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What makes a WvW vet?


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@Threather.9354 said:Vets are the people that understand that WvW doesn't only function on open field fights and karmatrain.Vets are made some of, but not all of:

  • Understanding what your actions mean to all parties involved, enemy or ally groups, not just you, your squad or your guild.
  • Understanding meta isn't just 1-dimensional 7-build thing and different builds are necessary for different situations and playstyles
  • Contribution to server, guild, players or WvW in general. Having personal memories and experiences. (The time played part)
  • Mechanics; having experience to dodge stealth bombs, being able to differentiate between different sized AoE fields, having right settings.
  • Understanding the difference single scout, commander or active player can make in outcome of a matchup or a fight
  • Understanding the factors that decide when group fun goes over objectives and when objectives go over your personal fun
  • Give and take attitude; Sometimes you let guilds GvG so they let you have your fights later. In crucial matchups you might do morning or nightcrew despite it not being your timezone.
  • Understanding your personal strengths. Some people can't play melee, some get bored playing ranged (rev btw), some can't zerg, some can't scout, some can't be loud, some can teach others, some can be funny.
  • Understanding importance of movement and positioning, in-fight and outside fight. Unfortunately PvE doesn't teach you this.

Now there are people that can be 10k rank but gained it in EotM following some random ktrainer commander without learning anything. These aren't WvW veterans but rather people who played some other gamemode. There are also people who AFKed or played 1-style on same build for 5k hour in WvW sitting in SM, these aren't veterans either because they didn't learn anything.

Wonderfully explained. The bold one is the most important one in my opinion. Understanding your personal strengths and using them is the best thing you can do to improve your wvw capabilities. Some are good for scouting some are good for zerging. I found that I am not a zerg person as I do not like the playstyle. And I have learned how to scout/roam and be beneficial to my server. Now, our small guild group (2-3 person usually) makes a difference when we roam a map. Sometimes the things we do are not fun (repairing walls, refreshing sieges, escorting yaks) but usually it is good and fun. And I am extremely happy with it. I get less loot but I feel more useful.

The rest is given by the person quoted, and he/she is right. to the core.

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Hard to say really. I've owned the game since 2015 but only really got into WvW since the Warclaw came out. I'm mainly a PVE player but would say I'm more of a 'casual' Vet. I know how to play the maps, take objectives, siege placement spots etc. I know my weaknesses. Namely I'm terrible at 1V1's. I tend to panic or in the heat of the action hit the wrong button. However with a group or on my owning capping camps/sentries I shine. Unless a defender shows up and then I get the 1v1 issue crop up. I don't always lose but probably lose 8 in 10 fights.

Weirdly the worst veterans have got to be the Diamond ranks. Top of the top in ranking yet I've noticed they tend to go down quickly. I once had a 1v1 with a diamond legend. Top of the top. I was expecting to get kicked to the moon but I won quite easily in fact. Like me, they got to their rank through capping objectives/k-training.

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@Ben.2160 said:Hard to say really. I've owned the game since 2015 but only really got into WvW since the Warclaw came out. I'm mainly a PVE player but would say I'm more of a 'casual' Vet. I know how to play the maps, take objectives, siege placement spots etc. I know my weaknesses. Namely I'm terrible at 1V1's. I tend to panic or in the heat of the action hit the wrong button. However with a group or on my owning capping camps/sentries I shine. Unless a defender shows up and then I get the 1v1 issue crop up. I don't always lose but probably lose 8 in 10 fights.

Weirdly the worst veterans have got to be the Diamond ranks. Top of the top in ranking yet I've noticed they tend to go down quickly. I once had a 1v1 with a diamond legend. Top of the top. I was expecting to get kicked to the moon but I won quite easily in fact. Like me, they got to their rank through capping objectives/k-training.

Yeah, rank isn’t the best gauge... Some of those Diamonds got it in EOTM, some got it from playing 7 years of steady WvW.

As far as dueling, I consider myself an Ele/necro main, but hate scourge. Been havocing on Soulbeast and mirage some to get better at avoiding them on my ele.. I am platinum rank, but have just over 35 hours on mirage, and maybe 50 on Soulbeast.. I am not gonna won many 1v1s on that...

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@bluri.2653 said:

@BassHunteR.7246 said:you can only be called avet.. if you started hating anet and wvw mode itself.until that day comes.. you are just a child


or u remember the old borderlands with water and kraits/orbs - oh and i forgot culling

culling lol

also, quaggans and being able to use tonics or toys like fireworks, worst of all..debilitating conditions trait from Mes that stacked conditions every time you killed the clone linked in with Prismatic Understanding trait...

