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Where's the Hype?

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@Neo Mortem.3627 said:So, eight days left... We only know that Raven is the new mastery line but don't know what it does. We know the Boneskinner will more than likely be in the episode. What does it do? What sort of content is ANet hoping to release with the saga to generate hype that makes it so different than a season?

I'll reserve my final judgment for the end of the saga/season. It's too early to tell any difference (if there is one). So let's wait and see.

As for the hype, the prologue certainly didn't generate any, but perhaps the upcoming episode will.

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@Vayne.8563 said:

@Dante.1508 said:Its a living world.. I'm not hyped sorry..

Its more filler, more grinds, more currencies i don't want to chase, More specs to overpower the old ones, more mounts to make the old ones obsolete, more cash shop gems stuff and very little actual story.. Sorry if its negative but its how i feel about newer Guildwars 2 content.

And I wouldn't be hyped for another raid, or a new fractal or some PvP map. That's how it works. I'm guessing there are more people playing Living World maps and enjoying them than there are raiding or PvPing (and perhaps raiding and PvPing).

Sure not everyone is enthused with the living world, but for some people, that's their main game.

Only because we are forced to go there due to currencies.. I doubt many would bother if those weren't there after the story.

@Dante.1508 said:Its a living world.. I'm not hyped sorry..

Its more filler, more grinds, more currencies i don't want to chase, More specs to overpower the old ones, more mounts to make the old ones obsolete, more cash shop gems stuff and very little actual story.. Sorry if its negative but its how i feel about newer Guildwars 2 content.

Agree. People always think more things are coming the 'next' episode or the 'next' saga but ANET seems to have established that nothing new or great is coming ANYTIME soon. I think people are settling for an under-performing game right now.I actually miss the old ANET up to HoT...even though it seemed like a dumpster fire at times...it was far better then than it is now. Same ol same ol.

Agreed its a large dose of becareful what you wish for imo.. Sure new content is great but the way Anet sets it up to be yet another epic korean style grind is not what i look forward too.. Its not why i started playing Guildwars, i joined Guildwars to actually avoid the standard mmo trope.. Now its literally becoming WoW with a different skin.

Well, I don't know that that's true. You're certainly not forced to do anything in Grothmar, but it's busy all the time. I think there are far more achievement point hunters out there, and people who play open world content than you think. In fact, I'd wager that rewards being equal, far more people would play open world than raiding or PvP and maybe both combined.

Saying we're only doing it for rewards is like saying everyone is only raiding for legendary armor. Some people only raid because they want legendary armor, that's true. But it's not most of the raiding community I think.

If your on a good raid team you clear the raids monday and then wait for next monday if raiding is all you did.So ofcourse open world will have more people playing it you can do it solo all day everyday.

@Dante.1508 said:Its a living world.. I'm not hyped sorry..

Its more filler, more grinds, more currencies i don't want to chase, More specs to overpower the old ones, more mounts to make the old ones obsolete, more cash shop gems stuff and very little actual story.. Sorry if its negative but its how i feel about newer Guildwars 2 content.

And I wouldn't be hyped for another raid, or a new fractal or some PvP map. That's how it works. I'm guessing there are more people playing Living World maps and enjoying them than there are raiding or PvPing (and perhaps raiding and PvPing).

Sure not everyone is enthused with the living world, but for some people, that's their main game.

Only because we are forced to go there due to currencies.. I doubt many would bother if those weren't there after the story.

@Dante.1508 said:Its a living world.. I'm not hyped sorry..

Its more filler, more grinds, more currencies i don't want to chase, More specs to overpower the old ones, more mounts to make the old ones obsolete, more cash shop gems stuff and very little actual story.. Sorry if its negative but its how i feel about newer Guildwars 2 content.

Agree. People always think more things are coming the 'next' episode or the 'next' saga but ANET seems to have established that nothing new or great is coming ANYTIME soon. I think people are settling for an under-performing game right now.I actually miss the old ANET up to HoT...even though it seemed like a dumpster fire at times...it was far better then than it is now. Same ol same ol.

