the full set of changes we're preparing and this is not a call for general profession feedback.Here are a few questions to think about while looking over the potential changes:

  • Would your gameplay change as a result? How?
  • Do you feel these changes would improve or worsen the state of the game?
  • Are you looking forward to these potential changes? Why?
  • What are your concerns and the consequences you expect with this set of changes?

Here is what we're looking at. Previously posted and unchanged items are italicized at the bottom of each profession's section so that it should be easier to focus on the new and changed parts of this set of changes:


  • Superior Rune of Antitoxin: Change it so that instead of increasing outgoing condition cleanses by one it instead increases incoming condition cleanses by one, thus only affecting the wielder, but allowing it to scale up with external cleanses.


  • Purge Gyro: Reduce the number of cleansing pulses from 5 to 3 in WvW. Pending the superior rune of antitoxin change, this may stay at 5 cleansing pulses.
  • Sneak Gyro: Increase the cooldown of this ability from 45 to 75 60 seconds in WvW.
  • Corona Burst: The existing split from PvP of reduced might gain is brought to WvW. Reduced the damage of this ability by 20% in PvP and WvW.
  • Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.
  • Impact Savant: See if there is a way to include condition damage on this trait globally. Reduce the vitality loss of this trait from 300 to 180 in WvW and PvP.
  • Chemical Field: This skill is replaced by Detection Pulse (from the old Sneak Gyro elite toolbelt) as the toolbelt skill for Purge Gyro.


  • Stand Your Ground: Reduce the stacks of stability granted by this ability from 5 to 3 in WvW.
  • Tome of Courage, Chapter 5 - Unbroken Lines: This skill no longer grants aegis or retaliation.
  • Tome of Resolve, Chapter 2 - Radiant Recovery: The existing split from PvP of cleansing 2 conditions is brought to WvW as well. This ability would continue to cleanse 3 conditions in PvE.
  • Tome of Courage, Chapter 2 - Daring Challenge: This skill grants retaliation for 3 seconds instead of aegis.
  • Sanctuary: Increase number of enemies that can be knocked back by this skill from 10 to 20 before it expires.


  • Illusion of Life: ~~Increase the cooldown of this skill from 75 to 90 seconds in PvP & WvW and reduced the duration from 15 seconds to 8 seconds of its effect in PvP & WvW ~~ Reduce the invulnerability period on revived allies. Improve the smart targeting on this skill so it can't fail in big group situations where there is someone downed and lots of people near them.
  • Chaotic Interruption: This trait has been re-worked and now reduces the cooldown of one of your weapon abilities that is already on cooldown by 5 seconds when you interrupt a foe.
  • Power Break (Mantra of Pain): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight.
  • Power Lock (Mantra of Distraction): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight.


  • Oppressive Collapse: This skill will require line of sight on the activation.
  • Sand Cascade: Reduce the base barrier granted by this skill by 33% in WvW & PvP, increase the healing power contribution by 20%, as the healing coefficient is already pretty strong.
  • Sand Flare: Reduce the base barrier granted by this skill by 25% in WvW, increase the healing power contribution by 33%.
  • Desert Shroud: Increase the base barrier granted by this skill by 10%, increase the healing power contribution by 15% and reduce the damage inflicted by this ability by 20% in WvW.
  • Sand Savant: We've wanted to address the target cap issue with this trait in WvW for a while, however it is an incredibly gnarly problem because this is a large functional change that would need to be preserved between game modes. This was why the cooldown split was made on this trait originally. We hear you that the trait is an issue and we're working on it. This is a tough case to crack in a manner that does not leave one mode suffering due to the changes made for another.
  • Feast of Corruption: Reduce damage by 20% in PvP & WvW. The existing split from PvP of corrupting 2 boons is brought to WvW. This ability continues to corrupt 3 boons in PvE.
  • Devouring Darkness: Reduce damage by 20% in PvP & WvW. The existing split from PvP of corrupting 2 boons is brought to WvW. This ability continues to corrupt 3 boons in PvE.


  • Long Range Shot: Reduce the damage range of this skill from 0.7-0.9 to 0.6-0.8 in WvW only.


