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anet's vision of the game


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The player garden/ascended seeds. What a mess... This is shared, that is not... This replants daily, that doesn't. Working one way for over a week. Changes the next week. Then other purchased items/glyphs are disabled the next week. As if changing the garden plots wasn't enough.

All for busy work?

I might be confusing vision with foresight.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Knighthonor.4061 said:Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.

WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added.
Mounts actually made WvW more popular.
...i laughed so hard when i read that. I truly did.(yeah, it did made WvW more populated. For a week.)

it was dead before mounts and dead after. Mounts had nothing to do with that. WvW is like Whose Line Is It Anyway
Points dont matter and there are no winners or losers. Thats why WvW is dead. Its mindless fighting and Structure trading with no real goal. Again Mounts had nothing to do with that since WvW was on a major decline prior. Mounts actually reduced that decline.

So... you actually haven’t been watching the population levels for worlds have you... maybe @c space cowboy.2764

Could provide you with the most updated list of populations from the last 6 months..

Or just go back into this thread :
And look for the picture from the wiki that has been updated..

Say what you will but mounts certainly didn’t lead to a population increase.

And honestly, it’s bleak.

Sorry bud, I'm done tracking wvw population. I've moved on. It's obvious nothing's going to change so I'm putting my efforts into a different game.

But. Last update that I saw. 1 full server na. 2 EU. Both had 5/6 full at beginning of year.

26 wvw guilds in total have quit the game. Not just game mode. Game.

Last straw for me was the abomination they are shilling called build templates. Gw1 and arcdps was so much better.


Hit me up on cancercord if yall try AA:U.

And before the typical posts of give me your stuff, no. Buy it yourself.

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@Hyper Cutter.9376 said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:oh come on, there are still plenty of roamers around. mounts stomped their 'lets camp spawn and gank everybody coming out' fun for a while. Otherwise there was no change for roaming whatsoever.Yeah, this. All the warclaw really did was deprive gankers of easy kills (since would-be victims now had a fighting chance to escape instead of just being butchered), so naturally they
it. Actual taking-objectives roaming is more or less unchanged.

well if you play only to actually take objectives, and kill tons of npc in empty camps, sure the game is awesome, tons of fun, as i stated before, i play in ferguson crossing, t1 till it think last week, and i see no fights on the map whatsoever, only in keeps and towers, and i was against blackgate every week, those fellas put alarm clocks on their freaking camps, yet you never see them, why? because they run in groups of no less than 3, eat any camp or tower in a second and vanish to the next one.sometimes they don't even give us time to reach bay or hills before they can capture it and dissapear so imagine how fast they eat camps

i mean if what i'd like is to fight brainless npc and washed out elites all day long i'd be in pve don't you agree?

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

warclaws in wvw without thinking how it would affect community-after years of wvwers asking please not to add mounts in game you did anyways, killing roaming in this game,

Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.

WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. Mounts actually made WvW more popular.

Stop just stop, I cant stop laughting ?

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I don't think Anet has a clear vision of what the game (or the WvW game mode should be), and part of the problem is they keep listening to the wrong people when it comes to any type of balance changes. I've heard many people say they causing a power creep in order to sell more PoF expacs, but lets think about this for a second. All PoF spec's have been decimated except for 1, the firebrand. For whatever reason, this class has been allowed to run amok, and completely untouched. I suspect many of the complaints going against other classes and calling for nerfs have been coming from firebrands/guardians, and to a lesser extent warriors.

The meta basically is comprised of 4 classes:

Firebrand (Pof) - completely untouched and is solely responsible for the stale meta we have currentlyScourges (Pof) - Gutted patch after patch when players still havnt figured out the shades aren't the problem, it's the fact their being hit by many people at onceHerald (HoT) - Still the highest damage spiking class bar none, and even more-so carrying a banner (for those who know what they're doing)Scrapper (Hot) - Despite nerfs, are still wanted in parties.

