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Why do (some) GW1 players like Cantha?


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I have to say: I like asian styled buildings. And I just started to play GW1 - the campaigns in release order. Atm in Kaineng city and I don't know about the 2 later big regions still to explore. The island was beautiful yeah.

But that city ... wow most of the time it looks like waltking through slums. Even on the way to that temple where I am now ...I don't know ... if the major city didn't change a lot (which could be possible) in the years between GW1 and GW2 I would not want that one back.

(Some people in GW2 even complained about the old LA - which I liked - where I guess they did not like the wood structures. New LA looks more modern. Imagine those people visiting the Kaineng areas from GW1. They'd immediately quit playing. :D)

Also I heard the plot was pretty boring. (So far I like it but the factions stuff from what I have read - will only get important for me soon not yet there - seem boring. I guess it was mainly interesting because of PvP that was centered around them?)

So ... I don't see a need for Cantha atm. Previously when I read about "asian style" and did not play GW1 yet I always hoped for Cantha. After visiting Kaineng I don't want it anymore. :D

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That multileveled, slummy, rundown city was, at the time, the most unique environment I had ever seen in a fantasy MMO. I wanted and still want to see Kaineng City 2.0. Sure it's nostalgia talking, but every game has a forest region, snow region, desert, etc. Not only was it way different, but you could actually feel the places popularity issues and poverty issues.

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Kaineng always invited for quite varying opinions. But its definitely quite unique and lots of changes could have happened in the 250 years. However I think the main intrest in getting to Cantha is the areas outside of Kaineng. I would absolutely love a return to Cantha to see all of it again.

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I wasn't a fan of GW1 Cantha either - I found the environment design far too monotonous and didn't enjoy how gated the areas were compared to Prophecies. The story was also the weakest of the GW1 releases. But it has a huge amount of potential, so I'd quite like to see what the GW2 team could do with it.

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Yeah the big city feeling is nice. With the different maps. I liked games like singleplayer offline Neverwinter nights for example where the main city also was made up of different parts. Feels bigger than some small 1-map city.

Main problem I have is that it feels a bit random. Suddeny some better looking buildings in the mids of all the wooden crap.

How Cantha changed might depend on the access to technology I guess. From what I have read the access to Eye of the North (which introduced Asura) was available from all major 3 campaigns? (So Canthans might have had contact with Asura and their technology?)

(Regarding story: So far I liked the way the story-tellilng got changed from just mission after mission - with quests in between and locking later areas before you did earlier stuff. Also directly an introductory cutscene when entering a new mission outpost. Feels like they made a big improvement. Togo is nice. Other than that it doesn't seem a lot worse than prophecies but also not better. I also don't think Prophecies campaign was great. But I'm glad Lion's Arch changed a lot and we have Divinity's reach. Prettey big difference in technoloy and the old stuff seemed more boring.)

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@KidRoleplay.3615 said:That multileveled, slummy, rundown city was, at the time, the most unique environment I had ever seen in a fantasy MMO. I wanted and still want to see Kaineng City 2.0. Sure it's nostalgia talking, but every game has a forest region, snow region, desert, etc. Not only was it way different, but you could actually feel the places popularity issues and poverty issues.

Right? The slums were my favourite part of GW1. They were so interesting, the atmosphere felt so strange and bleak. The way the dirty slums towered around you as you wandered the plague ridden city was incredible. And venturing deeper down into the depths of the slum was a cool feeling.

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@"Luthan.5236" said:I have to say: I like asian styled buildings. And I just started to play GW1 - the campaigns in release order. Atm in Kaineng city and I don't know about the 2 later big regions still to explore. The island was beautiful yeah.

But that city ... wow most of the time it looks like waltking through slums. Even on the way to that temple where I am now ...I don't know ... if the major city didn't change a lot (which could be possible) in the years between GW1 and GW2 I would not want that one back.

I'm curious to see how much that has changed in the last 250 years, and if it hasn't.. oh well.Sure much of Kaining city does look like a slum.. but take a good long look at just how insanely massive that city actually is.It's a wonder in it's own right and whether it's changed or not I would love to see it and experience it in Gw2.There is nothing even remotely like it in the game so far.

(Some people in GW2 even complained about the old LA - which I liked - where I guess they did not like the wood structures. New LA looks more modern. Imagine those people visiting the Kaineng areas from GW1. They'd immediately quit playing. :D)

I didn't like old LA, not because of the wood structures but just because it looked like a junk yard.LA was once the pride of Kryta and I felt that turning it into a junkyard for dead ships just didn't do it justice.Sure there are reasonable criticisms of the current LA as well but overall I massively prefer the one we have now to the trash heap we had before.

Also I heard the plot was pretty boring. (So far I like it but the factions stuff from what I have read - will only get important for me soon not yet there - seem boring. I guess it was mainly interesting because of PvP that was centered around them?)

Opinions vary on that one, Personally I loved the Canthan storyline, loved the regions, loved the different factions and all the other unique things that made Cantha stand out above the other games.