  • Gaze of Darkness: This skill would reveal stealthed enemies up to 600 range away in addition to striking enemies within its 360 radius.
  • Coalescence of Ruin: This skill would no longer deals increased damage with successive impacts; instead it deals damage equal to what was previously the middle impact damage. Damage remains split between game modes. A red warning rectangle visible to enemies has been added to this skill.


  • Deadly Ambition: Reduce the poison inflicted by this trait from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 2 seconds in PvP & WvW. Reduce the internal cooldown from 5s to 2s in PvP & WvW.


  • Charge: This skill would only removes movement impairing conditions and then increases the damage of affected allies' next 2 attacks by 25% in PvE and PvP and 10% in WvW in addition to its previous effects. Increase swiftness duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. This skill becomes a blast finisher.
  • Call to Arms: Removes 3 conditions from affected allies instead of specific conditions. Grants barrier in addition to vigor.
  • Sight Beyond Sight: Increase the radius of this ability to reveal hidden enemies up to 600 range away.
  • Quick Breathing: Thinking of kicking re-working it a bit to pair with the warhorn skill changes so they feel more cohesive. Continues to increase number of targets for warhorn skills from 5 to 10 and causes warhorn skills to grant an additional boon instead of reducing the cooldown (Fury for Charge and Resistance for Call to Arms). Grant +120 Concentration.

Thanks once again for your feedback and for keeping things focused.


I honestly wouldn't make any of these changes. In doing so, you just drive build diversity further out the window. Especially when I look at the necro changes... I see the phrase "We hear you"

Well you are hearing the wrong people. You are hearing people that clearly havn't the foggiest idea of what actual balance is. In fact, I know many of us keep saying Anet needs to listen to feedback, but I think in all honesty, Anet should simply cut the ties with all of it's users in regards to feedback.

The Sand Savant thing was addressed in another thread where someone tried to complain about Sand Savant hitting too many targets, and here you've addressed Sand Savant. The user during their video showed just how weak and pathetic the full on bomb from this skill is; it's absolutely laughable just how weak it is. It doesn't matter how many targets it hits. It's like complaining about a regular arrow cart hitting 50 people for 300 damage.

Then the other change.. devouring darkness this makes no sense. The community certainly is mostly divided when it comes to feedback which is why Anet really shouldn't be listening to us at all. There is one thing we can all agree on though, boon spam is completely and utterly out of control. It is what breaks builds, like completely breaks them. Then we see the change to devouring darkness, reducing boon corrupt from 3 to 2... I mean really...... really.... Then to make matters worse the Guardian is still running around with that skill that converts 5 conditions to boons on 5 people (functions like an elite skill), yet it sits on a 12 second cool down. Everyone ever who has opened their mouth about feedback has specifically stated numerous time "boon spam is out of control", so a change to devouring darkness converting 2 boons instead of 3 makes less than zero sense.

Here is another one that makes no sense, reducing long range shot damage in WvW Think about that for a second and where these complaints are coming from. Certainly in a mode that was built for large group fights we see rangers all over the place in zergs firing arrows decimating zergs. In fact, we barely see any rangers at all. Why, because they are next to flat out useless in zergs outside of harassing necros. The only people they are a plague against are those roaming who cannot figure out how to play against them, nor seem to know where their dodge button is. News Flash, roaming is mostly dead now in WvW, so why bother making a change based off such a tiny fraction of the community centered around people who don't want to learn to play against them? You cannot make changes like this. Just stop listening to the community completely when it comes to any type of class changes.

If Anet wants to make changes, realistically, this is your only option. Remove warrior, necro, engi, ele, revenant, thief, and mesmer off that list completely; make no changes. Go the guardian, and expand change list by a page or 2. Firstly, remove wall of reflect, all retaliation, all aegis support (except on themselves), and lower all their healing by a a factor of 5. Then go through each and every skill on every weapon, and every utility skill, and elite, and lower their damage while increase all their cool downs. Then at least they will be on the save level as other class. Then you can start nerfing their further as Anet does to every other class.

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Yikes. Going back on aegis nerf of fb makes the balance patch pointless. Meta wont change. Scourges still gonna be needed to remove aegis so classes can do damage which means nothing changes. Super pumped to continue playing this boring WvW meta :)

atleast stealth will be balanced. Gotta focus on the small victories i guess.

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Antitoxin Runes: Genius changes. Great work.

