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Season 5 portal tome?


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@Teratus.2859 said:I'd rather have a universal portal tome for all seasons so I don't have to waste shared inventory on multiple tomes.This, please.

I don't see why this isn't a thing already, i'd gladly pay gems for one that accepts all current and future completed tomes.But not this. With their track record on gem prices lately, the thing would cost 200,000 gems.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@"Zaklex.6308" said:It'll come out when it comes out...don't know why everyone is shocked when one isn't released instantaneously, if you have that much trouble with your inventory...

Don't know why you are shocked that people are "shocked" that one isn't released instantly. It should be a standard.

I'm not, my entire response was sarcasm for a problem that's manufactured by the users themselves.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@"Zaklex.6308" said:It'll come out when it comes out...don't know why everyone is shocked when one isn't released instantaneously, if you have that much trouble with your inventory...

Don't know why you are shocked that people are "shocked" that one isn't released instantly. It should be a standard.

And this is the same living story format they've had for years. I think I remember us getting one pretty quickly during season 4. So the fact that they regressed and didn't put one in for this leads me to believe they either forgot, or are intentionally doing it because they:

  1. Don't know how many episodes this is going to be - and the datamining of page slots last time gave us a hint as to how many episodes there would be.
  2. Don't want us to have an idea as to how many episodes it's going to be for the same reason.
  3. Don't know how many episodes it's going to be and this prevents them from creating a tome because for some reason the tome slots need to be coded with a predetermined amount.

But I assume they're just making a remark about people requesting a quality of life update just for the sheer enjoyment of being argumentative.

They have a habit of backtracking on quality of life improvements throughout these patches, whether it's tomes, or consumables, or inventory clutter trash items, or collection achievements. They can be pretty inconsistent, so I think it's good to bring attention to them when you can.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@"Fueki.4753" said:But multiple tomes are a reason for Anet to sell shared inventory slots.I doubt we'll ever get "one for all".

yea but my slots are full and i cant buy anymore. Gib tome plz xD

I was hoping we'd get one for free as an "expansion-like feature".So far, the only expansion-like feature we got is the new type of Mastery Points.

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I was pretty surprised to find we don't get a Portal Tome yet... I purchased another Shared Slot specifically for the new Saga so that the chapters can be easily accessed through all the characters.

As it stands, only my main has easy access to the new maps and the shared slot just has the portable mystic forge sitting in it instead.

If this current map is meant to be expanded on later, I am hoping we will get our portal tome then. Because as it stands, as many have said, this is a bit inconvenient and a waste of inventory space.

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@Adzekul.3104 said:I would like to see a single portal tome for all of the seasons now ... a single tome with menu options for Season 3, 4 and now 5, which has all of my other portal scrolls inside. Otherwise they will consume a minimum of 3 shared inventory slots, and possible bank tab slots too.

What I would prefer is an interface that does not have multiple pages. Each season is only a few lines long, they could be arranged that S3 is here, S4 is here, icebrood is here, and so on. There would even be space for stuff like other portals.

While their at it not having it appear BEHIND the inventory window would be a win!

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