Agreed its a large dose of becareful what you wish for imo.. Sure new content is great but the way Anet sets it up to be yet another epic korean style grind is not what i look forward too.. Its not why i started playing Guildwars, i joined Guildwars to actually avoid the standard mmo trope.. Now its literally becoming WoW with a different skin.

Well, I don't know that that's true. You're certainly not forced to do anything in Grothmar, but it's busy all the time. I think there are far more achievement point hunters out there, and people who play open world content than you think. In fact, I'd wager that rewards being equal, far more people would play open world than raiding or PvP and maybe both combined.

Saying we're only doing it for rewards is like saying everyone is only raiding for legendary armor. Some people only raid because they want legendary armor, that's true. But it's not most of the raiding community I think.

If your on a good raid team you clear the raids monday and then wait for next monday if raiding is all you did.So ofcourse open world will have more people playing it you can do it solo all day everyday.

I bet you more people play the open world that never consider raiding than have EVER raided in this game put together. I don't know why raiders think they have such a large percentage of the playerbase raiding. If that were true, that's what Anet would have focused on.

Well good for both of us that I said nothing of the sort then aint it?

If you can play something all day every day solo and another thing once a week but need 9 other people, witch one will have more players?

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@Jethro.9376 said:

@"Dante.1508" said:Its a living world.. I'm not hyped sorry..

But is it even a Living World anymore? The last time the world really changed was when Mordemoths veins destroyed the waypoints.Everything is instanced/contained in a single map nowadays.

That's because of the new and cry over missing something because people were on a break or new players. I personally miss those changes. Sure I missed a couple, but they made the world more exciting. In the real world there are many times I have gone home to my city of birth and said "was there a (insert structure) there" I miss that in GW 2

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Dante.1508 said:Its a living world.. I'm not hyped sorry..

Its more filler, more grinds, more currencies i don't want to chase, More specs to overpower the old ones, more mounts to make the old ones obsolete, more cash shop gems stuff and very little actual story.. Sorry if its negative but its how i feel about newer Guildwars 2 content.

And I wouldn't be hyped for another raid, or a new fractal or some PvP map. That's how it works. I'm guessing there are more people playing Living World maps and enjoying them than there are raiding or PvPing (and perhaps raiding and PvPing).

Sure not everyone is enthused with the living world, but for some people, that's their main game.

Only because we are forced to go there due to currencies.. I doubt many would bother if those weren't there after the story.

@Dante.1508 said:Its a living world.. I'm not hyped sorry..

Its more filler, more grinds, more currencies i don't want to chase, More specs to overpower the old ones, more mounts to make the old ones obsolete, more cash shop gems stuff and very little actual story.. Sorry if its negative but its how i feel about newer Guildwars 2 content.

Agree. People always think more things are coming the 'next' episode or the 'next' saga but ANET seems to have established that nothing new or great is coming ANYTIME soon. I think people are settling for an under-performing game right now.I actually miss the old ANET up to HoT...even though it seemed like a dumpster fire at times...it was far better then than it is now. Same ol same ol.

Agreed its a large dose of becareful what you wish for imo.. Sure new content is great but the way Anet sets it up to be yet another epic korean style grind is not what i look forward too.. Its not why i started playing Guildwars, i joined Guildwars to actually avoid the standard mmo trope.. Now its literally becoming WoW with a different skin.

Well, I don't know that that's true. You're certainly not forced to do anything in Grothmar, but it's busy all the time. I think there are far more achievement point hunters out there, and people who play open world content than you think. In fact, I'd wager that rewards being equal, far more people would play open world than raiding or PvP and maybe both combined.

Saying we're only doing it for rewards is like saying everyone is only raiding for legendary armor. Some people only raid because they want legendary armor, that's true. But it's not most of the raiding community I think.

