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What is coming after the Icebrood Saga?


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@perilisk.1874 said:

@Sarrs.4831 said:The Sunbrood Saga

Relax on the beach and drink martinis with little umbrellas in them.Destroy castles built by the Sand Legion.Defeat the seventh and most powerful Elder Dragon, the Inflatable Dragon.Something something Inquest.

New gemstore items: bathing suits, special dives to use with diving goggles.

Oh, beach chairs too, how could I forget?

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They have divided the map in several domains for the dragons.Orr for Zhaithan, Maguuma for Mordry, Far shiverpeaks is Jormag and Crystal Desert kralky. No much regions left, either primordius is woodland cascade or scavenger causeway which I doubt.

My plot: ls5: Bangar and Ryland go ask sons of svanir how strong Jojo is. They are corrupted and become one of Jormag generals. We find the guild of Braham and vigil in shiverpeaks to help us, but maybe whispers and priory are here too.Bangar is killed because he is crazy. Thanks to the power of Necrozma hmm Aurene, Ryland corruption is siphoned away.

BUT while we were occupied here, the separatists and renegade destroyed grotar valley. 3/4 of peoples are dead. Some flame legion members were renegade, thev've burnt everything. The blood keep is under siege from outside but also from inside.

Like it wasn't enough, two others factions gain in power: Centaurs and Inquest.Centaur affirm themselves in the north of harathi hinterlands, more rude than ever, enslavement is growing in a very big forced work camp.

Meanwhile, the red and black inquisition is angry, more and more dragons are dead and so less and less subjects. They are planning to harness Aurene power, weaponize it. With all the knowledge they have, they try to create an artificial dragon. Coming closer to Gorrik asking him in which camp he is. They protect jormag at all costs.

Now that the north is done, it's the end. Apart if they are decided to add deep sea dragon in the south.

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No matter what comes, Anet will probably think of new ways to hype it to the max. This will then generate excitement and anticipation that will build to fever pitch.Personally, just enjoy the current offering and hope for the best.

_Hype:Noun - Promotion or propaganda; especially exaggerated claims.

Verb - (transitive) To promote heavily; to advertise or build up._

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  • 4 months later...

Since the thread was nerco'ed:

In all seriousness, all we got left for a species focused season is the Asura and that... if things remain the same as they have been... means Primordus.

Personally I currently love the idea that Jormag knows going head to head with the Commander is going to get her killed so she's trying to undermine them. I'd love to see the other remaining dragons take a similar approach. It'd be pretty easy too. Primordus can just tell the council of Rata Sum: "Feed me. Protect me. And I will let you study me. I'll tell you were the secrets of the ages are hidden underground. I will tell you the history of a world far older than you suspect." And if they didn't bite the Inquest certainly would.

And if not Primordus maybe this is what Steve has been doing in Cantha all along and he has spent all of this time just sadly shaking his head at the aggressive foolishness of his siblings.

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After this we'll get a DSD themed story, where the Canthan empire will pose as the primary antagonist.After dealing with the Canthan empire and allying with the DSD, we only have Primordius left.That's when the Inquest take command. They'll invite Rata Sum to join their ranks (though it's more of a demand than an invitation) and they'll count on the commander to the break Primordius so they can take full command over the eternal alchemy and pose as the penultimate antagonist, with a sneak reveal of Rodgort being the ultimate villain all along, guiding the humans to this world, stirring the elder dragons, waiting for someone to break the veil between the mists and Kryta.

Oops.. did i spoil too much?

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If it isn't Bubbles and Cantha, I'd rather have something wacky like visiting a new place in the mists instead of Primordus. Maybe something utilizing some of the concept art from Utopia. Or, something completely far away on Tyria that hasn't been explored before. New cultures and new species.

But I think they could do some really crazy cool stuff in an off-Tyria location. Some really high-fantasy stuff that they may not be able to do within the confines of Tyria's geography or existing lore. Idk.

They did really well with Tangled Depths, so I think they could pull of an Underworld expansion themed around Primordus, but I feel like Primordus himself is just kind of boring. Especially with his primary domain being lava/fire and no that unusual from other dragons. With Jormag and Bubbles, and the others, we have dragons that cause destruction through other means than just burning. Primordus can shift through the earth and engulf the world in flames, or even deconstruct the world in a sense. But Jormag can only freeze it. Zhaitan can just infest it with rot and shroud it in death. Mordremoth can cause rampant growth. Kralk - make it inhabitable due to lightning and brand.

I guess they all could theoretically, ignoring their part in the All and the imbalance, destroy the actual planet of Tyria, but the others are just more interesting. Honestly I find Kralk and Primordus the least interesting in terms of their spheres of influence. Exploring the old asuran cities could be cool, but I feel like there's less to work outside of Dwarven/Asuran history. Plus, I really hate dredge-focused maps.

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@hugo.4705 said:They have divided the map in several domains for the dragons.Orr for Zhaithan, Maguuma for Mordry, Far shiverpeaks is Jormag and Crystal Desert kralky. No much regions left, either primordius is woodland cascade or scavenger causeway which I doubt.

My plot: ls5: Bangar and Ryland go ask sons of svanir how strong Jojo is. They are corrupted and become one of Jormag generals. We find the guild of Braham and vigil in shiverpeaks to help us, but maybe whispers and priory are here too.Bangar is killed because he is crazy. Thanks to the power of Necrozma hmm Aurene, Ryland corruption is siphoned away.

