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I would be interested in a Major City Invasion type repeated event


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@kharmin.7683 said:Don't we already have Joko's minions invading maps? Why not expand on that rather than shoe-horn the idea into a city?

That plotline was resolved in ls4 ep3 (hence why they were renamed Awakened Remnants). They lack the forces to do anything more, and can only continue attacking because the map is locked in time.

The issue with awakened Remnants was that they didn't really cause any havoc on the map. If you leave them be, they will retreat peacefully. There's no real urgency to murder them, besides AP and rewards.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Don't we already have Joko's minions invading maps? Why not expand on that rather than shoe-horn the idea into a city?

because this is about making places that normally not under attack, show to be more vulnerable than presented. They can be attacked as well

What purpose does that serve, besides to annoy players with lag in home cities?

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Don't we already have Joko's minions invading maps? Why not expand on that rather than shoe-horn the idea into a city?

because this is about making places that normally not under attack, show to be more vulnerable than presented. They can be attacked as well

What purpose does that serve, besides to annoy players with lag in home cities?

like Lion Arch event, and similar events in other games I mentioned when Kazzak attacked Stormwind back during the pre TBC event, it was all Fun.

Somebody above mentioned having a new city added in the living world/ expansion that is designed with something like this in mind, with destroyable walls and buildings to defeat and rebuild.

So to answer you question. Fun! thats the purpose.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Don't we already have Joko's minions invading maps? Why not expand on that rather than shoe-horn the idea into a city?

because this is about making places that normally not under attack, show to be more vulnerable than presented. They can be attacked as well

What purpose does that serve, besides to annoy players with lag in home cities?

like Lion Arch event, and similar events in other games I mentioned when Kazzak attacked Stormwind back during the pre TBC event, it was all Fun.

Somebody above mentioned having a new city added in the living world/ expansion that is designed with something like this in mind, with destroyable walls and buildings to defeat and rebuild.

So to answer you question. Fun! thats the purpose.

Fun is highly subjective.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:not talking about PvP here. But I do miss the risk of a capitol city being invaded by threat of enemy player factions like in Vanilla WoW, or a major event type of situation like pre TBC.

I would love something like this on a repeatable event rotation.

We had something like this with the Destruction of Lion Arch in LW. But its a one time thing like a lot of LW stuff that is gone forever regardless of how fun it was.

I would love a Capitol City Invasion event like that but on a timer or once a day kind of rotation. Imagine a few giant Risen bosses and a low of smaller Risen minion mob rolling in trying to get to the Queen Jennah, or whatever leader in that capitol city on the rotation.

Once a week could be good enough for me for something like this, or twice a week or something not too often but still often enough to feel like something that can keep us on our toes when playing around in the cities.

I suggest a thing similar to this sometimes ago but was slighty difference my idea was more like factions of gw1. Two main clans/army fighting each other managing some supply.

Reading your idea, I know how it could be implemented:1-Add a new map within the mist and call it fractal of war.2-Each week, it's appearance change between 6 versions: The different cities. (Old la) Each time it's a different famous npc that is the leader/protector of the city, on the opposite side, it's either one of the 6 dragon minions and its minions or scarlet armies or one of the evil organization.3-Win rewards by defending during an unending war.

I really think it can be really cool, random and interesting.Imagine: Divinity reach under the siege of separatist and renegade. With as warmaster, Forgal! :o

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@Westenev.5289 said:People in this thread forget that new players are probably f2p, and can't access towns until level 35 (even though the game directs them to do story at level 10). What level they actually enter towns, only Anet knows. Anet also added awakened invasions to 1-15 zones, so there is a precedent for Anet changing the new player experience.

I think that's a counter measure to avoid bot's and spammers etc from making free accounts and advertising in populated towns where large groups of players tend to congregate.

Recent interview Wooden Potatoes covered too claimed that expansions to older maps maybe coming with Living world season 5 so that's got my brain a bit tickled atm ^^I'd love to see a bunch of vanilla maps get new areas and content so we'll just have to wait and see what happens with that, and since HoT is bundled in with PoF at the moment for season 5 we may even get new area's etc in the HoT maps too.I'm very much looking forward to season 5 :D

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@"knomslayer.9457" said:No. I dont want to be randomly killed when im doing something. Im sorry but horrible idea.. 1/10

What would feel more like a LIVING WORLD than having one of the safe capitals invaded... it would actually feel like Jormag's Icebrood forces had an impact, rather than us just retreating to a non-action, safe area. Besides, there are 5 capitals and if they went with an invasion that made sense story-wise whether it was Hoelbrak or Black Citadel, I'd be all for it.

Why limit your imagination just "because you're doing something"... there are plenty of places to do something, and neither cost you a penny on the gem store even. They're right there, in-game, with free portals linking them.

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Hmm... there was something like that in Neverwinter. Instanced event, defending a city. Why not, it could be as a strike mission. 10 players, multiple events in whole city, just make it instanced of course. I think it would be easy to implement, just create specific events.Lets say DR. Defend the city against White Mantle. Events (all in the same time, exept last one):

  • Protect the Queen;
  • Take gates from enemy's control;
  • Defeat forces and champs invading other places in the city, killing citizens;
  • Seek out White Mantle mesmers, kill them and shut down portals;
  • At the end: defeat a legendary boss.Or defend the Sheamor against centaur siege.
  • Hold the gate against centaurs;
  • Get citizens to safety;
  • Escort saboteurs and blow up siege machines.
  • At the end: defeat a massive earth elemental.
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@Westenev.5289 said:People in this thread forget that new players are probably f2p, and can't access towns until level 35 (even though the game directs them to do story at level 10). What level they actually enter towns, only Anet knows.Last time I checked f2p characters could enter the racial cities at level 10. It's only Lion's Arch that's blocked off until level 35.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:not talking about PvP here. But I do miss the risk of a capitol city being invaded by threat of enemy player factions like in Vanilla WoW, or a major event type of situation like pre TBC.

I would love something like this on a repeatable event rotation.

We had something like this with the Destruction of Lion Arch in LW. But its a one time thing like a lot of LW stuff that is gone forever regardless of how fun it was.

I would love a Capitol City Invasion event like that but on a timer or once a day kind of rotation. Imagine a few giant Risen bosses and a low of smaller Risen minion mob rolling in trying to get to the Queen Jennah, or whatever leader in that capitol city on the rotation.

Once a week could be good enough for me for something like this, or twice a week or something not too often but still often enough to feel like something that can keep us on our toes when playing around in the cities.

Oh, you mean something like the Auric Basin meta.There's that.

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@"Ultramex.1506" said:Ehhh i don't want that, it just gonna confuse new player like Kessex Hills and Lion Arch.

With some in game alerts and the like this could still be relayed in advance and maybe we make it an instance so people are aware they are being ported. We already saw it work with the living story so the background is there and we probably "air-quotes" had more new players than then now.

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