Engineer: All changes look positive. Reducing range on Holographic Shockwave is a big thumbs up. Damage reduction of holoforge skills is needed.

Guardian: A bit less aegis is good. Single less condi cleanse is ok. Might need more nerfs in future but its a good approach to go slow and watch the changes in this case as the wvw game mode revolves around this class rn. Sanctuary increase target cap is a good meme but can potentially be big cancer in future.

Mesmer: Good changes by introducing face target and and los on Power break and Power Lock. Slight nerf and some qol in Illusion of Life is fine. Might want to look at chaos storm and if you ask me removing pulsing aegis, just a single aegis on cast. Mesmer mains might want some other changes in wvw though to make them more desirable in zerg scenarios.

Necromancer: (Since i play necro i might be biased but i try not to be)LOS on Oppressive Collapse is fine. Sand Flare and Sand Cascade changes are ok. Nerfing corruptions is also alright on both axe and scepter.Necromancer's sustain is from counter pressure through corruptions and since those are getting nerfed for all builds by weapon skills getting nerfed, i hope to see some qol changes and buffs somewhere else because necro already have very low sustain.F2 on scourge needs more functionality for self(not group) aside from boon corrupt from curses. The dependency on curses trait is too much, it also needs cd reduction if untraited or buffed back to 2 cleanses. F3 is in the same boat as F2.If target cap is reduced for shades in sand savant, the shade skills will need a lot of adjustment. Please look into scourge utiities and the manner in which they work(very clunky). Wells can be nerfed a bit by reducing damage but making it pulse for more.Wishing death magic changes becomes a good traitline for roaming or small scale. Overall ok changes, looking forward to patch for detailed information.

Ranger: Damage reduction on long range shot is god's gift itself. Needs more damage nerf and more support capability buffs in wvw. Reduce protection uptime.

Revenant: Reveal is great and damage application changes on cor are great. If they nerf hammer auto attacks a bit that would be perfect.

Thief: Poison application reduction is great. Please look into staff thief vault spam build.

Warrior: Pretty neat changes on warhorn. Might not want to decrease cd too much, adding resistance and fury on traited warhorn skills is ok(duration needs to be balanced). Barrier seems odd on warrior thematically. Reduce hammer stun duration. Looking forward to tactics traitline changes.

Hope to see more reliable stab share sources on some specs.

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@Javoker.7046 said:

If ranger is gonna be nerf further in WvW at least reduce the amount of reflects/ blocks on other classes (mainly firebrand in this case, ToC Chapter 3, 8x lul).

As if ranger is not already useless in WvW when fighting outnumbered (talking about 2-3x larger than you are), when there are more reflects than my unblockable. When I can only hit something every 40s.

I only use 1 unbockable so the previous nerfs to the other 2 unblockables didn't affect me at all ^^.

It's also funny how all the squishy builds are the ones QQing about ranger auto atk doing 10k or more but ignoring the fact that weaver's fireball could do just as much to the same squishy target. How about hitting that ranger back only to find out that you can pop that ranger like a bubble too LOL.

This exactly! Especially bolded part. The only good thing a ranger is good at is punishing these squishy builds like full zerker ele, thieves, mesmers. And it's already difficult to kill them. It's actually quite impossible to even down thieves and mesmers and they can just escape easily if they don't stupidly over-commit. Ele has vapor form to get back to zerg and get ressed. We should do something about perma invis 1 shot deadeyes instead.

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it seems to me that Sand Savant should EITHER a) grant reduced cooldown OR b) reduce the number of possible shades to 1 while increasing the number of targets. not both.

for MY playstyle, i'd rather have reduced cooldown with 3 shades... but since my scourge runs condi, i take the torment/ burning trait instead

hmmmm.... perhaps Sand Savant should have it's functionality split up and spread out among the grandmaster traits ... such as the torment trait gets the reduced cooldown for sand shades, while the boonstrip trait gets the single shade with increased targets at an increased cooldown... and then the new Sand Savant trait converts sand shades skill into a teleport which would deal increased damage with increased range where the scourge would teleport to.

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"Barrier: The application of the barrier effect no longer resets the delay or decay of existing barriers. Barrier no longer decays over time; each application now disappears after 5 seconds, and all skills that grant barrier now give 15% more barrier."

We still don't have the 15% more barrier.

