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I"m so sick and tired of this cast

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When you tell a story, you don't keep changing your cast. You keep the ones you have, maybe add some new ones (they did that). Otherwise you won't have character growth or investment in characters. Give me an example of a story where the cast keeps changing.

You just don't like these characters. That's no reason to change them. Instead, it means the story might not be your cup of tea.

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What do you mean?

The current cast isn't anything close to what we had in LS1, only a few characters remain, and Gorrik's from just last year.. If anything I'm glad they finally toned down Destiny's Edge being involved with everything since the game's launch , even if Rytlock is still prominent.

Destiny's Edge has had more development in the game than Dragon's Watch (but please return to Zojja..).

@ugrakarma.9416 said:i hate Taimi/Braham too. at least theres signal of changes,,, all the seriouness of the new chapter points to that... i hope these characters created to cater childs tastes goes once for all.Teenagers and young adults are the target audience of a PG-13 game, and it'd be PG without the Charr and Norn. The game is never going to be written for anything but that, and wishing for it is projecting your desires on the target audience.

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@"otto.5684" said:Did not you know Tiami is the commander lol? She gives orders and instructions. We are just grunts that do the work.

In all seriousness, I do not mind Tiami. I did however expect her to sit this one out.

Bran was given. I was expecting Rox. I guess not.

Rox is gone, the "thing she had to tell Braham" at the end of LS4 is she was staying with the Olmakahn. This is left ambiguous during and after Dragonfall, but is revealed in Thunderhead Peaks meta event involving the oil spill, in which she plans it.

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Taimi is ok, but Braham is the most annoying thing. Hopefully he gets killed off - soon. Not an interesting character in any way, just a whiner.

Mostly I just wish we could skip the annoying dialogue and cut scenes. All the annoying banter just gets in the way. I am just here for monster bashing ha ha

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@TheNecrosanct.4028 said:When you tell a story, you don't keep changing your cast. You keep the ones you have, maybe add some new ones (they did that). Otherwise you won't have character growth or investment in characters. Give me an example of a story where the cast keeps changing.

You just don't like these characters. That's no reason to change them. Instead, it means the story might not be your cup of tea.

Power Rangers XD

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we need more Kas-smear n Marg-ery n their girl on girl stuff :) that will make everyone happy :) n add in a Can-notch here n there for some vegetable dietary fibers :) cause u know u need to have some Vitameatavegamin to become regular n to help u from being tired, run down, n listless n not poop out at parties :) lol

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