Then we have:

Soulbeast/Druid - Both nerfed repeatedly and completely uncalled for. Why have another option for a healer when we can all be pigeon-holed into Firebrand?Mirage/Chrono - Mirage only used in WvW for griefing, while Chrono allegedly a shell of it's former self in groups. Why another option when we can use Firebrand again?Weaver/Tempest - We rarely see Weaver's anymore due to retaliation (thanks again to the Guardian), and Tempest more useful for party supportDeadeye/Daredevil - They can't even step into WvW without a tsunami of complaints, but again, we see more daredevils in WvW as is

If Anet is trying to push PoF sales, they certainly aren't doing a good job, they basically destroyed every spec except for firebrand. The game mine as well be called Guardian or Firebrand wars 2. The best thing Anet could do at the moment is revert all the changes scene in the last balance update, then completely gut the Guardian. Remove everything they have and make them party-stab bots and moderate healers, and that's it. Take absolutely everything else away from them so that other classes can step forward.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@Knighthonor.4061 said:Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.

WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added.
Mounts actually made WvW more popular.
...i laughed so hard when i read that. I truly did.(yeah, it did made WvW more populated. For a week.)

it was dead before mounts and dead after. Mounts had nothing to do with that. WvW is like Whose Line Is It Anyway
Points dont matter and there are no winners or losers. Thats why WvW is dead. Its mindless fighting and Structure trading with no real goal. Again Mounts had nothing to do with that since WvW was on a major decline prior. Mounts actually reduced that decline.

In fairness, the points don't matter because of coverage gaps. Why bother trying to win if when your populated timezone logs out (People have lives outside of the game!), your opponents would just rack up points by capturing your defenseless structures. All because their side has more coverage than yours. This has been the case for years, only exacerbated by more and more people quitting game mode because of bugs, balance patches and questionable decisions by the developers.

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@kraai.7265 said:warclaws in wvw without thinking how it would affect community-after years of wvwers asking please not to add mounts in game you did anyways, killing roaming in this game, as we told you it would, [...]

And yet, strangely, since I joined WvW a little over a year ago, I don't see less activity in WvW. If anything, I see more activity. I see new players (easily recognizable, bc they lack the warclaw). Even outside reset I see queues on several maps, sometimes every map. I see huge battles all around.Excuse me if I don't share your feeling that the warclaw has hurt WvW.

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I wanted to quit WvW after 2 year plus and then they announced mount in WvW and Warclaw brought me back into the game. But i never expected ANet to nerf it into uselessness in just 7 months.

With the last patch, the Warclaw has lost all its originally intended purposes. It's not a War Cat anymore but more like a white elephant. Yes, I have stopped playing this game since the crippling patch. I gave up on ANet, just like those developers who left the company.

And obviously ANet has no visions, otherwise they would not have listened to a small group of noisy forum veterans and forget about the other 90%.

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@Mil.3562 said:I wanted to quit WvW after 2 year plus and then they announced mount in WvW and Warclaw brought me back into the game. But i never expected ANet to nerf it into uselessness in just 7 months.

With the last patch, the Warclaw has lost all its originally intended purposes. It's not a War Cat anymore but more like a white elephant. Yes, I have stopped playing this game since the crippling patch. I gave up on ANet, just like those developers who left the company.

And obviously ANet has no visions, otherwise they would not have listened to a small group of noisy forum veterans and forget about the other 90%.Yeah, no. I'm all for Warclaw, but presently it's not needed nor wanted because there are other pressing issues. If they made new maps meant for traversing it, like PoF-like BIGMCLARGEHUGE maps with more objectives to attack or defend than we currently have, then Warclaw would definitely have its place within the game mode. When the mount was implemented, it was already piss-easy and quick to go from point A to B to avoid fighting or hiding within structures.

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Wish they would redo this quarterly and share honestly. I believe they don't since posters will go to the "Soon" emote. But a general roadmap ongoing would be a nice to have.

Ask yourself how they got the soon emote in first place. Yup by not sharing anything..

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@DeadlySynz.3471 said:I don't think Anet has a clear vision of what the game (or the WvW game mode should be), and part of the problem is they keep listening to the wrong people when it comes to any type of balance changes. I've heard many people say they causing a power creep in order to sell more PoF expacs, but lets think about this for a second. All PoF spec's have been decimated except for 1, the firebrand. For whatever reason, this class has been allowed to run amok, and completely untouched. I suspect many of the complaints going against other classes and calling for nerfs have been coming from firebrands/guardians, and to a lesser extent warriors.

