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An open letter to PvE players

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I'm already doing WvW, a lot more atm, because I am working on a set of heavy legendary armor. I usually consider myself a PvE player, yet I enjoy WvW a couple of times a week.

P.S. IMO, WvW has much better rewards than most of the open world PvE contents. The reward tracks alone and the many infusions you can get, as well as legendary armor, just by playing the mode are awesome.

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I am a mostly PVE player but do a fair amount of WvW ... well, to be more honest, mostly EotM. I enjoy it because we have a regular commander who is excellent and a guild that is supportive. There is plenty of instruction and no shaming or condemnation when things don't go well. We have a pretty steady group that does it on a daily basis. And, here's the thing, it is something I truly look forward to every day.

I've done a small amount of EBG and Borderlands. When I manage to get into a squad with a really good commander, it is great fun. But, it seems more hit and miss on these maps.

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@MagusKain.6340 said:I think I'd be willing to give it a try - but (and this might sound dumb) I can't seem to figure out what I'm supposed to do. I've joined a few times assuming I'd figure it out - but it just seems like there's no guidance. Anyone willing to give a short summary?

The best thing to do is find a commander running in ebg or one of the borderlands, join squad, and just learn that way.Simply put, though, you want to flip objectives to your color (R, B, or G)When you load into spawn...look for a camp to flip. Supply is the most important thing to control in the mode.Make sure your local supply camps are your color and flip enemy supply camps to deprive them of that sweet sweet manna.Then, work your way up to flipping towers. You will probably need a few people to run with to do that at first. Always carry supply and some siege (flame rams, cata, etc)If you don't feel like flipping things then look for opponents to kill. Just remember, if it's red it's deadSlowly but surely you will figure out all the ends and outs.Read up on wvw roaming builds if you are running solo or in small grps or find a good sustain zerg build to run if you are with a grp. Don't try using pve armor...it will not work when you are new.Good luck and happy hunting!

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@Acheron.4731 said:

@MagusKain.6340 said:I think I'd be willing to give it a try - but (and this might sound dumb) I can't seem to figure out what I'm supposed to do. I've joined a few times assuming I'd figure it out - but it just seems like there's no guidance. Anyone willing to give a short summary?

The best thing to do is find a commander running in ebg or one of the borderlands, join squad, and just learn that way.Simply put, though, you want to flip objectives to your color (R, B, or G)When you load into spawn...look for a camp to flip. Supply is the most important thing to control in the mode.Make sure your local supply camps are your color and flip enemy supply camps to deprive them of that sweet sweet manna.Then, work your way up to flipping towers. You will probably need a few people to run with to do that at first. Always carry supply and some siege (flame rams, cata, etc)If you don't feel like flipping things then look for opponents to kill. Just remember, if it's red it's deadSlowly but surely you will figure out all the ends and outs.Read up on wvw roaming builds if you are running solo or in small grps or find a good sustain zerg build to run if you are with a grp. Don't try using pve armor...it will not work when you are new.Good luck and happy hunting!

OK - I'll give it a try. Thanks

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As a PvE only player. I tried WvW during the warclaw thing. Hated every minute of it. The balance and logistics is just so terrible. What is even the point of stuff like trebuchets and cannons? They barely even scratch people on the off chance they hit. WvW is just zergs running around killing and dying over and over, and an obsurd amount of walking back from the only waypoint on the map.And all this boredom gives less reward then a single teq run which takes like 15 minutes.

I did like that open pvp map with the jumping puzzle. I don't remember where it was anymore, seems not possible to get there anymore? But I remember working with a friend to get to the top, only to be chased away by a group of killers. We went back down the puzzle and met up with 6 other players also doing the puzzle, and we stormed our way back up and killed the group that chased us away. That was fun. You never get that sort of play or camaraderie in WvW.

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Broaden the roles available in WvW to increase the types of WvW participation and fix the profession imbalances without regard to PvP or PvE. Look at AoE and boon / condi pressure and scale back the amount of "freebies" and area denial given to all professions.

The fundamental structure of WvW has to change to players targeting players for both buffs and rebuffs. No more multiplicative stacking.

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I do roam on wvw occasionally, but I'd have a hard time sticking around. There isn't enough PvP or PvE to keep me engaged, and I'm not an avid fan of the game-mode because the priority is often in taking objectives rather than retaining, defending and upgrading them.

On the plus side, WvW does provide all the PvD I could ever need...

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