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The Rune of Antitoxin nerf should give conditions a significantly bigger influence in big scale fights (with Power remaining dominant). It also should reduce cover boon spam a lot. So it's something I'm looking forward to.

The tiny nerf to sneak gyro won't change much. Smoke field + stealth pulse for 5 allies + its moving with the caster (you can blast it while moving). Thats just too much group stealth from an Engineer.

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Firebrand is still going to be little too strong. Reduction of dodge roll healing power ratio (Honor) from 100% to 80% could be one way to touch Firebrands somewhat passive strengths.

I would have rather made purity of purpose only convert only 1 condition into boon per cleanse, you're nerfing tempest too much by rework of antitoxin runes. So support tempest could use some makeup buffs.

Also you should consider increasing Elementalist staff CC (air 5, earth 4) targets to 20 so it is worth running over other classes while not making it overbearing regarding damage.

All the suggested changes are great tho.

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@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" Very happy with the proposed changes, but is it possible that you give us a little bit more information about changes on warrior's tactics line? I think that it's a bit hard to assess the impact of the changes on warrior's warhorn without knowing the direction tactics will take.

I already started theoricrafting with what we've seen, and I find it unsubstantial, tactics line is just too subpar, even if you want to go on a full support route with warrior (which could be cool), there's not much space for more support on current compositions, and it's not really a matter of not having competitive options, the thing is, as long as we are constructing the metagame in wvw in terms of 5 ppl groups (say, FB-SCRAPPER-NECRO-NECRO-X) then there's not much space for new or different roles.
If you nerf scrapper to the point where it won't be used, we will just replace it with another FB or another Scourge, if you nerf FB to the point where it becomes really weak, we will just take more FB to compensate. Stability is too important.
If more effects affect 10 players, we might start running less of those classes (as they will cover more people) and open new slots for different roles, but it has to be done in such a way that we won't be tempted to keep the same composition but gain double the benefit. (no idea how that could be achieved in wvw, might have to do with a wider look over the metagame).
It's a similar problem to what we have in PvE raids in fact, and right now there is quite a bit of diversity there, at least on the more casual groups, where you see a firebrand for quickness, a renegade for groupwide alacrity, a chrono for both tanking and quickness, a druid for heals, might and spirits, and warrior for banners.If you want to achieve similar results on WvW, you should probably look at that.

I would be tempted to bring tempest auramancer if I don't have to compare it directly with scrapper, for instance. Maybe make Gyroscopic Acceleration make wells affect 10 players, make auras more powerful or give something extra (the potential of auras is that they are not boons, so it's hard to interact with them). Same with warhorn and warrior, if I want to bring a support warrior, that maybe strips boons with spellbreaker, I have to ask myself, "do I prefer whatever warhorn/tactics brings, or do I want a perfectly decent damage dealer that also stips boons?" Or maybe we don't want it to take spellbreaker's slot, maybe something else, but you need to think in terms of not just what they bring to the table, but what we will take away to give it space.
I liked that warhorn will increase damage on the next 2 hits for allies, that's a somewhat unique effect that with coordination can make interesting gameplay. At this point all I need is that the tactics line offers something worth building around. The obvious direction is making something with shouts or making something with combos. Combos are very outdated in the game, outside of some niche situations (like blasting for stealth), people don't care much for combos anymore, and shouts are in a tough spot. They compete with stances, which the warrior tends to need in order to stay at melee range with enemy groups, and they themselves don't bring anything that you already don't get plenty of from other classes.
I hope that as you look at tactics line, you too look at shouts.
On the other hand, phalanx Strenght does need some love. It doesn't have many synergies with the rest of the line, and the effect is outdated by current standards. Maybe make it so that aside from sharing the might, when you gain might you heal around you for each stack (not yourself tho, to not compete with Might Makes Right), and when a threshold is met, you give stability to allies? Move it to master column and you could have a build between warhorn trait-phalanx strength-vigorous shouts. I would care about blasting fire fields with the warhorn, and about using For Great Justice (it should cover the threshold and give stab around you, you can give the trait an internal CD so it doesn't compete with Stand Your Ground!).Well, this are just some ideas, hopefully you can share a bit more about your plans with the Tactics line.

edit: I would love a take on phalanx Strenght that cares about how many warriors are on your group, that's an effect unexplored on the game.