The meta basically is comprised of 4 classes:

Firebrand (Pof) - completely untouched and is solely responsible for the stale meta we have currentlyScourges (Pof) - Gutted patch after patch when players still havnt figured out the shades aren't the problem, it's the fact their being hit by many people at onceHerald (HoT) - Still the highest damage spiking class bar none, and even more-so carrying a banner (for those who know what they're doing)Scrapper (Hot) - Despite nerfs, are still wanted in parties.

Then we have:

Soulbeast/Druid - Both nerfed repeatedly and completely uncalled for. Why have another option for a healer when we can all be pigeon-holed into Firebrand?Mirage/Chrono - Mirage only used in WvW for griefing, while Chrono allegedly a shell of it's former self in groups. Why another option when we can use Firebrand again?Weaver/Tempest - We rarely see Weaver's anymore due to retaliation (thanks again to the Guardian), and Tempest more useful for party supportDeadeye/Daredevil - They can't even step into WvW without a tsunami of complaints, but again, we see more daredevils in WvW as is

If Anet is trying to push PoF sales, they certainly aren't doing a good job, they basically destroyed every spec except for firebrand. The game mine as well be called Guardian or Firebrand wars 2. The best thing Anet could do at the moment is revert all the changes scene in the last balance update, then completely gut the Guardian. Remove everything they have and make them party-stab bots and moderate healers, and that's it. Take absolutely everything else away from them so that other classes can step forward.

Just curious, what specific changed do you want to see to Firebrand?

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:oh come on, there are still plenty of roamers around. mounts stomped their 'lets camp spawn and gank everybody coming out' fun for a while. Otherwise there was no change for roaming whatsoever.

and now with lance, they can play their ganking game again.

I did not think that mounts were a good idea - but really? They ARE. Because of running around for ages to get back to your group, the fight, the FUN, you get their quickly and can do whatever you want. Hm, fight or slowly trodding across a map, what is more fun?

I agree with the mounts allowing quicker access to the zerg sites but the issue was u now had a large map with very little going on anywhere on the maps other than at the zergs location due to the mounts allowing players to quickly get to that location. Before the mounts u never knew what ud come across or against during the travel back ti the fight adding more dynamics and variety to the game mode. U could come come across a solo opponent or small group on way back to their zerg or maybe they got distracted or side tract themselves or maybe they're a dreaded roamers lol, now 80% of the maps are empty cuz everyone travels to the zerg site in under a minute lol

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@Magnus Godrik.5841 said:You do know that the playerbase doesn't always know whats good for the game.

But wvw playerbase do know what's betterHave you seen dev streams in wvw? those guys look like complete noobs who just got installed the gameAnd most of the changes we were against turn out hurting the game, one by onePlus tons of changes in wvw are either to monetize it, but who would pay for a crappy service, or pve centric...

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@Obtena.7952 said:I love how the request for a roadmap always reveals the true intention of the poster's disapproval of the game. So let's talk about that Warclaw again. Clever.

@nthmetal.9652 said:

@"kraai.7265" said:warclaws in wvw without thinking how it would affect community-after years of wvwers asking please not to add mounts in game you did anyways, killing roaming in this game, as we told you it would, [...]

And yet, strangely, since I joined WvW a little over a year ago, I don't see less activity in WvW. If anything, I see more activity. I see new players (easily recognizable, bc they lack the warclaw). Even outside reset I see queues on several maps, sometimes every map. I see huge battles all around.Excuse me if I don't share your feeling that the warclaw has hurt WvW.

"And yet, strangely, since I joined WvW a little over a year ago,"m8 i've been in wvw for 5 years, this game is a shell of what it was, and i know, as several other "veterans", we won't never see the amount of players we once saw, back at pre hot, or hot post patch, not even if they merge every server possible. Those were the golden eras, i feel pitty for every pvp oriented player that joined this game at pof launch

plus not only population decreased, but the mentality of players became so lame in the past year, specially because of warclaws, back in the day every fight was interesting, most if not all players gave all or nothing, and went for the fight even if it was risky, now they gave us a freaking cat to get right back into the action, but people prefer to do all they can NOT to die and avoid/stall fights until they outnumber you, either that or they just run and hide inside castles/towers and spam siege (i call this blackgate style), this game is a joke of what it used to be, so much catering finally payed

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