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What are your ideas to reduce toxicity?


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@KrHome.1920 said:Toxicity is 100% selfmade by anet. The overall combat mechanic is great, but there are so many design flaws:

  • the whole thief spec (a game about fighting each other offers a class that can run away from any encounter)
  • the existence of trailblazer but not paladin gear in wvw
  • the existence of a strong healing firebrand while the game itself is designed around having no dedicate healers (results in broken synergies with specific classes)
  • a rock paper scissors system, where some builds are a mountain and all other builds a scissor or a tiny rotten sheet of paper
  • questionable balance splitting between pvp and wvw
  • too much interaction between opposing teams (wvw: emotes, jumping, dropping siege blueprints... / pvp: chat sharing...)

(The last point can be abused to tease others to come back (which I do frequently as I play necro and people run away from me all day), but it's still toxic and I would prefer it to not be possible.)

I am no exception to what I can notice when watching others. The game can be so frustrating that you either quit and never come back or you get angry about stuff sooner or later.

Problem is that thief uses those escapes to reset. How much they are allowed does to need to be a hard choice, but we don't want to put a thief in a position like a necro where they never can escape since their mobility is their sustain.

I could maybe see some stuff nerfed for thief, but I'm concerned since ANET often goes overboard with nerfs.

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I have the feeling, that some things are lack of knowledge, maybe we should make an advanced tutorial, where things gonna be much more explained.

I see a lot of toxic comments about stealth, mostly in combination with mesmers and thiefs.

But even if there are stealth you see visual effects at their position, when they using skills. Which makes them locatable and prepare able.

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1) Mute toxers2) Alter the 0-500 points mechanic a bit for each map (hopefully it wont cost huge amount of money)In order ppl wont give up after 100 points difference

If 2 players from your team have died , they can activates ''Nightmare Mode'' .Your schreen gets a little darker and npcs like spiders/rats that was normally where invisible , shows up .The ''normal'' score freezes and a newly 500 points system will start ticking down (500.. 499....498... etc).Player that stay on their captured bases stop this mechanic from draining their Team Points , but each player/enemy takes damage based on their total Toughness per sec , on bases .Or x2 stacks of Vunibility , on bases and to roamers that use SwiftnessYou should avoid staying on either ''normal'' or Nightmare mode for far too long , otherwise the opposite starts ''regenerating'' points back.But by switching a lot , will reduce the 15 min game, into a 8 min .The teams that has the most ''Normal''+ ''Nightmare'' combined points , wins .Or reaching 500 points

Or a UI table on the side , listing each Buff Icon , as a mini picture to toggle.The person who recently have died and activate ''normal'' or ''nightmare'' , will choose 1 Buffs from the enemies to be banned/dont work/replace with a lesser form (half effect) , till the next round .The enemies can do the same for your team (passive movement speed counts as Swiftness)If you dont choose althought , neither your enemies can do (till the next round)

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@Megametzler.5729 said:

@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:Are people really this sensitive in this snowflake age?

Unless it becomes harassment, grow a pair and move along.

I think many societies could need more empathy instead of less.

But who am I to say that? Sounds almost like socialism?!

Look at COPPA and it’s potential to ruin a platform that was at one time a place for free thought in the form of video, all because of ever increasing volume of various people that get offended too easily

Sensitivity leads to censorship. Empathy is perfectly fine, but if I call you the n word on a public forum, doesn’t mean you should shut down the forum. Grow a pair, take the insult and move on because this is the internet... it’s impossible to police people on the internet without censoring and devaluing the very thing that makes the internet so important (free expression)

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:Are people really this sensitive in this snowflake age?

Unless it becomes harassment, grow a pair and move along.

I think many societies could need more empathy instead of less.

But who am I to say that? Sounds almost like socialism?!

Look at COPPA and it’s potential to ruin a platform that was at one time a place for free thought in the form of video, all because of ever increasing volume of various people that get offended too easily

Sensitivity leads to censorship. Empathy is perfectly fine, but if I call you the n word on a public forum, doesn’t mean you should shut down the forum. Grow a pair, take the insult and move on because this is the internet... it’s impossible to police people on the internet without censoring and devaluing the very thing that makes the internet so important (free expression)

When given anonymity people act their worst, there is no social responsibility. There are several social experiments on this. With completely "free expression" internet forums become a toxic pit of intolerance, hate, and bigotry. Specially in a competitive setting. Why do you think there are forum moderators? Terms of use on a lot of social platforms? As with most things censorship needs to be the right shade of gray, no black or white. No one is suggesting people get perma ban/muted for being angry in chat but there should be systems in simulate social accountability.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:Are people really this sensitive in this snowflake age?

Unless it becomes harassment, grow a pair and move along.

I think many societies could need more empathy instead of less.

But who am I to say that? Sounds almost like socialism?!