BUT while we were occupied here, the separatists and renegade destroyed grotar valley. 3/4 of peoples are dead. Some flame legion members were renegade, thev've burnt everything. The blood keep is under siege from outside but also from inside.

Like it wasn't enough, two others factions gain in power: Centaurs and Inquest.Centaur affirm themselves in the north of harathi hinterlands, more rude than ever, enslavement is growing in a very big forced work camp.

Meanwhile, the red and black inquisition is angry, more and more dragons are dead and so less and less subjects. They are planning to harness Aurene power, weaponize it. With all the knowledge they have, they try to create an artificial dragon. Coming closer to Gorrik asking him in which camp he is. They protect jormag at all costs.

Now that the north is done, it's the end. Apart if they are decided to add deep sea dragon in the south.

Primordus is just underneath. I feel like he has to worry a little less about regions and dragon territories since he's kind of underground. We have the battledepths up in the far shiverpeaks stretching all the way down to Mount Maelstrom, still kind of staying near the shiverpeaks. Then the fire island chain.

I wouldn't be surprised to find him and Steve fighting over some magic remnants at Dragonfall or something. It's funny that Ice and Fire neutralize each other, but we don't really know anything about Steve. You would they would counter each other too.

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Well Primordius cover majority of Tyria and can be anywhere, there are destroyers in brisban (skrittbourg), kessex isles (near dominion of winds wall), metrica province (calx hideout), but also yeah some shiverpeaks and mount maelstrom/ring of fire. And so wouldn't be surprising to affect woodlands. I also think Primordius is the biggest dragon and can easily occupy that "sea" under southsun cove, joining it with rata sum and Orr. In ls3, it was draconis mons, who knows where it is now.

There is a region of Tyria called "not real" it picked my interest, can be a good place for something mist based. The name sounds like a gate to hell.

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About Inquest there is too much embroidery around it. Long story short, for me it's just an organization that founded itself to profoundly hate Elder dragons. Since the Incident of Quora Sum, they simply thought nothing and nobody will ever tell them what to do again.

It's concordant imho, they messed with draconic essences in CoE, they managed to control risen in Arah, they explored maguuma jungle before us and recovered all they wanted, they did the same for Rata Arcanum. So they brought back rata novan datas and golems to Rata Primus. Where they discovered how to control branded, how to communicate to minions (control them remotely) and even developing the DERVS. Dragon Elimination Raid Vehicles. They also developed semi-sentient golems to send less troops to the front: Exerminator/Ballista/Phalanx marks. They are surely aware of the fire weakness of Jormag and surely have more data about destroyers.Of course, they have a lab in far shiverpeaks, even if it's just a field camp like Test bed zeleph in Arah. And of course they surely have an aquabase somewhere for DSD.They are just currently portrayed as the team rocket who always fail, where they are similar to the commander and the pact: Crazy psychos wanting to kill dragons.It may explain why they keep saying things like "For the good of our race" they simply reject recruiting other than asura maybe because only them can know about the past and the events who happened. I have reasons to think that if there is no dragons anymore, Inquest will dissolve. I suspect them to have one main goal, one of those two:1- Gather as much knowledge as they can and protect it at all cost. (Frustration of losing everything at Quora Sum and other subcities)2- Kill every elder dragon. (Profound hate due to the past)

Note they had the possibility to rule the world in the past with Aetherblades, they had their own airships, they didn't do anything. Even if some of their extremists say "we should rule the world" I don't think they want to. Maybe they thought like Gorr, but instead of saying it publicly, they decided to act against them without saying anything.Kinda strange, somehow, they are aware of their past, Rata Primus has anti-airship lasers and they have holographic fighters, just like in Aetherpath. Even the PA holograms are reused but no airships?

So for the future, I think it's enough of seeing them as baddies, they are more neutral, we even have Gorrik with us that is maybe playing double game and having communications with superiors/colleagues. Security cameras and log exist. Every base from them have a camera if you pay attention. I bet somebody since Rata Primus has searched the resource "Gorrik". They know where DSD is, they could simply lead us here and let us finishing it. Same for Primordius, my guess is they are already seeking in caverns and investigating.

Want more of bandits, nightmare court, flame legion.....

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Had a better idea: Antipode Commander

For the past eight years the peoples on the opposite side of the planet of Tyria have been suffering terribly as their magic-dependent societies fall apart due to Tyria's magical balance going insane. A great hero gathers friends to go on a quest to find a cause and a solution. Through their adventures they discover that madmen with magitech on the other side of the planet have been greatly endangering the world by killing elder dragons!

They gather an army unlike the world has seen before and they begin the long march to put an end to this threat to reality...

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My dream arc for the game is we learn that the rumblings from the sea around launch were from a war between Cantha and the Deep Sea Dragon, who had woken up at the time. Except, Cantha actually won and managed to not only subdue the dragon, but to use it as a power source for their civilization. And since then, they've advanced well beyond the rest of the world technologically but have isolated themselves because of the instability of their situation.

The arc would begin with a civil war between the Luxons who wish to keep the unstable power of the dragon to Cantha, and the Kurzicks who believe the situation to be a problem that requires outside help to resolve without disaster. A war between the factions within the region destabilizes their hold on the Deep Sea Dragon, who breaks free and plunges Cantha into a three-way conflict.

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