If your on a good raid team you clear the raids monday and then wait for next monday if raiding is all you did.So ofcourse open world will have more people playing it you can do it solo all day everyday.

@Dante.1508 said:Its a living world.. I'm not hyped sorry..

Its more filler, more grinds, more currencies i don't want to chase, More specs to overpower the old ones, more mounts to make the old ones obsolete, more cash shop gems stuff and very little actual story.. Sorry if its negative but its how i feel about newer Guildwars 2 content.

And I wouldn't be hyped for another raid, or a new fractal or some PvP map. That's how it works. I'm guessing there are more people playing Living World maps and enjoying them than there are raiding or PvPing (and perhaps raiding and PvPing).

Sure not everyone is enthused with the living world, but for some people, that's their main game.

Only because we are forced to go there due to currencies.. I doubt many would bother if those weren't there after the story.

@Dante.1508 said:Its a living world.. I'm not hyped sorry..

Its more filler, more grinds, more currencies i don't want to chase, More specs to overpower the old ones, more mounts to make the old ones obsolete, more cash shop gems stuff and very little actual story.. Sorry if its negative but its how i feel about newer Guildwars 2 content.

Agree. People always think more things are coming the 'next' episode or the 'next' saga but ANET seems to have established that nothing new or great is coming ANYTIME soon. I think people are settling for an under-performing game right now.I actually miss the old ANET up to HoT...even though it seemed like a dumpster fire at times...it was far better then than it is now. Same ol same ol.

Agreed its a large dose of becareful what you wish for imo.. Sure new content is great but the way Anet sets it up to be yet another epic korean style grind is not what i look forward too.. Its not why i started playing Guildwars, i joined Guildwars to actually avoid the standard mmo trope.. Now its literally becoming WoW with a different skin.

Well, I don't know that that's true. You're certainly not forced to do anything in Grothmar, but it's busy all the time. I think there are far more achievement point hunters out there, and people who play open world content than you think. In fact, I'd wager that rewards being equal, far more people would play open world than raiding or PvP and maybe both combined.

Saying we're only doing it for rewards is like saying everyone is only raiding for legendary armor. Some people only raid because they want legendary armor, that's true. But it's not most of the raiding community I think.

If your on a good raid team you clear the raids monday and then wait for next monday if raiding is all you did.So ofcourse open world will have more people playing it you can do it solo all day everyday.

I bet you more people play the open world that never consider raiding than have EVER raided in this game put together. I don't know why raiders think they have such a large percentage of the playerbase raiding. If that were true, that's what Anet would have focused on.

Well good for both of us that I said nothing of the sort then aint it?

If you can play something all day every day solo and another thing once a week but need 9 other people, witch one will have more players?

I'm talking about the percentage of the player base that not only doesn't raid but never will raid. You seem to be laboring under the assumption that Anet can't figure out how many people are actually raiding every week and how many people are just playing living world. I'm saying far fewer people raid period end stop than play living story period end stop, if you ignore the crossover.

If everyone in the game was raiding there would be more raids. But that's just not the case. Only a small percentage of the playerbase raids. A larger percentage of the playerbase plays living world stuff. That's my theory anyway, but I'm pretty sure it's a good one.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Why surprised about when the trailer was released; it's the usual format.The reason the Prologue trailer was released same day was that it included 'Live Now!' (I suspect to tie in with the concert being 'live'.)

That's a terrible reason, honestly. Why watch a trailer when you can just play the patch instead?

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I stopped caring about the story during that time they let Charr characters take the Shining Blade oath. I only do the stories just to unlock the reward tracks for WvW or if I like a shiny gated by an achievement. I do look forward to new fractals or raids. Strike Missions are meh judging from the first one. So not hyped at all.