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Nerfing booncorrupting from devouring darkness means stronger boonspam, which is already too problematic. You also have to take a full trait line for it to work, a trait line which favors condi builds mostly, not power (which is the current Meta). Plus I'm a bit afraid as to how scourge will end up after sand Savant changes

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On the scourge's side, please just stop the list of meaningless nerf and address the real issue. As it stand every single change you list only lead to more scourges into the zergs not less.

  • Oppressive Collapse: This skill will require line of sight on the activation.

All in all it's not a bad change.

  • Sand Cascade: Reduce the base barrier granted by this skill by 33% in WvW & PvP, increase the healing power contribution by 20%, as the healing coefficient is already pretty strong.

Can't you just see that the manifest sand shade proc on the F skills is the problem? Can't you just properly nerf this extra load of damage and conditions instead of nerf skills effect that aren't even close to be an issue in game? Is this difficult to see that the manifest sand shade proc is the responsible for all the complains about the scourge's damages output?

  • Sand Flare: Reduce the base barrier granted by this skill by 25% in WvW, increase the healing power contribution by 33%.
  • Desert Shroud: Increase the base barrier granted by this skill by 10%, increase the healing power contribution by 15% and reduce the damage inflicted by this ability by 20% in WvW.

What's the point? Is this supposed to address the complains about the loss of survivability that stem from the changes on sand cascade and sand flare? do You think that 500 point of barrier every 30 seconds on a 3 second barrier will really do any good? Nope, it won't.

  • Sand Savant: We've wanted to address the target cap issue with this trait in WvW for a while, however it is an incredibly gnarly problem because this is a large functional change that would need to be preserved between game modes. This was why the cooldown split was made on this trait originally. We hear you that the trait is an issue and we're working on it. This is a tough case to crack in a manner that does not leave one mode suffering due to the changes made for another.

Sand savant isn't an issue, the damage and overload of condition that sand savant carry are.

  • Feast of Corruption: Reduce damage by 20% in PvP & WvW. The existing split from PvP of corrupting 2 boons is brought to WvW. This ability continues to corrupt 3 boons in PvE.
  • Devouring Darkness: Reduce damage by 20% in PvP & WvW. The existing split from PvP of corrupting 2 boons is brought to WvW. This ability continues to corrupt 3 boons in PvE.

Let's not forget that the reason the necromancer have that much boon corruption packed onto it's skill is that there is to much boon output in PvP/WvW. Don't change the number of boon corrupted, change the corrupt into a basic boon ripping effect and PvP/WvW will become a better place to play.

If you want scourge to remain as a support in WvW without monopolising the "raid spots" just remove the damage from F5, remove the manifest sand shade proc on other F skills and change weapon skills boon corrupt into boon ripping. Just stop the meaningless numbers tweaks that lead nowhere.

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  • Impact Savant: See if there is a way to include condition damage on this trait globally. Reduce the vitality loss of this trait from 300 to 180 in WvW and PvP.

I know this patch is going to be centered around WvW but it would drastically improve scrapper if the vitality loss reduction would not just affect pvp/wvw but also pve. It was mainly a pvp centered downside to begin with so if you want to reduce the penalty you absolutely don't have to split the skill.

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Ranger sword changes nods It's been long overdue. Sword 2 need to have the animation delay reduce or removed altogether and hit more 1 enemy, sword 3 needs to be increased in damage and hit more than 1 enemy aswell. Lets hope dagger both main-hand and off-hand also got it's needed changes. Main-hand dagger doesn't even have defensive capabilities, the off-hand might need the damage increase by a bit.

As for the long shot, its not that great unless the target is pretty squishy. More nerf will eventually kill longbow as a weapon more. At this moment, no longbow is good in the game anymore, not in ranger, not in DH, not in warrior, even more with so many deflect, reflect and missile counter skills.

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scourge changes are meanigles, they wont change a thing, just make class to feel even worse to play compared how it is now. if you really want to adress the issue randomly nerfing dmg of certain skills wont do it.

SAND SAVANT needs rework, i mean full rework not just nerf to target cap. it needs to be made full support grandmaster that takes all damage away from all shade skills and turn effects into healing/boonsupport/cleanses/more barrier(which would allow scourge work as healer without taking blood magic which honestly is garbage traitline even for support in wvw.

feed from corruption should be changed to allow mass corruptions with small shade and demonic lore should get some dmg modifier to allow dps builds to benefit from it with small shade.those changes would open up build diversity and increase skillcap of the class.