So ... I don't see a need for Cantha atm. Previously when I read about "asian style" and did not play GW1 yet I always hoped for Cantha. After visiting Kaineng I don't want it anymore. :D

Kaineng is only one part of the map, Once you get out of the city you get treated to other beautiful regions like the frozen Jade Sea and the petrified Echovald Forest.

Another thing to note that all the anti Cantha players always overlook is that in Gw1 we ONLY! got to explore the northern territories of Cantha.We now know from the world map that there is a large Southen region of the continent too and what we got to play in Gw1 wasn't even half of the continent.There are plenty of new, never before seen places to explore on Cantha as well as Tyria and Elona, and unlike many of the world map locations others want to go to, Cantha has a very strong foundation of lore to build on so Anet doesn't have to start from scratch like they would if we went somewhere totally new.

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If we can't get Cantha I do want another cityscape map. That is the missing environment I'd like to see added next in GW2. Cantha remains my preference but I want a new map that is not jungle, dessert or snow. I enjoyed Grothmar because it wasn't any of those but I really want a city map like Kaining and the areas around it in GW1.

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@Dami.5046 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Nostalgia.

yes. Why is that considered an insult these days?Asking for a friend.

Not intended as an insult or at least by me. I use that as people tend to only focus on the good and ignore the bad when thinking back on past content. Also, why do we have to regurgitate previous content instead of going somewhere completely new? If GW1 did not have Cantha, would players even be asking for something similar to be released into GW2?

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Nostalgia.

yes. Why is that considered an insult these days?Asking for a friend.

Not intended as an insult or at least by me. I use that as people tend to only focus on the good and ignore the bad when thinking back on past content. Also, why do we have to regurgitate previous content instead of going somewhere completely new? If GW1 did not have Cantha, would players even be asking for something similar to be released into GW2?

Focusing on the good seems appropriate, on topic, when the question was why some people liked Cantha. I enjoyed Cantha, Kaineng and the Echovald Forest in particular, but that doesnt mean that I think the Factions campaign was without fault. Its not nostalgia, just actual enjoyment of the product.

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@"Luthan.5236" said:I have to say: I like asian styled buildings. And I just started to play GW1 - the campaigns in release order. Atm in Kaineng city and I don't know about the 2 later big regions still to explore. The island was beautiful yeah.

But that city ... wow most of the time it looks like waltking through slums. Even on the way to that temple where I am now ...I don't know ... if the major city didn't change a lot (which could be possible) in the years between GW1 and GW2 I would not want that one back.

(Some people in GW2 even complained about the old LA - which I liked - where I guess they did not like the wood structures. New LA looks more modern. Imagine those people visiting the Kaineng areas from GW1. They'd immediately quit playing. :D)

Also I heard the plot was pretty boring. (So far I like it but the factions stuff from what I have read - will only get important for me soon not yet there - seem boring. I guess it was mainly interesting because of PvP that was centered around them?)

So ... I don't see a need for Cantha atm. Previously when I read about "asian style" and did not play GW1 yet I always hoped for Cantha. After visiting Kaineng I don't want it anymore. :D

Of course this is coming from someone who has not actually played through GW1 Cantha.

Bro do you even know what a Shiro is yet?

That's all ll I need to add here.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Nostalgia.

yes. Why is that considered an insult these days?Asking for a friend.

Not intended as an insult or at least by me. I use that as people tend to only focus on the good and ignore the bad when thinking back on past content. Also, why do we have to regurgitate previous content instead of going somewhere completely new? If GW1 did not have Cantha, would players even be asking for something similar to be released into GW2?

Focusing on the good seems appropriate, on topic, when the question was why some people liked Cantha. I enjoyed Cantha, Kaineng and the Echovald Forest in particular, but that doesnt mean that I think the Factions campaign was without fault. Its not nostalgia, just actual enjoyment of the product.

What you described is nostalgia.

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yes. Why is that considered an insult these days?Asking for a friend.

Not intended as an insult or at least by me. I use that as people tend to only focus on the good and ignore the bad when thinking back on past content. Also, why do we have to regurgitate previous content instead of going somewhere completely new? If GW1 did not have Cantha, would players even be asking for something similar to be released into GW2?

Focusing on the good seems appropriate, on topic, when the question was why some people liked Cantha. I enjoyed Cantha, Kaineng and the Echovald Forest in particular, but that doesnt mean that I think the Factions campaign was without fault. Its not nostalgia, just actual enjoyment of the product.

What you described is nostalgia.


I like strawberry icecream...is that nostalgia?

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for me, i love Catha for its main city theme.

aka, a tribute to Kowloon Walled City. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kowloon_Walled_City

where the roads are basically roofs of buildings, and the actual ground is so far below. its a bit like Coresaunt in Star Wars.

what dangers, secrets, and threats hide below in the dark underbelly of the city, so far below it never sees the light. what remnants of the plague or disease survive.

i actually wrote 2 idea storyboards for this. with the idea being Zhaitan "lived" though insanely wounded, and reawoken the disease from GW1 Factions.



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