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@"Neo Mortem.3627" said:Hype about Sage ? Why we need it? And why it should be??May be for more players, as for me also, the priority fisrt craft ALL legendary weapons and raid/wvw leg set and etc. get good time on spvp and do some achivments ))

Elite specs ? Who need it? Only 5 hypers who don't try existing all 18 specs? Why we should worry about it? For people who play the current count of elite spec is more than enought.

Raven masteryok, we wil get it and get 295+x. Nice, but why it hype??

We all know that was a mistake.No, we all don't know about what mistake you talk.

I close ALL achivment exept very strange collection (magic uselees mask coast 10k gold each, for collection you need 3). So exept strange collection I like it. IF you talk about that mistake in collection I think they add accbound item in pvp/wvw track, so relax and get fun.

no fractalHow I see about new fractal more talk people who don't close all existing.As for me keep words about fractal can only 200kp+ from cm100 palyers but not begginers. You not registred at https://killproof.me/ so for me not so easy understand like you fractal or not .. But how I see about new fractal mostly talk T1 players )))

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@lare.5129 said:

@"Neo Mortem.3627" said:Hype about Sage ? Why we need it? And why it should be??May be for more players, as for me also, the priority fisrt craft ALL legendary weapons and raid/wvw leg set and etc. get good time on spvp and do some achivments ))

Elite specs ? Who need it? Only 5 hypers who don't try existing all 18 specs? Why we should worry about it? For people who play the current count of elite spec is more than enought.

Raven masteryok, we wil get it and get 295+x. Nice, but why it hype??

We all know that was a mistake.No, we all don't know about what mistake you talk.

I close ALL achivment exept very strange collection (magic uselees mask coast 10k gold each, for collection you need 3). So exept strange collection I like it. IF you talk about that mistake in collection I think they add accbound item in pvp/wvw track, so relax and get fun.

no fractalHow I see about new fractal more talk people who don't close all existing.As for me keep words about fractal can only 200kp+ from cm100 palyers but not begginers. You not registred at
so for me not so easy understand like you fractal or not .. But how I see about new fractal mostly talk T1 players )))

Sorry, but I can't understand what you're saying at all. It also seems like you didn't understand what I was saying or didn't really read my post and just cherry-picked single words. A lot of players don't need new elite specs, we want them to provide new combat experiences. The mistake I was referring to clearly was ANet's mistake for releasing the trailer for the prologue the same day as the patch. Nobody cared about the trailer. As for the other stuff, I can't understand what you're trying to say. Sorry.

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@thepenmonster.3621 said:

@Dante.1508 said:korean style grind...

Thanks for the laugh.

@severalraids raids raids

Five players raid.

It wasn't at release but over time its definitely getting on par with it.. I used to play them, i quit mmos with excessive grind GW2 is very much fitting into their ball park. That new spec design doesn't instill me with hype.. Team based content in living stories is not great, it works the first few weeks then as people leave the maps die because no one can complete anything..

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@Dante.1508 said:It wasn't at release but over time its definitely getting on par with it.. I used to play them, i quit mmos with excessive grind GW2 is very much fitting into their ball park. That new spec design doesn't instill me with hype.. Team based content in living stories is not great, it works the first few weeks then as people leave the maps die because no one can complete anything..at fisrt this is scalable in both sidesecond this is GUILDwars2, so you need find normal Guild, where have notes what old content that do, what day and time. In normal day mostly each day some group do some old event.

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@"Thornwolf.9721" said:There aren't even E-specs. The map looks solid, the tone is good but there isn't much meat when it comes to new goodies~

I'd say that's because of the "staggered" release. I think we're not even getting many features besides the "big map" with a new meta that gets released piece by pice like dry top/SW..

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Yet another new map I will go to once or twice, masteries which I will only bother with for the sake of reaching the max level (again), new features and mechnics... but unique to the map which I will not go to after as I already said. None of this speaks to me and a lot of players like me.

Coming back to your question about the lack of hype. The only way to get most of the community excited about an update all at once would be another expansion with loads of features and content for everyone. There will rarely be much hype otherwise.

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