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@BassHunteR.7246 said:you can only be called avet.. if you started hating anet and wvw mode itself.until that day comes.. you are just a child


or u remember the old borderlands with water and kraits/orbs - oh and i forgot culling

culling lol

also, quaggans and being able to use tonics or toys like fireworks, worst of all..debilitating conditions trait from Mes that stacked conditions every time you killed the clone linked in with Prismatic Understanding trait...

The damn quaggans lightening storms..... walk out of a dang keep and BOOM. Hit by some weird ass lightening strike lol

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@enkidu.5937 said:

@BassHunteR.7246 said:you can only be called avet.. if you started hating anet and wvw mode itself.I may add: if you started hating Anet and WvW + but still play 10+ hours a week ;)

That's akin to like those love/hate relationships - always fighting, can't stand each other [basically here it's endless requests and crazy balancing,etc] but can't leave because they good in the sack [one of the best and fluid movement and combat mechanics], but they would leave the moment someone can do it better and more hehe.

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Lots of different viewpoints here, which I expected.

Thoughts on this scenario:

Guildie of mine used to run WvW years ago (Back when Mesmer portal training was a thing as he and I used to teach it)Slowed down WvW for a long time (say up til 3-4 years ago after doing it casually but mained it for about 1.5 years)He used to command for his server, group up, call out fields...etcFor the last 3-4 years (sometime pre HoT) He was slowly getting back into WvW, commanding/roaming (No EOTM ktraining)Over thelast at least 2 years, his primary focus became WVW, however more of a duo/small scale. We still take keeps/towers, place siege where we need to strategically. This is done casually now due to irl stuff (adulting and kids). All his time online is WvW (whether be 6 hours/week, 12 hours or some weeks 0 hours)He finally hit Rank 900 (maybe 899 as iirc he was 1 off), he has commanded, we have zergbusted, has won many battles with groups larger than his over the years, scouted and backcapped caps in a way to confuse the enemy where we are going to hit next (to not be predictable)

That said, he doesnt have all his WvW masteries, however he has seen everything and did just about everything else (Even did a world completion while it was still required to do so in WvW)

What would he need to do to be considered a "WvW vet"?

  • Note, as for the champ spider comment, I remember that from ABL, however iirc it has something to do with the skritt lol. Its been a while
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1)Express your hate about desert bl and refuse to run on it,claim it's a pve map to hide your own inability to do something worthwile on the map. Who likes walking anyways,and the environment is so complicating it hurts my tiny brain ! Cliffs here cliffs there, any step can be my end,who has time for that kitten !

2) Realize ppting is for NuBs and only NuBs do the ppt game. How did we get to tier 1 anyway ? It must have been because of all the ppk we did !

3)Only play for fiGhtS because it makes you feel like a big boi when you kill 10 people with 50

4) Don't run with less than 50 people from which being atleast 25 fb's because you lack the invidual skill to do anything else with less

5) Rage quit when you lose a fight and blame everyone besides yourself

6) Be that random guy screeching random memes in teamchat to get the attention you don't get at home,like some people below me will do. ( Thanks in advance ! )

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Veterancy is about experience gained. Not ingame experience, but experiences as a player, if we are talking about a game.

Time is thus obviously the primary factor, but it is also complicated by how you spend it. It requires you to see and experience things.

That makes someone who is AFK at spawn inexperienced no matter how much time they spend there.

At the same time it doesn't require you to command. If you command you gain experience as a commander, you become a veteran commander.

To be a veteran player you simply have to gain a high but undefined amount of experience as a player. You have to experience enough things.

That also gives it a dimension of time and content, time as in history. In order to be a veteran you should probably have experienced a majority of time and a majority of undefined content subsets. That is to be a player. You can also obviously be a veteran of any of these content subsets (commander, pickup-groups, roamer etc.) without necessarily having become a veteran player. There is a broad sense to it.

If you have played since vanilla and you have tried most of the commonly defined subsets of content in this game/mode, then you are by definition a veteran. At the same time, being a veteran does not imply that you are a good player. That is often the case because experience is a factor when it comes to ability. However, a player can be a veteran and whether they are good or not is another discussion.

That is a very loose but accurate definition, my philosophical friends :).

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If you have played since vanilla and you have tried most of the commonly defined subsets of content in this game/mode, then you are by definition a veteran. At the same time, being a veteran does not imply that you are a good player. That is often the case because experience is a factor when it comes to ability. However, a player can be a veteran and whether they are good or not is another discussion.

Oh this is SOO me...

Especially the ‘good’ part. ??

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a Vet remembers match up threads and the friendly competitive banters.

A vet also remembers the "hit list" from match up threads where someone would post X amount of gold for killing a certain player and 10 posts from different people showing a picture of them killing that player... (it was fun when a hit was put on you)

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