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What are your top 3 classes you think are OP or are lowkey OP?

Crab Fear.1624

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@guest.9472 said:there is no op class. only the player who matters. and there is one player in particular who is quite volatile, to say the least.

Well, tbh I was playing against a helio alt on the holo recently so I guess I can take that one off the list.

Edit: I have stood in the shadow of others, but since have grown. 1 kick 10,000 times is better than 10,000 1 time.

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Holo and condi daredevil.

They're pretty much the go to class if you want to queue unranked and wipe most of the team. Little counterplay involved. Especially condi daredevil. It's always been bad, and the recent patch has only made them stronger. So great job, balance team.

Holo is better without shockwave, but it still does way too high of damage for the sustain that it has, coupled with lockdowns.

Other than that, I can't anything really stands out. Mesmer could get knocked down to 1 phantasm and 3 weapon skills and people would still complain about it. Sure, it's easy and can be annoying, but it's nowhere near as bad as it once was. Aside from a people I've seen playing that seem to have endless ambush attacks, dodges, and spit out phantasms and clones faster than I imagine you should technically be able to without somekind of 3rd party mod.

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I would say "bruisers" are over the top, its mostly combination of high HP pool, toughtness, protection, way to recover health and big damage due to constant 15-25 stacks of might.

I would say holo is number 1 broken in this aspectfollowed by core warrior/spb -> broken similarlyand then soulbeast -> i would be content if they at least fixed their pets, having them walk through walls, and follow people in stealth is yikes, they also just sometimes teleport to you and attack you -.-, having gazele desync, teleport to you and charge for 15k is retarded.

over all these builds are supposed to be hard to kill/get down, but are supposed to be slowish, telegraphed.but due to quickness spam + prot + easy recover + 15-25 perma might, they move fast, hit fast, hit STRONG and are tanky as one hell.holo chunks people for 50-80% from stealthwar just has to land 3-4 abilities to win, meanwhile he can take 50 and recover due to shouts or just almost perma evading and insane recovery.soulbeast just whittles you down from range + with pet, most fights against them they preety much use signed, kite, block, dodge, stealth, preety much dont fight back and get you killed with gazele that can hit for 10-15k, maul lands for 5-10k too, low cd, BIG dmg on almost everything.

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@"Leonidrex.5649" said:I would say "bruisers" are over the top, its mostly combination of high HP pool, toughtness, protection, way to recover health and big damage due to constant 15-25 stacks of might.

I would say holo is number 1 broken in this aspectfollowed by core warrior/spb -> broken similarlyand then soulbeast -> i would be content if they at least fixed their pets, having them walk through walls, and follow people in stealth is yikes, they also just sometimes teleport to you and attack you -.-, having gazele desync, teleport to you and charge for 15k is kitten.

over all these builds are supposed to be hard to kill/get down, but are supposed to be slowish, telegraphed.but due to quickness spam + prot + easy recover + 15-25 perma might, they move fast, hit fast, hit STRONG and are tanky as one hell.holo chunks people for 50-80% from stealthwar just has to land 3-4 abilities to win, meanwhile he can take 50 and recover due to shouts or just almost perma evading and insane recovery.soulbeast just whittles you down from range + with pet, most fights against them they preety much use signed, kite, block, dodge, stealth, preety much dont fight back and get you killed with gazele that can hit for 10-15k, maul lands for 5-10k too, low cd, BIG dmg on almost everything.

Agree to most of this but i would put Condithieves clearly before everything else, even slightly before Holo. They have the most unbalanced skill lvl- reward relation atm. FB i would put on the list too.

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I agree, condi is getting a little out of control. It's spammy and easy to land, which is not the same as power damage. I don't understand why they're constantly compared.

Other than the bursts of condi every 5-10 sec, Holo is OP purely because of their tremendous sustain. Mirage was similar back in its hayday. Too many ways to disengage and higher invuln than most due to dodging.Holo is the other side of the coin. Shrink invuln for escape, stealth, easy healing with vigor and heat therapy, which is higher than other classes that have to spec healing power, and if they're running shield, just give up.

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1) Condi Mirage2) Rampage sb/core/tactics war3) Reaper/Core necro

2 and 3 have easy access to 25 might and can often win fights by landing some lucky crit of 7k+ regardless of level of toughness

1...does not need introduction

Core necro...the fear/boon rip chain can be extremely hard to deal with, close to impossible in some case, you just get condi bombed/feared to death

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Holo cause insane mobility, disengage, boon uptime, sustain, damage, cc... just why?

Rampage sb/core warrior because extremely high might uptime + sustain and then rampage on top of that...

Condi Mirage not because it’s overpowered per say but because infinite horizon is wayyy too passive gameplay for how much damage it does

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Apart from the obvious rampage Holo etc

1 Core Ranger, gazelle specifically2 core warrior with tactics.3 hybrid Firebrand

i'd agree with your number 1 there, tho funny thing is, i have had ppl cry to me so much on start of a match cuz i played core ranger and was throwing on purpose :)loads of ppl underestimate how strong/op this one is

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@Ashkew.6584 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Apart from the obvious rampage Holo etc

1 Core Ranger, gazelle specifically2 core warrior with tactics.3 hybrid Firebrand

i'd agree with your number 1 there, tho funny thing is, i have had ppl cry to me so much on start of a match cuz i played core ranger and was throwing on purpose :)loads of ppl underestimate how strong/op this one is

People will always complain about ranger because he's deemed unfair to fight for some backward reason , although Anet is well aware of ranger's concept and they're happy with the unique role they cover albeit some OP mishapes from time to time. I suggest new rangers to always become adept with all weapon skills/pet/traits.

The class is constantly on the chopping board..but finds always a way to stay relevant, a combination of medium armor/health and dmg coefficients makes sure the class doesn't become too UP when the nerfs start raining.

People hate rangers, not as much as thieves and mesmers..but still hate

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@Arheundel.6451 said:1) Condi Mirage2) Rampage sb/core/tactics war3) Reaper/Core necro

2 and 3 have easy access to 25 might and can often win fights by landing some lucky crit of 7k+ regardless of level of toughness

1...does not need introduction

Core necro...the fear/boon rip chain can be extremely hard to deal with, close to impossible in some case, you just get condi bombed/feared to death

Idk fam, despite all their boon rip and might and quickness uptime, it'd take me much more to list necromancer or any of its specs here. Too telegraphed, lacks mobility to hang with thieves, holo and mesmers.

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