Look at COPPA and it’s potential to ruin a platform that was at one time a place for free thought in the form of video, all because of ever increasing volume of various people that get offended too easily

Sensitivity leads to censorship. Empathy is perfectly fine, but if I call you the n word on a public forum, doesn’t mean you should shut down the forum. Grow a pair, take the insult and move on because this is the internet... it’s impossible to police people on the internet without censoring and devaluing the very thing that makes the internet so important (free expression)

I feel like you are mixing two things up - I am all for free speach and everybody being allowed to use any word they want. But in general, I would like to promote kind behavior. I don't even think banning people would be that helpful, because it would make the community more careful and anxious than empathic. That is why I'd like to simply have a thumbs up-system.

Now that might lead to weird community controlling structures too. But I think it would be an easy and good start.

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In games that actually allow for full communication, toxicity can sky rocket. Say I play MTG arena, which I do for fun and get to a high elo just with free decks. There the closest I can get to toxic is spam nice try, which you just look silly doing. But in this game players can full on trash talk you then block. What we need is smart players who don’t trash talk that report and obviously we need a report system, but since this game also has an open world system it’s harder for mods to track reports. In games like LoL where pvp is the only thing reports are way ezier, though I feel like we need a level as strick as they do. Hand out temp bans and permanent bans like candy to people trash talking and things will improve.

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@Ysmir.4986 said:Add voice chat in pvp.

Most people playing video games are social degenerates. It is easy to insult or be toxic via chat when you have a veil of anonymity, as well as seeing other players as just nameplates. With voice chat there is a more personal contact between players and you invest more of yourself in an interaction. This inhibits behavior, since there is more of a sense of social responsibility.

It will improve match quality as well, since there will be a higher chance of effective team communication.

Improve match quality indeed but much much more toxicity (Finally, everybody next to me can here me insulting with my loud voice every person i don't like in pvp....) .... bad idea. :sleepy:

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Ban more often and for longer durations, the rules are there they're just not enforced

If you can't handle a game not going your way without spewing vitriol on everyone around you, then you really need to toughen up and get thicker skin

Before any of those snowflakes chime in, this is not a free speech issue. This is the people being banned being told by Anet that their behavior isn't acceptable on Anet's servers and to change it or find somewhere else.

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@Megametzler.5729 said:

@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:Are people really this sensitive in this snowflake age?

Unless it becomes harassment, grow a pair and move along.

I think many societies could need more empathy instead of less.

But who am I to say that? Sounds almost like socialism?!

Look at COPPA and it’s potential to ruin a platform that was at one time a place for free thought in the form of video, all because of ever increasing volume of various people that get offended too easily

Sensitivity leads to censorship. Empathy is perfectly fine, but if I call you the n word on a public forum, doesn’t mean you should shut down the forum. Grow a pair, take the insult and move on because this is the internet... it’s impossible to police people on the internet without censoring and devaluing the very thing that makes the internet so important (free expression)

I feel like you are mixing two things up - I am all for free speach and everybody being allowed to use any word they want. But in general, I would like to promote kind behavior. I don't even think banning people would be that helpful, because it would make the community more careful and anxious than empathic. That is why I'd like to simply have a thumbs up-system.

Now that might lead to weird community controlling structures too. But I think it would be an easy and good start.

Just a good example of how flawed censorship is, a forum moderator just removed my first comment. may have been pretty forward, but it definitely wasn’t out of line...but as you can tell it’s sybal system. How can we really know who’s out of line and who isn’t? All censorship systems do this, including any proxy system like thumbs up or rating systems.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:Are people really this sensitive in this snowflake age?

Unless it becomes harassment, grow a pair and move along.

I think many societies could need more empathy instead of less.

But who am I to say that? Sounds almost like socialism?!

Look at COPPA and it’s potential to ruin a platform that was at one time a place for free thought in the form of video, all because of ever increasing volume of various people that get offended too easily

Sensitivity leads to censorship. Empathy is perfectly fine, but if I call you the n word on a public forum, doesn’t mean you should shut down the forum. Grow a pair, take the insult and move on because this is the internet... it’s impossible to police people on the internet without censoring and devaluing the very thing that makes the internet so important (free expression)

I feel like you are mixing two things up - I am all for free speach and everybody being allowed to use any word they want. But in general, I would like to promote kind behavior. I don't even think banning people would be that helpful, because it would make the community more careful and anxious than empathic. That is why I'd like to simply have a thumbs up-system.

Now that might lead to weird community controlling structures too. But I think it would be an easy and good start.

Just a good example of how flawed censorship is, a forum moderator just removed my first comment. may have been pretty forward, but it definitely wasn’t out of line...but as you can tell it’s sybal system. How can we really know who’s out of line and who isn’t? All censorship systems do this, including any proxy system like thumbs up or rating systems.

I never promoted censorship! Quite the opposite, I said, I do not think banning people will not bring good results. Maybe you confused me with somebody else?

But I do also disagree with "everything is fine, keep going, grow a thick skin". Even if the issues are minor, you can always strive for a better situation overall.

A system rewarding good behavior is what should be introduced. And, as I said, no major rewards, just small things.

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