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Please do not add resistance to warrior warhorn. Just because a weapon / skill / traitline is underutilized doesn't necessarily mean it should be powercrept to match all the other currently dominant builds.Resistance is a very powerful boon as it grants immunity to a big part of attacks your opponents can throw at you so access to it should be scarce. 10-man resistance on a 20s cd sounds too short. Moreover, resistance is given on top of a 10 man barrier + damage boost, which is already a pretty big buff. It's not as if warrior isnt already dominant in wvw currently when their boon removal bubble already does an important job in a fight that no other class can really replace.These buffs will just make warrior, a class that's already meta, even more dominant in a zerg as I would gladly sacrifice some damage / cc when i have such a strong set of buffs i can give to 10 allies on a 20s (short) cd.

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These sound great. I like that the illusion if life change was changed and that the aegis was not full removed from FB tomes.

Overall good changes.

Because I main ranger though I have to say this: I would not change gameplay due to the changes. Not because glassy builds suit me or your changes have no impact but rather because condi ranger lacks real competitive options.Shortbow has a pitiful range, daggers have no utility or no burst (MH and OH respectively). Traps are to immobile and mundane and torch Dienst bring enough utility to the table either.I would love to play condi ranger in all game modes but it just lacks use. It has only damage and even then I would use power because it's more engaging.

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@Irenio CalmonHuang.2048 said:


  • Sand Savant: We've wanted to address the target cap issue with this trait in WvW for a while, however it is an incredibly gnarly problem because this is a large functional change that would need to be preserved between game modes. This was why the cooldown split was made on this trait originally. We hear you that the trait is an issue and we're working on it. This is a tough case to crack in a manner that does not leave one mode suffering due to the changes made for another.


When talking about Sand Savant specifically, It was designed as a Support trait, right? Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I've always felt it was a support trait. I honestly don't use it all that much in PvE since its damage nerf is so strong that its not worth me taking it over Demonic lore. So my perspective on this is that taking Sand Savant should push you much harder into that support role. Perhaps its not just a change on its target limit, but strips its ability to apply torment and crippling but changes the pulse to grant allies a useful boon or two? My thought might be Protection and regen. We don't use that concentration much on the scourge and it would be nice to see more ways to use that, and more reason to build into boon duration.

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@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:


  • Stand Your Ground: Reduce the stacks of stability granted by this ability from 5 to 3 in WvW.

To be honest the 5 stacks never felt like the problem. The "overshare" of stability on 10 people instead of 5 is the bigger thing in my opinion.With 5 targets it is a good skill(as it was for years) but with 10 targets it isn't important if it gives 3 or 5 stacks of stability. 10 targets is just too much value because after a corruppt-spike you can instantly re-apply stab to 1/5 of the zerg. It just shares stab to to many players and that is the reason why you need so many corrupts.

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@DeadlySynz.3471 said:

@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:Greetings again all,

  • Illusion of Life: ~~Increase the cooldown of this skill from 75 to 90 seconds in PvP & WvW and reduced the duration from 15 seconds to 8 seconds of its effect in PvP & WvW ~~ Reduce the invulnerability period on revived allies. Improve the smart targeting on this skill so it can't fail in big group situations where there is someone downed and lots of people near them.
  • Chaotic Interruption: This trait has been re-worked and now reduces the cooldown of one of your weapon abilities
    that is already on cooldown
    by 5 seconds when you interrupt a foe.
  • Power Break (Mantra of Pain): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight.
  • Power Lock (Mantra of Distraction): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight.

This, doesnt do anything at all for group chronos. We still cant shatter or csplit at all, Illusuin of life is a big nerf as well since most people that arnts super ready for it can not cast stuff for a brief moment when they get up, and even if they are ready they can dodgeroll. Still a brief moment where they need to re-asses where to go. Please dont count fixes as buffs to balance, we already cant double illusion of life with the removed csplit so its already half power from before.

Just fix the shatters. Please. In all game modes or just wvw. I've had way too many newbies also asking "why i cant shatter"> "shit class" its depressing.

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